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Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
all these years everyone on here and everywhere else telling me to take tons of magnesium and I finally started to a couple months ago to seriously commit to diong so

and now my blood levels are too high!

not sure what to make of this??????

anyone else have this happen?

I have a dr apt. (not LLMD) friday and I'm wondering what he will say. probably to cut back or stop my intake of supplements?

I do not eat high Mag food. and I was only take - at the most- 300mg per day. that is on a good day when I remembered.

some days I took none if I forgot.
Posted by MissVictoria (Member # 45232) on :
The people on here aren't doctors, so you shouldn't take their advice without consulting with your doctor first.

You might want to stop taking it until your appointment on Friday to see what they say. Or, call your LLMD's office and ask what you should do.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
How High?

What is the Reference Range listed on your test?

& what KIND of test? Blood serum?

Any other minerals out of balance?

When did you take your supplement?

How soon after eating was the test performed.

Had you had enough water the day prior and the day of the lab blood draw?

So often, so many levels measured fluctuate all through the day.

Blood levels are not a measure of how much is being absorbed INTRAcellular Red Blood Cells. That is the best test, not serum blood levels. RBC Intracellular test.

I would not be concerned. Still, take your lab printout to your LLMD and inquire.

An hour later might have found a very different blood serum result. An hour before, likely different, too.

Certain food, Rx, or other supplements you take might also affect the balance.

The kind you take, though a low dose, though, might not be getting absorbed. Again, just bring it up with your LLMD on Friday.

[ 04-10-2019, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
VIctoria, yes I have had ALL my drs tell me to take "lots" of Mag. at least 5 drs plus more health care ppls like my nutritionist, etc.

Keebler, yes, serum, it is just above the line. at 2.5 mgdL. So dr may say its no big deal??

2 years ago it was at 2.1. so I guess I was never that "low"?

No other numbers look out of line. that was the onlly one that came back with something marked as out of range. Calcium was on the low side near the edge of the range- does that matter?

follic acid was at low end of normal
ferritin 49ng
iodine56.2 ug

nothing really standing out.

it was a fasting test. - so like 12 hours fasting

I didn't take the mag at any specific time. just whenever I remember. I do have a problem with hydration- v hard for me to stay hydrated.

OK I hear what you are saying. yes, its' not really even that big of a hike, but still I was surprised since wihtout checking my labs all drs are always saying to take more mag. ??

my iridologist always tells me serum levels are useless. . why do they all use them then??
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
I think when I read the sx of hypermagnesium (sp?) I got a little freaked out because I had noticed a big change in my breathing the last couple months and

I was concerened it was from this.
I have lots of times when I feel like I am stopping to breathe and I am getting way out of breath all the time for doing almost nothing.

so when I read that high mag can hurt you (who knew????) it freaked me out.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Correct: The result for magnesium on your blood test - just above the line, as you report - is no big deal.

Some of these value ranges are not set in stone, anyway, for some of the minerals like magnesium.

And, as you say doctors have been suggesting you take magnesium, their advice might still be excellent because this test you just got really tells you nothing about how much magnesium is in your red blood cells. It could be far less than optimal.

They could take a blood test from you - serum - every hour of the day and it would be different - for many of the minerals as well as for the blood lipids. These are not static numbers, ever -- or glucose levels, too.

Just one little snapshot in time yet still, serum testing is worthless other than for just one tiny piece of picture - only for that one point in time.

If you are dehydrated, some minerals might be CONDENSED in your blood serum and read out as higher numbers.

If you have trouble staying hydrated, though, regardless of your test results, that is never good thing as dehydration creates all kinds of trouble and distressing symptoms.

Though be sure not to go overboard with water, either. Find the right amount for your body, avoid things that are dehydrating (caffeine being just one of, some Rx, etc.)

Think of how droopy a plant gets when it is not watered adequately (or over watered) . . . When it has the right amount, it perks up within an hour or so and is ready to dance (so to speak).

[ 04-10-2019, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Detail here about how best to measure. Answers to lots of questions here - though each person is an individual and there is no cookie cutter approach to most matters.

So, you can read up and formulate thoughts / questions to take to your LLMD for discussion about any kind of actions you might consider or with their help, formulate a better understanding.

Take the bottle of magnesium that you use with you to your LLMD's appointment. Or print off the label with ingredients / forms, etc. from the mfg's website so they can see exactly what you are taking.

And, as no mineral stands alone or works alone, be sure to also include your basic food plan regarding how your body gets your:

protein; fat; and carbohydrates - & your beverages

- this matters in many ways what kinds of foods go into you to build & fuel your system / structure

then, also labels for other vitamins or mineral formulas, any kinds of power drinks, etc. Make it easy for your doctor to just see the labels and save you the energy of talking.;f=1;t=123746;p=0

Topic: MAGNESIUM - Informational Links set
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
Originally posted by Keebler:

Take the bottle of magnesium that you use with you to your LLMD's appointment. Or print off the label with ingredients / forms, etc. from the mfg's website so they can see exactly what you are taking.
Make it easy for your doctor to just see the labels and save you the energy of talking.


Such a great idea Keebler!!! haha I usually take my tote of bottles to dr apt. no wonder they get frazzled

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