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Posted by TNhayley (Member # 8249) on :
Hello to all. This is my first post. I've been reading posts and researching. I've found a local lyme support group, but unfortunately not an available LLMD.

My mom, brother and I have all been sick for many years. We've all been placed under the fibro umbrella, among other things. We've lived in PA and FL as well as TN. My oldest son (10 yrs) has had ITP (a platelet disorder) and now has JRA.

Up until a few weeks ago, I was in my last year of nursing school (to be an RN). But I started having memory , emotional and motivational problems and did poorly on exams, so decided to drop. I went to see a psychiatric nurse practioner, who diagnosed me with adult ADD. My family doc is concerned, sending me for an MRI, but I've rarely had any kind of test that has come back abnormal.

I've suspected lyme for quite a while, but was just trying to hang on and get through school. I've herxed on antibiotics before and knew I couldn't do both. Anyway, that's my short version story.

If anyone knows of good LLMDs anywhere in the SE or near DC (my best friend lives there)I would greatly appreciate it. I am on the waiting list for a Dr. G near Knoxville and Dr. J in NC.

Thanks so much!!
Posted by Susan in G'ville (Member # 8185) on :
Hi. I'm sorry to hear that you're having a pretty hard time of it -- both you AND your family. The positive spin on that is that you have your own little support group! I have heard good things about Dr J in NC. I'm on his waiting list, too.

How 'bout this: Look for a post by "viva" and you can private message her. She lives in Nashville and has been looking for a doc for her freind in Murfeesboro, TN. She could share the info that folks have sent her. Perhap you and her freind could even travel together to a doc to get treated.

Best Wishes,

Posted by viva (Member # 8183) on :
Hi Hayley,

I'm about to PM you with a summary of the information that everyone has been kind enough to send me (including Susan!).

Posted by TNhayley (Member # 8249) on :
Thanks for your replies. I have been feeling so discouraged. I guess you all know what I mean. Again thanks,

Posted by Dalphia (Member # 8305) on :
Sorry you feel so bad. I was recently diagonised with Lyme, Babesisa, Mycoplasma, Epstein Barr, CMV Bacteria; all a result of Lyme.

I was given a diagonsis by Rheumatologist in Huntsville Alabama in 1993 as CFS/Fibro. and have been battling this for years; was never checked for Lymes or any co-infections by any doctors. Of course, they do not know what to look for or what type blood work to order........I'd lost all hope until I found the Atlanta FFC.

I'm currently being treated in Atlanta at the FFC (Fibro/Fatigue Center)where Dr. Bullington ordered 26 viles of blood for testing. As it turned out, the things listed above have been my culprit all these years. Dr. Bullington gets to the root of the problems.

If you are interested in treatment or at least getting a true diagonsis for your illness you can contact them by searching the name above.

I've met many people there that have had trmendous success with the protocol. It is very aggressive and I feel this is my only hope of any type recovery. I have Chronic Late Stage Lyme and the longer it is undiagonised, the harder to control so you must not stop until you have been given a correct diagonsis......Fibro/CFS is a "catch all" term when Rheumatologist and other doctors do not know what is wrong when our blood work looks good.

By the way, I am originally from Murfreesboro, worked in Nashivlle.
Best of luck,
Posted by TNhayley (Member # 8249) on :

Wow, thanks so much! I have an uncle who lives in a suburb of Atlanta, so I would have a place to stay. Actually, thay have a son who has Aspergers syndrome ... yet another "syndrome" in our family. I will check into this.

To all who replied, I just wanted to let you know that I did get an appt w/ a NP in the office of the LLMD near Knoxville. It's not the actual doc, but I'm in the door. It's not till after the holidays, but it's a start. It's given me a glimmer of hope.

I am trying to focus on educating my husband, to prepare him for what we may have to go through if I am correct that this is lyme+.

This is a wonderful community of people helping each other. I'm thankful to have found it!

Hope and healing,


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