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Posted by fortysixblondes (Member # 15953) on :
specifically Silver Spring, MD but anywhere in the D.C. vicinity would work. Thanks so much.
Posted by lou4656 (Member # 10300) on :
Hi Forty! Could you please let me know if you have already been diagnosed with lyme, or if you are looking for a diagnosis?

Only a few LLMDs take insurance. How important is that for you?

You can send me a private message if you would rather, letting me know your history. Would you accept names in Virginia or Maryland?

Thanks Forty!
Posted by fortysixblondes (Member # 15953) on :
Thanks for replying!

No, I have not been diagnosed with Lymes. I have a doctor who I've been meaning to fire for some time and then this came up.

In early March of this year I got a bullseye rash on my butt. Went to the doctor the very day I discovered it and he told me it looked like a tic bite but he really couldn't do anything for me until I got sick. Stupid me, I was getting ready to go on a trip for a big family reunion in California so I trusted his judgement without reseraching it further. I had heard of Lymes, but certainly NEVER knew the devasting consequences it has caused so many people. Finding this forum was certainly an eye opener.

Anyhow, a few weeks passed and I started to get these strange headaches, different than any headache I've ever had before. At first I just figured I was overworked and/or overstressed, but then they started coming every single day. Along with that I had nausea and fatigue. Kinda blew it off and it went away. Next I got a Urinary Tract Infection and I went back into him - he gave me some 7 day antibotics (not the kind to treat Lyme's - never did he ever mention anything about starting antibiotics with Lyme' that time i had forgotten about it anyway, although the rash was still there and he did look at it was fading so he said it was probably ecsema. Again, stupid me, I have oily skin and never had ecsema a day in my life, also it wasn't dry or flaky, just a red ring with a dot in the middle that never itched or hurt).

Fast forward a couple of weeks and the headaches are back, but this time with dizziness and feeling off kilter. He suggests I go to the opthomologist (or optemetrist, sorry can't remember which is which - the one I went to is the higher educated of the two). He finds nothing wrong with my eyesight. One morning my head hurt so bad my husband insisted I go to the ER to rule out brain tumor or aneurism. Had a CT scan, all was fine there as was my blood work. Went back to the doctor a few days later and he gives me antibiotics thinking its a sinus infection, which I finished on the 11th of this month. On the 16th, something made me think of that bullseye rash and I started researching and landed here. Went back to the docs and demanded the Lyne's test. He gave it to me and today he called and told me it was negative. I asked him what were the chances of a false negative and he said "none". I asked him about the antibiotics he had me on for the sinus infection just a week before and if it had any impact on the results and he said no. Just reading here I know that is false. I'm so disgusted with this doctor but more so I'm disgusted with myself for not following up on this when I first saw the rash.

I live in Maryland and would be open to seeing a doctor anywhere in the D.C. vicinity which would include Montgomery or Prince Georges County or Howard County or Anne ARundel County in Maryland, anywhere in D.C., and anywhere in Northern Virginia. I do have insurance and would prefer a doctor who is under my insurance, but nothing is more important than my health. If I have to pay out of pocket, so be it. I have 2 little kids who depend on their Mama, I have to stay well for them. ANy doctor you can recommend who would be willing to talk to me and not poo poo me right from the jump is highly appreciated.

Sorry this is so long. I really appreciate you taking the time to read all this. I'm so sorry you and others have been so sick and you have overcome such obstacles to get someone to listen to you. :-( Bless you for being here for others.
Posted by FuzzySlippers (Member # 13658) on :
In case Lou hasn't had a chance yet to respond -- I sent Fortysix a pm.

Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
I sent you a private message with the name of a good doc in Maryland.
Posted by lou4656 (Member # 10300) on :
I sent you a private message.

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