This is topic Need to find LLMD in upstate NY in forum Seeking a Doctor at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by tsorn (Member # 19445) on :
I am new to this site as of today. I am desperate to find a LLMD in upstate NY, around Albany area. I have become progressively ill for close to 10 years with no definitive DX. If anyone can give me insight, please e-mail me or send a private message. Thank You!!!!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
welcome! check your profile above for pm from me on NY llmds [Smile]

suggestion would be to update YOUR PROFILE and show the state you are from there; many times those from upstate NY will send you private messages and some are timid to post online here ok! they know the most vs. us with drs. lists.

Welcome; i'm so glad you found us!! You've come to the right place for education and support!

Dr. Burrascano's most recent "Diagnostic Hints and 2008 Treatment Guidelines for Lyme and Other Tick Borne Illnesses" @

Dr. B's Supplement List

this link, making the most of your LLMD visit, may help you also.

please see BettyG's newbie package info on the link below; click on link at bottom of my package. Check it out as time permits for you!


please go to my newbie links, copy the entire thing, and then print this off....FINANCIAL BURDENS compiled by melanie reber
print off pages 74 - 92; outstanding info there. i believe there are a few more general comments there without links!! print that off too as it's newer info from members thru their own personal, tragic experiences.

Betty's suggested POSTING GUIDELINES . many of us have neuro lyme where we can NOT read long solid block text and be able to comprehend and read it as is.

please edit your post by CLICKING PAPER/PENCIL ICON to right of your name. that opens up BOTH subject line and body text.

now please break up your WORDY SENTENCES into one sentence paragraphs. Then hit ENTER KEY ``TWICE`` after each paragraph; we need that space for comprehension.

NOTE: you do NOT have to use " ", just show the name of person you are responding to, and then type your comment.

IF you need to use "", PLEASE DELETE "bold" codes so it's regular type text we read vs. the dark, harsh/painful bolding, delete the first 4 characters of 2ND LINE of a ""

[QB] just delete these 4 characters, and bolding is GONE! my eyes will really appreciate that; it's one very bad side effect of my having lyme for 38.5 years!! xox

then go to left hand corner and mark box to receive ALL REPLIES, and click EDIT SEND

we thank you for helping us; [Wink] otherwise, we will SOB, SCROLL ON BY, since we can't read to help you. If I see posts like this, I SOB them; to hard on me.

People seeking doctors might be able to get help from their state online information and support group. Nearly 3,400 people belong to state groups. Some of the groups are small but more than 20 of them have 50 or more people and seven have over 100.

To find your state group, go to

Type your state name and lyme as one word, like this -

South Carolina is the only state that needs a hyphen between the statename
and lyme, e.g.

The groups are moderated and you have to apply. Most don't allow doctor names, but once on the group, you can ask for doctors in a certain area and ask people to email you privately.
Posted by tcw (Member # 15698) on :
PM sent

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