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Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :
Realizing that I and others have already posted several articles in different threads regarding the flu vaccine, with the announcement of the FluMist nasal vaccine being released upon an unsuspecting public I felt compelled to post the following.

Please note that: ``FluMist was a disaster last year not only because it is expensive but because it is dangerous and comes with warnings that those who use it can become contagious for up to 21 days to those around them, because of it's live viruses.''

Here's to making ``informed'' decisions,


Flu Crimes at the CDC
Part 1

By Dr. Mark A. Sircus Ac., OMD
International Medical Veritas Association


Chiron's Fluvirin vaccine was pulled off the market after the dangerous serratia bacteria was found in a manufacturing plant that uses the most up-to-the-minute safeguards. Chiron also uses the mercury-based preservative thimerosal as a sterilizing agent in making Fluvirin, to prevent exactly this type of contamination.

Before the 1930s, no such powerful preservative was available. It's not beyond reason or statistical probability that the vaccines back then were contaminated or seriously flawed in some way and provoked the epidemic that killed so many.

Dr. Eleanor McBean, who lived through the 1918 Influenza epidemic, testified, "As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time.

There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated against." 3


Medical authorities, the media and doctors like Miller tend to have statistical hallucinations this time of year. Miller goes on to suggest, "The FDA should also make it clear that although the labeling for FluMist, the nasal vaccine, indicates that it is intended for recipients aged 5 to 49 years, it will likely also be effective in those younger or older."

FluMist was a disaster last year not only because it is expensive but because it is dangerous and comes with warnings that those who use it can become contagious for up to 21 days to those around them, because of it's live viruses. Miller, in some kind of manic need to sure up this year's flu campaign, would have it stuffed up the noses of babies even though the FDA has indicated this is not safe.

The CDC estimated that from 1990 to 1999, an average of approximately 92 influenza-related deaths occurred each year among children less than 5 years of age.7

Truth Behind the Fear

It is clear, at least to naturopathic doctors, that people and young children die from the flu not because of the virus itself but because they are already sick, are bearing heavy toxic burdens, and have severely compromised immune systems.

Allopathic doctors like Miller forget the most basic principles of health and disease because they do not care to look into the realities of the patients they treat. They do not want to take the time to understand weaknesses in patients because they are eating too much sugar, are malnourished, are getting inadequate rest or if they are suffering from intense emotional trauma.

The "flu salesmen" doctors and the CDC multiply the danger and risk of viruses because, without exaggerated stories, flu vaccines just would not sell for the virus is not dangerous in and of itself.

Understand the CDC deals with diseases, not health. They would not stop and think that patients who exercise would be better protected from the dangers of flu then from patients who took vaccines.

Jeffrey A. Woods, Ph.D., and graduate student Tom Lowder at the Physical Fitness Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, recently said just this, reporting that four consecutive days of moderate exercise in mice after they were infected with influenza protects them from dying, compared with mice that didn't exercise.


Flu Crimes at the CDC
Part 2

Ideology vs. Common Sense

The CDC states that 135 children died during the 2003-2004 flu season. 59 of these children had received their flu shots.8

It's just too much for the CDC to suggest that patients exercise and eat right. They would rather promote vaccines that contain dangerous chemicals and inject that in babies than promote health.

Dr. Hugh Fundenburg, one of the most quoted biologist of our time, says that if an individual has five consecutive flu shots his or her chances of developing Alzheimer's Disease are 10 times greater than if they had one, two or no shots.9

What it will do to babies given year after year is anyone's guess. And that is exactly what it is: a guess, an experiment, for no one knows, for there have been no tests. Clearly, no longitudinal study has been made with babies on the effect of giving annual flu shots starting from six months of age.

With an already heavy childhood immunization schedule in place, and children carrying heavy burdens of toxins, including mercury administered through other vaccines, it's a gamble what will happen to children under the CDC's rule with the addition of the flu vaccine that contains thimerosal. Of course, experimenting with children or anyone else is against the laws of humanity and certainly a serious breach of medical ethics.

The addition of the flu vaccine into the childhood immunization schedule, loaded as it is with nasty chemicals like mercury, aluminum and even formaldehyde, reveals the CDC's true colors as a terrorist organization whose prime target is children. If not medical terrorists, we would have to see them as medically ignorant, or even worse, medically insane.

Medical Terrorists

"Medical" terrorists fit the bill more correctly because of their well known conflicts of interests with the major pharmaceutical companies, meaning too many people in the medical establishment benefit directly or indirectly from pharmaceutical profits.

The entire vaccine department at the CDC should be faced with Nuremberg Trials for they are breaking the Nuremberg Code by administering the flu vaccine to 6-month-old babies starting this year, and every year thereafter.10

The best news in medicine this year ends up being the Chiron story. Approximately 50 million people and children will be spared 25 micrograms of mercury in the form of thimerosal this year. That's 50 million fewer crimes against humanity. That's 50 million fewer assaults on the nervous system for certainly thimerosal is nerve toxic even at concentrations well below 25 micrograms.

Dr. Julie L. Gerberding, director of the CDC, speaking to congressional representatives, said that, at best, the preservative may be eliminated from the vaccine by 2009.11 Can we hope for similar disasters at the Chiron plant for the next five years in a row?

After all, by the CDC's own admission, the vaccine for the flu is not effective against it. With 59 out of the 135 flu deaths this past year stemming from vaccinated children, a case could be made to include the vaccine itself in the etiology of influenza death. Many good doctors like Harold Buttram have made excellent cases about how injections like this one diminish immune strength and resistance in children and adults alike.12


To read Part 1 and Part 2 in their entirety please click on the links below:

Flu Crimes at the CDC
Part 1

Flu Crimes at the CDC
Part 2


Published: 2004/10/07 05:02:24 GMT

2. Wall Street Journal Online.

3. McBean, Eleanor. Swine Flu Expose. 1977

Published: 2004/10/07 05:02:24 GMT

5. San Francisco Chronicle. Federal vaccine policy needs a booster. Henry I. Miller. October 8, 2004

6. cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/ chronicle/archive/2004/10/08/ EDGII94AI31.DTL&type=health

7. CDC --

8. CDC

9. CDC -- op.cit.

10. Dr. Fudenberg's comments are from his speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington VA September, 1997.

11. Fisher, BL. Medical doctors operating America's forced vaccination system both in military and civilian life would do well to review the proceedings of The Doctor's Trial at Nuremberg after World War II where medical doctors were tried for crimes against humanity. Whenever medical doctors force medical interventions carrying a risk of injury or death upon individuals without their voluntary informed consent, they are violating the spirit and letter of the Nuremberg Code, which serves as a guideline for the ethical practice of modern medicine.

12. The Hartford Courant. Getting Vaccine Changed Frustrates Congress. October 6, 2004

13. Buttram, Harold. Vaccinations and Immune Malfuntion. PA: The Randolph Society Inc, 1987.

[This message has been edited by Magdalena (edited 23 October 2004).]

Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :
Thanks, Julie G., for your comments!
Posted by JRobin on :
Thank you for all your research.

My father worked for Food and Drug his entire life (after PhD). He would never take anything, at most an aspirin. He left work one day, and just did not go back. I can still remember him muttering about the research/some doctors, etc.

Never understood it until this year.

Was never sick enough to require medical care, so childhood ideals were never challenged (well, except for the time I checked out of a hospital with a diagnosis of ulcer, and went somewhere else to find out I had experienced an appendicitis attack. Thank heavens I followed my common sense.)

Faith and trust are continually being eroded, and replaced with caution and constant doubt and questioning.

Going outside now for some fresh air and (very) moderate exercise!



Posted by ConnieMc (Member # 191) on :
This is no surprise to me. Everything surrounding the CDC is all about $$$. Government palms are greased if a pharmaceutical company wants to get a certain drug approved. The media drives the train by reporting slanted results of medical "studies" which show particular results which will benefit whoever will make $$$ off the deal. Even something like the recent cholesterol studies which say that the cholesterol must be even lower than previously thought to protect the heart. Doctors are putting everyone on statins because of this. Drugs that have risks themselves, although if you read the fine print in the PDR, it says there is no evidence these drugs prevent a cardiac problem. What? Isn't that what they are for? And what the public thinks? It's insane. Luckily, I know how to really read a medical journal article to determine if the design is flawed. They see what they want to see. If it will benefit them and make $$$. And the media is paid to interpret it a certain way so people will be scared and think they should see their doctor and get a prescription right away. So the drug companies will make $$$ off the deal.

And with Lyme, the people who control the medical journals simply don't allow any studies in them which show real results. Because for some reason they don't want the public to know. What is it? Tourism, the impact on the economy, the fact that they want people to have chronic illnesses so they can keep selling drugs to them, the fact that the insurance companies will have to pay claims, medical, disability, etc? Perhaps to make people submissive to their almighty and powerful government? What? Perhaps one day all this will be exposed for what it is. But probably never in my lifetime.

I never get a flu shot. I am scared to.

Sorry for the rant.

Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :

I applaud your father. He sounds like a very wise and courageous man! It sounds as if you were several steps ahead of many of us in understanding the "system".

Also, thanks for your comments and for sharing a glimpse of how you got to that place.


Glad that you are on the same page and can use the info!


It is a welcomed "rant" because it is a legitimate "rant". Your insight is welcomed.

Best of health to all of you,

Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :
Today I found the article below with some additional info and links on FluMist.


Posted By: Daystar
Date: Monday, 25 October 2004, 12:33 p.m.;read=57891


Why I Don't Get the FluMist Vaccine

"nerves in the nose are a direct pathway to the brain, and bypass the blood-brain barrier....` important mode of spread after aerosol exposure....

Intranasal inoculation of flaviviruses [not the same as influenza] may result in lethal encephalitis, presumably by direct infection of olfactory neurons and spread through the olfactory tract to the brain, whereas peripheral inoculation of the same virus strains does not"
(Knipe, David M. [2001] ed. _Fields Virology_. Lippincott. p. 1057)

"the virus is cultured on...eggs...the chicken genome itself may contain hidden retroviruses; and.animal left in vaccines...not to mention other contamination possibilities"
Chris Gupta

"package insert.states `FluMist� recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for.21 days.'

...Will this make stores that administer the vaccines-like Walmart.risky places to

The viruses suspected to be the most likely cause for the flu this season were negligibly different from the strains used in last
year's flu vaccine..[so] why is this year's vaccine even necessary? .may contain contaminant avian retroviruses..[may] enter.the brain...

FluMist has the potential for causing the worst, most severe flu epidemic seen in years"
Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O.

"posters in the hospital requesting anyone who had FluMist within the past 21 days to leave the premises immediately...employees who take the shot are subject to 21 days mandatory suspension.

Insurance companies are refusing to reimburse...The main reason is the common `side-effects '.brain swelling"

For more information on FluMist, see

For More Information about the Dangers of Vaccines:
National Vaccine Information Ctr. (NVIC) 703-938-0342

End of quotes

Click on the link below to read this article in it's entirety.;read=57891

[This message has been edited by Magdalena (edited 25 October 2004).]

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