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Posted by heartsickmommy (Member # 6417) on :
With the help of riversinger, I have a brief list of questions to ask pediatrician Dr. Jones during our short one-half an hour phone consult tomorrow afternoon. (thanks, riversinger!)

This consult will be the single most important phone call that I have ever had in my life.

Please, if you can think of ANY questions, comments, concerns, etc., which I should consider asking Dr. Jones that are brief, exact, and direct, please help me out if you can.

This phone call concerns my 3yr old daughter who is still symptomatic after a total of 11-1/2 weeks of abx treatment. She tested IgG+ for Bartonella, but IgG/IgM- for other coinfections (I know, that doesn't really mean much). Her Western Blot is still pending from old serum drawn on 10/19 and won't be ready until the beginning of the first week in December. However, there is no doubt that she has Lyme Disease (had rash & was clinically diagnosed by an HMO doc and by a LLMD).

I would so appreciate any and all suggestions, input, ideas, whatever that you could offer. The last thing I want to do is hang up the phone after the consult and bash myself on the head for having forgot to ask a pertinent question.

Thanks again for ANY help at all!

Posted by minoucat (Member # 5175) on :

you know, although I've been doing this it seems like forever, and have lists out the wazoo, there's always something I forget to ask.

'sokay, really, you'll be talking to him lots, and unless it's something urgent (and you already made a list of your urgent things, right?) it will keep until the next consult. You just can't do it all in one call. And sometimes when you're anxious to ask all the right questions, it interferes with your listening....

If you list your questions here, we might come up with something additional, but that Riversinger is pretty darn thorough.

Breathe deep, take some time to relax before your call, make sure you're set up comfortably to take notes, and remember -- this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. You're not confined to a single call.


Posted by DJP (Member # 5893) on :
Sorry I missed your post, I've been busy the past week.
I have a list of questions that I think I found on here somewhere. They are probably more appropriate for the office visit. I'll look for them and give you the link or just mail the hard copy if I don't find the link.
How did it go with Dr. Jones? Is your daughter back on meds?
Posted by riversinger (Member # 4851) on :
How'd the appointment go? And how are you doing? Let us know.

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