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Posted by lsudvm (Member # 4966) on :
Has anyone been told by their LLMD that an increase in pain and fatigue can be due to allergies...ex pet allergies??? I have noticed a brown discoloration on my gumline of my molars and premolars. Anyone else had this problem??? I already scheduled an appt. with my dentist.
Posted by thislittlepiggie (Member # 4521) on :
I have extensive foods, animals, medications, etc. all developed over the past few years. My LLMD has told me that it is very possible that our overworked immune systems can make us more susceptible to allergies. I was thoroughly tested and suprised to find out how many "delayed" allergies I had, meaning they don't have an immediate noticeable effect like swollen lips, etc., but the following 24 to 48 hours you can have symptoms such as severe headaches, chest pain, stomach pain and even joint pains like your doc mentioned. When I restricted my diet a huge amount of my pain and fatigue was relieved, so it is definitely a possibility and something you might want to look into. I guess the theory is that your body is working hard to combat the Lyme and so combating an allergen can wear you out. The inflammation caused by allergens can definitely "settle" in joints and such and create achiness. You may want to try simple allergy testing or even simpler, avoid a few things that you notice you have eaten or been exposed to when you are feeling your worst, and see if you feel better eliminating them for a week or two. Hope this was helpful. Good luck! Lori

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