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Posted by daniella (Member # 6753) on :
I had this dream last night.

It was a dream where I was making all kinds of inappropriate decisions and actions. As a result I was horrified and embarassed and decided that I needed to go back on IV antibiotics. I was sure I was acting this way because of the Lyme.

Do you think this was a premanition? Do you all think it is my bodys way of telling me somthing? Or do you think it was just a dream?

I was so relieved to wake up and discover that it was only a dream...thank god.

Please any input is appreciated...


[This message has been edited by daniella (edited 02 May 2005).]

Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
If you were in bed, with your eyes closed

fully not aware of your surroundings and deeply sleeping,

it was a dream.

Posted by daniella (Member # 6753) on :
Ah...yes I think so too...

Thank you....

Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
I have had quite a few dreams that came true But I have had more that have not.

Its hard too tell which ones are true and which ones are just dreams. Wish I had a better answer.

A few years ago I dreamed about a airtanker bomber crashing and I told a couple of friends about it hoping it wasnt our forestry's water bomber for forest fires well five or six months past and me and a forester

which was one of my friends I told about it were marking timber and the past weekend our bomber crashed and killed the pilot and co pilot which of whom I was friends with pilot and had him on numerous fires died and my friend said do you remember your dream about the crash?
I got so weak in my knees I almost went down it all came flooding back which I had forgotten totally.

Yes dreams are sometimes premonitions.

If it were me I would watch and see or get a western blot its up to you.

Posted by riversinger (Member # 4851) on :
Funny. My dreams are usually signs of internal processes that I need to pay attention to, more than they are premonitions.

But if something starts bugging me while I'm awake, then I ignore it at my peril. I think everyone is individual, where they are vulnerable to information coming in.

I would keep paying attention. It's a big action to take, and could merely be representative or symbolic, but you never know.

Sonoma County Lyme Support
[email protected]

Posted by daniella (Member # 6753) on :
Well I have had a lot of neurologic symptoms lately and have thought about going back on IV for that as well....

Maybe I should for 1month...

Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
My experience with dreams is that they take all the stuff from the daytime and over the years, stir it up with a stick, and serve it up in odd combinations, and sometimes in parables. It surprises me sometimes how creative my subconscious is in these "parables."

But they don't foretell the future. If you are worried about needing IV again, it may turn up in your dreams. Then you may act on it. That isn't a premonition exactly, since you already had those thoughts consciously.

I do wish I could shut off the dreams. With Lyme they have become so vivid, full color that they still hover over me when waking. Want my brain to rest while sleeping, not churn out these endless dreams/nightmares.

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