This is topic My e-mail today to Oprah! in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by Cucamonga (Member # 2122) on :
This is what I just sent to Oprah! Let's hope that SOMEONE will read it and get to her!!

Dear Oprah,

I recently sent you a package of information on Lyme Disease, asking you to consider doing a show (or two) on this awful disease. So many of us have this, so little is said about it, so much is needed to be said. It is spreading as fast (sometimes faster) than AIDS and is largely ignored, or misdiagnosed. I was one of the latter, I was being told that I had MS, and I knew that I didn't. I was right, but it took a few years to find the right doctor, and a lot of damage was done to my immune system.
Oprah, you do SO MUCH GOOD IN THIS WORLD--PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider doing a show on this awful disease. You would not only help us, you would help save a lot of pain and many lives.

Thank you so very much,

Cookie Rufino
Posted by Yemaya (Member # 8842) on :
That hits it on the head. Good job! I think I'll write one too. Your an inspiration. [bow]
It will be more productive then sittiong here crying.
Love & Light,
Posted by Somerset (Member # 7534) on :
"Cookie", "You go girl"!!!!! I've been trying for some time now, NO response, wouldn't you think with all the people that had written in about Lyme, someone would respond back to us!!!!! Lets keep on writing. "Peace & Strenght" Robin
Posted by Cucamonga (Member # 2122) on :
Let's hope!!! I am trying to get permission to post the entire letter I wrote here, but, as yet, no reply...I am assuming that I would need permission...maybe I'll just post it and hope it goes through!!

Posted by hopeful123 (Member # 3244) on :
you go, girl! [Cool]
Posted by char (Member # 8315) on :

I thought that our family was the only one in the world that said cuchamonga.

Posted by Cucamonga (Member # 2122) on :
Hey, Char:

Cucamonga is a nickname from when I was a baby!!! Like Cookie--which ended up being my everything name (as an actor, too!)... My real name is lovely (Elena) but, never felt like me!

XX Cookie!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Cookie, way to go; it's gang up week. Hopefully, we will touch someone's heart strings.

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