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Posted by Nal (Member # 6801) on :
How are you guys doing? I don't just mean physically, but mentally as well??

Im still struggling- a lot. I had a couple of really good weeks and now I am down in the dumps again. Fighting this illness every single freakin day just wears me down. Id keep praying for things to get better but I think I have reached the point that I cant do that anymore-Im letting others take that over for a while.

Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
hey nancy- im right there with you.

had some good weeks now back to the bottom again. It sure was a long fall....should have remembered the parachute!!

Hang in there :-) [group hug]
Posted by hopeful123 (Member # 3244) on :
hey nancy,

i feel quite a bit like i'm on a roller coaster ride.

not weeks at a time, but days. i'm not bipolar, but i am not very steady either.

grateful that i'm a little sharper than before, so that helps me feel better.

Posted by hurtingramma (Member # 7770) on :
Hi Nancy,
I'm with you. It is a constant struggle. One step forward, two steps back.
But better days are coming - as in summer, which I love. Just hoping my llmd doesn't want to start my doxy back up again!
Posted by char (Member # 8315) on :
Hi Nancy,
I can't remember how long you have been treated.(?)
I have had lyme and co for 5 yrs, treated one yr and I am really feeling good.
Still herxing a lot, but feeling like myself, which is miraculous.

Now when I take my fish oil I think, "I need to take this so I won't get depressed." Not that long ago, it was," I am soo depressed, I hope this will help."(I still take the real meds for that)

I can really relate to having times where you have to let go and let others carry the burdens.
It is OK.

For months, I just took my medicine and waited. And tried to pass out meds to kids correctly.

My prayer life consisted being dead as a doornail spiritually and unable to muster a prayer, then begging God desparately for our healing, then yelling and swearing at him.
I am now mostly asking for my kids to be healed and thanking--easy when it is by sight rather than raw faith.

I guess I share this to say you are not alone.

I believe that someday solid research will show that this disease is one of the most painful, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, relationshiply devastating illnesses known to man.

If the word was out you would get a lot more sympathy and support. I hope at least we can give validation.

The energy it takes to simply live one more day is something that we "get" You are probably walking on water and you should at least have the comfort of credit for that!

Posted by concerned mother (Member # 8128) on :
Been a really rough couple of weeks for my son again! I was hoping with the weather being so nice it might boost up his spirits! He misses school and his soccer so much! [Razz]
Posted by lisag (Member # 6798) on :
i feel like sh_t...physically, emotionally, spiritually. I'm too fatigued to move, every inch of my body is in pain and i'm in a constant anxiety attack.

i told my doc that if i were dog they would have euthanized me by now : )

here's to hanging tough yet another day!!!!!

warmly, lisa
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
I hate to say it, but not too good. I had been doing great for months, and then bamn!

I am having a lot of pain, mostly on my right side. I likely have pancreatitis, although we aren't quite sure yet. My movement control problems are getting worse, to the point where my hand will just start shaking for 30 minutes or so.

Last week I opened up a credit card bill and then had a myoclonus attack. Finally admitted stress is making things worse. I'm doing more than the average person, working full time in a high stress job and going to law school. So that day I told my boss I need to work 3 day weeks for a couple months, no work travel and no presentations. I've been working 6 days most weeks.

On a happy note, I started seeing somebody recently and that sure helps brighten things up [Cool] Of course, it makes studying harder because I day dream... [Big Grin]
Posted by Nal (Member # 6801) on :
Thanks everyone for the support! Im so sorry some of you are also miserable-including your kids.

I have had Lyme for almost 7 years now although they think i contracted it as a kid. Im so tired of my life being such a constant struggle! Its always kinda been that way for me too since childhood with some "issues" that were going on even then.

If it wasn't for my hubby and kids I would have checked out a long time ago-believe me!

I have been in treatment for over a year now. Just not responding well to meds. Ill keep trying though-I guess.

Posted by karatelady (Member # 7854) on :
I've had the best two weeks since I've been sick with lyme.

I bought a bottle of XanGo from a friend in my karate class. I've been hurting so much and depressed from having no energy that I figured I'd try it since I had read good things on here about it.

Two days later my husband came in from out-of-town and said, "I have a new wife!" Then later he said, "I have my wife back."

Its been 2 weeks and I still have energy. Its soooo wonderful. I've been working in my garden, cleaning house without that horrible tiredness -- I just can't believe it.

The Mangosteen juice is really something else. I even tried Reliv which my mom wanted me to try -- for 2 months and nothing happened.

This stuff is expensive but I've cut out so many other things ---PLUS--- the biggie is -- its way worth it. My husband is one it. He sent his mother a box and she went to the eye doctor this week and he said her glaucoma was the best he had seen it -- he couldn't understand it.

As I'm typing this my husband walked in and said, "I haven't seen you this perky this time of night in a long time."

So that's my story -- I can't wait for it to help the inflammation because the Mangosteen juice is famous for doing that.

p.s. Nancy - I love Peter Marshall - I read all his and Kathryn's books
Posted by hopeful123 (Member # 3244) on :
hey Aniek,

how terrific you're seeing someone! [Wink]
Posted by Nal (Member # 6801) on :
Im still completely on fire today and at my witts end! Geez, doesn't anything with this stupid disease ever get better???

Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
You said you been in tratment a year without much progress...

were you treated for co infections?

- Just a thought

oh and me

physically - better than I was but still a mess... but it could be worse.

emotionally - good

mentally - I forget where I put things all the time - sometimes I spend more time looking for something than using it.
cant spell either...sometimes I misread words.
start things forget to finish.

I am sorry you are down. It is hard dealing with this disease. It controls so much of what we can to in our lives. I have been in treatment since 2000 and had lyme symptoms since at lest 1987....

I can tell you it gets easier. especially when you start to have days you feel somewhat human again.... and with treatment you will get there.

Hang in there [group hug]
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
Thanks Hopeful. I'm just looking forward to the end of finals so I can actually see him. I don't think sitting in the same room taking an exam for 4 hours counts as a date.
Posted by Nal (Member # 6801) on :
Originally posted by Aniek:
Thanks Hopeful. I'm just looking forward to the end of finals so I can actually see him. I don't think sitting in the same room taking an exam for 4 hours counts as a date.

LOL, I take it he's going to school with you?

Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
Originally posted by Nal:
LOL, I take it he's going to school with you?


Yep. He's younger too [Wink]

[ 10. May 2006, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Aniek ]

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