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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Today would have been my mother's 82nd birthday. I miss her so. I was comforted today when I happened upon the "Hour of Power" and they were singing one of my mother's favorite hymns, "This is My Father's World."

I felt it was rather ironic, but comforting. Kind of like a kiss on the cheek.

Well...that's all I have to say.

If you miss a loved one, feel free to post it here!
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Sorry to hear about your mom lymetoo. On a day like a birthday it does bring back some sadness that you wish you can be with them .Glad you could find some comfort in the hyme. Maybe it was her way of letting you know she is ok. [group hug]

I miss my grandparents and my beloved dog tracy.
Posted by lymex5&counting (Member # 7202) on :
I didn't need to even open your post to know who

you were talking about. I am glad you got thru

the day and saw the brighter side of things. It

takes a very strong person. Your mom is looking

down on you and is so proud of you.

lyme x 9
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Tutu, happy birthday to your Mom also. I remember all the heartache you were going thru with her at the end.

She's healthy again, and can you imagine the BIG FAMILY BD party she had in Heaven with all your/her family members incuding the grandparents and all those GREAT GREAT!

June 20, would have been my folks 61st anniversary. Their 5th in Heaven together since Dad's death.

Yes, I continue celebrating them too. I even have Grandma still listed on my BD calendar, and should be almost 130 years old! big uffda! Bettyg
Posted by Carol B (Member # 9110) on :
Well, since you invited us to post here also-
I miss my two children Barbie and Tommy who died two years ago in April.

Now I must go get ready for Church or I'll collapse in grief and be no good for the rest of the day.

Taking care of the little ones in the nursery helps me see that life goes on and I can still participate in life. I look forward to their little smiles.

Praise God,
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thank you dana, lyme x, betty, and carol. Your posts really touched my heart. I think it's important to remember that everyone has their losses and grief.

I'm so glad you all shared something special with us/me. It's very comforting.

Carol, I'm so sorry about your children!!! I can't imagine what that must be like.

[group hug] to all
Posted by JJ (Member # 602) on :
Hey Tutu,

What a great way to remember your mother! It is so hard when these special milestones roll around.

When I was 9, I lost my father to brain cancer. Every year on March 12, he is thought of and missed so much. I always wonder "what would have been" and "how different my life would have been" if he would have lived. He left my mother with 8 children, ranging from 13 to 2. Our life was not a bad one, but a very poor one, with many struggles for my wonderful mother. It has been 32 years since his passing, yet it seems like yesterday in many ways.

The one thing that I have asked the Lord over and over through out my life is to let me live long enough to see my kids grow up so they would have 2 parents. When I was at my sickest, I was very concerned that I would not make it to see my 40th birthday. Praise the Lord, I made it and passed it. I am doing pretty well and thank him each and every day for the blessing!

As painful as it must be to lose a child, which I cannot ever imagine, after living without my father through out my life, I have the heart set that as painful as it is, a parent can live without a child, but a child should never have to grow up without a parent.

Happy Birthday to your wonderful Mother. She had to be a wonderful person to raise someone as special as you are!

Posted by Carol B (Member # 9110) on :
I can speak from both perspectives.

My father died when I was 6, on Christmas Day, of pneumonia in a hospital when the doc took the day off for the holiday. He died of an embolism(sp).

I often wonder how different my life would have been had he not died. I often wonder how different my brother's life would have been-but I'll never know because he committed suicide.

I know grief inside out,but I would be cautious about getting into a debate over which is more difficult.

A survivor in Balto.,
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Carol, my heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your 2 children, your Dad at age 6, and your brother's suicide! I can really relate to all that except losing someone when I was very young!

From 1979 to 2001, I/hubby lost 8 immediate family members. During this time, Dad was constantly going in/out of hospitals, 2 heart surgeries, etc. Now, I realize he had chronic lyme from a young boy for up to 80 years!

Carol, I don't know if you've read the sympathy poems I posted online that TREEPATROL added to his NEWBIE LINKS, and they are found at the end of all pages almost end of page. I hope you'll look them up, and you'll find some comfort in many of them ok! My heart aches for you.

You use the term I always say too, I'm doing the best job I can with the hand dealt to me. I mentioned this to a former railroad worker; 1st time he'd heard that & he was going on 70.
Posted by Carol B (Member # 9110) on :
Thanks Betty,
I'm too wrung out right now dealing with the past four days of rain. Off to rest and recouperate. Will be glad to look up the poems over the weekend.
Love, Carol
Posted by JJ (Member # 602) on :
Carol B,

I certainly do not want to get into a debate over this grief and never intended it to sound that way.

I can't imagine the grief of losing a child and you living both sides of that grief has to be unbearable.

My heart goes out to people who are suffering the loss more than I can express in print.

Just know that my heart goes out to you and anyone suffering from grief and loss.

No debate, there is no right or wrong answer, just what you feel in your heart.


Posted by cbb (Member # 788) on :
We can just sum it up by saying -
The loss of any loved one is extremely difficult.

My father died of Lyme disease 10 yrs ago.
In the last 5 years, I've lost my mother, brother, and last year my husband. Thankfully, I have not lost a child.

Each loss is unique because of differences in age, the relationship, and circumstances.
Each one adds to the list of "anniversaries" in the year.

As each special day comes around, there is a definite sadness, but I get through the day by trying to remember the positives about that person.

I've found the Lyme community has a special bond & it has helped me through the difficult times.

Sending love, concern, and support to each of you, but especially a big "thank you" for all you've done.
Posted by Carol B (Member # 9110) on :
Sometimes my buttons get pushed-I kind of regreted my response-but once it was out there I decided to leave it.
Sometimes I feel like if it weren't for my girls I would have been long gone. Like you, I know the importance of being there for them as best I can.
We're all in this together.
TGIF-Thank God I'm Forgiven,
Posted by MizMo (Member # 8389) on :

Sometimes a loved one's favorite song is all it takes to trigger some wonderful memories!

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