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Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
I was taking a shower the other day...not significant...

The thought occurred to me.....

Maybe all these newer versions of older antibiotics all suck!

Perhaps that's why the drug companies don't want us to use the dang things and they're behind Bum Steere........

Anybody ever thought of this?

I don't know why I did either but ...just curious if anyone else ever had this thought????

please respond......zman [bonk]
Posted by Michelle M (Member # 7200) on :
I admit I am lost here.

Not about the shower part. [Big Grin]

In other words, what's the motivation?

I've always felt like the drug companies ought to be PUSHING their drugs at us, and LOBBYING the doctors to use these drugs to treat "treatment-refractory Lyme" .... so why exactly aren't they?

Come again?


Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
I'll try and explain my hairbrained idea a little better.

Ya know how these pharm companies are always worried when their patents run generic(cheaper) brands can be made! and the pharm company loses money.

So they come out with a newer,better version!

Like antiinflams...when in reality I've been told by many rheumies that advil is just as effective against inflamation and less harmful...

So what I'm sying is...perhaps the newer versions of the older meds are'nt any better and in some cases may be worse than the originals and less effective...

but because they have a new name the pharms can charge more for them and have a longer patent time...

even though THey know the stuff's no better...
and does'nt kill our chetes any better than ole penicillin.

Ya know like the advertising giants...better and whiter clothes with new and improved TIDE...

Ya see where I'm goin here??....zman
Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
OK then...
I at least have one other person who has thought of this possibility.

I'm not totally paranoid. ya hoo!

Course it is Cavey agreeing with me! [Big Grin]

Yeah...I was watching that thingy last night about a doc and two nurses who supposedly murdered four people down in New Orleans...

Shoot...the same thing they gave those folks was given to me when I had my knees operated on!

Heck...and everyone knows that morphine can and often does impede or slow down the respiratory system...

Heck that's what they gave my mom when there was nothing else to do for her....she was dang near dead...this stuff is routinely given to folks to let them go out painlessly....

I don't know if this doc and the nurses thought about the respiratory problems already being experienced by the folks locked up in that hospital....due to high temp and no air circulation...but that might have been their only error.

I looked over at my wife and told her...
Look if I'm ever in the hospital just give me the "OLD" stuff......

The new stuff always seems to give me unwanted side effects that "ONLY" supposedly affect 2% of the population...
Man I'm in a select group!

Always new I was SPEEECIAL!
[Roll Eyes]
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
yep!!! thought this too.
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
I have found that it costs more in drugs to manage the resulting symptoms from ongoing Lyme than it does to actually KILL the Lyme with Abx.

Trout [Wink]
Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
Exactly Trout,

Which makes us Cash Cows for the pharm comanies!

Thanks for the support also Tree....hmmmm

And things that make ya wanna go Hmmmmm!

Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by cave76:
But they have a much longer track record as far as side effects. The new ones, not only have probably been *rushed* through trials, but there hasn't been a long enough time to see how many people get killed! [Frown]

I agree wholeheartedly! I'm very skittish around new drugs of any type!

Get a copy of Death by Prescription [Strand]'ll open your eyes to alot of STUFF!
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