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Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Attention Support Group Leaders, Patient Advocates and Activists...

I am posting this announcement here just in case you did not receive it directly from me.
Or, if you haven't visited the Activism forum recently.
Or, if it passed by too quickly for most to reply.

If you would like to be included on my list of SG leaders- advocates- and activists contacts...
please let me know via Email.



Dear Friends,

It has been awhile since I have contacted many of you, please forgive me for that. As you know, life and health issues get in the way at times and tend to pull us away from very important ongoing TBD support work. The good news is, however, that we are a persistent group!

I am writing to you today to make you aware of a most generous offer. This offer stems from Dawn Irons, editor of the Public Health Alert newsletter. I have taken time to read through the newsletter that is available on-line as well as in a printed format. What I have seen so far is excellent.

This publication, while mainly focusing on Lyme and co-infections, also combines forces with medical experts in the fields of other chronic illnesses. It is an integrative approach, that I personally feel, has been lacking for sometime.

Please take the time to review the latest issue on-line, and then decide if you would like to be included in Dawn's offer to send free issues for distribution to your group members at only the cost of shipping. Some additional places for distribution may include: coffee shops, bookstores, newsstands, libraries, schools, health clinics, health clubs, hospitals, Dr. offices, community resource centers, etc.

Below is her note to all support group leaders, as well as direct contact information. Please feel free to share this letter with others.

Let me take this opportunity to express my most sincere appreciation for all that each of you do to help with your continuous efforts in the Lyme community.

My very best,
Melanie Reber

Melanie Reber, MLA, ASLA
Executive Director
The National Lyme disease Memorial Park Project

[email protected]


The new issue of the Public Health Alert (a Lyme literate newspaper) is now on the stand!

You can read it online at click IN THIS ISSUE.

If you would like to receive bulk copies of the paper for your support groups and medical providers let me know. I will mail bulk copies if you will cover the postage cost.

We really need to get this paper all over the US!

If you are willing to pass them out and pay for the postage to mail them, contact me ASAP!

Dawn Irons, Editor
[email protected]

[ 05. October 2006, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Melanie Reber ]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Melanie, I am confused - as usual. I don't recall reading any info on your
"list of SG leaders- advocates- and activists contacts."

Where will that list be available?

I did send on the info about the free issues of Public Health Alert to the people on my Ld E-list.
So nice of Dawn!

Ann- OH
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Melanie, your post went super wide; can you fix that for others reading.

I too NEVER saw it on activism and I read it daily.

What are the initials after your name for memorial project?
Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Hello Ann,
It is a personal list that I have compiled over the years to quickly contact many at one time. So, it is MY email list of SG leaders, etc. Hope that clears things up?

And thank you again for passing this along on your E-list [Smile]

I think I fixed the wide problem. This offer has been in Activism for almost a month:;f=8;t=000394

MLA- Master of Landscape Architecture
ASLA- American Society of Landscape Architecture
(just adding a bit of credibility to our Memorial project [Smile] )

I do hope others here will take Dawn up on her offer!

My best,

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