This is topic I Just Need to Vent,Whine,Howl...a Bit in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :

Darn stupid,nasty,uncomfortable,makes me forget stuff,makes my knees hurt and my back and shoulders ache,mean ugly Lyme disease and Co-infectants.

I hate this,can't even stomp my purty paws,cause it'll hurt... please tell me I'll know what healthy is...Please?!!

I don't wanna take more Injections [and I am looking into other Abx that could help. I sware I feel like a prisoner. Most of the time I'm stuck in the restroom,or house bound.

Oh no,I'm sorry friends and family...I can't go anywhere,because I'm stuck in the restroom. ANd I can't seem to say waht I need to, besides o' the which I trip over non exsitant things... [Mad]

Honestly...I used to know the difference between dishes and clothing,and washers,dryers and cars. I'm havin' a Babbling Idiot moment! [toilet] [Roll Eyes] [cussing]

Silverwolf Babbling Idiot in Boots
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
I am sorry you have to go through this. What kind of injections are you getting?

If we know that, maybe people here will be able to give you some options that will be less uncomfortable and more effective.

Hope this day is a better one.
Ann - OH
Posted by hopeful123 (Member # 3244) on :
i hear ya. it simply sucks that you are so sick.

hang in please. [group hug]
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
<<<<< Ann0h and Hopeful123 >>>>> Hi there,

Thanks for the commiseration and kind tho'ts, I have a couple topics up on Medical Questions.One is dealing w/ finding an -Oral- Substitute for Rocephin IM. Insurance issues have prevented us from going w/ IV Picc line use, I completed 84 injections, LLNDMD team says I may need more, but I need a break from the injections.

Just been feeling rough,and trying to do stuff, right now I kinda would like to find a comfy cave and hide out ya know.

At the moment,my right groin and lower abdomen is cramping and swelling. I don't have my APpendix,or its not that. I've wondered if its a cyst,or blockage. No insurance makes me hesitant to check in at the Duck Motel.

BBL Tx Coord has dinner ready for us. Bless Him!!! love form Silverwolf
Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
sorry things are so bad [Frown]

Things do get better with treatment. I believe that Vantin is the oral version of rocephin.

You could call your local pharmacist to double check.

Hang in there [group hug]

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