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Posted by hshbmom (Member # 9478) on :
Hello LymeNetters,

We're off to NC tomorrow for 4 appointments on Monday and my teen daughter's brain spect scan on Tuesday.

Please pray my daughter does fine with the spect. She reacted oddly to the gastric emptying test after she ate the radioactive isotope. Now they're going to inject a derivative of the same isotope into her bloodstream.

I have decided the benefit of the potential supportive test results outweighs the risk of doing the test. At least she'll be in the hospital for this procedure.

I do not look forward to this drive. Too bad the kids don't drive yet. I get SO tired and achy.

For those of you who have had a spect, my daughter wants to know if you have to wear a hospital gown, or if you have to be strapped down?

I read here that this injection should not burn. The MRI dye burned her arm all the way up to her armpit. She didn't tell them it burned. She needs to speak up for herself!

Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
I did not have to put on a gown-I left my street clothes on AND they gave me a warm blanket. [Smile]

My head rested in a "cradle" and they did put a strap across my head to keep it still.

The test is "open" in that you are not put in a tunnel like an MRI, but there is a contraption that rotates around your head-flat looking panals about the size of a laptop screen. No lights or clanking noises either-very quiet.

Prepare to take a nap! [Smile]

Injection was less painful than having blood drawn and I did not experience any burning.

Good Luck,
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
nancy, saying my prayers for you/daughter to have a SAFE trip to NC, and good scan plus results.

how's your weather? ours is really bad! had frozen sleet most of afternoon and from midnight on until 10 am when it rained most of day; then started snowing on top of rain/ice!

now 4+ inches snow; trees down to the ground, bushes same way; photographers delight. a snowplow operator's pure terror of being in/out on highways full of ice!

keep us informed after you get your results. [Wink]
Posted by hshbmom (Member # 9478) on :
Hi Carol, my daughter will be glad to know she won't have to don a gown. This sounds better than an MRI. She said they put a cage over her head/face, but didn't mind. I would have freaked out.

Betty, are you safe...and warm? I hope you can stay home for a few more days. The 5th is coming up soon. You're in my prayers.

It just started raining here..we're to have thunderstorms for a few hours, but that's all. It looks like I'll be following the storm today.

Have a great day you guys!
Posted by iceskater (Member # 8655) on :
Hi there: I will keep you in thoughts and prayers for your trip and tests. Keep us posted on how you make out.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
nancy, looks like we got 10-12" snow on top of ALL our ice. i don't know if we will have much of our magnolia tree left.

overhead utility wire is 7' from ground over our driveway. just looking from house around; what a mess!

we HAVE OUR POWER; 100,000 in rural iowa didn't!

tomorrow i have my PRE SURGERY PHYSICAL, ekg, blood tests, etc. so HAVE to go out, but we live 5 minutes from local clinic. i think i'll have hubby drive me up to DRIVE UP under canopy. he can go home, when i'm done; i'll call him. sounds good, doesn't it!

i feel for all in this storm's pathway; but most of all the homeless who didn't get out of the rotten weather elements, and those out plowing ICE/SNOW!

hubby used to do that for 30 years. 1 ice storm he was in the ditch 4 times due to the ice; couldn't stay on highway after salt/sand was used on highway and truck empty!

again, a safe journey to you all!

yes, march 5th i'm looking forward to SO MUCH but will miss lymenet with a passion! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by seibertneurolyme (Member # 6416) on :

Good luck with the appointments and your daughter's SPECT. Hubby hasn't had any luck getting insurance approval yet for his SPECT. Has restarted some meds and hasn't decided yet whether it is worth the hassle to continue fighting to get the test done.

Am very curious as to the results of your daughter's SPECT as she has many similar symptoms to hubby.

Bea Seibert
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
I hope everything is going as well as possible, Nancy! Thinking about you all. Hope you're all home and resting up soon.

[group hug]

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