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Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
Well i had appt 4 with a dr tonite and it appears he is on the verge of giving up.

Which in a way is ok, since im going to a more holistic dr....and im currently on catsclaw and i seem to be herxing.

I thought about not posting this....but i feel that for some reason i have to.

I had a brain MRI and pelvic MRI ordered in January for possible tumors on adrenals. I called twice for results didnt get a call back.

At tonites appt dr says quest ran the lab wrong, we tried calling you twice but you never called us back. I say , i didnt get your calls or voicmails, maybe verizon lost the calls(trying to not place blame and be polite about it)

I did call you twice and left a msg but didnt hear back about the specialist referal.

so quest didnt freeze the one vial and never called me to tell me either........

he leaves my dad and I in the room for 35 min, we have no clue where he went. Comes back in and says we called on you such and such dates...i say ok, i will have to check my records.... reads MRI results, we assume the recent MRI.

To make a long story short i ask for copy of MRI and notice my age is 29...the hospital is wrong. This is my old MRI that i gave him a copy of from 2005- he has NO explanation for where my most recent MRI is and tells me to call hospital to get it he can call but i am to make the call.

this dr was supporting my disability, but after tonites appt it is clear he isnt sure what i have and while he did order more just frustrate.

I cried, yelled , threw things, and then just couldnt cry. (when i got home of course) Told my mom just drive me to the psych ward down the road..

I was waiting all this time thinking he had the results, too sick to drive into the city to pick up copies in fear I may be run over by city traffic as i limped across the street. Although maybe that would end my misery.

Do you think they would let me wear one of those handicap plackards on my body.
Posted by seibertneurolyme (Member # 6416) on :
So sorry for all the confusion.

I know it is a lot of hassle, but this is the reason we always get copies of MRI's and other out patient tests from the hospital or facility where they are done. Sometimes you have to fill out a medical records request form and even pay for the copies, but we have had similar problems with docs misfiling records.

We have gotten to the point where it seems like if the office staff is inefficient then it is just not worth dealing with the doc.

There have been times where we have sent faxes to docs office instead of phone calls -- sometimes is more effective.

Keeping up with the paperwork regarding tests and insurance claims seems like a full-time job sometimes.

There is a doc out there for you somewhere who can help -- just take a few days to get over this disappointment and then move on.

Good luck.

Bea Seibert

P.S. Make sure that you were not billed by the docs office or the lab for the test that was not done.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
can't, i'm so sorry you got the run around again! from the incompetent dr/staff!

no excuses for their sloppiness! why didn't they MAIL you a letter if they couldn't reach you by phone?

bea raised good issues to do so you don't run into this again! most are pretty good. i had mri and hip xrays taken; i was given a CD of both to take to my drs. for their viewing.

yes, take a break, and then get on the horse again getting a LLMD be responsive to you/your needs WHO FOLLOWSUP THRU.

post in seeking dr. for city/state so we can try to help you. please show dr's LAST INITIAL of who you are seeing so we don't send you the SAME name please!! [Frown]
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
I am sorry you had such a frustrating day.

I am not sure I would trust Quest to run anything. I once had seven vials of blood taken for various tests

by a technician for quest. Turns out the tech didn't know how to do a slide smear for malaria.

I guess duck was checking for babs. When test results came back there was this disclaimer that slide smears

were not done correctly, thus malaria testing could not be confirmed or denied.

Duck wanted to draw blood again. I don't think so.

Hang in there. There are other LLMD's who don't have the same issues as yours did.

This isn't the end of the road. This is where the road forks and you need to decide whether to go right or left.

Pray about it. God will send you the answer and direct you where you need to go.

My luck would be that a car running me over wouldn't kill me, but leave me physically disabled and still with Lyme.

We all have moments of desperation. They do pass and things do get better.

Hold on with both hands. Pray. God is not finished with you yet.

It is difficult, but channel the energy used in being frustrated and go after getting better.

You are your best advocate. Don't settle (especially when it comes to your health!).

I am sending you calming thoughts and healing prayers and asking the Lord to guide you.

Sending you hugs too.

Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
Your subject heading says-Appointment 4 is when they give up...but it doesn't have to be when YOU give up-because as we all know you
cantgiveupyet! [group hug]
Posted by Cathy DeVoe (Member # 11271) on :
I can really understand your feeling of frustration right now.

I have felt it also the last few days. But for other reasons.

Don't give up can't. You are too important to give up on. Find another doc.

Push through and make yourself more doctor savvy and make files. Just simple ones.

Rant and rave all you want to us. We hear you.

take extra good care of yourself.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Don't give up. Not yet. Not ever!

Have you read this?;f=3;t=017135

Hang in there. We love you much!

Posted by tabbytamer (Member # 3159) on :

This must be so frustrating for you and rightly so. But I did notice you said this doc was cooperating with the disability process?

Just my opinion, but if this doc is willing to confirm you are disabled (regardless of what he/she says you have), maybe you can continue some sort of relationship with him until you get your disability awarded?

I had to do that on advice of my attorney. He said find a doc willing to confirm disability. Stay with that doc until it is awarded.

(Of course, I still got treatment from an LLMD at the same time.)

But that doc did help me get my disability. She was willing to fill out all those forms, letters, etc. A lot of docs won't "waste" their time on that stuff.

Try to hang in there. We're all pulling for you.
Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
Thanks everyone for your advice and support it helped me a lot.

Ive decided that Im just going to let things happen, if im denied disability then i will get a lawyer to appeal and he can handle dealing with the doctors. My uro most likely will not support my claim, they have a policy that you have to go thru all the possible treatments for IC.

I started physicaly therapy yesterday and cant get out of bed today.....made everything worse. :-(

thanks again for your support!!!
Posted by Parisa (Member # 10526) on :
I don't know if this will make you feel better but it is very common for things to fall through the cracks at doctors' offices. I know this because I worked for years as a medical interpreter.

I would have patients who would drive long distances for an appointment that had been scheduled months in advance only to find out that the doctor didn't have needed lab work, MRI, etc. The whole appointment would be wasted and they would have to reschedule and once again wait for months to get back in with the doctor.

So the advice given above is good. Always get copies of everything. Take your copies with you to every appointment. Never assume the lab sent the results to the doctor. Never assume the doctor send your file to the specialist. Never assume your attorney sent your file to the doctor. Never assume the doctor is on top of things.

The doctors think about you while they're in the exam room with you, they make a note in the chart on the way out and then don't pick that chart up again until they walk in the door of the exam room at the next appointment.

Hang in there!

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