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Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
I am sorry to dump...but I honestly do not know how much more I can take.

I am a 49 year old woman, and I should be stronger.

I am scared of how I feel right now. I can't stop crying and I just want the pain to end.

I feel in my heart that God does not give you more than you can handle, but right now...this very moment...I just want Him to let it end for me.

I just can't do this anymore.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :

I pray that God gives you the strength and the help and the support you need and this passes quickly.

I have been going through the same thing off and on for several months now.

The good news is I recently am waking up no longer feeling like a truck ran me over.

I have had that since 2001. I am still in awe when I can feel the sheets and the blankets and don't have that other feeling.

I still need to give myself lots of down time and do not over do it.

I just keep hoping things will break with the medical field and they will not be part of the problem but part of the solution.

Treat yourself well. What gives you joy or pleasure or a short break from lyme?

I know it is difficult since we have littlel control with this condition.

I think Ketek and water therapy are what are helping me with the overall body aches and pain.

I know a friend of mine found water therapy helped her too but she also continued on abx and something else and pain meds.

She thinks she is doing well until she stops taking the pain meds.

I know others will be along too. HOpe we find someway to help.
Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
God doesn't give us any more than we can handle-but sometimes life does. When that happens -surrender-turn it over to God. Lay your burdens down.

We are not as strong as we think we are-God is made powerful in our weakness. In moments of despair-I tell God I can't handle this . Nothing dramatic happens, I just tell God I can't handle this, and I lay in stillness.

None of us, no matter what age, are strong enough to bear the burdens of life alone.

Breathe, just breathe, and God will carry you beyond your despair to a place of Hope .

Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
I'm feeling low too, and I'm not even in much pain.
I know for me it's probably hormones, because I'm weepy and thinking, what's the use of anything anymore.

So I won't be giving any pep talks.
Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
ditto for me.
i cry alot and i'm a guy!!!!!!
although caveeeey and tutu may think otherwise.

sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
you might consider antidepressants.
they will help with the useless feeling and mine does help with the pain.

depression is a bad feeling in the equation
for good health.
depression depletes serotonin and norepinephrine

i other words, it takes the minds equation out of repairing your system.
a healthy mind lead to a healthy body
is a very true statement and you can not
stay depressed for too long or it will effevt
your treatment.

3 months ago is wrote the same letter on
the medical board.
these people here are great and want
to help you. let them heal you spiritually as well.

docdave [group hug]
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
Thank you all for your kind words. It is now almost midnight. (About 12 hrs since I wrote the first post) Don't know what is happening to me today. Can't be a herx because I have not been able to be on any antibiotics for almost a year now. Unless quitting smoking can give you a herx when you have lyme. I quit 5 months ago. Other than that, I honestly can't understand what is happening to me.

My husband came home from work and all I could do was tell him that I spent the whole day pleading with God to please take me.

I am already on an anti-depressant...and have a wonderful therapist also that I have seen every week for years.

I just feel like I have no strength left. No fight left. and so tired of being in pain. I feel like I have no hope and no way out of this lyme disease completely destroying my life. What is left of it.

I thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I really do. And thank you for letting me get this out....and not judging me.
Posted by bejoy (Member # 11129) on :
Stay plugged in here. We'll be watching and listening for you. This is a good place to find comfort and support. We'll be here all weekend...and then some.

[group hug]

Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Cordor [kiss] we do care for you

I have been down where you are now. So keep in touch here because we do understand because this disease can try to suck the life blood out of us in all aspects including our feelings. Many times it can seem like it can break us.

Can you go back on some abx or herbs for a while?

One other suggestion is maybe to talk to your doc about maybe trying a different anti-depressent? Sometimes it can take a while to find something that works for your own personal chemistry.

I pray God will give the the strength to hold on.

I was watching the movie "cast away" again. Rent it sometime. At the end of the movie Tom Hanks is telling his friend how he survived on the island alone for 4 years feeling hopeless. He said basically he just got up every morning & breathed in & out. Till one day the tide carried in a sail he made to make his way home. You never know when life will get better again.

I hold on to this many times when I am sick & tired & at my end. Because in the 20 years with lyme there has been so many ups & downs. I know if I hold out long enough it will get better some day... This is the hope that gets me threw each day.

I am hoping & praying for this hope for you too [group hug]

Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
sending you so much love. i have been there and i know how hard it is.

just hang in there. sometimes that's all we can do.

[group hug]
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
YOu put in words what keeps sneaking in on me too.

It does not seem as bad as it was awhile back.

Because of others help, It gives me hope.

It took 18 months at least to get diagnosed so I was not on abx.

But, I still had the cycles and what might be called herxes. I always wondered about that.

Hope you can come up with something that helps you.

I was prescribed antidepressants when they were looking for answers. They depressed me. It took me awhile to figure out it was the meds that was taking the wind out of my sails. I no longer had any fight in me. I just started thinking of ways to throw in the towel.

When I got off the antidepressants, my fight came back.

I know the antidepressants have helped others so we are each different.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I'm sorry you are suffering so. Do you have the energy to call someone and talk? Or to call someone who might need a cheery word from YOU??

Sometimes that has helped lift my spirits. Maybe all you have energy for is sending a birthday or greeting card to someone. Do what you can.

And keep praying and looking for answers.

[group hug] [Smile] [group hug]
Posted by Boomerang (Member # 7979) on :
I feel for you, and everyone else.

After many ups and downs, thinking hubby was better, thinking he was nearly well.......he is VERY discouraged.

He just told me he doesn't think he's getting better. He can't talk..... His brother called for a phone number, and he couldn't read the numbers.

He is SO discouraged right now. I am so sad and worried about him.
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
How do some people find the strength? When do you come to the point when you just accept the very REAL possibility that your life is just going to continue to deteriorate?

How do you keep going when everything just keeps getting worse. I feel like literally every cell in my body is dying....and I try so hard to hang on. How do all of you do it? I can see that you do..but I can't seem to remember how to do it for myself anymore.

I used to have hope. When I first started IV antibiotics over 3 years ago, I had hope. Then everything just got worse from then on. Nothing worked, everything made me worse and I have had no relief.

I don't know how to do this anymore.
Posted by Boomerang (Member # 7979) on :
I do it because I love my husband and want him to get better.

What inspired you to post here?
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
Very good point. I must have some strength left or I would not have even bothered to compose this post in the first place. But then again, I don't know if it is strength or fear.
I am so afraid I am dying. I feel like I am dying. Quite literally. I am not afraid OF dying, just afraid that I AM dying....if that makes any sense. I am afraid that there is nothing left to do but just sucumb. And I sometimes just wish it could be quick, instead of this slow torture. I guess that is what I am having a hard time surviving thru.
Posted by Boomerang (Member # 7979) on :
I know, is SO frustrating. As long as we keep coming here, we are still trying to learn and not giving up. That is a good thing.

I do know how you feel. It is just unbelievable sometimes that it takes so long to get better.

Hubby is in the same boat you are.... almost ready to give up trying to fight this illness. I keep thinking at some point there will be a big breakthrough. Each time I think he's made it, he has another setback.

Hang in there!!
Posted by pmerv (Member # 1504) on :
I think anyone who feels suicidal should contact his/her community suicide hotline. They know how to help you through tough times, while we are not professionals and just mean well.

I know before I was treated I thought I would die young. But after I was diagnosed and treated I knew what I had and I started to feel better. I never seriously considered suicide

Many people get depressed from Lyme because it actually is infecting your brain. They say if you are actually planning HOW to end it all, that is a dangerous time. I beg you to call your local hotline if this is how you feel. They can help you.

Sometimes the hard part is adjusting to our new station in life. We thought we would be more productive or more active or more something. Just not this. However if we can accept our new station, we can start to see how our lives can be meaningful in a new context. I sometimes even have the thought that "normal" people have very shallow lives!!

Please keep reaching out and fight to survive. There are many "aids," pharmaceutical and others, if you need them. This life is all we have. Make the most of it.
Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
'it feels like every cell in my body is dying' -

you perfectly described how i felt when i was at my sickest with lyme. it was SO terrifying, i completely understand and empathise. but, somehow, i didn't die, i'm still here, and with treatment i got better.

if after three years antibiotics are only making you worse i suggest you look into alternative treatment protocols. search this site for posts by a woman named 'GiGi' - she has lots of really important information about addressing toxins, heavy metals, EMFs, emotional issues, etc. also, i would suggest reading the book 'healing lyme' by stephen buhner. many people are having success with his herbal protocol.

good luck. please don't give up. there's an answer somewhere.

you are stronger than you realize.
Posted by AliG (Member # 9734) on :
Hi Cor!

....Me too.... [Frown]

Maybe there's a virus going around Dr. E's office or something. The last time I was there I had some complaints that he said he thought were more likely due to a virus. I ate a ton of garlic & oil and took extra probiotics. It seemed to help some.

I've been horrificly depressed for about the last three weeks. I desperately wanted it all to end, too. The only thing I could do is think of my helpless family members who wouldn't be able to take care of themselves without me. (It makes no difference if I feel like dirt, I'm still the only one here capable of mounting a search for actually finding anything. [Roll Eyes] Also, who would take care of THEM when they're sick?) I know it would be very hard to find another idiot like me who would still love them even if they are selfish & inconsiderate.

I also try to think that maybe through my pain and suffering they'll find a way to actually eradicate these wee-beasties. (I need to believe that there's a reason for it.)

I've been coming off Effexor-XR for about 3 months now. I missed another dose & I've done it enough to recognize the side effects.

I got mad & stopped taking it. I used "Holy Basil" an adaptogenic herb and also Ashwagandha. I do believe they helped. I'm still a bit disgusted and feel like shoe- scrapings, but I'm not nearly as bad as I was.

The anti-depressants can be really tricky meds. That's why I hate being on them. Your chemistry can change and they need to be adjusted. Sometimes they lose their effectiveness and doses need to be increased. They can have nasty side-effects of their own that we sometimes blame on Lyme.

Don't get me wrong. It's perfectly normal to feel like quitting from time to time. This is no easy fight. Every time I feel a little bit better, I get that much more frustrated when I feel worse AGAIN!!

I'm going back to the Dr. on May 1st and I'm going to bring him some info on the Holy Basil & Ashwagandha to get his opinion.

Last visit I was talking to him about patient allergies, I asked him to look into the proteolytic enzymes and see if it might help you. So if you need something to laugh at, you can just think of me making an a$$ of myself in his office, telling him that I've been worrying about my "angel". (What a weirdo I am, who does things like that? I guess my brain damage is worse than he thought. Ha!Ha!)

Just know that I'm going to make sure he fixes you (if he doesn't drop me as a patient or have me institutionalized first). I really do have a lot of nerve sometimes (usually on my stupid days [bonk] ).

Seriously, I think it might be a good idea for you to put a call in to your therapist and/or Dr.E and see if perhaps a change in the anti-depressants might be in order.

YOU CAN'T QUIT - I haven't taken you to lunch yet!!! [Razz] [Big Grin]

[group hug]
[group hug]
[group hug]

Posted by AliG (Member # 9734) on :

Did you know that nicotine acts as an anti-depressant?

Have you been feeling like this for about 5 months now? [confused]
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
Thank you for nice thoughts AilG.
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
I saw Dr. E. last week for my monthly visit.
he did not say anything about enzymes, but I did just get the new Rosner book and ended up ordering a systemic enzyme that Rosner recommends in the book. Have not started them yet though. Again-thanks everybody for kind words and NO AliG, I am NOT going to start smoking again! it was TOO HARD to quit and don't want to go thru that again [Smile]
Posted by AliG (Member # 9734) on :
No, Cor! I meant maybe you need to increase the anti-depressants to make up for the lack of nicotine. [Roll Eyes]

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I've been pretty foggy lately. [dizzy]

Congratulations on your accomplishment, by the way. [Big Grin] Quite an achievement.

I was going to say "I can't believe you thought that I would suggest such a thing!", but then I remembered who you're dealing with here....

I AM missing quite a few brain cells! [dizzy] [bonk] [woohoo] [Wink]

I just had a thought....
If the toxins in cigarette smoke can kill me, can they kill my spirochetes? [bonk]

[ 13. April 2007, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: AliG ]
Posted by AliG (Member # 9734) on :
You never know.....
They could find a cure next week.

Try to think positive thoughts, if you can. Fear of dying only adds to our depression, which adds to our pain, which adds to our depression, which adds to our pain.

My dad gets relief from his pain through acupuncture. I wanted to ask Dr.E how he feels about it. Dad goes to Paul Kelly at Princeton Acupuncture. It's off Rt 206 in Skillman. 609-924-3733 He's really helped him tremendously, through the years, with his neuropathy.

I'm needlephobic so the thought of it scares the bejeepers out of me, but there could be a point where the need for relief from pain would overcome that fear.

I've found that when it seems hardest to get up and move around because of pain, that's the time I need to do it most. The increased circulation and blood flow always seems to flush it out.

Try to break the cycle. Go shopping (HSC,if you must) and buy yourself something little that you really like, if you can.

I really do hope you'll be feeling better soon.

[group hug]
Posted by IMHisda (Member # 6998) on :

I was in the dumps when I had PICC line in my arm. This is what helps me. Hopefully some of it helps you:

Walks in the sun
exercising in general
stories from those who have gotten much better
(read wildcondor's story on her website)
warm weather
support groups
staying on a Lyme diet
Making small lists so I feel I've accomplished something with my day
Getting rid of pain as much of possible (for me it's warm water, Hydrocodone, Flexeril and Tens unit or heat wraps)
Gains made in hyperbaric oxygen trx (my neuropathy in hands and feet went away after three weeks of trx)
Being with people I can think about talk about something other than Lyme with
Ballroom dancing (gets my mind on something else and I get some exercise)

I was really depressed and found that the gains made in HBOT got me out of it. Most days are good now. The thing that helped me was that I got over the extreme pain and it made me value life in general. That country song with "Skydiving" theme really says it like it is. I'm a lot nicer to people now because I am so grateful for every day.

Hope this helps,
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
Oh yes, I know that song. "Live like your Dying". I went skydiving, I went Rocky Mountain climbing...goes something like that. My daughter and 7 yr old grandson introduced me to that song. They both sang it to me one day....and it was the sweetest thing ever.

I did do HBOT, 5 days a week for over 9 months. It certainly DID help me, but unfortunately when I stopped, the effects wore off.

I do appreciate all your suggestions though and will give them a try. I will try anything at this point. Never thought I would say that, but I have tried things to battle this lyme that I NEVER thought I would. Like HBOT, for example and the gozillion supplements.....I never thought I would become this desperate to get at least SOME of my health back.

You never think this kind of thing is going to happen to you?
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
Bringing this post back up to top. Things getting real rough again.
Posted by Dragonfly (Member # 11621) on :
Cordor, It sounds like you are are relly having a hard time. I have been to the point til I think, it can't get worse so it will have to get better. The suggestion about your anti depressant may be a good idea. I take them and they do have to be adjusted sometimes when I think I can't take anymore. Just keep moving and think the good thoughts, whatever they might be for you. Best wishes for feeling better soon.
Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
I completely understand.

I have been feeling worse again lately - fatigue, weakness, messed up speech and blah blah blah

but I also have felt ALOT worse than this (so much pain couldnt walk or hold a fork sleeping 20 hrs a day ect)

and I know others with lyme expereince much worse things than I have

So even though things suck right now and it is scary going in the wrong direction (away from health - away from a real life)

Hope is very imporatant - I try to find hope somewhere and always. even if it is something so small that no one else would understand its signifigance

(sometimes all ones needs is an ember in the darkness to be inspired or ignited to try to keep climbing up out of the wretched hole this disease puts us in).

Also I think it helps to have faith in something... anything.

Personally first and foremost I have faith in me.

But anything would do religion, family, friends, even a pet.

Holding onto Faith and hope is how I do it.

And I do realize that the depression that lyme can cause makes holding onto those things difficult.

Hang in there [group hug]
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
I hope you are feeling better!!!

If you lived nearby I would love to offer you tea and I would come over to your house or you could come over here!! It is so hard sometimes to be sick- and people who aren't don't understand- and Phyllis was right about a few things in her post- Lyme really does get *into* your brain- into your central nervous system-
and hurts us- hurts you-

I am so sorry-

A good therapist can be wonderful. When I was really down and sick I found one who was just great. You can also call your local Lyme resource person or any of us listed online just to talk if you need to- sometimes it helps just to hear the voice of another human being in the same proverbial boat- or someone who was in the same boat-

I was once terribly terribly sick and now I am so much better- I even gave up hope myself once but I got betetr anyway-

I hope you don't hurt yourself because that is
forever and even though pain and sickness may feel like forever they often aren't- Fallon said that real damage in Lyme is very very rare and that with longterm abx he has seen people recover from things he would have thought would be damage- but they weren't-

You probably don't believe anymore just now- and that's okay if so- it is okay to lose faith- losing sight of it- losing hold of it- doesn't mean it is not still there for you- I am glad you have or have had a God connection because no God I know of wants people to kill themselves- and Godness can be such a source of strength- even in people if you have a pastor or priest or someone- they can be wonderful-

Hugs to you-
and cyber tea!!!
I wish i knew how to do photos because I would do a cup of tea for you in a little flowered cup
in a shabby but pleasant little room by a fireplace-
Bestest wishes,
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
p.s. re quitting smoking- I quit smoking 11 yeasr ago and am so glad I did!!! I am glad you did too!! Don't light the first one*)!*)!

p.p.s. And I *do* think quitting smoking could cause a Herx possibly- just like LOSING WEIGHT can cause a Herx by letting spirochetes go free that were locked in sequestered cells- bodily changes can wake up sleeping spirochetes IMO- and smoking depletes oxygen- right- so those cells are getting stronger which were deprived before- and may be feeding them more energy as a result-!!! >?>????? Just an idea!!! May be possible!!! You never know!!!! But quitting smoking by itself is an emotional thing- people use cigs to stuff their feelings and not to feel-
so you are learning a whole new way to live, to process life- without cigarettes- and everyone I know who quits smoking goes crazy for at least a while (ask their spouses if they have 'em!!!) I was AMAZED at how much smoking had to do with how I FELT- (I was a chain smoker)- and how emotions would trigger the urge to smoke-

anywayz, you are very brave not to smoke through feeling the way you have been feeling!!!

good work*)!!!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Thought I had replied to you and was checking in to see how you were doing.

But, looks like the temporary computer I am using didn't work again.

Will keep this short before it kicks me off.

Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.
Posted by hopeful123 (Member # 3244) on :
please hang in there.....we don't know what good news can be around the next something positive may be waiting out there for you to grab....

[group hug]
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
I sure hope something is "waiting around the corner" for me to grab onto to. I hate these days of feeling like I am hanging on by a thread. I know deep in my heart that God has a purpose. I do know that and believe that. But I just get so angry and disgusted and discouraged that the suffering is so overwhelming. I ask Him everyday, to please just take me....but he doesn't.
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
I am glad he doesn't!!! You are needed here-
you would be missed-
Posted by lymewreck36 (Member # 4395) on :
I just hit on your post today Cordor. Funny thing is that I am in that same place with you. I have learned over the past few months that there are very few antibiotics left that I can tolerate. I have had mysterious GI symptoms, heart check, lungs, hysterectomy (8 weeks ago), and another surgery coming up.

All the while, I have had to drop one antibiotic after another because of adverse reactions. I am left with very little in lyme treatment, and I have regressed so quickly I am in shock.

My hysterectomy is not healing properly and I have to keep going in to get silver nitrate treatments for "granulated tissue" which itself is very painful.

I'm am so full of fear tonight that my husband is saying he might have to cancel his trip to India for work. But that could harm his career in a big way, so I told him to go.

He leaves tomorrow, and tonight I was thinking of ways to end it all. I called him at work several times to tell him these thoughts and couldn't reach him. He got home from a late day and I was just a lump of tears.

What to do....seems like the only thing left for me is the very slow, painful, tortuous decline that is so painful, and who knows how long it will take to finish me off.

I cannot even enjoy being in bed and sleeping because pain keeps me tossing and sweating, with nightmares on top of it. It is just another position to be in for more torture.

Now, when my husband comes back from India in two weeks, we make a trip, five hours away, to see our lyme doctor, and then two days later, I have another surgery, when the last one isn't even healing.

The only antibiotic I haven't tried is rifampin. But I take effexor. So I need to change the effexor since you cannot take it with rifampin, and try rifampin. This idea is my last flotation device in a very cruel world.

I ask God why, I cannot even drive into neighborhoods I used to live in during my healthy days. The image of myself going for evening walks and enjoying being alive just torments my mind.

It is a bad place to be in, this fear and depression. Tonight I read on lymeinfo that "Rose" died. She was a moderator. That hit me so hard. I have been in tears ever since I read that. I think of the loved ones she left behind.

I began my post thinking I might have something useful to say, but I see I don't. I am so sorry. I will ask God to help all of us who are suffering this way.

Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
lymewreck-God bless you for your heart.
Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
Henson2- thank you for all that info. I will probably be sending you a PM to get more details.
It's encouraging to know that there might be some light at the end of this tunnel I am in right now. Bless you for taking the time to share your story.

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