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Posted by livinlyme (Member # 3773) on :
Yes here I go again with the battle that we never win I swear I have to get someone to get me on IV..
a PIC line please someone!!! THROW ME A LINE!!!

Update after moving to Florida in 2005 we have hit rock bottom health wise and financially.
we are moving to Columbia SC in order to complete our goals which we set to do in Florida but since the real estate market has turn upside down we are not prepared for this endeavor.

Next stop SC. to find out if we can achieve our goals once more.

As for the health of everyone:
I am now dealing with heart conditions my EKG has indicated a number of times that I have suffered a septal MI Echo shows some damage although the MD says it is not too bad and I can manage with medication. I suffer from rapid heart rate 103 BPM on an average.. I have tachycardia more than 12 hours a day plus the root of all issues Lyme disease...

I am now dealing with COPD.. not to forget my chronic back pain which the doctor dropped the ball on the free drug program they want me to run to their office every time they change forms to re-sign them .. I can accept fax but they never cal back.. never return calls and they expect to charge every time you go to the office...

My back pains are so intense I wish for once they would just leave once and for all.. my seizures have returned since I have no medication to control them. I need a serious break...

as for the boys:
Eugene my eldest is doing rather well but no real job out here will give hours .. they limit them to under 30 or as he is 20 hours per week.. we can not manage our bills this way. The state will not treat him his insurance is a joke so we aren't going to join into this.. anyone know about Aetna? he is dx'ed bi polar type 1, adhd, anxiety/depressive ( question his first degree heart block which went away after a year of ABX...and of course Lyme which he is not being treated for anymore (thank you Florida) and is now taking abilify, cogentin, clonidine, and strattera....

there is no way we can get them treated for Lyme until we find some good health coverage.. (yeah like any exist) no more word about his heart condition they aren't even considering him to re-evaluate it so he might just fall over one day since the Lyme isn't being treated anymore. this disease just suxs real bad..

James is doing well working bell-hop/security at the local holiday inn. he enjoys this but they too will not give him a raise until he has been there for 11 months anyone ever hear of this sort of practice I have never had a job where they didn't do reviews for increase every 3 or 6 months. not 11 months.. well anyways his health is stable to a degree if you don't mind MANIC all the time.. he is short on temper. snaps all the time
he is dx'd bi polar type 2..adhd, anxiety depressive disorder..
along with diabetes, thyroid disorder, and the kill joy Lyme disease.

He is not being treated since they tell him he can not get his promotion until November and that would be his health plan as well I think the move may be more advantageous than we think once we find more health options available to me..

the thing that gets me here is my first trip to the ER back in July of 2005 the ER doctor said there was nothing wrong with my back I just needed to exercise and loose weight and get a job and I would be fine.. seems she was wrong ALL the way around I lost 30 pounds got the job and of course I would exercise if there wasn't any pain when I did so the only time I can exercise is in the pool..

but the job lasted 6 months and I was barely hanging on the last 2 months of it . I got a lung infection that would not let go it pulled muscles or caused spasms in my back that made it impossible to move. I reverted back to using my cane..

I finally left the job after 2 months of coughing and chunk spitting.. I had to get to a Lyme doctor fast after 18 months of not being treated I was sicker than sick.. finally got on doxcy again and alina and I shook it off after 2 more months of meds and not working..

I can no longer work I try to get some things done here and there and usually end up paying for it for days in bed..

I am a waste of air in my opinion.. but hey I still have some lessons to teach my boys I guess or God would have spared me the pain I am certain..

As for my mother and sister:
my mother is doing well since my father died.. but my sister is not and she too is heading out the door from her job she was already threatened.. her CNS is hit hard by Lyme and she is not getting it together with treatment..
Anyone have any information on SC.. please PM me ..

I would love to hear any thing that may help us get a better start,,, words from and to the wise please...
everything from vehicle inspection & registration to health care methods and tricks..
hugs to you all and thank you for being here..
Linda D
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
LYME SUCKS doesn't it? so sorry to read about everything in your life ... where you were, presently at, and moving in future hoping to get on the yellow brick road bringing you to the wizard of oz helping to put you into LYME REMISSION for your entire family.

thanks for the detailed report on all. you're in my thoughts and prayers that you life will turn around.

God, please help this woman/family get their lives and HEALTH back together again. [group hug] [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by livinlyme (Member # 3773) on :
Thank you Betty for the link and the thoughts and prayers,...
and yes follow the yellow brick road and I feel like Humpty Dumpty...

or I have fallen and I can't get up again..
the other day when I went to my LLMD in FL..

I got there and almost could not get out of the car to go in..

I managed with great pain and difficulty.. I got home and my son had to carry me in which was a great feat for him since I am not small task...
I will not stay active on the board for physical and emotional reasons but I always come back to check on things..

and give an update on our lives since I have lost my husband and my father to this sickness... and my entire family is stricken with it as well..

I feel the updates are important to those who are looking for answers and find that pill popping does not help long term chronic.. it may help but just because it does while you are on them does not mena you can stop them...

or at least everyone in my family has come to this realization..

late stage LD is a lifetime problem...and is not easily taken care of... I still want to know if IV will help get us a couple of a few years of less symptoms rather than more symptoms..
if people can uncerstand what i wrote i sure hope so..
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
up for S.C. members and needed support! [group hug] [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by cbb (Member # 788) on :
Posted response under "Columbia, SC" and sent pm.

So sorry that I don't have encouraging news about possible move to SC.
Our lack of LLMDs is worse than pathetic!!

In my pm to you, I suggested that you may have to locate a LLMD and then find a convenient location to relocate your family.

Breaks my heart to read about families like yours.
Posted by livinlyme (Member # 3773) on :
Bettyg and Cbb
thank you for your input I would sooner not move anywhere but alas this disease has hit us hard and nothing is working right here as far as health care. I hear that it is not just this state but all over the USA..

so sad about that and then on top of it having to deal with Lyme as well..

the move to SC will put my children's future in a better financial picture as I was aiming to do in Florida but since the move the real estate empire has almost tripled and the window closed due to a broker messing with me for a year with 3 good faith estimates and never closing on a house!
this on top of SSA cutting me a year before they were supposed to,, which was according to my case worker who happened to retire a few months before we moved..

we got caught in a bad situation.. plus having no treatment which really played havoc with my mental function.. still no treatment but to top it off no medication at all for 6 weeks...
I am dealing with seizures, tachycardia arrhythmias, COPD, thyroid disorder, chronic back problems where I was told they can do NOTHING for me except try to keep the pain to a minimal... and the blasted Lyme disease

no wonder no one wants to deal with me.. all probably want me to keel over so I am not a PITA anymore..
I'm too suborn to go anywhere especially when I am not wanted.. I will continue to call the LLMD office until they give me my disability letter and I get that resolved before we move to another mess...

I learned that much when I moved from PA to FL,
the lawyer wasn't prepared for the hearing because he tells me the day before the hearing "where are your records from up north???"
fine time to tell me.. waste of time... I tell you.. I need the disability issue resolved before another move to another state or I may be put backing the pot to stew some more...I am presently over cooked and boiling with the way agencies and doctors run their practices.. not to say I could do any better .. but it really makes me wonder how many receptionists in each LLMD's office have untreated Lyme disease....

especially when they have a form with your SS# listed on it and yet they still put the wrong SS# on a new form.....

what is wrong with this picture....???
"Beam me up scotty their is no intelligent life on this planet.."
L8r Linda D
Posted by I Have Lyme Etc (Member # 7439) on :
I really hate to say this but this truth is when you have Chronic Lyme Disease , SC is definately NOT the place to move too.. I moved here almost 5 yrs ago. There are NO LLMD's here and the other MDs here look at you like your insane if they even know what Lyme and coinfection are to begin with.. I haven't posted in a long time because well I haven't had any treatment in 5 yrs and yes I am very very sick. I've been sick since 1990 but the last 5 yrs are the worst..

I dont have much to contribute in the way of information so I don't post much at all anymore. We were screwed financially by the builder of my home and are STILL awaiting a court date. This has been going on almost 3 yrs now. When we win our case which we will, we then plan on taking any money we have and moving back north. I am originally from NJ and never realized just how good I had it when it came to LLMD's till we moved.

I wish you and your family the best of luck in everything.
Posted by livinlyme (Member # 3773) on :
I am so sorry ot hear your plight with this horrible illness and the lack of proper attention... I hope things turn around for you soon...
I am not sure about the move to SC but I do knwo that is where my sons want to move...
hopefully we will not be in debt as we are living in Florida..

this was a big mistake. had I known what the real estate market was about to do when we moved and what my broker was not going to do.. then I would never have moved. I would have gotten a hot tub and lived in that...

which I intend to do in the next place the heck with the pool. when we can afford a inground pool that is what we will do, but a hot tub is far better an investment than a pool (IMHO) .. at least you can go in it year round for relaxation..

I just want to know how far I have to go, to get help for this.. I gather by what I am seeing it will be a 3-5 hour run.. which is no less or more than I have been doing now or in the past..
Posted by Vanilla (Member # 11155) on :
Sending you good thoughts for improved health. I just moved too and I am still dealing with a dirty yet nice rental and trying to get them to move their old furniture out and to get a lock on my door etc.

I think the Holiday Inn is just plain cheap with their raises and that sucks! I received nasty flea bites at my local one. I am not fond of them.
Posted by livinlyme (Member # 3773) on :
thanks for rooting me on Vanilla, I am trying so hard to make the transition as smooth as possible without any hidden shocks..
they hurt..

but i think the holiday inn's depend on where you go .. up north a friend is making 13.00 /hr where they were only getting like 8.00 / hr down here for the same position and same title.. big idfference. in who owns and who takes care of them...
I hope you filed a grievance and they gave you a coupon...
Posted by Vanilla (Member # 11155) on :
They wanted to give me a coupon but I told them to shove it that I have no desire to stay in their chain anymore.

They kept saying they did not have fleas like I was making it up.

They allow dogs to stay there and they do not have one flea in that place - right... I really believe that. It was like talking to a Stepford wife - I got no where fast.

I actually set up a lamp and bowl of water and saw the fleas.

They had roaches too because they tried to put me in a room full of fresh roach spray. The maid asked me if I needed any when I tried to ask her if she used roach spray.

Thank you for contacting Guest Relations regarding your experience with the Holiday Inn Express Mill Valley-Sausalito. I certainly appreciate your time in bringing this to our attention and I am very sorry for any inconvenience you may have experienced.

I have forwarded your comments to Jeff Perry, General Manager of this franchised location. I know he shares our vision of providing the best guest experience possible. He has informed my office that they do have regularly scheduled pest control treatments and have had no problems with insects. However, should you wish to discuss further please contact the
hotel directly. I have listed their contact information below:

Holiday Inn Express
Attention: Jeff Perry (415) 332-5700
[email protected]

Once again, I really appreciate you sharing your comments with us. I know you have many choices when it comes to lodging and I hope you will continue to choose InterContinental Hotels Group properties for your future travels.


Stephanie Hess
Executive Office
InterContinental Hotels Group


Jeff Perry was a complete jerk about the whole thing and his staff even saw my welts from the fleas and he still tried to act like I was making it up. "None of the rest of his guests ever complain."

What vision?
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Dear Livin,

I am so sorry to hear of your health and family issues....

I am sending you positive thoughts and healing prayers.

Hang in there....


Posted by livinlyme (Member # 3773) on :
Sorry to hear about the ordeal.. I would make certian you check to see if they rate a excellence rating... before ever using one of the faiclities.. I know the one here in Lake City Fl is excellent they really try to put the cutomer first but they are cheap to work for that is how they keep the customer satisfied cut back on payroll...
I guess

thanks Geneal..
I will try to keep on the baord for the most part but I know it is a matter of time before i fold my cards...
and have a long lapse.. before coming back... hugs to all
Posted by Vanilla (Member # 11155) on :
Do feel better.

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