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Posted by Rene (Member # 4870) on :
Good morning all,

Has anyone out there been told by their LLMD that

new way to treat babesia is with 2 tsp of mepron

three times a day for three weeks?

I would be interested if anyone has tried this and

what the outcome was.

I do realize that this is a very high dose and I

am aware of the potential liver damage. However,

I have a very persistent case.
Posted by tdtid (Member # 10276) on :
I am on Mepron at the dose of two teaspoons a day and actually at my last appointment with my LLMD, I did mention possibly raising my dosage since I had heard bits and pieces about the possibility.

My doctor personally didn't want to do it because he said it's one of the few drugs that does not have a way to reverse it from our systems if we "overdose" or get too much.

Let me know if you hear anymore on this topic since I know the desperate state we all get in. Thanks.

Posted by kelmo (Member # 8797) on :
Two tsp daily almost put my daughter in the hospital. She hallucinated, endured pain that went beyond any relief we could find in the medicine cabinet. It caused depression, even with maxed out doses of antidepressants.

After five months of that, we are switching to something else. It was five months of hard, hard, hard. She has a high pain threshold and a warrior spirit, but this one did her in.

I hope it killed something in that time, I would hate to think she suffered for nothing.

I know Wildcondor did 4 tsp daily, you could try her website.

If your doctor wants you to take that much, I would start out with 1/2 tsp opinion only.
Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
I do 4 tsp daily and use septra to increase the effeciveness.

I have a very tough case of babs, and hopefully another month of this protocal and I will be finished for good.
Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
my rare disease doc that deals with malaria
has me on 5ml bid
that's 1 tablespoon twice a day.

the first dose i took 2 hours later ,my
knee pain went away.

2 days later i started tching like crazt
took zyrtec and it helped

so at this point i don't know what to do

Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I take two tsp. twice daily. It's working. I've been on it since Jan. 20th.
Posted by GenaD (Member # 11988) on :
I asked my LLMD recently about high doses of mepron.

He said there is some research showing that 4-5 tsps a day is killing Babesia--but I got the feeling that one wouldn't take this much for more than a couple weeks.
Posted by Sylvie (Member # 188) on :
Originally posted by Rene:
Has anyone out there been told by their LLMD that

new way to treat babesia is with 2 tsp of mepron

three times a day for three weeks?

I would be interested if anyone has tried this and

what the outcome was.

I do realize that this is a very high dose and I

am aware of the potential liver damage. However,

I have a very persistent case.

Hi Ren�,

It seems Mepron's blood concentrations vary a lot from one person to another. Those who catabolize it fast will probably not reach an efficient enough blood level to eradicate the babesias.

Moreover, two teaspoons a day is not enough to treat the brain, if it is infected. I have already heard of three tsp/day for this purpose, which is already a lot for the liver. Though I think three tsp per day are reachable if you go gradually (my personal experience).

6 tsp/day... let us know how you are doing! But if you can stand it, I'd bet that 6 tsp/day for 3 weeks are more efficient than 2 tsp/day for some months.

Do you take Zithromax with this?

Posted by Rene (Member # 4870) on :
Thanks for all your responses. It seems that many people have taken the 4 tsp per day of Mepron. I am sending this to the top to see if there is anyone out there who has taken Mepron 6 tsp daily for 21 days. This would be given with Zithromax also.
Posted by lymedesign (Member # 8791) on :

Check your measurements, b/c on my "medicine" cups, 5ml is equivalent to 1 TEAspoon, not TABLEspoon. Didn't want you to be overdosing on us.
Posted by hshbmom (Member # 9478) on :

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