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Posted by mrsdocdave (Member # 13151) on :
yes , this is THE MRS OF DOCDAVE.
to me or pm me.

he asked me to sign up
to help people on the spouse side of lyme
since i have been through hell with him as
he has told you in the past.

i will try to help people and spouses in need
of help, dealing with, and coping with lyme.

mrsdd aka harriet [woohoo] [Big Grin]
Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
Welcome aboard Mrs. Doc Dave,,,aka Harriet;

I think your quite a special person,,,yes you have endured a spouses pain and anquish of lyme.

Your husband is a VERY special person in his OWN right.

Everybody is 'special' here in our great big extended family!!!

Welcome aboard,,,hope you stay and 'chat'!!being--just don--
Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
Always nice to meet the better half.

This brings up an excellent point.
I think there should be an entire forum just for spouses, just so we can read what you really think of us!

How did you escape getting Lyme disease?
Have you been tested?

It must be boring after the sun goes down in the hills of NC if you have to turn to Lymenet for something to do. But I imagine it's pretty country.

We're hear because we don't have a life.
Guess you're here cause you're DocDave's wife!

As ever,
Cobby or Webby whichever you prefer.
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
Originally posted by mrsdocdave:
yes , this is THE MRS OF DOCDAVE.
to me or pm me.

Welcome MrsDocDave! Nice to meet you!

I 'think' he's been fairly well behaved lately but you never know...

[Wink] [Big Grin] [lol]

ps. nice poem Cobby.
Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
Originally posted by mrsdocdave:
yes , this is THE MRS OF DOCDAVE.
to me or pm me.
mrsdd aka harriet [woohoo] [Big Grin]

Don't worry-we usually tell him right to his farce, I mean arse, err maybe his face- whatever.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
WELCOME HARRIET! nice to finally meet you; been hearing good things about you for a LONG time.

i also applaud you for coming on here to HELP SPOUSES COPY/LEARN about lyme and how it creates HELL on the home front!

yes, Dave, made quite a come back from last year when he hit bottom, and we're all glad he survived and YOU TOO to continue to make your marriage work in a different environment, etc.

yes, we love dave here and especially his expertise with teeth to help lymies thru those situations!

may i also say a big THANK YOU for your part in dave's box of chocolate project!! I've turned him down 3 times so others got much needed $$ help. you are a very special woman and so is our doc dave to do this, and not take a tax deduction on it!!

dave/i have had other conversations on $$, and i'm anxious to see what he/his close friends come up on helping the needy lyme patients who have lost everything and so much! davey, i hope that wasn't a secret between you and me ok! [Big Grin]

harriet, i can't remember if dave was on the board before me 3 yrs. ago or not, so i'm going to send you my newbie package of 63 pages links, advise, symptoms, tests, disability, much more, and treepatrol's archive link of over 1000 sites of good lyme info.

docdave's dental expertise is in there too! [Wink]
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :

VERY VERY VERY nice to meet you*)!*)!!!!!!!!!!!!

I lost my first husband when I got sick, he wasn't interested in a sick wife. Luckily I got a second one who is better but it broke my heart at the time*)!)!! Your husband and you are lucky to have each other- bless you for your efforts on behalf of Lyme- we need all the help we can get*)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
As I recall, you have had major health issues yourself, from cancer. I certainly admire your ability to cope with this and the sickness of a spouse at the same time. Pretty rough.

Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
Welcome [hi]
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Welcome [hi]

How is the new place coming along?

Glad you dropped in.

I concur. (sp?) I do believe Doc Dave has been behaving himself lately.

I also concur it would be a good idea to have a thread on caregivers for lyme patients.

Really glad you are becoming part of our lyme community.
Posted by meg (Member # 22) on :
You certainly earn a spot in heaven for putting up with daveeeey.

May I elaborate on this point?

MsDocDaveeey, You're a SAINT! [Wink]
Nice to meet you
Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
sorry gals,
my wife will return shortly.
she is preparing for the jewish holidays with my daughter and boyfriend coming up
we get to repent our sins in on day , not once a week like the catholics.

she should have time later to talk.

daveeey [bow]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Bless your little pea picking heart.

[Big Grin]

Welcome to Lyme Net!

[group hug]
Posted by mrsdocdave (Member # 13151) on :
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
Welcome to the board Mrs. DD. Now go get back to making that chicken soup and matzoh balls!

L'Shana Tova.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Welcome!! [hi]

and a blessed Yom Kippur! [?]
Posted by tdtid (Member # 10276) on :
Mrs DocDave,

I too would like to welcome you to the group. I know that being a lymie myself, I am very hard to live with and when we are miserable, the whole family feels it. We aren't doing it on purpose, but it does seem to happen that way.

Sooooo...yes, I think a support group for the families of the lyme patients also need help, support, guidance and so many things that I bet they just aren't getting from us.

Sort of reminds me of why the wives of Dr. Bill and Bob from AA got their own group for Alanon....which would basically be another angle of why you could be so beneficial in helping others that have gone through much of what you have been through.

Thank you for writing and I do hope that you will stick around. I know most that post here are the lyme patients, but we also have the parents of children going through this and sometimes a spouse of boy/girlfriend, so opening a topic like this so these people would know where to go would also be beneficial I would think.

Posted by lymemomtooo (Member # 5396) on :
MrsDocDave, Welcome to lymenet. We have heard a lot about you and your new home. It really looks wonderful and I am sure you have great views.

Dave has been a boost here and has helped many others. He has gone thru some highs and lows. I was a recipient once of a low so I am sure it has been a struggle to deal with the effects of these diseases.You deserve a halo for giving it another chance and for knowing he will get better.

I hope that you also know that many with Lyme can't always control their emotions. Our daughter is currrently better but has numerous violent episodes. The diseases can really alter your personality but we now see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Good luck and thanks for coming on board. lymemomtooo
Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
i'm sorry if i ever offended you.
i must have been really out of it to beat up on people on lymenet.
worst thing is i don't remember.


docdave [confused]
Posted by lymemomtooo (Member # 5396) on :
I know Doc and I am ok with it. I just wanted to make sure she knew it happened to most on here and to not give up on you.

I have been beaten up worse by others..So all is ok. Actually I am proud of you to encourage her to get on and find out more about the diseases. That took some love and courage..lmt
Posted by Itsy_bitsyone (Member # 12635) on :
Ah...out of the loop as usual.

Welcome Mrs. Doc.

Hope to see you cutting up over on off topic. You MUST have a sense of humor... [dizzy]

Very nice to meet you!
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Originally posted by CaliforniaLyme:
I lost my first husband when I got sick, he wasn't interested in a sick wife.

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's so hard to believe someone would have such little heart. :-(
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
i think the divorce thing is pretty common. it happened to me and it happened to my new guy.
Posted by lymednva (Member # 9098) on :
Originally posted by CaliforniaLyme:
I lost my first husband when I got sick, he wasn't interested in a sick wife.

Happened to me, too. Told me I was faking it to get back at him for traveling. That is the tip of the iceberg. I'm happier now.

Welcome Mrs DD. We're glad to have you here.
Posted by on :


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