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Posted by funknugget (Member # 12897) on :
Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum - or rather new to posting(been doing a lot of reading). My girlfriend just got her official test results back as being positive for lyme a few days ago. The doctor(LLMD we were referred to from this board - thanks very much by the way) said several other things are going on too, which I expected from everything I've read. We'll find out on Monday exactly what's going on and where we go from here, but it's pretty damn scary.

I feel for all of you going through this, either dealing with lyme yourselves or helping someone through it. It's bizarre, and scary, and hard, and life-changing and best of luck to all of you.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and also mention a few possibly helpful things.

First of all, if any of you have not heard of it, check out It's a search engine powered by yahoo, and when you use it, you are supporting the charity of your choice whenever you click on a search result. I don't know all the details and haven't messed with it much, but it sounds really cool and I would suggest checking it out. DON'T try to cheat it though or the charity could get removed from their list! Anyway, I'm not getting any referral or anything for mentioning this. Type it into the address bar yourself if you're worried about it.

Next, I don't have much there yet, but I'm working on a blog site at about lyme and everything related to it(will take a while). I'm doing this for two reasons - to inform and hopefully provide helpful information or ideas to people dealing with lyme, and also honestly to hopefully raise some funds to pay our medical and other bills through sponsor programs like google adsense, or through donations, etc.

There's not much there yet, and also with this, although I would appreciate the thought, please don't try to cheat the system by clicking on tons of links or I could lose my adsense or other affiliate accounts. If you find the content truly helpful or see a link that genuinely interests you though, please check it out and tell anyone you know about it.

After I figure out how the heck to get the page elements arranged how I want them, I'll be adding a section on ways to deal with the financial burden of lyme. I hope I'm able to add something helpful with this.

Again, the address is
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :

Heck, we need people like you*)!)!*! Good work.
It gets less scary the more you learn I think, less scary physically I mean. Politically, it gets MORE scarier the more you read*)!*)!!

Posted by meg (Member # 22) on :
Welcome! [Smile]

LymeNet and PubMed...two excellent sources of information. Plus Treepatrol and Wild Condor's newbie links!

Keeeeeep Reading
Posted by Tamera (Member # 13309) on :
Welcome..I'm new here will find a lot of support and answers here.
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
Hi and Welcome!

Good luck to you, both, tomorrow at the doctor's. I hope to hear she's ready to start treament and and on the road to getting better.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
yes, goodsearch has LDA charity in it!

i use it off and on, but copying it to your favoritees would be excellent idea.

best wishes to your girlfreind tomorow. [group hug] [kiss]

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