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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Then PLEASE pray that my sinus CT scan will come back CLEAR tomorrow!!

I was improving over the past two weeks, then began feeling worse again yesterday. So I'm really discouraged and afraid that the scan will not be clear.

That would mean surgery and probably before Christmas. [Frown]

[ 28. November 2007, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by MagicAcorn (Member # 8786) on :
Consider yourself prayed for.

I hope everything comes back clear.

Posted by lymeladyinNY (Member # 10235) on :
Lymetoo, I do pray and will pray for you!

Love Rev. Squirrel!

- Julie
Posted by lymemomtooo (Member # 5396) on :
Hey Tutu, sending salt water your way. HOpe all is well. lmt
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Nice eye-catcher in the subject line, whether I pray or not is not the issue, however. Not sure what sort of prayer you want. I do hope your test goes well.

Good luck!

Sending good thoughts and best wishes!

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
carol, yes, i pray; and will include you in mine tonight too.

unfortunately lately when i pray, i fall asleep before getting to the end, so after my next pee call, my mind somehow rememebers where i left on, and i continue.

sometimes it's part 3 of 5 sessions before i get it done, but i keep a trying! [lol]

acorn, what a special rev. squirrel/picture that is! way to go girl for giving us all laughs when we need them! [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by lou4656 (Member # 10300) on :
I am sending healing energy your way, TuTu. Hope it helps you to feel better. And yes, I absolutely pray . . . and will say a prayer for you.

Hope you get ther reults that you want.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thanks, gang!
[group hug]
Ann....It was not meant as a personal question!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
 -  -
Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
Sending healing thoughts and perfectly clear scan thoughts too.

[group hug]

That squirrel is so cute. His posture is even preacher like. And how did they get that little squirrel costume on him .... I have a hard time getting a simple collar on my cat. [bonk]
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Yes, I pray. With this disease, I don't know what else I'd do if I couldn't pray.

I'll pray for you definitely. [group hug]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
hey, girl, you're always in my thoughts!! we texans have to stick together.

i'll put in a word for you with the big guy!!!
Posted by sizzled (Member # 1357) on :
Clear scan....clear scan....

You know you will be in my thoughts for a positive outcome!!!

Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
My thoughts will be with you as well, Tu!

Keep us posted; me and the reverend squirrel (and al your Lymenet friends) will be waiting to hear!

Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
hoping it comes out clean!!
Posted by AliG (Member # 9734) on :
TuTu, my sweetie, [group hug]

I pray for an ACCURATE scan for you and I also pray that you DO NOT have something up there requiring surgery! I also pray that your sinuses are clear again SOON!!!!!

I won't just pray for a negative test because past experience has shown me that I often get what I've prayed for, I just didn't pray for the right thing. I wouldn't want your test to be negative regardless of whether or not it actually should be.

Just to illustrate my thinking here:

I believe that I had prayed for more patience, strength & compassion. I'll bet that if we went back & looked at my posts, we could figure out when I did that. Apparently these are things that have to be learned, you can't just have them bestowed upon you. [Roll Eyes]

I think I may have prayed for a little happiness in my life. Poof! I'm a moron. [Roll Eyes]

I may be wrong in my theory about prayer, but I'm not taking any chances with you! You're too important to me. I'm praying that there's nothing there to find!!! [Wink]

hugs & prayers,
[group hug]
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
My dear friend and highly esteemed Mentor,

I am sending you Angels to sit on your shoulders.

I will pray for a clear scan.

Let us know the results asap. Please? [Smile]


Posted by lymieliveagain2007 (Member # 13936) on :
oh I pray alright, lately a lot! I try not to hog them all for myself. it just keeps me thinking abou the bad stuff until I pray for God to help me not obsess too much.

Then I move on to those suffering worse than me, those who's children/loved ones have died and there's no getting them back.

those who are sick like me and worse than me.

at least I'm walking again, my pain meds are taking the edge off and I no longer need to spend all day in a hot bath just to keep from being in tears feeling the burning pain.

I'm taking a break from reading all the newbie info for the night and instead I'm reading a lot of posts on this board.

my goal is to pray for each and every one of you tonight. I hope God is listening. I believe there's angels all around us. sometimes carrying us.

I pray God heal and comfort you. and your scan comes back clear!!!

Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Yes, but not enough. I give thanks all the time. Thanks for the reminder Tutu that I need to spend some time each day in pray.

I will remember you and your sinus cavities too.

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
praying for TUTU TODAY for her sinus appt ... surgery???
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Not good. Not good at all. [Frown] Bascially all I know is they are not clear.

I will receive a "pirated" DVD of the scan in the mail soon... [Wink]


Can I say all that and still ask for your prayers and for God to heal me???
Posted by MagicAcorn (Member # 8786) on :
I'd be ((*&&^$##%%^&*&(((*&^&%$@###$%^&*() too.

I'll keep thinking of you.
Posted by lifeline (Member # 3445) on :

Yes, I pray, it's how I get by day by's my lifeline.

My best to you and my prayers are already on their way FedEX, Sweetie.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Consider yourself prayer for everyday. I pray for everyone on lymenet everyday, but I will add in a special prayer for your sinuses. Hiker53
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Those Angels I sent you are still sitting on your shoulders

Waiting to hold you and comfort you.

I will continue to pray for you.

Hang in there. This too shall pass.


Posted by NHgirl (Member # 13585) on :
I know 100 prayer warriors including myself who will be praying for you. Pray, and sleep in peace. Psalm 3:5.
Posted by Michelle M (Member # 7200) on :
Toots, I am sending some healing thoughts to you right now. Just finding this thread.


Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
Originally posted by Lymetoo:


Can I say all that and still ask for your prayers and for God to heal me???

Well-Now that you have given God a piece of your mind I'm sure that God will definitely be with you every step of the way.

You will be healed-in God's time, not yours, but always remember you are not alone. You may have some more trials and tribulations to go through-but each day brings you closer to healing.

How wonderful that you were able to have a test which was able to direct you to the proper treatment.

What's that? One set of footprints I see... [Smile]

Posted by lymednva (Member # 9098) on :
Cobweb said:

You will be healed-in God's time, not yours, but always remember you are not alone. You may have some more trials and tribulations to go through-but each day brings you closer to healing.

How wonderful that you were able to have a test which was able to direct you to the proper treatment.

What's that? One set of footprints I see...

Couldn't have said it better myself! I'll keep you in my prayers, too, too. Or is that tutu?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, I see the footprints. Thanks everybody. My anger was not directed at God. He's my friend.

I appreciate all the kind thoughts and the supporting prayers. I'm pretty down today....and scared.

The one drug I need to get well makes me more ill.

[group hug] to all
Posted by myahbv (Member # 11474) on :
I will pray for you tutu too, woohoo to many too tutu's, ok i got myself confused , easily done these days...anyway since we are on the subject of noses, here is a lil laugh for you ...

my four yr old was at school the other day and was in his reading circle and said teacher i have to tell you something, she said wait til we finish story brandt(my son) and he said i can't mrs melanie..i kinda have a sea shell stuck up my nose..

she looked up there and sure enough he had stuck a sea shell up his nose [Eek!] , really high too, took them an hour to get a pair a tweezers and pull the thing out...he is constantly picking up sea shells and has them in his pockets from school playground....

needless to say he isn't allowed to touch the sea shells again, i said brandt why did you put that up your nose , he said i was just smelling it mom...haha silly like his momma [dizzy]

anyway a lil laugh for you tutu, hope you get good news ...thanks for the mail too [kiss]

Amy G
Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
This calls for intense measures.

No ticks or viruses attached.

Click on the following link:
Posted by eliza85 (Member # 13630) on :
What I have been going thru just this summer I have to or "someone" might not be here, hahaha.

I will keep you in my prayers daily until this has passed. Asking God to hold you in his arms and bless you with his perfect health.

Just a thought:

You know the old saying "whatever doesnt kill us makes us stronger"?

Superman will have nothing on you! [Smile]

Take Care Beth
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Thinking of you this am.
[group hug]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thanks to all. Thanks for the chuckle, Amy and the "Hang in there" e-card, Cobby. Sounds familiar to me for some reason! [Wink]

God bless each and every one of you for lifting my spirits. [group hug]
Posted by tdtid (Member # 10276) on :

Just want to jump on the bandwagon and send my thoughts and prayers your way too. The spin offs from this disease are never ending and can get so darn overwhelming.

Please feel better and keep us posted and things unfold.


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