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Posted by canbravelyme (Member # 9785) on :

I tried this a while ago: suggesting that we compile a list of emergency contact info, but thought better of it. My reasoning was that as we all know Lyme can cause paranoia, I think it better for one specific person NOT to be responsible for the list.

BUT what about suggesting finding a "buddy" in the headlines of the medical questions, who we feel safe with, and has our personal e-mail and phone #?

This way, if we get concerned about someone, we can check up on them? Where has Al who was in the coma a few months back go to, for example? And of course the concern about tailz; we don't know whether she truly is suicidal, but we could easily have a member become suicidal on the board, and contact info could be valuable.

Voluntary, of course.

Best wishes,
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

I rate fairly high on the empathy scale, however, I think anyone who gives out personal contact information should be aware of the responsibilities, scope and breath of potential situations that could arise.

I gotta say, just offering opinions about medical stuff makes me nervous. But, we know, that many don't have doctors and that this extremely complex condition takes a long time to understand.

There also appears no right treatment for everyone. So, sharing what we have learned may be of help.

So, too, in the emotional/psychological area. Not everything is lyme, although lyme certainly can have some very dizzying aspects for both body and mind.

I think it takes someone TRAINED in counseling to be the best source in emergency situations.

Once a personal relationship is established, it may take direction that neither the helper nor the one seeking help are prepared to handle.

For anyone, I'd say, Just be sure, think, and think again before giving out personal contact information. You could be on call 24/7 . . . and so would your family . . . every time the phone rings.

It's not that any of us are not caring, but we simply may not have the emotional energy or the professional training for this sort of support. We have no way to sort and shift and be as objective as possible.

And, be aware of how the dynamics might change and if that will work or not.

This might be a matter for local support groups to address with local numbers for after hours phone counseling, etc. with PROFESSIONALS trained in psychology and pharmacology (as if someone is on certain meds, those can have certain side-effects, etc.).

And . . .for us to keep in mind success stories . . . diversion . . . we all can develop our own lists for what brings us enjoyment or purpose and how to hold onto hope for better health.

Beyond the potential privacy and legal issues (on both sides) with trading home/ family phone numbers, being the life-line for someone else can be very complicated.

And, asking for a life-line of others who are also struggling may be too much to ask of anyone who is not trained. As it is, notes posted are answered fairly quickly here.

I am amazed at the compassion that is already here in abundance. However, we cannot see the full picture and - especially in a mental health emergency - this could be sort of like practicing medicine without a license.

As well, being able to avoid projecting our own feelings and retaining objectivity can be very difficult for such tender matters from any distance.

take care, everyone.


[ 22. February 2008, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by sometimesdilly (Member # 9982) on :
i agree with you, Keebler.

We can post phone numbers to suicide hotlines and/or immediate/urgent resources, and we can say we care, but beyond that, not.

there are very real limits to what any of us could do to help a person in crisis even if it was someone we knew and she lived next door.

Lymenet is a great community for many things, but folks who come here ideally should have have in-person resources to rely upon.

When it comes right down to it, few of us have actually met or spoken to fellow Lymenetters over a long enough time to say we really "know" one another.

Posted by canbravelyme (Member # 9785) on :
I actually wasn't thinking of councelling, but if someone suddenly disappears off the board who was in critical condition, that we do what we can to make sure that person gets to the resources they need (including counceling). Arms length: for reasons you describe.

I was considering this for emergency use only.
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
I think the idea has merit....although I kind of like

The approach of a buddy system.

Like a mentor with a new student.

Not necessarily to give out medical info....but to check on, give support to, etc.

Of course, given the troll problem that Sarah has even makes this hard.

Not everyone will post....some are too sick.

Some too scared. Some don't even know what to ask.

It took me a long time to figure out PM and searching. [shake]


Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
Can and Geneal, I agree with you guys and think it would be a good idea. Members here know what other folks have gone and are going through in a way that families or other friends may not be able to. The people with which I maintain a personal friendship with here mean so so so much.

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