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Posted by bejoy (Member # 11129) on :
You always listen, no matter what.

You don't interrupt me in the middle of trying to compose a sentence to tell me what I should be thinking and feeling.

It doesn't matter how long it takes for me to come up with the right words. You just wait patiently until I post.

You don't try and fill in the words or complete my sentences for me. I can sit and wait for hours for a word I used to know to pop back into my mind.

If I make a mistake or say something stupid, I can even take back my words entirely, and you don't seem to mind.

You don't interrupt me in the middle of my rants to tell me to get over it, or to tell me to get a better attitude. You just let me rant away, until I get it all out of my system.

Then you offer gentle support, or a humorous kick in the pants or mallet to the head if I really need one.

I love it that I can commune with two or three thousand of my closest friends, who really understand me, and you'll always be there any time of the day or night with a smile, hugs, or a woo hoo to cheer me on.

Lymenet, and my individual lymenet friends, whose names are too numerous to mention, thanks for being there for me. What would I do without you? You're the best.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

BEJOY, YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN and again, touched each of our hearts with your beautiful gift of writing from the heart to our hearts.

thank you my friend; you are able to put into words all your thoughts and feelings and make everyone think you wrote this JUST FOR THEM!!

we are lucky to know you and appreciate everything you do and give to us/board! God bless you Bejoy! [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :

It is such an honor to have you as our friend.

You give so much to us too.

We love you lots and lots! [Smile]


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
It's pretty cool, isn't it!! Thanks and hugs!! [group hug]
Posted by daise (Member # 13622) on :
Hi bejoy,

That is gentle and lovely. It's well written. Thank you.

daise [Smile]
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
Heck--for all I know, I might be dead if it weren't for you guys!
Posted by madge (Member # 13704) on :
I just can't thank all of you enough..i have learned so much and you all are so giving...i know my better half loves it when i read or tell him that somone is going through the same stuff...there is another illness that says "one day at a time"..i guess thats all we can hope for,,but one good day would be nice...take care everyone... [group hug]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
[group hug]
Posted by mtree (Member # 14305) on :
Thanks Bejoy.... [hi]

All of it is soooooo true....what you wrote is what I feel....
I smiled all the way through it.... [Smile]

I am thankful for all these silent friendships I have.....

none of you have ever looked at me like I was crazy!!! [loco] [Big Grin]

[group hug] mtree

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