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Posted by rosebuds mom (Member # 17435) on :
I would like to thank everyone at Lyme

net for the help you have given our family in

the last year. Lyme net has been a life line to

us during the most horrific times in our lives.

Nine months ago my 11yr old daughter was

diagnosed with Lyme, Babs. and Bart. and if it

wasn't for Lyme net I don't know how long it

would have taken us to find the correct info

about Lyme which ultimately led us to find the

LLMD that saved her life.

This is the first time I have been able to bring

myself to post. We have been to hell and back.

My daughter has gone from not being able to

function at all to being 75% better. We are

finally seeing the light at the end of a very

dark tunnel. A light that I didn't think we

would ever see again.

I remember the day the hope began to trickle

through our despair. Our daughter walked,

unaided, for the first time in many months on

Thanksgiving. We were indeed thankful!! It was

an emotional moment. Both of her grandfathers

even cried! She has slowly gotten better

since. There were mostly days when we were

unsure that she was getting better. But there

is not much you can do but wait, worry, and

love. Her symptoms waxed and waned. It was

terrifying. But just like our LLMD said

the ``good'' minutes would grow into ``good'' hours,

then to days, weeks, months and years. We are

in the weeks and are starting to believe in the

months and years.

Also, I would like to tell all the parents of

Lyme kids that there is hope. Moms and dads

don't give up. It gets so much worse before it

gets better, but it does get better. Our

collective hearts and souls have been broken.

It is a very dark place that we have to lead our

children through but it's the only way out. And

even though most of the medical community makes

you feel like you are on your own, you are not


It is hard as a parent to adjust to the reality

that our children have to have Lyme in their

lives. But the only way out is through and we

change and ...go forward. When my daughter asks

me why this has happened to her I cannot answer,

except to say that we all have difficult

challenges in life and sometimes the challenges

just keep coming and it is unfair. But we have

each other to help us through and that is a


We have each other!

Thank you Lymnet friends for being there for all

of us. You have provided countless families

with support and encouragement during our

darkest days and nights.

Love and good health,

Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
What a lovely lovely letter.

It warms the heart and puts a smile on the face, for sure.

I am sorry for your troubles but it looks like the one thing your daughter had going for her ...

The BEST thing she had..

Was a dear mother that went the extra mile.

What a blessing you are.

Hugs to you and your little darling.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
rosebuds mom,

You are right, the people here at lymenet are wonderful.

I am so glad that they were able to help you and your family in your time of need.

You are a great Mom and I can really feel the hope in your voice. That is heartwarming.

I have faith that your daughter will enjoy a good life because of your own faith, hope and love....and the greatest of these is love.

Because it is from our hardest struggles that we learn the most, she may just grow up to be the greatest Lyme researcher!

I will pray for her and all of your family for continued strength and improvement.

Thank you for posting this.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
rosebud's mom,

thank you for the lovely, heartfelt thank you to all of us here who may have guided you here and there!!

give her an extra hug/kiss from us all; so glad to read she is on her way into REMISSION.
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Thank you for the lovely letter.

Such a testimonial for us Mom's who have children with Lyme.

I have two young children.

We had thought them both in remission, but

Symptoms are flaring once again.

Your letter gives me strength to keep on pushing through.

Hope. Sometimes it is all we have.

Sometimes it is all we need.


Posted by Kayasdad (Member # 15675) on :

As the father of a seven year old who has been battling Lyme for the past two years and who, like your daughter, could not function at all for a considerable length of time, your words of encouragement mean more than you could know.

I sympathize with what you have gone through and am incredibly glad to hear you are 75% of the way through the hell. May God carry your daughter and the rest of your family the remaining 25% of the way!
Posted by tdtid (Member # 10276) on :
What a wonderful story of true inspiration.

Thank you so much for sharing this story. It shows the very rough nightmare you have lived but also shows a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hoping that Rosebud continues to keep improving.

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
rosebud's mom,

please copy your post and paste it also in SUCCESS STORIES at the top of support; more parents need to be able to read your inspiring words to give them HOPE when there seems like none there! thanks [Smile]
Posted by rosebuds mom (Member # 17435) on :
Thank you everyone. Warm healing thoughts and hugs to you all!!!
Rosebuds mom
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
In addition to lymenet, we have a great parent's group on It's a totally different kind of site, more of a social networking site for support and getting to know each other. Feel free to join us there, too.
Posted by Meg (Member # 22) on :
Our collective hearts and souls have been broken.
It is a very dark place that we have to lead our
children through but it's the only way out. And
even though most of the medical community makes
you feel like you are on your own, you are not

Beautiful words Mom, I'm so glad you were helped at LymeNet and I hope your little one continues in good health!

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