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Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Has anyone started this yet? We should all post pics on here of all the ribbons!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
i started last week.

do NOT put them on car/van/pickup doors ... with your speed it's tearing them to shreds, and the force can take OFF YOUR CAR PAINT! we have a new van 1 month old so i need to remove them from there. driving in town started shredding ribbons too!

i've got mine on front door; our front tree was cut down last year since it was by sewer system that ws all dug up and replaced...uffda; a beautiful tulip tree!
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
I've bought my ribbons but been too sick to hang them. Really looking forward to doing so though
Posted by lakes592 (Member # 18905) on :
I haven't received my Ribbon yet. I ordered it online. I have to cal Monday and find out where it is.
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Awesome, I started hanging them today. In my yard. Then I put a bunch on bulletins in stores with a sign that said take one and hang somewhere in support of Lyme Disease.

My son wanted a ride to the next town, so I bribed him and handed him a bunch of ribbons and said I'd give him a ride if they put up the ribbons lol. So the next town over will have some too.
Posted by hurtingramma (Member # 7770) on :
I started putting them out last week - I live in a rural area, so am putting them up in neighboring towns. I have probably put up about 50 so far. I have to drive from place to place, and am having a hard time finding places to put them.

Also, I work and don't really have the time to make a bunch.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
another suggestion; POST IN YOUR SMALL TOWN POST OFFICES! many of them are receptive to this type of thing, and folks pick up their mail daily there!! [Smile]
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
hurtin grama, every little bit helps, you did great! I keep thinking I could do more too. But you know if just one parent who has a child who just got bit by a tick goes and sees your ribbon and then demands abx for their kid, then we saved one person!
Posted by Kayasdad (Member # 15675) on :
We hung 7 - 50 yd spools so far. Lined the primary road down both our home town and the neighboring town. Also lined Main Street of one of the two towns. Ordered three more spools to complete. LOOKS AWESOME!!! To add to it, we've contacted local businesses and schools to have something regarding Lyme Awareness on their marquees, so passers by know what the green ribbons represent. So far it is on about a dozen signs. But more are popping up as I type this.

Also did a tag Day fundraiser for our organization (to both raise funds and to get people's attention raising awareness) immediately following the hanging of the ribbons - raised approx. $1500 dollars and distributed "church bulletin inserts" (Lyme fact sheets) to local churches - over 1000 handouts!!! Purchasing dozens of books to distribute to local schools/doctors offices/libraries and hospitals.

It was so wonderful, standing in front of businesses to solicit donations and hear others saying "yeah, it's lyme disease awareness month". You better believe the peeps in West Virginia are gonna know about Lyme and Co!!!
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Awesome Kayasdad! Wow, you did great! I have pinned up so many ribbons in grocery stores and such for people to tak enad hang up but so far only people I know are taking any!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
kayasdad .... outstanding; you received the support from city, etc. to do this.

lisa, good for you too. [Smile]
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Yay, the city told my husband today that we can hang up ribbons anywhere we want except for on stop signs. I need more ribbon!
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
I'm so nervous but excited. I just got a call from The Lake Geneva Regional and they are coming to my house on Friday, my little emabarrassing house! Anyways, to do a photot shoot and feature a story on Lyme Disease Awareness Month! Gopd please let me be good that day.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

wishing you the best; have some things there to hand them as well ok! another poster asked for info and we gave her galore ok! [Smile] .... i think it might have been OCEAN.
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Ok Betty, so far I put together a packet that I have been handing out to people with a lot from the LDA website, about prevention of lyme and co-infections the symptoms and the controversy behind it as well as the innacurate tests, and all the info on the Bill HR 1179. Plus I got three flyers from the LDA website too.
Posted by trishee (Member # 9699) on :
Way to go all of you!! we are making ourselves visible. LisaS don't be nervous. Every article is saving lives. I must say be ready for the phone to ring when your story comes out. This is a good thing. My first article came out 4/29 and I was bombarded with sick scared people praying I could help them find a lyme doc. I did for each and everyone. I dont have a doc but they do. Anyway a whole other group started calling wanting to help with awareness campaign and asking who should they call to help get the bill passed. I told them to go online and type in your state representatives. It gives state numbers and their DC office numbers where they all are now. The more the better. The rest have become the Sturbridge MA lyme disease coalition and we are having our second meetiing Monday with a reporter to do yet another story. All good for the lyme community. We must be visible until we get a cure not just for the month of may. Everyone make sure the kids in your town are safe on school athletic fields. UOS showings is next for us and many ideas to keep the pressure on and the truth coming out. I personally think when UOS comes out in June it will blow the lid off of this whole nightmare.
So make some notes and tell that reporter everything and tell him where he can find proof. LDA IDSA. Good luck.
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Trish, I gave the reporter the newspaper article on you, he already knew a lot about it. I guess more people in my town have lyme then I thought. There are two houses across town from me that are all decorated in ribbons and lyme signs. And he said on his way to my house he saw a big green sign that said, help suppport The Trish Project. It was a couple towns away. So the word is definately getting out there!

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