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Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Couch potato day for me...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Tsk, tsk!! [tsk] [Big Grin]

I walked 38 laps.. one mile. Feel good!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes, Lymetoo, no walking for me. But since I have guests in the house, I have been climbing stairs like crazy. I am going to put my pedometer back on and see what my steps are. And count the stair trips.

Kudos, on going a mile! I am glad you are feeling well!

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Darn. Just typed a long recap and then lost it. REsing now and then I will try again.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
I like the pedometer idea. Wish I had thought of that when I had a guest...who just left yesterday.

I recall I did the 5 min walk into the forest, rest on rock and 5 min out yesterday...

And she drove to the Rim Lakes. We stopped at the first one and then went on to the next one which was on a dirt road for 12 miles.

That was not such a good move on my part. I was not up to the over all picture and was just dealing with what was in front of me.

Ended up hiking down a steep trail to the water's edge. No place to lie down so sat on a rock for too long. Then hiked up the trail, resting where ever I could.

Rosie helped me...I used the harness on her. On the job training. She did well.

We also hiked up the creek at the Waterwheel place while she was here.

I did great on the way to the large boulder that I was looking for but wished I hadn't let me feet get away from me on the way back.

The brain was really struggling to talk to the legs and feet about how to get back over the boulders etc.

The brain would just go blank on me. But, it all worked out OK.

We saw an female Elk on the way back.

I saw a Male Elk one morning in the field across the street. I was in my power chair. First time I have seen Elk since I moved here.

I was feeling low and sad as I had to face how little I am able to do while my friend was here still.

So, seeing the Elk cheered me up.

Not much water at the Waterwheel creek now.

We also went out to the Shoofly Indian Ruins and walked around the first day she came.

Lots of sleeping in between our outings. I usually don't sleep during the day but was in and out of napping while she was here and sleeping at night.

I also was on my feet with the help of Rosie and the harness at a couple of stores I wanted to show her.

one has a lot of western stuff to look at. WE also went into an antique store I had been wanting to browse but hadn't since I moved here.

I was on my feet both times.

I missed my water therapy session this week due to being on my feet the night before climbing over those boulders and over doing it.

Hoping to be able to go further up the creek next time. But, need to do it when I am doing well.

Which is kind of tricky because I was strong on the way there but faded fast on the way back.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Sounds like a nice visit, KAM! Lots of adventures.

Miss Pris and I moseyed up to the mail box in the rain today. People are getting so used to the rain that they are walking and biking out in it anyway! Tomorrow is the first promised day of sunshine in weeks! I will be outside for sure!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I walked 1 mile again today.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hi all!

I'm back home safe and sound from Texas. While there I was fortunate enough to find and visit the Alamo! What a wonderful time I had site seeing!

Oh, and the other day is was a 104 not 102!!!

TuTu, how could you take the heat??? And the highways drove me nuts! What is it with the upper and lower levels of the same Interstate? And all those frontage roads! [Eek!]

Kam, your hike sounded wonderful and the rest of you guys are busting butt!!!


Wednesday-Me and Rocky (who missed me much) went on our usual 3 mile walk with alot of swim time for him.

He was raring to go as soon as I woke up today.

See you all later!

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome back, Aklnwlf! Albuquerque has those frontage roads too. I have always wanted to see the Alamo.

Miss Pris and I went to the mail. She probably won't do much more today. But since the sun is finally out, I am heading out to do garden work.

Have a good one everybody!

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
The Battle of the Alamo (February 23 - March 6, 1836) is the most famous battle of the Texas Revolution.

After a revolutionary army of Texian settlers and adventurers from the United States drove all Mexican troops out of Mexican Texas, Mexican President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna led an invasion to regain control of the area.

Mexican forces arrived in San Antonio de Bexar on February 23 and initiated a siege of the Texian forces garrisoned at the Alamo Mission.

In the early morning hours of March 6 the Mexican army launched an assault on the Alamo. The outnumbered Texians repulsed two attacks, but were unable to fend off a third.

As Mexican soldiers scaled the walls, most of the Texian soldiers retreated into the long barracks or the chapel.

Several small groups who were unable to reach these points attempted to escape and were killed outside the walls by the waiting Mexican cavalry.

The Mexican soldiers fought room-to-room and soon had control over the Alamo. Between five and seven Texians may have surrendered; if so, they were quickly executed on Santa Anna's orders.

Most eyewitness accounts reported between 182 and 257 Texian dead, while most Alamo historians agree that 400-600 Mexicans were killed or wounded.

Of the Texians who fought during the battle, only two survived: Joe, spared because he was a slave, and Brigido Guerrero, a Mexican Army deserter who convinced Mexican soldiers he had been imprisoned.

Women and children, primarily family members of the Texian soldiers, were questioned by Santa Anna and then released.

On Santa Anna's orders, three of the survivors were sent to Gonzales to spread word of the Texian defeat.

After hearing this news, Texian army commander Sam Houston ordered a retreat; this sparked the Runaway Scrape, a mass exodus of citizens and the Texas government towards the east (away from the Mexican army).

News of the Alamo's fall prompted many Texas colonists to join Houston's army.

On the afternoon of April 21 the Texian army attacked Santa Anna's forces in the Battle of San Jacinto.

During the battle many Texians shouted "Remember the Alamo!" Santa Anna was captured and forced to order his troops out of Texas, ending Mexican control of the area, which subsequently became the Republic of Texas.

By March 24 a list of names of the Texians who died at the Alamo had begun to be compiled. The first history of the battle was published in 1843, but serious study of the battle did not begin until after the 1931 publication of Amelia W. Williams's dissertation attempting to identify all of the Texians who died at the Alamo.

The first full-length, non-fiction book covering the battle was published in 1948. The battle was first depicted in film in the 1911 silent film The Immortal Alamo, and has since been featured in numerous movies, including one directed by John Wayne.

The Alamo church building has been designated an official Texas state shrine, with the Daughters of the Republic of Texas acting as permanent caretakers.

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :

We saw a small red bird while hiking up the Waterwheel creek. Not sure if this is it or not.

But, it was a treat to see.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Just checking to see if you were able to get outdoors in the sun yesterday Karen.

I was hoping we would get rain here but it is still hot. perhaps today will be get rain to help cool things off.

Looks like a couch potato day for me today. I was out in my PJ's and robe in the power chair this am to toilet Rosie.

We just went across the street. It is all ready hot out this am.
Posted by lou4656 (Member # 10300) on :
Hey all! No rain here! We had tons of rain up until last week.

But this week . . . G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! Highs around 80 and low humidity. I'm taking advantage of the great weather, because I know that very shortly it will be so humid that it will feel like you're walking around wearing a wet blanket.

So the only exercise that I have gotten this week is when I roll from my stomach to my back while laying in the sun. Oh . . . and the hand to mouth movement as I take a sip of my margarita.

Maybe next week I'll be more productive. Or not.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hi, KAM! Yes, I got out yesterday a little. I weeded one garden bed. And Miss Pris and I went to the mail. Otherwise, I was running around in the car doing errands.

Today, I went to the mail and planted 5 raspberry plants. Then weeded a little. I got dizzy at the end of the row and called it quits. I started back on antibiotics last night. Probably why I didn't feel good weeding.

Lou, you are funny... enjoy the sunbathing! I can't do that. Even though I am lacking energy, lying in the sun is not something I can do. But the hand to mouth thing I can relate to. But for me it is chips!! =)

Have a good day everyone!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by aklnwlf:
[QB] Hi all!

I'm back home safe and sound from Texas. While there I was fortunate enough to find and visit the Alamo! What a wonderful time I had site seeing!

Oh, and the other day is was a 104 not 102!!!

TuTu, how could you take the heat??? And the highways drove me nuts! What is it with the upper and lower levels of the same Interstate? And all those frontage roads! [Eek!]

OH, you saw my husband's ancestors. The ones who died in the Alamo! What a great experience there.

Heat? Oh yeah!

Upper and lower decks of the same road.. must have gone thru Austin! That city is worse than ANY OTHER in TX to drive on the freeways !!!


One mile for me today!! [Smile]
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Lou...coming over to join you. HA! Seriously though..I am like Karen..can't do the sun thing yet.

Karen, glad you were able to do some more gardening and able to walk to the mail box with Ms Pris.

TuTu...good to hear you were able to do a mile.

Saturday am: out in PJ's and robe again via power chair to toilet Rosie this am. All ready hot at 7 am.

Looking forward to one of those mornings when I am doing well enough to get up and get dressed and drive to a trail head and walk a bit.

I did drive to a trail head last night and was on my feet for a very short time. Walked down a dirt road. Didn't even make it to the trail head at the end of the dirt road.

But, enjoyed the drive to the trail head. large, newer homes with lots of land around them.

Beautiful terrain.

A path with a bridge along side a green golf course (see grass around here is unusual so a treat).

Tennis courts. Community swimming pool. Community basketball area.

Quiet community. But, the trail was not that great. It might be better if I were able to walk further in. Also only one place to park a car so parking outside trail head is limited.

There is a gate there that was opened. So, I could have driven down the dirt road to the second trail head.

But, the gate was privately owned. The owner could have decided to close it and then I would have to have what it took to walk up their long drive way that said no trespassing/private land and ask them to open it so I could get my car out.

So, looks like I can't explore that trail head until I am able to be on my feet longer.

I took 2 excedrin this am. Can you tell?? It makes me more verbal!!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
I had another thought. I most likely haven't been able to get out on the trail head as much due to:

1. My friend coming to visit and needing to recover from over doing it while she was here. (although she did the grocery shopping, dishes, cooking, and laundry while she was here)

2. Waiting for the new household help. I am struggling around the house.

I was hoping when the new company took over the contract with the county I wouldn't need them.

But, it looks like I do. Not able to take care of household chores myself yet.

The letter they sent me was dated June 8th.

I was finally able to contact them yesterday. The letter said they would be contacting me but they hadn't yet.

I saw the old person who helped a couple of times before the county changed organizations yesterday.

She gave me her business card. She is working free lance now. She is good enough to do so.

I am still hoping I will be able to do things myself at this point...but not realistic.
Posted by EtherealGirl (Member # 4780) on :
Yesterday I ran around all day doing errands, then I cleaned with my boyfriend for about an hour and a half. Boy was I exhausted!

Today I only vacuumed for about 40 minutes. That's it for today!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Sat evening..finally able to get dressed and took Rosie out to toilet via the car.

Walked 5 min into forest, rested on rock, walked out. The heat is too much even though it was around 6 pm.
Posted by EtherealGirl (Member # 4780) on :
I love the heat, but we've had a very fall-like summer so far. Yesterday was downright sweater weather, which is unheard of for July in CT. I'm not happy.

Today I did lots of cleaning and vacuuming. Feeling pretty beat but I've only gotten half of the house done. Having important company tomorrow so must finish!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thanks for the history lesson, kam! I love Texas history. Great fun to teach!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
well, i'm finally joining this post ...

my tummy has gotten so big the last 2 months, it now hits my keyboard and painful!

so i've started walking daily; last 2 days it's been a little over 1 miles on sidewalks around here and taking different routes daily to enjoy the flower beds and gorgeous landscaping.

wearing my ball cap to avoid ticks falling on my hair!

i go to grocery store, new one; nice wide aisles, so i walk at my fastest pace i can with no one in them and get some good mileage that way.

then have to go back as i was concentrating on my race walking and have to come back to get the necessary groceries!

proud of myself too, i bought 1 Yoiprit, sp, yogurt, orange flavored other day, and opened it dipping my celery in it; yummy; so bought 5-10 more other day!

i rarely houseclean! we will be having our small 5-10' bathroom finally remodeled during this next month after getting the 2nd bid proposal.

can't wait! should have done this 20-25 yrs. ago out of 34 yrs. we have lived here.

so house will have to be dusted good after that mess; so let it accumulate; it won't bother me!

when this is going on, we will be WITHOUT A STOOL!! no stool in basement; so gas station will see alot of me! uffda.

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