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Posted by MorningSong (Member # 19989) on :
I wanted to write and ask for your prayers. The next three days are important days for me, and at this time, although I am wanting to keep the faith and be of good courage, I have been battling fear.

Last week a CT Scan found a growth at the base of my brain. I meet with a specialist on Thursday to determine if it is something to be concerned about and if surgery is required.

Wednesday I have an ultrasound on my left breast due to a hard lump.

All of this comes when seeking healing for Lyme and co-infections. I have not been able able to work or drive for 9 months. To have another illness of top of what is happening now, I will feel so broken, and dont even know how a person could handle it.

I am trying to take one day at a time. I would greatly value your thoughts and prayers over the next couple days. I am trying to walk by faith and be of courage, but sometimes it is hard and I feel like breaking down and crying.

With heartfelt thanks,


[ 12-17-2009, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: MorningSong ]
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
I am sorry for all of what your dealing with.

Sending all my prayers and thoughts to you.

I hope that things turn for you in the best possible manner.


And Big Hug to you too...
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Sending prayers your way.
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :

So sorry you have to deal with this. To rule in or out another possibility, please go to u tube and type in brain worm.

There was a woman in the news about 6-8 mos ago and the doctor found a worm in her brain instead of the tumor he thought he saw on the scan.

Don't mean to scare you, but just to make you aware. Parasites and worms play a MAJOR part in Lyme disease,

Sending prayers and healing thoughts,

Posted by Jane2904 (Member # 15917) on :
Will keep you in my prayers.

Praying that all will turn out okay.

Hugs to you, Jane
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Prayers and Angels headed your way.

Please keep us informed.


Posted by joalo (Member # 12752) on :
You are in my prayers!

[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Topaz (Member # 20216) on :
I'm sending all kinds of good thoughts your way, MorningSong. I know how scary health issues can be.

Like you said, take it one day at a time and try not to think the worst(easier said than done I know).

Posted by merrygirl (Member # 12041) on :
thinking of you
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
I've been praying for you too Morningsong.

Big hug [Smile]
Posted by trishee (Member # 9699) on :
It's ok to cry. Crying makes you human. Many of us have had some crazy things come up on scans and many times it turns out to be something only lyme doctors would recognize. Many times these lesions seem to go away with Lyme treatment.
I will pray yours do to and prove to be nothing harmful.
I know you will find that you are much stronger than you can imagine and that you are not alone in your struggle. I'm here for whatevery I can do and I will say a prayer for you.
[email protected]
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
That's alot to deal with.

I am praying for you...that you have the strength to make it through each day, that you will get good news, and that you will find healing.

Blessings to you.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Whew. That would make me cry too!! I will pray for you .. sending you a PM.

I pray that God will make all things new!

[group hug]
Posted by jenny76 (Member # 18205) on :
Prayers sent MorningSong. I am thinking of you and keeping you close in thoughts and prayers.

Posted by MorningSong (Member # 19989) on :
Thank you everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and support. I thank God for giving me the strength to make through.


A mammagram and ultrasound was done on left breast. The doctor stated that it is Fibroadenoma, which is a non-cancerous growth.

Today saw a Neuro-oncologist who stated that the spot on the brain is non-cancerous and is a colloid cyst. Because of the location surgery is not recommended, but if it increases in size surgery would be required. The doctor stated that this would not be causing the pain in my head.

Today I returned from the doctor and received a call from the Health Dept. They stated that in June 2009 I tested IGM positive for Legionella Pneumophila. I never knew this test was even performed by my former LLMD, and this was informative news. Will call former LLMD to get copies of these labs. Hopefully they will send to me.

I am thankful for the good news that this is not cancer. Am still researching my next step as my head is in a lot of pain each day, and my ILADS LLMD does not do IVs. Am considering looking for Lyme Literate Neurologist -- Im not sure what else to do. I just need help with the intense head pain.

Thank you again for being there and all your thoughts and prayers. It has meant a lot. [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I was just praying for you this afternoon again!! So great to hear your "good" news!!!!

Now to fix that headache!! Have you been tested for babesia??? I believe it was the cause of my migraines, which I no longer have.

LL neuro? That will be hard to find.. but there's bound to be one or two in this country!

Take care!!!! [group hug]

ps.. is that the same as Legionaire's disease?
Posted by MorningSong (Member # 19989) on :
Thanks Lymetoo [Smile]

Yes, tested borderline positive for IGG Babesia duncani. Never any night sweats, etc. Thats is great that you are free of the migraines.

Yes, as far as I can tell the Legionella is the same as Legionaire's disease, but I am not totally sure. Not sure if it is a tick borne or water borne illness.

Thank you very much for all your prayers, PMs, etc.
Posted by kmj (Member # 18400) on :
I am interested in this. I was dxd with a benign colloid cyst back in 2000, the same year i was bitten by a spider - not a tick. Ive had regular MRIs for years - no changes.
The neuro thought my cyst could have been caused by exposure to malaria or "another infectious disease". No-one mentioned lyme.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
MorningSong, I'm relieved to hear that everything went well.

Did the doctor give you any recommendations, suggest any further tests or treatments for your head pain and vision problems?

And I can't believe that your former LLMD's office never called to notify you of your positive test results. I was curious so I looked up Legionella Pneumophilia. You get it from breathing in contaminated mist or water vapor. Usually treated with Zithromax or a quinolone like Levaquin. Have you been on one of these antibiotics for Lyme?

I will certainly keep you in my prayers. Hopefully you will be able to find a Lyme literate neurologist to manage your care. Or at least an open minded neurologist willing to work with your LLMD.

Hang in there MorningSong. Big Hug [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Morning... no such thing as "borderline" positive in my book!!

Get your LLMD to at least give you a trial run of babesia meds and see what happens.

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