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Posted by phyl6648 (Member # 28522) on :
Its like a sinus infection without a cold etc. My doctor keeps saying a sinus infection but it will be bad one day and not so bad the next. It effects my balance, eyes and I feel terrible.

Not sure if its food , allergies, sinuses or lyme. It is one of my worst symptoms. Seems an anti-inflammatory med and a decongestant helps. Or could it be MCS? Confused so treat the symptoms. Start back on abx so maybe that will help or hinder..

Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
yup, just did 2 months of full blow sinus and what i thought to be the worse pollen attacks ever, LLMD mentioned mycoplasma, as it tore up the back of my eyes(popped a blood vessel)
and drained my throat sore and then turned my stomach inside out and out the back door like a baby i once knew.
It just passed, as i quit the meds and added a better probiotic to my diet, it just ran a course like stomach bug would, i had flu/h1 shots in november, as i did have a family member with the bug about then too... I believe it takes much more out of US that have lyme, to beat even a simple cold.
I really noticed it after laying down for 20 mins. veritgo and pressure.
Most of my ducks give u antibiotics and plenty of fluids & rest for treatment... spicey foods helped the most and garlic too.
it was easy to be come dehydrated.
hope you find an answer soon, feel for ya.
wayne, the Lord is Listening.
Posted by philly78 (Member # 31069) on :
I used to. This is the first time in about 10 years that I am not having really bad congestion and sinus problems! Actually, the only times I really ever called out of work was due to sinus problems. It was awful!

Not much helped and I tried EVERYTHING! But the most beneficial thing for me in the past has been a netti pot. It did help more than any meds for me, but I still suffered...pretty much all year round I would have problems. They would get worse in May/June...subside a bit...then come roaring back around Sept/Oct until Dec.

Not this year though! Woo-hoo. I think it is because I cut dairy out of my diet. I still eat goat cheese but have completely cut out products made from cow's milk.

I just cannot find any other explanation for my not having symptoms. My post nasal drip has improved greatly as well.
Posted by phyl6648 (Member # 28522) on :
Tks. Payne and Philly..Yes,I have the vertigo too and can't tell you how bad I feel. I almost pass out I am so weak. I can feel pressure and my heart beating in my head, teeth etc. and ears ringing 24/7.

Payne, what kind of probiotic are you or did you take?

Philly, you sound like me, I have this yr. round but in May/June and Sept/Oct are when it is the worse. I have cut out all dairy, gluten and sugar but still have these horrible sinus like problems.
I do use the netti-Pot but it clogs my ears

My doc thinks if I could clear my sinus infection I wouldn't notice lyme. I had a horrible sinus infection when I had my lyme western blot.. Not sure if that would be one reason I tested positive.
Posted by philly78 (Member # 31069) on :
I think it could be associated with the lyme. I do remember reading an article which discussed HEENT problems associated with lyme. IIRC, headaches in the front or behind the eyes were common with babesia...on top of the head bartonella and suboccipital H/A were common with lyme. I'll have to see if I bookmarked it.

Yep...I did. It actually discusses pediatric TBI but I would think the same symptoms can be seen in adults. Here is the link.

Actually, the above is the article that prompted me to get my son tested for lyme. He has chronic sinus problems as well, and his ears get fire engine red!

It does state in the article that if the sinus probs or congestion get worse after eating, it is related to food allergies/sensitivities. Maybe you can keep a food diary and see if that is the case with you. If it isn't, I would say it is just from the lyme or another co-infection.

Hope you get to feeling better soon and get to the bottom of this! more thing. Another thing I used to do to help with the congestion was this. I would bring a big pot of water to a boil, then let it sit for a moment to cool. Don't want it to be too hot! Squeeze some lemon juice in it and then lean over and breath in the steam with a towel over your head. You could probably do a google search and see if there are any other herbs to ass to it.
Posted by philly78 (Member # 31069) on :
I came across something today when doing some searching on the internet and I thought of you while reading it.

Bear with me on all I am saying as I only started reading up on this today. It piqued my interest because of my past problems with sinus infections and ya never know if the problem may come roaring back!


It was in reference to MARCONS which is a resistant infection and can reside in your sinuses. The "CONS" part stands for coagulase negative staph. MAR is for multiple antibiotic resistant.

Apparently, it can cause chronic sinus problems in those with lyme. This can happen because of all the abx we are taking and/or our weakened immune systems.

See HERE and scroll down to where MARCONS is mentioned....a little less than halfway down the page. You will see where some suggestions for treatment are made.
Posted by Hambone (Member # 29535) on :

Has your doctor tested you to see if it's a fungal infection and not bacterial?

I ask because several years ago, my mom was having a terrible time with a sinus infection and took every abx she could but it never went away.

She finally was a day or two away from having sinus surgery and the doctor figured out she had a huge fungus ball in her sinuses. Put her on antifungals and it went away.
Posted by phyl6648 (Member # 28522) on :
Hambone, yes he has tested and says it is bacterial. I have never finished the abx. They do help and when I get to feeling better I forget to take them. Then hate myself when it pops up again.

I have started clindamycin for lyme and I can tell it has helped so gotta stick with it this time.

Philly 78, thank you. I feel if I will stick to the abx. just maybe they will help . Probably only to return but hope not.
Posted by michiganfun (Member # 31128) on :
I don't know if this will help but I came across this the other day. I too have a lot of congestion, and upping my probiotics have helped.
Posted by lymeinhell (Member # 4622) on :
96% of all chronic sinusitis is fungal

My ENT was astounded at the eradication of my sinus 'infections' when my LLMD put me on a few months of Diflucan. Up until that point, they were pressuring me for surgery. And afterward, I was released from both the ENT and Allergist's care.

The catch 22 is that being on abx for lyme will make you more susceptible to future fungal growth. Perhaps you try rx anti-fungals along with your abx.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Amoxicillin doesn't treat Mycoplasma Payne. Who told you it does?

Originally posted by payne:
4000 amox a day, yet, it is a slow progress...
actually spicy foods, that break up the head pressure was good for me ...
search out mycoplasma,
many herbs can bring relief too.
but, i am on blood thinners so watch those herbs.. for me. No K - Vit interactions.
tell your lyme doctor and get their ideas.
hope you can smell better, breath better soon.

Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
no one, LLMD mentioned mycoplasma
as i was on amoxillicin...
I did not say i was treating it with amoxillin either...
but, now that the testing has gone a step further.
my stool samples too.
flagyl is being ordered ASAP
as mycoplasma
and babesiosis
with bartonellosis
and ehrlichiosis
high liver e'z
and c-dif
all have been just dx'd with
LLMD stated" My God, you must be really ill"
really another month of diahhrea, and near blindness with brain pains like elec shocks.
and my blood clots, with warfin, oh, yaha
Aosteoarthritis in both kness, that need total replacement soon, hopefully after i get over
L Y M E.
gee, this is fun [cussing]

[ 07-01-2011, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: payne ]
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Hey, Phyl, if you want to try an experiment - when I started drinking mangosteen juice, the Ultra kind made by Trace Minerals, my sinuses ran for two days, and I wasn't even aware of having any sinus issues!

If you try drinking mangosteen juice, go slowly and also drink water, as it can be powerful. It's an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant juice.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
I don't think of it as a full feeling as much as I feel it's inflammation. I'm not snotty. But I've found the last few months that just blowing my nose really good first thing in the morning seems to help my ears.

My ears are really bothersome and glands running down from ears. This blowing of nose even without much coming out(gross I know) but it does help me.

It's not a sinus or cold feeling or even allergy feeling. I used to have bad sinus & allergy problems 30 yrs ago in spring and fall.

What is there now is there all year long. I'm chemically sensitive and my nose, throat and head react to chemicals but that is also different than allergy type stuff.

Fungus or some unknown bacterial thing could be there? I do know that running staph & step freqs on rife make it better for a few days. My ears are good then it's back.

I need a staph nasal swab? Is'nt that what identifies staph in body? Strep anti-bodies came back high but doc thought that was from past infection?????? I don't know that I agree, but?

I need to make out a rife schedule that my body can handle. My prayer is this new doc I'm looking into can help me with a schedule good for me and not a rear kicker.

I need a degree on my wall Robin. Robin do you have a degree yet?

Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
philly78, I too just did some reading last night on Macrons. Very interesting reading in deed.

I got this book from holistic therapist Friday and I'm in OMG just reading it. It is a physicain book.

Since I know more than the typical lay person, why shouldn't I read the doctors version????

I'm learning some very interesting things. Things Gigi has been speaking of for years!!!
Gigi is a rock, ROCK!


Knowledge is power.

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