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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
OK.. time for a new thread!! I can't take all the scrolling!!

Posted by penguingirl (Member # 28688) on :
Quack quack!

I walked around town a lot yesterday with a friend after having lunch. It was nice out and I felt ok and it was nice to do something "normal".
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Very cool Penguin Girl.

Quack, Quack....getting up now to take a couple of excedrin and the we shall see where I woddle too.
Posted by twicebitten (Member # 5412) on :
my daughter and I took a walk around the neighborhood after our BBQ lunch. It was nice outside (not 113) and we enjoyed just looking around. We were probably gone for about 10-15 min. and walked about 6 blocks or so.
My legs were aching and I had to lie down after, but it was worth it.
I was supposed to die hair with her too, but I never got back up. She did hers and it looks great. Hope to get mine done today..after I do some exercise..
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Twice is good to be able to be on our feet in a stroll and have it not be so hot.

Actually cool out at sunrise this am as I drove out to the trailhead with windows down.

Waddled the 10 min loop/resting half way. Rosie wanted to run more so got in the car and let her run as I drove.

Drove by gas station and feedstore (both closed) Used Electric cart and pickd up a few groceries with ear plugs in.

Learning to ask for help unloading the groceries and puttting them in the car.

Ran into the guy who as been hiking that trail for years now. He looked very old. Aged a lot since I saw him last.

Then learned he had started on the trail at 3 am and was just now getting back at 6 am. Maybe not so old but just plain worn out.

he wears a headlamp. I wonder what kind of wild life he sees at that time of the night. But, didn't have what it took to ask him.

He said he was getting all he could get done health wise before moving out of the country and has surgery this week.

He is a navy seal so maybe tracking through the forest at dark is something he is use to??

one of these days I will ask him why he likes to go at that time.

He has a nice home in this area and that wonderful trail to walk each day. Wondering why he would want to move out of the country.

Maybe I will ask him that question too one of these days.

But, for now, it takes all I have just to do the 10 min loop. Talking is out.

Drove by gas station and feedstore...both were closed. Gas station was out of gas for the most part...guessing it is because of the Labor Day weekend traffic.

It was cooler here yesterday. I only had the air on for a short period of time. Most of the day and night the windows were open. Nice. quiet.

I am hungry but too exhausted to get up and get somethign to eat. Hskpr/caregiver is coming in a few so most likely will not be able to eat until after she leaves in an hour.

Going to put the ear muffs on. I have told her at least 2 times if not 3 times that talking makes me worse...causes brain to inflame and I feel Like I am going to toss my cookies and will if I don't keep it quiet.

She doesn't get it. So many people don't.

Going to try the write it down thing this am. I use to do that when I was busy at work and people wanted to stop and talk.

When they had to write it down, it turned out not to be that important.

I would also tell them I wasn't able to visit but would be free at lunch time if they wanted to visit.

Again, not that important...they just wanted to hear themselves talk... Interesting.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
glad to see you guys out and about

i woke up with very little pain and able to walk so i am off to the barn for the last time b4 the wedding-4-5 days i think.

i plan to go to a real campground the last night and the guy will show me how to winterize camper

this campgound has an agility corse for dogs at it so maybe etta will get more exercise than me!!

have a good week all

i dont get it how one day i am crying and screaming from pain and unable to walk and 24 hrs later i can
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
kayak..sounds like fun!

Able to water the potted plants ( 5)

Hskpr vacuumed, swept and mopped kitchen floor, put bedspread on bed and tucked in sheets, made hard boiled eggs, fixed tuna fish salad and washed skillets and I think (hope) wiped down the kitchen counters in the hour she was here.

She is good. Haven't checked the shower yet..that was on the list but i told her to pick which things she wanted to do as I always have more on the list than can be done in an hour.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Quack, quack indeed!! I'm still waddling around over here. I guess I need to walk back and forth in the house. Our place is down a slope .. so I'm not sure I can walk up the hill without aggravating my back.

I plan to go for my first spinal decompression therapy this afternoon. I've only driven one other time in the past 3-4 wks. Hope it goes well. I'd like to go to the grocery store too. Pray for me!

Getting pretty tired of doing nothing around here. My pain is easing some, so that is good!

kayak.. glad you feel better today

penguin... woohooo!!

kam.. glad you have a new hskpr.. I think that guy has a marijuana farm!! LOL

twiceb.. I want some Texas BBQ!!!
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Had to catch up with last week's thread and thanks TuTu for starting this week.

I need to go home but wanted to check in.

Friday painted for 6 hours, Saturday for 5 1/2.

Brick wall in the livingroom looks so much better painted white.

Finally regained the use of my arms on Monday [Roll Eyes] just in time for work today.

Loved reading what everyone's been up too. You all really keep me going.

Will catch up later!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Please pray for the people of Texas. I'm so heart-broken for them. What a nightmare!!!

I pray we don't lose our family land to the fires. It's been in the family about 125 years.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
I have been thinking of you whenever I see a report on the news or computer of Tx.

ALW good to hear from you. makes more sense to me that he is growing marijuana in the National Forest and that is why he is there during dark 30 than he is on the trail at dark 30 because maybe he can't sleep or it is due to health issues or it is cooler.

he walks this trail daily and has for years in all seasons.

I am envious of him. I would like to spend a couple of hours each morning in the forest. it is a beautiful area where he walks.

But, I must admit, I would prefer day light.

[ 09-07-2011, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: kam ]
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
I am done in this am. I was able to get gas in the car and go to the drive up window at the bank to get quarters for the laundry but they were not open yet.

I did drive on a dirt road for 5/10 of a mile while Rosie ran.

I did get out to take a pic but that did me in.

2 pm and finally realized why I am so bummed today. I was not able to do the 10 min loop this am.

[ 09-07-2011, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: kam ]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Vacuumed today and when I get home have to do some laundry.

Oh joy joy!!! [spinning smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I bet he is, kam!! (growing MJ)

I washed two loads of clothes. Big whoop.

Hi, AK!!

So far our land is OK. Tomorrow is another day. So sad to see people returning to burned out homes.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to do the 10 min loop in the forest. SAw a pair of Elk on the way to the trail head.

That was a treat.

Able to take care of two items at WM via the electric scooter. Right foot was going numb before I even got in the store.

That is my cue I need to recline. Blood or oxygen to the brain also seems to fade fast.

Power Chair TEch will be here this afternoon to install batteries and tires. This brings me joy.

Put two loads of laundry in. Forgot laundry soap twice. Came back to get it the first time and picked up another load of laundry instead and forgot soap.

So had to go back again to apartment. Thankful for power chair to move my body are that task would not be do able.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
well-i couldnt finish my first ride and the next day had severe knee pain again so left barn and ortho saw me this morning

1. i probably need my left knee replacement fixed or replaced...its loose.

its a big surgery-not just a lap.

he says i can wait til after wedding and he gave me PT just in case he is wrong---i have had some pretty bad cramping in my back and i have not been walking might be the SI joint out again

and the more i read in gravelins book about lipitor poisoning the more i know i have it

i did find a sort of tx for it

it is the diet i am basically on and 12 supps

i'm so broke but i went out and charged them...270. i feel desperate cuz the ppl who get this and dont get it under control get and ALS type illness

in one part of the book graveline says he thought he had arthritis and disc degeneration and he was txing them and when he figured out to use the supps he started to feel better in a week and was a whole lot better in 4 weeks

i am dx with those two i thing the suppss are worth a try

also-the good news...i can do anything as long as it doesnt hurt and today i walked with a cane along the ocean about 20 min and then rested on a rock and then walked 20 min back

and i will figure a way to ride without pain---but i cant do it in a lesson situation. i kept trying to explain to the instructor but she didnt get it...she thinks i need to be working really hard all the time or its not worth being on

anyway...she taught me a lot in that month

so i guess i have to close up the nh house so it it safe til i get back and winterize the camper and get it settled for winter and head back to nj

hope no new hurricanes come to spoil the wedding but bad weather sure is many places...

ive drivien by many washed out roads in nh and the news in vt is still bad. and of course texas.

i didnt know nys got hit so bad till i read about binghamton on here. my aunts in ithaca...hope shes ok

not sure when i'll be back...i'm in the camper w/o elec these days...hang what you can whereever you are. i will be too.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Be safe, kayak!! Hope you get relief from the supps. If you get a chance, list what you bought. Would be interested to see what they are.

kam.. hope your day ended happily!

I did venture out to mail some bills. Oh joy.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Rdg your post later kayak. Brain inflamed right now.

Power chairs are up and running again. Oh happy Day.

I am exhauted but he tech did all the work.

I was on my feet more than usual while he was here plus trying to be polite and process what he was saying to me.

Taht is a work out in itself.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hi there friends! [kiss]

Well, just did some things with my Mom. Took her to the oral surgeon for a follow-up and a little shopping.

Have been really tired this week. Not sleeping well. Looking forward to the weekend.

See you all later!

Posted by penguingirl (Member # 28688) on :
Washed bedsheets/towels and some clothes.

So tired!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
This is good PG. Not that you are so exhausted but that you were able to do the laundry.

ALW...hope you get several good nights of sleep in a row. Makes life so much more do able.

Able to do the 10 min loop this am. Tricky as I did not sleep well last night but thankful I was able to be on the trail.

Double rainbow to the West at Sunrise. Nice treat.
Posted by Susie R (Member # 30780) on :
Today I hope to take one small walk around the block. I just got diagnosed with Lyme &Co a coupla weeks ago, today I found out I also have a (local, non-invasive) breast cancer.

I'm determined to take the best care of myself possible, so today I am focused on that walk!

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Susie....I find I can't walk around the block due to traffic noise, movement, etc. Sensory overload for the brain.

But, I can walk in the great outdoors where it is quiet.

Hoping you are able to walk around the block but just in case you run into problems. It took me a long time to figure out I needed to walk in the quiet and stillness.

Good to hear you are focusing on what you can do.

Able to take a shower and empty the DW. Also put dirty dishes in sink to soak.

Cool and quiet here today. Very nice.
Posted by JeniferM (Member # 31996) on :
Am able to [mostly] concentrate on work today - yay! Yesterday was bad. Don't tell my boss! ;-)

On second thought... that's not really exercise, is it?
Posted by sutherngrl (Member # 16270) on :
I walked a mile today, inside; 2nd time this week. Then went to walmart and the grocery store. I also did a load of laundry when I got home.

It is really hard for me to stay busy, because I am depressed. I just have to keep trucking. I have to force myself to just keep going.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Jenifer and Susie .. Welcome!!
ANYTHING counts as exercise, as long as you are moving!!

suthern.. When depressed, MOVE!! I find it helps a lot!!

I ran a few errands today before going for my second spinal decompression therapy. Wish I could do more walking. May have to drive to the nearby track next week. The weather is too good to pass up!!

I can't walk far, but need to get out and enjoy the fall weather.

I've been cooped up for 3+ weeks now. Have only driven a few times.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Yeah, end of the week, one more work day to go for me! [Big Grin]

Walked Rocky once around the yard today.

Vacuumed the bedroom and livingroom again because I got 2 extra long twin beds and a recliner delivered today.

Me and the hubs doing the Ricky/Lucy twin bed thing. [Roll Eyes]

He's got really bad sleep apnea so he's gonna sleep on one of those wedge pillows that elevates your upper body. Hope it helps.

Got him a leather recliner, early X-mas gift.

Welcome to the newcomers. Loved reading what everyone's up to. See you all tomorrow.

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Jenifer...having a clear mind and being able to focus feels the same to me as having the brain work well enough to tell my legs and arms to move.

It is a work out too.

Sutherngirl...sorry to hear you are depressed. I hope it lifts soon. But, glad to hear you are able to move your body and get out and about.'s hoping the doors to the coop swing wide open soon. I know the feeling.

I hope it helps too ALW. Let us know how the twin bed works for you. I need to replace my queen bed. It is very old.

I wonder about getting a twin bed at times due to a small bedroom.

Let us know if you roll off. HA!

2nd month of being able to do more than "lyme normal" since 2001.

I like it. Kind of scary as I don't know where meds are coming from next and I think it is the meds that are allowing me to do things.

Able to put on a bit of make up this am...just mascara and eyeliner and lipstick.

Put dishes that were soaking in the sink in the DW. I would still like to clean up a bit more in the kitchen but it is 9:30 am now so most likely will need to veg for the rest of the day.

Went around the block in the big power chair with leg lifts.

I was feeling anxious about health doing well enough to pick up the Bountiful Basket this am.

1st time in my town for it. A couple of years or so, I drove the 15 miles out of town to pick it up.

It was too much and I hadn't been able to participate since.

All went well. It was just me and the co ordinators when I got there.

77 Baskets had come and gone in 10 min. Wow.

A few minutes more and they would have been gone. She said she needed to leave at 8 am.

I am sure the lines will get long and there will be a lot more people as more learn we have it in the area now.

Drove the 3 miles to the trail head and did the 10 min loop with the short break half way.

I am noticing some things coming back that I was use to before lyme and company hit.

I use to walk every morning before work before this hit. I am starting to be able to do that again..even if it is just for 10 min on my feet.

It makes a big difference. And I am beginning to get that thing you get when you are use to exercising.

Not sure how to explain it...but the body doesn't like it if I am not doing well enough to be on my feet nor does my mental attitude.

Nice here again this am. No cooler on. Windows open.

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
One thing with the windows open is the sound of the sirens on the ambulance during the weekends.

The people who own the ambulances live in the block over. They keep the ambulances parked in their yard.

Wonder how it is in other areas. I did not know amulance services were private contracted out services.

They finally got a couple of newer vehicles. The old ones were looking bad and having someone drive you to the hospital would have been a better deal if at all possible before the upgrade.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to do the 10 min loop in the Green Mansions this am. Nice.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
10 min loop but struggled. Rosie enjoyed the cool air. She kept on running after I got in the car.

I drove, she ran until we got to the newly built house in the housing track. Good run for her.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
I also saw javelina. Not sure if there is new post started for this week. Brain didn't see one but doesn't mean there isn't one.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
well-guess my brain is not really working. i just replyed to the new ex thread and forgot i had already told youguys that stuff

anyway...glad i had time to read this

kam i am so happy you are doing so good!!! enjoy!

lymetoo-hope things keep getting better

hi new ppl! i'll be around more when my computer is fixed

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