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Posted by daisyrlb (Member # 15686) on :
Happy New Year...2012!!!

I am soooo looking forward to this year, praying and believing for good "things" for all of us!

In Jeremiah 29:11-13

"For I know the plans I have for you,'' says the Lord. ``They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

I will be found by you,'' says the Lord. ``I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes..."

God's plans are good = Great News!

Seek Him with all our heart...and we find Him = Great News!

End captivity and restore = Great News!

Blessings to each of us in 2012. May it be a great breakthrough year for healing in every way...body, mind, soul, and spirit...and with relationships...and whatever is on our hearts.

Happy blessed great New Year to you and yours!!!

[ 01-03-2012, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: daisyrlb ]
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

Happy New Year to you also!

Thanks for the great, hope-filled message you shared and good wishes for all of us!

I wish everyone a year filled with God's many blessings.
Posted by daisyrlb (Member # 15686) on :
Good Morning Dekrator and everyone else on God Thought,

I'm planning to update GWB's Hansa thread and before I do wanted to share the news with my closest Lymenet friends.

Good News! I am doing realy well and have been symptom free for over a month (after that relapse and the end of the summer). Thank you all for your prayers. God is INDEED very good. I rejoice in God my Savior.

Psalm 103:1-5

"Let all that I am praise the Lord;
with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.

Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things he does for me.

He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases

He redeems me from death
and crowns me with love and tender mercies.

He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle's!"

The above is my prayer for you...Amen!
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Happy New Year friends!
This song has been in my head all day! Funny how God uses music to speak to us and minister to our hearts [Smile]

I've been thinking about how much my life has changed since I first heard that song back in high school. I've had much more suffering and pain that I could ever have imagined possible. I've also experienced so much joy... My desire to say "yes Lord" has only grown stronger over the years.

Daisy, thank you for sharing your good news with us today [Smile] It is so encouraging to hear that you are doing and feeling better. Praise God!

Thank you also for sharing the uplifting Bible verses. What is more comforting that God's word and his promises? (and his presence of course!)
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
I also wanted to give you all an update, my surgery for the port placement is scheduled for tomorrow at 5pm.

If you will, please continue to pray for me. Asking that my surgery will go well, that I will heal quickly with no complications, that God will bless my doctors and all the people involved in caring for me tomorrow.

Thanks so much [Smile] I'm trying not to worry but it is hard. It is hard for me to be a patient. I am much better suited for the caregiver role...
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :

I played that song alot this summer when I first started feeling sick. My girls love it

May our Father richly bless you with a speedy recovery and may this be your time to experience that you matter to God. May He demonstrate His lovingkindness in power to heal you from every disease leaving no stone unturned. May 2012 be the year that you walk away from this trial to declare the marvelous works of God.
Posted by fflutterby (Member # 28081) on :
I will not abandon you as orphans--I will come to you. (John 14:18)
"Many of us remember the devastating earthquake that shook the foundations of Armenia in 1989. It lasted four minutes, and when it was finished, more than thirty thousand people had lost their lives. It was one of the greatest catastrophes of the century. But there's one story from the event you may not have heard. Just minutes after the last tremor a father raced to a nearby elementary school to save his son. He arrived to see nothing more than a mountain of twisted steel and rubble. But he remembered a promise he had made to his young boy: ``No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you.'' So he began to dig. Against all hope and better judgment, he dug. Other parents helped but soon gave up trying. ``It's too late,'' they told him. ``You know they are dead. You can't help.'' But the father didn't listen. All day and night he dug. His hands were raw and bleeding, and his energy completely gone, but he refused to give up. He'd made a promise, and he intended to keep it. Finally, after thirty-eight grueling hours, he pulled back a large boulder and suddenly heard a faint voice beneath him. He called his son's name, ``Arman! Arman!'' And beneath the rubble, his boy answered him. ``Dad, it's me!'' The boy's next words were the most priceless. ``I told the other kids not to worry. I told them if you were alive, you'd save me. And when you saved me, they'd be saved too. Because you promised, `No matter what, I'll always be there for you.''' The father had kept his promise. Jesus has made a lot of promises to us as well. And you can believe that he plans to keep them. His disciples struggled with some of the same fears and doubts that you and I often have, but Jesus was always quick to reassure them. You can almost sense their concern when Jesus says he would be leaving soon. ``Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?'' (John 14:5, niv), Thomas asks him. Jesus didn't get angry; he understood Thomas's confusion. ``I will not abandon you as orphans,'' Jesus says. ``I will come to you.'' In effect he was saying, I know you don't understand, Thomas, but don't worry. Trust me. I'll always be there for you. You and I have a lot of questions as well, and Jesus understands our confusion. His words to Thomas could be directed at us. Trust me. I'll always be there for you. And we can know that he'll keep that promise." Embracing Eternity: Living Each Day with a Heart Toward Heaven

Praying for all of you, He will always be there for us !
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

I am so happy that you are doing well! [woohoo]
May God continue to grant you good health.


I am praying for you dear...and trusting Him that He will see you through this.

Hi soccermama! Hugs!!

Hi fflutterby! Thanks for sharing is beautiful!

Healing prayers for all of us!!
Posted by DKat (Member # 30941) on :
daisy, I'm so glad you're feeling better. Your scripture is perfect...He crowns me with love. How awesome!

flutter, Thank you for sharing the story. It gives me hope to know that Jesus will find me ... even under all this.

sammy, May God bless and keep you and prepare the way for tomorrow's surgery that you will find favor and our Lord will guide every hand that is near you bringing healing and peace and restoring all that's been taken from you.

I'm sorry to have been silent here lately. Been struggling with Rifampin stirring up thyroid (Graves). Domino effect with swollen eye muscles increasing eye pressure (already too high). Saw doc this morning and test show the drops are bringing pressure down.

& my son shared his stomach virus with me ... he had it 2 days ... I had it 5. But PTL it's over. Food tasted good again today!!

You are all in my prayers. And I am praying for protection from any new bites. Psalm 91 is a perfect prayer.
Posted by DKat (Member # 30941) on :
Hi Dekrator! Think we were posting together...only you type faster [Smile] Blessings to you God-friend!
Posted by daisyrlb (Member # 15686) on :
Good Morning Sammy,
Appreciate your kind words and great song! our sorrows for the joy of the Lord!

I am agreeing with you in prayer regarding the surgery. May everything go better than expected, speedy recovery, and God's blessings on the doctors and all the staff. May they deal kindly and compassionatly with you. God's peace to you.

If you will, please continue to pray for me. Asking that my surgery will go well, that I will heal quickly with no complications, that God will bless my doctors and all the people involved in caring for me tomorrow.

Beautiful prayer for sammy. So be it! AMEN!

That is an amazing true story! Very touching and helps us understand more the loving, compassionate heart of our Father God. WOW! Is "Embracing Eternity: Living Each Day with a Heart Toward Heaven" a book or blog or something that I can get?

Dekrator, Oh, Yeah, healing prayers

Thank God for taste buds. Now to lose the ten pounds I gained. LOL! Psalm 91-great way to start the new year and live the new year. His protection. Thank You, Lord Jesus! Healer and Protector!

For EVERYONE reading this now, may you be encouraged with this song/truths,
"Our God, is an awesome God.
He reigns from Heaven above
with wisdom, power, and love.
Our God is an awesome God."

Hallelooooo \o/. Great day to all!
Posted by daisyrlb (Member # 15686) on :
TGIF, Thank God It's FRIDAY...for real.


TGIF, Thank God It's FOREVER...Hallelooooo!!!!

Praying for ya'll today. Have a great day and a great weekend.

[group hug]
Posted by MDW005 (Member # 22706) on :
Thanks Daisy, I listen to this song a couple times now..I mean really listen to the words this time. He is an awesome God, even when I snub Him, He still be there for me.
Here is the song...

I was going through some books that are in my bedroom of my parents home, yeah I be nosey. One of the books is a prayer book of my mothers, when she was a child...very delicate little book with the cover missing and some blue ink scribbles on the front page. Well this book is of the Catholic religion...I don't know much about religions, I just want to love Jesus, anyway, I would like to share a prayer from this child book of prayer, it's called Come To Me...

Sometimes, dear Jesus, I wish I had been one of the little children who ran down the street to meet You in Galilee. You were so good to them! You let them hold Your hand, and climb on Your knee, But You are ever so much more kind to me. You are coming right into my heart, O Please do come, Jesus. You will make me very happy.

one more I has to do with Holy communion, very sweet words...

It's almost time! Dear God, I kneel and wait for You to come, I feel a tiny bit afraid... but O! I love You, and of course You know I do, and yet, You like to hear me say how much when You are near. Dera God, I love You more than I can tell, but o! before I die, I want to love You more than now! So, won't You come and show me how?

Thanks I enjoyed sharing this night. May all of you have a peaceful night.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Good SONday evening friends! [Wink] [hi]

Just wanted to say hello to everyone, and ask how everyone is doing?

MDW...good to see you...missed you!

I really enjoyed the prayers, thank you for sharing them!!

I just remembered something that happened today that made me smile...

I was in the car with my grandsons, Deven (age 8) and Kaden (age 5) today after church and breakfast.

The subject of "God knows what is in your heart" came up.

I said "Do you know what that means?"

Deven said "yes, like love and stuff."

I said, " yes, He knows what you think and feel deep inside."

Deven said "So if you call someone stupid and you don't really mean it...He knows that?"

I answered "Yes, and if you call someone stupid and you do mean it, He knows that too."

Deven said, "Ohhhh, sorry Kaden.." [Big Grin]

Have a blessed week everyone!!
Posted by daisyrlb (Member # 15686) on :
Yesterday at church was amazing. Worship started with an old song, "Holy Spirit, You are welcome in this place." God's presence was very powerful and sweet. Made me cry happy tears in His presence. I really need to get waterproof mascara and eyeliner. Later in the car mirror...YIKES...racoon eyes [Smile]

sammy, How did the procedure go getting your port? How are you doing physically...and emotionally? How was your weekend?

MDW, Thank you for sharing your life with us. Love the way you tell stores. I can picture it. Beautiful prayer.

Deven and Kaden remind me of my grandson. Don't they say the darndest things? And gives us an oppoturnity, too, to share about God and His ways.

Everyone, as you begin the second week of the new year...may you be hopeful and joyful...for we serve a God who gives us HOPE and JOY. Praying for the Great Physicians healing touch upon your body, soul, mind, emotions, spirit in the Almighty Name of Jesus...The Name above every name.

[group hug]
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
It was hard to stay encouraged today. I have a gall bladder that acts up and causes abdominal pain.

The surgeon wants to remove it but I don't have stones and the function of my gall bladder is 94%. It only has sludge in it.

So, I am trying to keep it as long as I can since there is not any guarantee that removing it will help.

I just kept reminding myself of Psalm 73:26....

My flesh and my heart fails; but GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Please pray for my dear friend's 21 yr old son. He nearly died from a skiing accident this weekend in CO. I used to teach with her.

They are very devout Christians. My heart breaks.

I'll be back home soon to update.
Posted by daisyrlb (Member # 15686) on :

Sorry you're suffering with that gall bladder issue. 94% functioning is good! I am no doctor but I am with you on that thought of not having surgery. I have friends that suffer even after that surgery. It has potential for other issues.

Have you checked into, or are you doing, anything natural to get rid of the sludge and build up the gall bladder?

Praying for God's healing touch. We do what we know to do, the possible, and God does the impossible! Praise His Name forever!

Lymetoo, That is heart breaking. Just said a prayer for this precious 21 year old. May the Great Physician touch this young man with His almighty healing power. May the family have hope and be comforted by the God of all hope!

Blessings everyone. I'll be starting a new thread soon. Soccermom and Lymetoo please post those prayer requests again. I'm sure others will want to be praying.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Good morning friends!


Your church service sounds wonderful. I can picture your racoon

Kids sure do say the darndest things! I love it! I need to write these things down so I can show them to the boys when they are

Thanks for the healing prayer for us!! You are sooo right...our God gives us HOPE and JOY!


So sorry that you are having so much gallbladder trouble causing you pain. I am praying for you to be healed of that problem.

How great that you have been able to get through by meditating on God's word and promises.

Praying that this is a better day for you.


I am praying for your friend's son.

May the Great Physician, our Almighty God, touch your friend's son and heal him from all injuries.

Our Lord is right there with your friend and her son to give them strength and comfort....and you too.

Have a safe trip home, Lymetoo!

Hugs to all my dear friends...and prayers for everyone too.

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