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Posted by monkee (Member # 25209) on :
This post is not to make people mad or change peoples mind on Lyme Disease but maybe there is some of you out there like myself that just cannot believe that what you have is Lyme Disease and have been searching for stories like this.

I have not been on this board in forever but happen to get a private message from a user so I thought I would post what I told them.

I was a perfectly healthy 36 year old woman that was running a very successful business and my health started failing, then I started losing weight, then all the weird symptoms by this time Im getting a little scared so I began seeing Dr's, closing my boutique, losing more weight, and obsessing on what's happening to my body. Finally a positive ANA from my general Dr, so after my symptoms and enough research to become a Dr. I decided to get a IGENIX test, well it was POSITIVE!

Ok, so I found my way to a Lyme Dr. down by Dallas and thank God for him he was actually listening to my concerns and putting me on a antibiotic(which I knew I needed on because of all my blood work) but even setting in his office the Lyme theory did not make sense(not for me, Im not saying it does not exsist, I knew what I felt in my heart and it just did not make sense) but I went with it because of all the positives and I needed the antibiotic.

About 3 weeks into the antibiotic I received a call from one of the best Rhemy. in this area that my hometown Dr. sent me to because of the pos. ANA but it was suppose to be 3 months before I could get into her, so I thought what the heck, I will go and see what she thinks.

Well, as I knew from going to MAYO(which was a $18,000 mistake and they told me everything I already knew) she was NOT going to believe in Lyme so I did mention the positive and she said I dont think you have Lyme Disease but I do think your blood work is cross reacting with something else and we are going to figure out whats happening! Shes an amazing Dr. and I was just glad there were pos. in my blood and she was taking me serious so after 14 vials of blood, we came up with a neg. Lyme test and a positive ANA, and very high strep titers, so she immediatly put me on Pen V and I came home and called IGENIX and asked to speak to the Dr. on board.

He answered the phone and I asked him.. is there anything else that can cross react with the Lyme test, he said if it is pos. then there is no doubt I have Lyme Disease! I said please is there anything else? He said have you had any dental issues? I said yes about a year prior, I had a root canal done by a local dentist that needed done for about 10 years. He said, that's is could possibly be an issue but unlikely.

So it all made health started failing after the root canal so after much research, I was off to Marble Falls where one of the best biological dentist practices and had them remove the root canal as well as clean up my mouth. To my astonishment..about a month later, I opened my boutique(that had been closed a year) back up, had gained about 38 pounds, was eating again and getting out of the house, and it was like the blood was flowing correctly in my body again(this is the best way to explain how my body felt), all the ODD crazy sounding symptoms started to disappear and I now have that boutique as well as opened another in a larger city.

If you would have asked me if I thought this was possible when I was going through all of this I would have never dreamed it. It was a horrible experience that I would not wish on my worst enemy but I am here to tell you I am 100% back to my old self and my bloodwork is all back to normal and there is NO doubt that my problem and the positive Lyme test was due to my Root Canal and my Rhemy agrees with it as well.

Again, please do not post to me that I indeed have Lyme, that is not what this post is intended for, I do not need explinations on why I do have Lyme or the fact that its dormant, I am better and I am only posting this for the people like myself that are searching for other explinations to their health failing than being bit by a tick. I'm not here to discount pos. Lyme patients or talk you out of what you have, this is only for people that MIGHT be going through the same thing I was.

I will include after a year of research, I do believe people can be bit by a tick and get Lyme Disease but I also believe you can have a positive Lyme test and it cross react with something else going on in your body.

[ 07-23-2012, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: monkee ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hi monkee... I know that Gigi firmly believes that root canals can do us in.

I was able to read parts of your story, but if you want everyone to read it, you'll need to go back and put some space in that LONG paragraph. Most here cannot read large blocks of print.

So glad you are feeling better! We went thru Marble Falls about a year ago. My SIL used to live there.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
I'm glad you are better!

I don't know much about root canals, but was wondering what exactly is it about root canals that caused your symptoms?
Posted by monkee (Member # 25209) on :
Hi Lymetoo! I hope the spaces help, I went back and edited. If you think it needs more, please let me know. Isn't Marble Falls beautiful! I would like to retire there [Smile]

Hi Dekrator! If you do some research on root canals and lyme disease you will be suprised what you learn. It does not pertain to everyone, like my rhemy said, 1 million people can put in knee caps and 1 can reject it for some strange reason?

I for some reason rejected the root canal and it was causing positive Lyme Disease titers as well as many other positive test! I think the spirochete from a tick, a root canal, and syphilis looks alot the same under a microscope.

What I do know is now that the root canal has been removed all blood work is back to normal and I feel 100%!

I will never know why that happened I was just curious enough to keep researching because I have never been a sick person and I was not even functioning at that point, and Im glad I did!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Good job, monkee!! I find it OK to read, but some won't. It's better than splitting up sentences in half. I find that even harder to read!

Many have had their root canals removed and have recovered. It doesn't really mean you never had Lyme.

A search on this site will reveal lengthy discussions on root canals.

Yes, Marble Falls is very pretty! We came thru there last year during the drought. It was by far the worst part of the state as far as the drought went.

We traveled from Wichita Falls all the way down 281 to Alice.
Posted by birdie67 (Member # 35994) on :
Thank you for sharing your story!

So happy to hear you are fully healed!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
I have several root canals and I have considered having them pulled, but I am too vain to not have teeth.

The problem with root canals is they harbor bacteria. I don't think that a root canal could cause a positive test. There can be a cross reaction with syphilis so maybe you had syphilis.

I was bitten by a tick had a huge bullseye and tested positive for Lyme, Bart, Strep, RMSF and Ehrlichia.
Posted by LDFL (Member # 32100) on :
The Root Canal Coverup by George Meining explains why. something about the bacteria hides in the tooth that is still left and the bonding agent shrinks over time and continueously releases the bacteria.
Posted by LDFL (Member # 32100) on :
The Root Canal Coverup by George Meining explains why. something about the bacteria hides in the tooth that is still left and the bonding agent shrinks over time and continueously releases the bacteria.
Posted by dal123 (Member # 6313) on :
High Titers of Strep explains it - root canal can be the cause. Very interesting case!!
Posted by dal123 (Member # 6313) on :
High Titers of Strep explains it - root canal can be the cause. Very interesting case!!
Posted by dal123 (Member # 6313) on :
High Titers of Strep explains it - root canal can be the cause. Very interesting case!!

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