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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Interesting! My father was 6'1".. my mother was 5'5". I'm 5'3".

I do know that I was an "accident" so my mom may have been depressed at first. I don't know. I do know she loved me deeply once she got used to having another child!!

As a matter of fact, I will admit to you that I felt I got away with a lot since I was the only girl and the youngest. Perhaps not "spoiled" ..just doted on. [Wink]

Check this out... very interesting...

My grandmother was short...... so...??

[ 09-10-2012, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
I'm the 3 of 6 kids but the shortest by far so this topic caught my eye today.

I see this article is about postpartum symptoms of depression.

Other articles I saw in various news sights today just speak to depression in parents as causing shorter children, and were not at focused on postpartum symptoms of depression.

It's great to see more attention to postpartum symptoms as so many women have been just left alone during this vital time of with horrific experiences.

Thinking about the other sorter articles in the press today . . .

I think it's not so much depression that can stunt growth but the CAUSE of that depression.

Depression is too often used as a single diagnosis when there are many underlying causes that go unidentified and unaddressed.

i.e. Chronic stealth infections, nutritional deficiencies, environmental or chemical assaults, etc.

Also to consider are the effects of stress, of all types whether physical, psychological or emotional and what those hormones do or don't do in our bodies.

In that case, it may be that endocrine system dysfunction or illness could also be the CAUSE of depression, even if triggered by very real stressors or bullying, etc.

While many women have reported that Rx treatment for postpartum symptoms of depression has helped them tremendously - for other cases of depression I just worry that everyone will try to just treat the symptoms and not the underlying causes.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I found it interesting because I always wondered why I was so short when my dad was so tall and my brothers are over 6ft tall. (It's the Tall Texan thang.) [lol]

I did have health problems at an early age. I know my parents said I had "failure to thrive." I also was not breast fed. I do not know why. Could be it was just out of vogue back then. I have no clue if my brothers were breastfed.

My oldest brother weighs about 300 lbs, and the middle one is slim (maybe 160 or 170??).

You should see people's eyes when my oldest brother introduces them to his little sister. One time we were at a dinner with his friends and they had never met me.

They almost didn't believe him that I was his sister. Since I LOVE my brother immensely, I got up from the table, walked over next to him, put my face next to his and said, "SEE!!" [Big Grin]

We really don't look much alike so they probably still were confused!! My other brother and I look more alike.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Keebler.. I'm sure my mother was distressed. She was probably worried they couldn't afford me!!
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Oh, yeah. Distress can be quite a stress.

I was not born at the best time in my parents' lives, either.

Also remember that it's only been in recent years where women giving birth are not drugged big time to knock them out cold. I know my mother was drugged to the max with my birth because she mentioned once that

"when I woke up and they told me you were a little girl . . ." (she was happy).

So, we both got some pretty heavy drugs, both mom and baby. Those really affect liver function for a long time. And that can lead to depression, too.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
CELIAC, too, can cause growth issues due to malabsorption of nutrients. As I recall (I think) you have that diagnosis.

I was only diagnosed with celiac after 50 years old. My genes clearly point to it and I had trouble even as a child with food but had no clue as to why.

Even if genetic celiac, though, not all kids will necessary have the same genes, some may be fine with gluten. Of the six of us, one other may have some trouble but everyone else says they are just dandy with breads, etc.
Posted by MDW005 (Member # 22706) on :
Hmm... Lymetoo, my dad is 5'5" mum is 5'4" Me, I am 5'7"

Both my grandmothers were short. I have a short, 5'2" and my sister, I would say is 5'8". My mum was most likely in distress considering my brother was breech born.

My daughters, oldest is my height, middle is 5'9"
and youngerst is 5'1"....I must have been worn down by the time my youngest came around.

I had toximic (sp) poisoning with my middle and lost almost all my hair with my youngest.
I gave natural birth with all drugs.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, Keebler.. I'm probably a celiac. Still don't know for sure. They tried to put me on a formula and I got sick, so they were about to put me on goat's milk. Finally, the Dr told my mom to buy "homogenized milk" from the store and that is what they gave me! [Eek!]

I had trouble as a child with my stomach and with gaining weight. I remember even as a teen trying so hard to gain weight!! I'm 5'3" and weighed 86 lbs in high school.

Our family Dr used to jokingly say to my parents that they must be pushing me away from the table!
Thank goodness they were not accused of abusing me.

MDW.. your family is all over the place!! Interesting!

I think my mom was drugged during my birth. That's how they used to do it.
Posted by lymednva (Member # 9098) on :
I'm taller than both! However, I, too was a surprise! My mom was 40 and my dad 58 when I was born. He was already a grandfather when they got married!

His two sons from his first marriage were adopted, so I was actually is first born, and I wonder if perhaps he though he couldn't have kids.

He was the only one of three babies born to his mom who lived more than a few days. No more after him, and this was in the 19th century!
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
I'm the shortest one in my family. My parents and younger sister are at least 3in taller than me.

I was born 10 wks early so I've always been told that my size was due to my prematurity. I was in the NICU for a month but my mom lived close to the hospital so she was there with me everyday. She said that she started breastfeeding as soon as I was able to coordinate eating and breathing.

I talked with my mom about the article and she said that she didn't suffer with postpartum depression after my birth. She said that she was so grateful and so overwhelmingly happy that we that we both survived. We weren't supposed to be alive. Every day after that was a blessing.
Posted by lymeladyinNY (Member # 10235) on :
I am the shortest in my family of 9 children, and shorter than my parents were. My twin sister is 5'10" and I'm 5'5". All my brothers - huge. I have another sister who is 5'8" and the closest sister in size to me is 5'5".

I think a lot of it has to do with the genetics of several generations from both sides of your family.

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