This is topic EXERCISE-WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY? Oct. 27 in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
October is flying by and in a few days I will have to get out my broomstick and go flying--LOL. I am sure some of my students already think I am a witch and need no broomstick to prove it!

Walked a bit today. Put away the long hose from the back yard and my deck furniture. I just stuff it in the garage.

Have a great week everyone!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I had an OK day, I guess. We kicked off Operation Christmas Child at church .. something I'm in charge of and I love it!

My husband is out practicing for another new show that will be on stage for Veterans' Week here. I think it will be performed 6-8 times and they hope to bring it back next spring for more.

It's a patriotic musical about a military couple (I think).

I tried to clean out stuff in my bathroom in preparation for moving, but now my hip and leg hurt. I can't get away with doing very much these days! GRRR

Which reminds me.. gotta get my helper over here tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great evening! [Smile]
Posted by Anissahope4healing (Member # 39221) on :
Lymetoo that musical sounds great!-And also your Christmas Child. There are so many kids in need.

And Hiker that's great about your deck and furniture.

As for me, I helped catch, well trap a big grasshopper that had escaped from our 5 year old's bug container. Our 10 year old saw it on our hallway wall (it has been missing for over 4 days);

To be honest I was surprised it was still alive. But I carefully put the round clear container over it... it then jumped! and hit the top of the container! I screamed!!

Thank our good Lord I kept my hand on the container... I am actually not afraid of insects UNLESS they were to jump or crawl on me... yikes!

I slipped a piece of white paper under the container and did it very slowly. The grasshopper slowly climbed on the paper.

Then I carried the paper, with my hand flat over it, the container and Grasshopper and we all looked in and said, "Goodnight, Mr. Grasshopper." And I went outside and let him go in the monkey grass (I think that is what it is called), so he could eat and drink and be free! [Wink]

Whew! We all had a big laugh at "Mommy" screaming and everyone jumped because of me. Thank God for laughter and our Grasshopper Adventure.

I also felt well enough last night to watch TV out in the living room and catch part of the World Series. It was exciting!

Have a blessed evening!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Welcome to our little group, Anissa! I had a creepy encounter with a huge spider about 2 wks ago. I'll pass on telling you about it. My neck hurts when I type too much!

"Monkey grass".. haven't heard that word in quite awhile. I grew up in Houston where we had tons of that around our flower beds. No monkey grass here in Missouri.

So glad you are doing better .. at least it sounds like you are! [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :

i think i have rested enough to get over what i did to my shoulders by lifting. but i still cant sleep cuz of restless leg from trying to get off the stupid drugs from surg. i just found some supps that are supposed to help...

plus it said stop caffiene-and take many hot showers. so tomorrow i stop tea really tastes good when i feel this bad anyway. and i need to go get more B vits and l-tyrosine??? ever heard of that? and someone else said l-glutamate. i have never taken either of those
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :

its still the 27th but a whole day has gone by since i wrote that. i did get out to the health food store and get some stuff that is supposed to help with restless legs and detox in general: l-tyrosine. l-glutamine and calm and some b's

kinda draggin all day. did 3 days worth of dishes. cooked broccoli, summer squash and butternut squash and chic...that will last all week

transplanted 4 bunches of astors-there were way too many where they are and house will look better now with them spread out

it really wore me out far the new meds arent working...gonna try the calm now
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
how come no one else is here???

oh-hi anissa!!!

i raised 4 and have a 3 week old grand daughter now

the calm i took last night did help the restless legs and i slept pretty good. but today all the other stuff is back...fatigue, musc pain, no energy or motivation.

the trouble with the calm was i ended up in the bathroom every 2 i didnt take my regular mag and hope the calm without it wont do that to me again

i washed some dishes from cooking yesterday and then went out with etta. really windy and chilly but pretty day. i threw the ball for her and inbetween put away a few things before winter. dragged the whole time tho. came in and took some of new supps...snuggled for awhile and i am strong enough to sit up at the computer

oh yeah---did my pt ex at the sink too and the leg ex in the recliner...cant do arm ex now. my whole shoulder girdle and hands hurt so much

and my zingers from the lumpectomy were so much worse.

some say this stuff can last months or years. i sure hope not. this is day 3 for me not taking any pain pills
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Glad you are weaning off the pain pills. That way you can tell easier what your body can handle and not handle, so you do not overdo.

Hang in there, sweetie!

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
just checking in....still pretty out of it from the horrid brain inflamation stuff..

surprised it is the
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
ps vision is still off...tried to scan the posts about what you all have been doing...grasshopper catching. Fun....sounds like soomethign to submit to the funniest video show.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Kayak.. well, it's good that you took the Calm and had that problem.. Getting a bit of detox!

kam.. hope that brain stuff lets up VERY SOON. You've been getting it more often now, it seems.

My worker couldn't come today. Darn. I tried to throw some stuff out that was in the garage. I got a little bit done. My hip has been hurting since I was bending down to clear out cabinets on Saturday. Or was it Sunday? How soon we forget!
Posted by Anissahope4healing (Member # 39221) on :
I wish we did have the cameras rolling. It would be fun to watch when we need a good laugh.

Sorry about the brain inflammation. It's horrible! I had a terrible Herx with those symptoms last Friday, Sat. I hope you are able to find relief!

And good for you other gals who were able to get out a bit.

Off to help with homework with my boys. Having lots of anxiety ...been treating Bart. Fun!? The joys of co-infections...:/
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Annissa-bart was very hard for me to treat but i stuck it out and felt so much better...hang in. I had a dog to take care of-no kids, and i needed a friend to keep an i on me cuz i would get suicidal. I never could have done that if i had kidds at home. Hope u have support

This is day 4 after stopping pin meds and i am still very tired but have less restless legs

I did pt and walked around yard some

Hope everyone feels better soon
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to do a few things in the am yesterday and today.

Able to get some food in the house...spring berry salad which I will eat for several seems to hit the spot...and several meals

but need to find something else as beryy season is just about over

Able to get dishwashing soap and dishwasher soap and get dishes in the DW and started it up.

Still lots more to do in the kitchen to clean up when able.

Drove Roise out to the place for her to stretch her legs. I wasn't feeling so swell on the way out but once I parked the car and sat still I started doing better.

So thankful for the car. It is good medicine and living only 3 miles from the border of the National forest ...beautiful area..pine trees, boulders, rock formations..

But, it is a housing development on the way to the trail head.

And the houses are slowly going up.

Hoping I will be well enough to be on my feet and hike in ....miss those days even though it was a short walk in.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I am so tired. Im sitting here listening to john prine sing. Big ole goofy world...tryin to get happy

I had to get the house hot and give etta a bath first thing cuz she rolled in something nasty yesterday

That wore me out but i sat in recliner a few hours and did a bunch of paperwork and calls

I see neuro tomorrow...big day..for head injuries not lyme

I still need to find some old records

Then sat out with etta and threw her ball and made sure she didnt
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Roll-and then i put a few more garden things away...and found another hole where chipmunks get under house. I need to put a well used potty pad there for awhie...

We have had beautiful fall weather. Sounds kind of sketchy in the rest of the country
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Had to skip my walk today--pouring rain today and it will be stormy tomorrow, too. However, it is pretty warm and I am back in short sleeves at work.

Kam, I just know you will be able to walk into your forest again. A few years ago I could not walk without my trekking poles or a walking stick and now I can.

Even last year I could not walk in the crowded hallway at school without my poles and today I did so very easily.

My crab apple tree finally got planted today. Looks a lot smaller than I thought when I picked it out. Hope it does not snap in the storms.

Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Wednesday-I'm exhausted. Today was my niece's b-day. She turned 29. I made a chicken enchilada casserole, mexican rice and a salad with cilantro/lemon/garlic vinaigrette. It was all delicious! [lick]

Glad today is a slow day here at work. I did some filing yesterday for about 3 1/2 hours. Not my typical day, that's for sure.

BTW, my Mom bought me a Kindle HD 7" on Monday for helping her out with the yard sales that we've been having.

I'm thrilled to have it and enjoy the heck out of it.

Now if I can just stop playing Candy Crush I'll be doing ok. [Big Grin]

See you all tomorrow!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Kam.. Glad you were able to get out!! YEA!! Food for the soul!

kayak... hope that lack of energy goes away SOON! I bet the weather is awesome there! Pretty nice here too .. except for yesterday and today. We've had some rain. Nothing much really.

I was able to drive a few places today and get a few things done. I got about 10 boxes for moving. I need to call for more helpers tomorrow. I do have one coming on Friday, but I need more than that.

hiker.. I want some crab apples!! Just kidding.. I used to eat tons of those when we would visit our friends in MN when I was a kid. Right now they'd probably make me sick.

AK.. I want one of those Kindles! My husband loves his Kindle Fire. I may get something like that soon. Not sure what I want and not sure how much I'd use it. It might be easier to just use my computer.

I would like to have a kindle for books.. but I can also download books on my computer. I can't find any place to get comfortable enough to read anywhere but my computer chair anyway.

My hips are bothering me a lot after shopping yesterday. I guess I'm not quite ready to do as much as I want to. GRRRR [Mad]
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on : is tricky knowing just how much to do so you don't pay for it health wise later.

Able to drive Rosie out to the forest area. She had a good run. I was so glad I had the warm car to be in. 27 degrees out this am at dawn.

I have a bad attitude this am but i know ti is because I am hardly able to move without making things worse.

So, guess I need to stop fighting it and watch a movie.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
My mind wanted to do the 5 min in on the trail, rest and 5 min out but I am getting better to listening to my body.

I have got to wait until the body is strong enough.

I was pretty wimpy just driving out to the forest. [Smile]
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
See my positive post about neurol appt ! That doesnt happen very often...right?

Had trouble sleepong last nite. Trouble finding neurol office

Took etta in yard and planted last two white pine and put a few more things away for winter thats about it I'm really tired lying down and its almost supper time not too productive

Im still going ez on myself cuz still withdrwal...bjt i am grtting better

Oh yeah...i think im rerally losing weight again...down 26 lbs sincr surgery...lowest in 3 yrs...woo hoo!
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Happy Halloween everyone!!! [Big Grin]

I brought some candy treats to work today and dressed up in my skeleton in a tux t-shirt and wearing my skull earrings.

I feel kinda ridiculous but cool at the same time for someone my age.

TuTu-So far on my Kindle I downloaded 2 games and 1 book. I also synced my Facebook and Email to it. It's great for reading and games when you're on the go.

Kam-We're having a freakish warm spell down here. It's in the high 70's. I sure am ready for some cold weather!

Kayak-I'm getting downright jealous now. I can't seem to lose any weight. Must be my thyroid or something. Seriously, I'm happy that you're losing weight. Keep it up and send some weight loss vibes my way!

See you all tomorrow!

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to kind of change the routine this am.

Took Rosie to the dog park for a very short time. Lots of people and dogs at the DP this am.

Rosie got to see Romeo. I learned Romeo's other fur legged friend died....14 yrs old...pretty good for a dog that size.

On the way home, saw ann estate sale sign...the car just seemed to follow the sign on its own.

Got to the sale and most likely would not have gone in except there were so many cars lining the streets I thought it might be a good idea to see what all the hoopla was about.

Put my peltor ear protection muffs on and able to kind of check things out.

A lot of nice things if one had money.

I did get about 5 packages of the brita filters for $3.00...they were on my grocery list so happy I got such a good deal on them.

It was wall to wall people in every room of the home.

AT first I thought I dont' want any of this stuff...I just want the home.

But, then I realized it was not power chair friendly and wouldnt' work out.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
I had a sweater, coat, gloves and warm pants on when I left the house.

Able to chenge to a cooler top but resting before I change britches. It is supposed to be a warm day here today.

So confusing. opened the windows. My neighbors air/heating unit fan under my window is not running this am.

I am praying she decided to turn it off. it usually runs 24/7. We talked about how our elec bill has gone up the past two months since they put in the new meters.

I told her I had turned my unit off so I am hoping to see what the elec bill will cost next month.

Hoping she has decided to do the same.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Am glad it is Friday. I was able to make it through a whole week of school without the walking stick, so that is refreshing!

One parent, whom I have known for years as I have had all 4 of her children, saw me in the hallway after school and commented on it and how God was blessing me.

She also commented that she had never heard me use my "teacher" voice--which projects really well. Pretty funny, actually.

Driver's license bureau rejected my disability placard application, because the MD had some errors on it. So, I have to get another one filled out. My MD always tries to be nice and say I have a permanent disability, but then he write's down Lyme and the state will not recognize that as permanent. That's okay--I only use it on really bad days and in the winter when it is icy and I cannot balance, but I am frustrated that the MD cannot seem to fill out the form properly. The zip code is even incorrect!

Am relaxing tonight.

Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Its a week now since hubby started his 'break' from herbals. Today he said he feels like he's slowly picking up again.

I've noticed as the week went by he was doing a little more each day.

He looks better too. Our neighbor was over yesterday and told him so. He admitted he still feels yucky.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Friday-One more day to go......

Didn't really do any exercise but am planning on going to Earthfare, (a local healthfood store)after work to pick up some cocoa for my Mom and then eat dinner somewhere and do my regular grocery shopping.

Oh, I did get a load of laundry done today.

This Sunday at the yard sale we plan on having 20% off. Hopefully we'll have more business.

Kam-Rocky will be 12 in February and I worry about how long he's going to live. He's a labbie and huge. Someone told me I'd be lucky if he lived til 10 but he's still going strong. I don't know what I'm going to do without him. He's gone through my diagnosis and treatment, was my only companion for 3 years. He's a real Godsend.

Hiker-Bureaucrats! I can't stand having to go to the DMV. It ranks right up there with going to the dentist for something painful.

MannaMe-Glad to read your hubs is feeling better. Treatment used to put me through the ringer too. Hang in there.

See you all tomorrow!

Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Still draggin

Put some-alot-of clothrs away

Did dishes

Emptied inside of truck from a week ago when i went to mts for stuff

Took etta out to chase leaves when the front went thru-i was in wc
Got clean and dressed...does that count?

Took. Car for oil and tire rotstion...cute little boy there. Kids are smarter than they used to be. Neat daddy too. Wish i lived close enoigh to my son to help with new baby. They r having a hard time. Baby still wants to eat every 2 hrs. Mom is tired

Then stopped to leave something at my elderly friends house...shes getting older and i worry aboit her

Bouht a chic sandwich on the way home cuz i was too tired to cook

Icing knee and vegging out now. Early bed
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I had a busy day with my helper. We made sauerkraut and washed the sheets, plus a few odds and ends.

She is coming again tomorrow to do more cleaning and boxing things to move.

Oh.. we also stopped by the Farmer's Market at the college. It was their last day for the year and I got some bok choy, baby carrots and a warm hoodie for my husband!

They sell all kinds of things from the college. You guys would love this place! They make jams and jellies, stained glass items and other cool stuff.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to put some of the dishes away at 3 am

Able to answer an email I received from Long Term Care.

Brain is flaring now because of it. But, thankful I go er done.

If approved, I will get more hours for household help...hoping for some hot meals and help with grocery shopping and laundry, etc.

One more interview from a nurse. Kind of frustrating bcause I am expecting the nurse to know nothing of lyme and cpmany and how debilitating it can be.

Time to veg.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Doing my Saturday dance!!! [Big Grin]

Really tired gang. Didn't get home until 11 or so. Got some of my Christmas shopping done too (gift cards).

Trying to hold my own here at work and do a good job.

Am packed and going straight from work to my Mom's.

Kayak-I bet you really enjoyed watching Etta cavorting with the leaves. Rocky used to do stuff like that in his younger years. I know simple things in life really make me happy.

TuTu-I love going to the market and checking out the local goods. Anything handmade or homemade is right up my alley. I love stained glass too. Glad you had some fun.

Kam-I hope you get approved for more helping hours. I know when I was really sick I sure could have used a lot of help too. Let us know.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I did my usual grocery run this morning and took a walk in the chilly wind--had to use my trekking poles, but I needed the walk.

A good friend passed away a few weeks ago and I just found out today (he lived 800 miles away and was in the nursing home, so they did not know to contact me--I received a letter from his attorney)--he was like a grandfather to me--and lived to age 97! I shall miss his wisdom and guidance.

I will toast Phil with a glass of merlot tonight (although he preferred a good bourbon). Phil and his wife took me on many hikes and taught me names of all kinds of trees, flowers, and birds.

Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Very tired , no stamia. Hard to stand. But i could drive so my friend and i went to the mountain house a neighbor up there we got the rose out and batteries in the smoke detectors and a few things from the stoage. Some important things. I am very tired and hope i can sleep.
It was 57 upnorth today and rain to snow tonight and 30 s tomorrow...have to plant the rose first thing
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
kam.. I'm jealous over the Brita filters you found at such a great price!

hiker.. good job on the walking.. Very sorry to hear about your friend Phil. Here's to PHIL!

kayak.. So glad you got the rose bush and that you took a friend along to help!

Ak.. Hope you have a great weekend!

My helper came today and we did some shopping. She was so happy to get off campus! Then we cleaned out my closet and boxed 90% of it.

Each time we do all this cleaning out, she goes home with goodies. She won't have to shop for shampoo or facial cleansers for a long time! [Big Grin]

I received a blessing in the mail today and I just want to publicly thank God! He is awesome!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
God is truly amazing--thanks for reminding us all of that, tutu! [Smile]

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