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Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Dear friends,

I cannot stop crying. I just found out today that my mom has pancreatic cancer.

She has a tumor larger than a tennis ball. This is the same kind of cancer that killed Steve Jobs.

I'm in shock, so sad and scared. I don't want to lose my mom.

She's my best friend. And my biggest help. All we have is each other.

So will you please pray with me that she will beat the odds, that God will grant a miracle and heal her.

Will you pray for me to that I will get better so that I can support and help her more. That God would bless us and provide for us all that we need.

I know I've asked for so much, I am ever so grateful. Words can't express how much your support and prayers mean to me. Thanks so much.

[ 01-19-2015, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: sammy ]
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Sammy...I am so sorry about this turn of events for you and your beloved mom. Praying for you and your mom is not a hurden...ask away...there are many here with helping hearts...we will surround you with prayer.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
My heart is broken, sammy! I'm so sorry to hear about this latest challenge. [Frown]

We will pray and we will pray hard. May the Lord grant you both PEACE in your hearts.

[group hug]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Sammy, I am so very sorry. I wish there was something I could do or say.

You must be strong. Be there for her.

I grieve for both of you.
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
Oh my goodness......I cannot even imagine....Prayers and best wishes to you and your dear Mom. DW
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Sammy, I'm so sorry to hear this and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Take care. [group hug]
Posted by Ellen101 (Member # 35432) on :
So sorry Sammy, sending prayers...
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Praying for you and your mom, Sammy.

Praying as hard as I can.
Posted by steve1906 (Member # 16206) on :
Sammy, I'm sorry to hear this sad news, sending lots of prayers.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
sammy dear,

I am so sorry to hear this news about your dear Mom.

I will pray for both of you for sure!!

Here is some important information about natural methods that may help. I think we should never underestimate the power of all the natural plants, etc that God put here on the earth with us.

And most of all, never underestimate the power of prayer.

May God comfort you both, and give you all the hope and strength that you need.

Love and hugs to you!!!
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Oh, sammy, dear sammy, this is beyond what anyone should have to bear on top of everything else!!

I will call you tomorrow. There is a lot that can be done to try to turn this around.

I am praying and sending love for both of you.
Posted by lax mom (Member # 38743) on :
Oh my gosh, sammy I am so sorry that you and your mom are going through this.

I am praying for both of you.
[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by beaches (Member # 38251) on :
Sammy, you've already endured too much as it is. I will pray for healing for both you and your mom. [group hug]
Posted by BoxerMom (Member # 25251) on :
Oh terrible news. Don't lose hope!

Big hugs and lotsa love for both of you!

[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Don't ever give up. Sammy you will be there for your mom. You guys can share a couch and recover together. This is my prayer for you.

Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Oh Sammy - sorry to hear this.

You and your mom have been in my prayers - and I will continue to pray for you both.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Asking the Lord to give you strength, peace and awareness of Him...and the grace to persevere as a child of the Most High.
Posted by Pocono Lyme (Member # 5939) on :
A prayer we can all pray.

From God's Help For Your Every Need

I Need healing

God of Mercy,

It is good to live in a time and place where advanced medical practice and innovation can treat so many illnesses and injuries.

Our doctors are so good that we sometimes forget to rely on You, to turn to You as our Great Physician.

You know the medical condition I am facing right now.

I come to You in desperation and need. I need a miracle. I know that through the suffering of Jesus we receive salvation, but all works of grace come from His sacrifice, including healing--- by His stripes we are healed.

In the name of Jesus, with all the faith within me---and it feels like the size of a mustard seed right now---I ask that You heal me. You bring sight to the blind, You make the lame to walk, and You can bring healing to me.

I pray that in this time of intense need and crisis I will learn lessons of faith, dependence, trust, and praise in all circumstances.

In Jesus' name.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
It depends upon the type of pancreatic cancer. I have two friends who have the kind that you can live a long time with.

One has made it for 15+ years and she is doing well!! The other one was just recently diagnosed. She is back at work!
Posted by Carmen (Member # 42391) on :
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am so very sorry to hear this. You and your mom continue to be in my prayers. I pray for miracles and healing for both of you.
Posted by lyme in Putnam (Member # 11561) on :
Sammy, the only way is to take every day a a time. Good thoughts and prayers.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Thank you all for your love, encouragement, and prayers.

My mom has a doctor appt tomorrow to find out more about her cancer diagnosis. She will learn the staging, type, etc, and if it is too large to surgically remove as is.

She also needs to talk with the doctor about getting a referral to a larger medical center at a nearby city for specialized treatment.

Thank you for your support, things have been unspeakably rough over these past few days so having you all here for us means the world right now.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, thank you for the update. I am praying that your mom gets the best possible news tomorrow. I continue to pray for you and your family. You have been through so very much.

Let us know how things go when you are able.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
I too, am glad to hear from you Sammy. The Lord brings you to my mind a lot...I pray for you and your mom...I can not imagine your struggles.

I pray you and your mom can get some rest and that His peace will invade you.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Yes, sammy, I pray that you and your mom will receive good news in your appointment tomorrow. I am thinking about you both and praying for you. Sorry I haven't called yet!

Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
up [group hug] [group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Still praying for you and your dear Mom, sammy!

Love to you both!!!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Keep us posted. We are all still praying.

Love ya! [Smile]
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Thank you all for being here for us.

My mom had her appt today, found out that the tumor has metastasized to her lymph nodes. It is an aggressive type that likes to travel to the liver and bones too so the doctor wants it out ASAP.

The doc paged the surgeon and she will have an appt soon to discuss surgery to remove the tumor. The surgery will happen before Christmas.

The doc will also arrange an oncologist appt and pain management doc to follow her after the surgery.

Friends, I'm scared.

I'm trying to believe and be strong for my mom but it's hard. It's just the two of us and we feel acutely alone here.

Thank you, because of you I know I'm not alone.
Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
we all hope she pulls through like a trooper..
i havent looked up the rate of good out comes here and I won't...
IT IS JUST GONNA BE !! GOOD thats all,
and we thank you Father in knowing its gonna be done His Way..
God is Good and Good is GOD..
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
That's right aren't alone...we are here talking to the Lord for you and your mom. I will ask the Lord to do something right where you are at so you don't feel so alone.

So sorry you are scared...I am no stranger to fear and I know how you feel...I will ask the Lord to give you a calm heart and mind.

We are here for you.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
I will also ask the Lord to send angels to minister to you and your mom tonight.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, imagine us all giving you and your mom a big hug! We are all with you and your mom in spirit.

I hope all of her appointments go well and that her surgery is successful. Prayers continue.

I can see the angels (that momindeep mentioned) surrounding you and your mom with protective love.
Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
 - [group hug]
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Heavenly Father, please grant perfect peace, hope, healing and strength to sammy and her dear Mother.

Fill up all their loneliness with Your love, comfort them, and replace their fear with trust in Your perfect plan.

Please provide all that they need during this time of great trials.

Reveal yourself to both of them, O Lord, and hold them close to You at all times.

I pray in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Love and hugs, sammy!!!
Posted by mlg (Member # 35383) on :
you should check with natural doc/nurse. Triphala is suppose to help with that.

My prayers wigh yoh guys.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
So sorry, Sammy. Sending prayers your way. It sounds like you and your mom are very close. Your love and support must be so very precious to your mom right now. Praying for you both. [group hug]
Posted by skies (Member # 28064) on :
Hi Sammy. I'm so very sorry. I just wanted to let you know I've been including you in my nightly prayers. I actually was prior to seeing this post, but especially now. I don't know what else to say... Hugs.

Hang in there and God Bless.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Today I am hopeful that there will be some joy in your day and your mom's. Praying for you to be able to hold on tight to the Father.
Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
sammy sit still and Let The Spirit work, calming and Peace upon you and your Family, Be in the Hands of Our Father, see the path you need to follow in treatment and family.. layed out before you.. Trust your self. Believe in your self.. in finding the open doors and windows to all things ... All THINGS. keep your eye on Jesus. you are loved.. and arise.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :

I was looking, but didn't see your update until tonight.

Lord have mercy! You have a lot of people praying here for both of you. Please also tell your church, family, and friends to do so, also (you probably already have).

There is so much that can be done in addition to the surgery, etc. We will talk.

I am sending lots of love and prayers to both of you. Please tell her for me. She is such a dear, dear soul, who has supported you through thick and thin. May you both be surrounded with God's love and light.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Thinking of you Sammy.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, how are things going? Please let us know when you can.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying for you and your Mom this morning, sammy.

May you both feel the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
I will pray in agreement with Dekrator.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Sammy, where is here? Maybe there are some people to help you and giving you some support, someone to talk to during this hard time.

Are you a member of a Lyme support group in your area? Don't forget to call on Hospice. They are not just for the dying, they are for the living and making it through the hard times of life.

Please be sure to call them or ask the doctor to call them in.

Posted by Life+Lyme (Member # 33568) on :
Praying for you big time, Sammy!! I'm so terribly sorry to hear about this, and I will be praying that they can eradicate the cancer or hold it at bay to give y'all more time together.

I'm praying for your mom's healing, your healing, for comfort for both of you through all the procedures and surgeries, for peace as the fear and uncertainty loom, and for you both to feel the love from those around you.

You are not alone!! Hugs!!
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Praying for you and your mom, Sammy
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, prayers continue for you and your mom!
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Yup...I'm still on board too!
Posted by lax mom (Member # 38743) on :
[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Me too!
Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
Lamentations 3:22-23

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

Sammy Recieve ! [group hug]
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Prayers for you and your Mom, sammy.

May you feel the absolute love, comfort, peace and hope of God as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ this week.

Big hugs!!!

[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Merry Christmas friends!

Last week was busy for us. Mom saw her oncologist and her surgeon.

She has neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer stage 2b. It does not respond well to chemo so must be surgically removed for best survival chances.

Mom needs another test to see if a spot on her liver is cancer too. She will have a filter put in before surgery to prevent blood clots from traveling from her legs to her lungs.

The surgery will be ASAP in Jan. it will be extensive as they have to remove a large portion of the tail of her pancreas, her spleen, and her lymph nodes. She will be in the hospital for several days (5-7).

Surgery is extra risky as she still has the pulmonary embolisms and the clotting disorder along with an atrial aneurism.

It all feels overwhelming to think about. I'm not doing well trusting others to care for my mom. She's my best friend.

I'm also worried that I will not be able to take good enough care of her afterwards as I can barely care for myself. I'm trying to have faith.

Thank you friends for sticking with me through this. It means the world to me.

Bless you!!!
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Sammy. Please know I am thinking and praying for both of you. If there is anything you need please let me know.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Thanks for taking the time to bring us up to speed Sammy.Our prayers continue for you sweet girl...and your mom too. Sounds like she is getting sterling care.

Hope your mind and body can rest...just know we are all here for you. Hope that Christ's birth gently reminds you just how much you mean to Him.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am praying that the cancer has not spread and that your mom's surgery and recovery go well.

You must be so exhausted and worried. Please know that we all continue to pray for you and your mom. Do you have friends who could help you out with her care?

Your mom is very lucky to have your support.
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
It is so important to have someone helping with your care when ill. Your Mom is so blessed to have you at her side.

How precious to have each other's as BFF's!

I will be praying for God's healing hand upon both of you.

Enjoy the time together tomorrow!
Posted by lax mom (Member # 38743) on :
[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Anthropologista (Member # 35483) on :
Thinking of your mom and of you, Sammy. Love and healing wishes for your mom's surgery.
[group hug] [hi] [kiss]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sammy... if she has to have pancreatic cancer, that is the BEST kind to have!!! The survival rate is VERY GOOD!

I have a friend who had that surgery 17 yrs ago and is doing well. She takes really good care of herself.

I have another friend who just went thru the surgery less than 2 months ago. She's doing well!

I hope that gives you HOPE!!!

I prayed for you tonight at church and I pray for you and your mom every chance I get!! TAKE CARE and keep up the hope!
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
sammy, I'm so glad to finally have an update again.

Lymetoo, that is very hopeful!

sammy, can your sister come and help out some? I know she has her baby/toddler to care for, and she lives at a distance. But it sounds like she will really be needed, unless there is someone from church, or someone else who can help out.

I pray that the tests and the surgery go really well, and that you have more answers soon, too.

Please, please find someone to help besides yourself. YOU need care, too! Don't let your own care go down while taking care of your mom.

Have a blessed Christmas with your dear mom. This is precious time together.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Please be good to yourself in any way you can at this difficult time. Reaching out to your sister sounds like a good idea.

Have a blessed and peaceful Christmas with your beloved mother.

Sending prayers and hugs for successful surgery and good recovery, Sammy. [group hug]
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying for you and your Mom for a good surgery outcome, long and healthy lives, strength, and total peace.

Love to you!!!
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
Lymetoo, thank you SO much for sharing this! It gives great hope!

I am happy your friends are doing well.
Posted by Ellen101 (Member # 35432) on :
Sammy, sending prayers to your mom. Has anyone mentioned trying low dose naltrexone? Some with cancer have had amazing results.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Sadly, my sister does not want to be involved. She has her own life now. (She stays home and takes care of the baby).

When my mom was in the hospital with the pulmonary embolisms, she called my sister, asking them to please come with the baby (16mo) to visit. Mom was very scared and didn't know if she was going to make it through at that point because her diagnosis was life threatening.

My sister simply said "no".

She never comes to visit us. If we want to see her and the baby, we have to go there. She knows we will come. Which she also knows is exhausting for me.

At Christmas, they did not ask either of us how we are doing, or what's going on, or if we needed help, or prayer, or anything.

They talked in great length about how they are helping a friend who had a baby, bringing her meals and stuff. That they've been taking care of some children of a family whose husband had a concussion and is now possibly being diagnosed with cancer. How horrible that is!!!

And yet, no comfort for my mom going through the very thing that they fear for their church friend. It's like they are blind. I wanted to shake them.

I don't know what my sister is thinking but it breaks my heart. She didn't want to spend time with us and it was clear. She just wanted presents and she wanted her Christmas obligation to be over.

It breaks my heart because I don't know how to fix it. I love her terribly.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Sammy. I dont know if you read my post about my family but my two sisters are having to live with their regrets. They never visited mom or did anything for her. I would fly up from texas which isnt cheap and take care of her.

My advice...leave your sister to her life. You have enough on your plate. Obviously she doesnt care.

But one day she will and it will be too late.

Cruel I know but you need to concentrate on your mom.

I wish you much love and support. Believe me ive been there.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, it is heartbreaking the way your sister is acting and very hard to understand. It is sad, but right now you and your mom need positive support.

Do you have any friends, other family members, or people from church who could help out? Do you know if there are any cancer support groups in the area? These are usually great places for help of all kinds.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

I understand family issues all too well and how we would like to fix them, but we can't.

We should pray unceasingly and allow God to work.

He is the only one who can change people.

As Sammi wrote above, it would be good to look into caring community members who would be willing to help you and your Mom in any possible way.

Continuing to pray for you, your Mom and also your sister.

[group hug]
Posted by poppy (Member # 5355) on :
Sorry about your sister. Don't know if it is any comfort, but this is not rare. Relatives go off on foreign mission trips, but can't inquire about illnesses in their own kin. Inventing things to be mad about so as to create distance, and no obligation to care about sick relatives. Taking care of in laws, friends, ignoring kin. The list goes on and on. If you go to support group meetings, you might hear a few stories, but most patients are embarrassed to admit their families won't help. People might think it was their own fault. That is, people who don't have lyme. We do understand, however.

Makes a person very disillusioned about human nature.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Oh, sammy, this is heart-breaking on top of everything else!!! I know how much your sister and niece have meant to you. What a slap in the face.

I've been through the same thing personally with my brothers. They can't be bothered to ask how I am, reach out to me, care anything about what I am going through, etc. This has been true my entire adult life.

People, family especially, often act out in their own selfish, uncomprehending ways, that are unbelievably difficult to understand and endure.

I am so sorry to hear about this cruel situation on top of everything else both you and your mom are enduring.

For now, if I were you, I would ignore your sister, as you have enough to do to be there for your mom and yourself.

But please, please reach out to friends, church members, support groups, anywhere else you can find. Also, look into whether a nurse, social worker, etc. can be paid for by Medicare or insurance, Medicaid, whatever. You are not made of steel!! Far from it.

Please don't let your own care go down in this most difficult situation. It is really heart-breaking. As if you haven't had enough heart-break already.

I wish that I had the power to come there and do something myself. Since I can't, what I can do is send love and prayers.

And if you can ask any church members support group members, etc. to help to figure out if some help can be covered or volunteered, please do so. You can only do so much, before you break yourself.

Love and prayers to both of you. May God's love surround and comfort both of you in your time of need.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Sammy...I will ask the Lord to send you some reliable help that you are comfortable with.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Still praying.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Also still praying,sammy.

[group hug]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
Me too sammy.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Sammy, praying here in Indiana for you and your family.

God is in control. Everyday I remind myself of that too.

No matter what happens, he will not fail us.

Peace, Wisdom and Strength-

[group hug]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Sammy am hoping that 2014 will bring the Lords blessing for you and your mother.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
** Update 1/7/14 **

Thank you for all of your prayers and ideas expressed here. Everything is greatly appreciated.

Right after the holidays we struggled with an upper respiratory infection that was stressful and a setback in terms of getting things done. I still feel beat and am needing naps daily.

At one point, a few things in the house needed done and my mom expressed to me her fears that I am not going to be able to take care of her after the surgery. Basically she had a panic attack and I could not even calm her down. I felt so bad, so inadequate.

I'll be honest, it's going to be hard. We will need God's grace to get by but I know that we will. The house will not be perfect, we may not eat glamorous meals, but my mom will be cared for. That is what matters.

I just learned today that my IVIG has been denied. Last year when I had to go off of it for testing I was bedridden for the 6mo due to constant infections. I need to trust and pray that God will provide for us this time around knowing how much I need it due to my severe immune deficiency.

I cannot allow myself to think about the alternative that if I do not get my IVIG approved this week, I will not be well enough to care for my mom. And I am no longer on IV antibiotics, I am on orals only.

So, today and tomorrow my mom has a special nuclear med test to see if the cancer has spread anywhere else like the liver. Please pray that it will not spread but if it has already that they will find it so that it can be taken out during surgery.

Mom's surgery is scheduled for January 23rd at 8:30am, her surgeon is Dr. Ouellette.

Thank you all for walking with us through this. *Hugs*
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Sammy bless your heart. How in home care like a nurse to come in or something?

Are you doing ok for money? Need gift cards or something??
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I cannot believe that with everything you have going on that your IVIG was denied again! You need this more than anyone I know. What reason did they give? What recourse do you have? The timing could not be any worse. I am so sorry.

Do you have any other family members, people from church, or friends who could help out? You cannot do this alone. Do you know if there are cancer support groups in your area? These support groups can provide rides to and from treatment and may be able to help with a lot of other things also.

sammy, if I can help by researching support groups for you or do anything else at all, please let me know. You have so much on your plate right now, and you need help.

I am praying that your IVIG is approved immediately, that your mom's cancer has not spread, and that her surgery is a complete success. I am also praying for strength for you and your mom during this difficult time.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
So sorry, sammy, for all that you and your Mom are going through.

I am praying fervently for both of you, and trusting that God will provide all that you both need.

Also trusting that you both will get all the treatments you need and will be healed.

Love and hugs!!
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
Bless your heart Sammy. You have had enough challenges for a lifetime.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

Will continue to lift you and your mom up in prayer.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Oh Sammy. I pray for you and your mom daily.

Who has denied your IVIG? Medicare? A Medicare Advantage plan?

On what basis? You are awaiting some kind of approval this week?? You have appealed?

When was your last treatment?
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
I was wondering why it was so cold in the house yesterday...

The furnace quit working! The warmest it got was -15 wind chill outside!!! So my mom came home from her tests and said that it was almost as cold inside as it was outside [Frown]

We had Duke energy come to make sure that our gas had enough power to make the flame (not sure if I am explaining the technical correctly here). Everything was OK so we had to wait for our neighbor to get off work before he could come fix our furnace.

Thank God our heat was restored last night!!!

So mom proceeds to tell me that she'd been feeling short of breath all day, chest heavy, and like her heart was racing. She didn't know if it was stress or symptoms of more clots and had considered going to the ER earlier...

This was like 9pm. So now I'm worried. She didn't want to go to the ER so I tried to get her to relax and we watched a couple funny shows together. She said she felt a little better before going to bed.

She's going to have the neighbor check her blood sugar if she still feels bad this afternoon because she thinks that maybe her pancreas is making her sugars imbalanced.

So please pray that she will feel better and that things will calm down so that she will have less stress. She's having a hard time coping. Anyone in her situation would.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
About the IVIG...

I just got a call from my doctor's office. They did a doctor to doctor appeal over the phone today. Thank God our request for IVIG was approved!!! What a huge blessing!

I was in such a huge state of shock that it was denied since yesterday. I called the office and did everything that I needed to do and have been trusting that God would take care of it. It was way out of my hands to handle this.

The nurse was so nice, she has no idea how important this coverage was to me. This means that I can care for my mom. Or really, I can care for my mom without losing my life.

What a relief and huge weight off my shoulders.

Thank you all for praying this through. You are carrying us.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Sammy what hospital are you going to? Im familar with all of them. Stay away from good sam. Ketterin is fabulous and so is the new one in beavercreek. Greene memorial is ok so is miami valley.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That is awesome, sammy!! Praise the Lord for His many blessings!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Thank you, God...Thank you, God...Thank you, God!!!

Prayers answered. Will keep praying and trusting our Lord to work everything out.
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
Thank you keeping us updated! It is so exciting when the Lord's handiwork can be seen-Praise God! Glad your furnace is working and you had a neighbor who could help!

Now- keep praying your IV will go well and your mom will get better. May God continue to bless you with strength and endurance.

Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
Originally posted by sammy:
About the IVIG...

I just got a call from my doctor's office. They did a doctor to doctor appeal over the phone today. Thank God our request for IVIG was approved!!! What a huge blessing!

sammy, what a huge blessing indeed! I am SO happy for you!

With your mom's clotting history, she should go to the ER when she has these symptoms. Prayers continue for you and your mom.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Wow, great news on your side sammy. Now get mom to accept help and not let symptoms go for too long before going to dr office or ER.

Sometimes we know we've worked ourselves in a tizzy and caused anxiety sx in our bodies. I hope mom knows there is a difference and when there is a difference.

When your body speaks...listen. Lyme patients become experts on waiting to see if this symptom too shall pass. If we went every time there was a change in our bodies, we'd live in doc office or ER.

We try to avoid stupid questions from non-lyme docs at all costs.


Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
OMG, sammy, I just saw the new posts. Thank God that your IVIG was approved!!! That is essential.

Please, please see about getting a visiting nurse/aide to help your mom after surgery. NOt that you won't help her, but to help you to help her without you going down with the ship.

If that isn't possible, please do let someone help you to find volunteers to help out. YOu can only do so much without jeopardizing your own health.

And please take your mom to the ER if necessary. I hear that it is hard to tell what is anxiety, and what is a clotting problem. It sounds like she could use anti-anxiety meds to get her through this terribly stressful time.

I pray that the tests show that the cancer has not spread.

I'm sending love and prayers to both of you.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
sammy, I'm thinking about you both, as I'm sure many of us are. How are things progressing?

Please do get help, so it isn't only you supporting your mom after her surgery.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 1/14**

Thank you all for your continued love and prayers [Smile]

I spoke with my mom last night about when she will be coming home after surgery and what she will be expecting.

Basically, she does not want any outside help like a home care nurse. She thinks that we will be fine on our own, just the 2 of us.

I asked her if any of her close friends or the church had offered to make meals or do anything during that week to help out and she said "no" that "we'll be fine."

She said that she'll get some freezer dinners that I can pop in easily. And I can ask the neighbor to make something one day, she's very nice and is always willing to help.

A good friend of mine (My only non-lyme friend) has offered to help with a meal but she lives over an hour away from my house so that is hard when she works long hours every day. Her parents may help out with one too?

I've kinda been waiting for people to step up and ask but no one is. It's like they don't realize the gravity, the severity of this surgery and how sick I am to have to care for my mom afterwards...

The pastor (and maybe his wife?) is going to come over to our house to talk sometime this week. I think that will be good for my mom. To help her cope with some things before surgery.

By God's grace, we'll get through this together. If mom can be strong and make it through the surgery then I ask for God's strength and endurance to help me care for her as she heals afterward.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us both. I am still in shock that this situation is really real. Having a hard time coping with it myself so I know my mom is too.

I'm also sick right now, upper respiratory + sinus symptoms, seem to be getting worse instead of better. Please pray with me that my body can fight it off without having to go to the doctor for antibiotics.

Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I continue to pray for you and your mom as I am sure everyone here also continues to pray. I am sure you are completely exhausted in every way.

I am glad your pastor will be visiting. Is there any way you could speak with him about your concerns (even if it is before he visits)? Maybe when he knows the situation he can rally volunteers.

I just think it is a lot for you to do alone when you are so sick. If people know you need help, they will want to help. Your mom should not feel like it is a burden to have people help. Maybe she would reconsider if you tell her that having help would also help you?
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
I pray for you everyday...I agree with sammi...tell your pastor the deal...sometimes people just don't realize and if mentioned turns things around...there is no shame asking people for help...none at all.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
PLEASE ask your church for help!! They sometimes don't know you need help unless you ask. They know people are "proud" (sounds like your mama) and may not want to push it.

So .. let the minister know you could use help. I'm sure he will ask about that when he comes to see you.

Praying for you daily.

[group hug]
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Sammy, please ask for help. The people at the church would love to help. Just get Mom to say, Let go and Let God.

Let others help. Tell her how strangers on line reach out and are able to help you when times are rough. Image what help the church people would be to you both.

God wants us to admit the truth and ask for help. He wants others to help you guys.

Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
<<<<< sammy >>>>>,

TxCoord and I are praying,and I agree about your church and pastor. Talk to them,and if they can help please allow them to do so.

You cannot help your mom,if you collapse.I am glad they finally got your IVIG thru, but you need to be able rest and to take care of you too!

jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Yes, sammy, please do talk to your pastor about rallying help, and probably talk to him ahead of time about it.

Your mom likely wants the comfort of just you around,not realizing what a toll it would take on you, when you need help yourself! As someone else mentioned, you can tell your mom that much as

you'd like to do it all yourself, you need support to support her, so you don't collapse in the process. I don't think that she wants that.

You both need all the help that you can get right now. This is a huge stress in every way for both of you (that's not news to you!).

Please see if your mom can get anti-anxiety meds to get her through this time, if she isn't already. This would make a saint anxious! Well, maybe not a saint, but everyone else.

So, yes, get as much help lined up as possible, and help from your pastor and speaking to your mom so that she can accept that help, knowilng that it will help you, too.

Lots of people would surely gladly help, if they understood the need.

Love and prayers to both of you in this time of great need.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Still praying for you and your mom sammy. After Don Piper, who wrote the book " 90 Minutes in Heaven", was mangled in a horrible car accident, he refused to let people help him. He prided himself on being independent. One day an older pastor taught him that the only gift other people have to offer is their help. Don't take that gift away from them. People love you and they really do want to help. Simply tell them they can help. They want to show they care.
Posted by Jane2904 (Member # 15917) on :
Praying for you and your Mom, Sammy.

Please ask for help. I agree with Rumigirl.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Dekrator48:

Still praying for you and your mom sammy. After Don Piper, who wrote the book " 90 Minutes in Heaven", was mangled in a horrible car accident, he refused to let people help him. He prided himself on being independent. One day an older pastor taught him that the only gift other people have to offer is their help. Don't take that gift away from them. People love you and they really do want to help. Simply tell them they can help. They want to show they care.


I remember that part of the book, Dekrator! I learned a valuable lesson there!
Posted by mlg (Member # 35383) on :
My prayers are with you.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Mine also - always.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 1/19**

Mom has a procedure tomorrow to place a special filter to catch blood clots and prevent them from going to her lungs (which would cause another pulmonary embolism) and brain (which would cause a stroke).

She'll have this done at the hospital and will need to be going under anesthesia also. We've been told it takes awhile because afterwards they have to keep pressure on the insertion site for a long time to stop bleeding.

Mom has extra risks going into the procedure with the lung blood clots and having been on blood thinners to treat and prevent more clots.

Things are getting very real now. Surgery day is just a couple nights away.

We went to church today, it was good to get out of the house after I've been so sick all week. Mom spoke up and tried to catch most of her friends to tell/ remind them of the surgery date and ask for prayer. I was able to catch a couple she missed.

I told you that the pastor was supposed to come over one evening to talk but he was not able to work things out with his schedule last week. Maybe he will work it out in the next couple days. It would be good for my mom.

I'm just trying to trust in God and enjoying our time together before the surgery.

So if you will, please pray for mom as she has her filter placed tomorrow, that God's hand will guide the doctors, that all will go well.

Thank you friends, thank you for standing by my side all the way through this.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
sammy .. We will pray. Could you please post your mom's first name? Or send me a PM with her name. I know that God knows, but it helps me when I'm praying.

I sure hope the minister can stop by this week. May God surround both of you with his mighty angels of healing.

[group hug]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
My mom had that filter put in.
Posted by steve1906 (Member # 16206) on :
prayers going out to your mom, everything is going to work out tomorrow!!!
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Praying always.
Posted by lax mom (Member # 38743) on :
Sending up prayers sammy.

[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, prayers continue.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
sammy, I am praying for you both. Please ask the pastor to visit, when it will work out for your mom. Let him know how serious it is.
Love and prayers to you both.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Thinking of you and your dear mom with Christian love and asking the Lord to give you a day of tenderness from Him to you both.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Thank you all so much for responding today. My mom's name is Cinda, her surgery today is 3pm at Kettering Memorial Hospital. She will be at the same hospital on the 23rd.

Got to go!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

Praying fervently for both of you and for all the people your Mom will have caring for her today and in the days to come.

May our Lord cover all of you with His perfect love and gentle healing care.

Wish I could hug you both in person.

Peace be with you both.

[group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
We were posting at the same time, sammy.

Thanks for the update. Will be praying.

[group hug]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Praying... what a beautiful name she has!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
More prayers here - please keep us updated - when you can.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I pray that Cinda's surgery went well yesterday and that her surgery goes well on the 23rd. I continue to pray for you also.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Lifting you and your Mom up in prayer today!

Sending hugs to you both!

Isaiah 41:10(NIV)

10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

[group hug] [group hug]
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Praying praying praying
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
Praying God will be with you in amazing ways! After so much preparation for this it will be nice to have the surgery over and have your mom home and healing!

Prayers for all to go well, you to be over your cold, and your mom to be well!

Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Thoughts and prayers and anticipation of the Lord's help in troubled times.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Sammy, I know you have to be beyond exhausted. Please get some rest today, if possible.

We'll wait for your up-date. Don't forget you!

Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Prayers continue, and trusting that our Lord is healing both of you and providing for all that you both need.

Psalm 9: 9-10(NIV)

9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
10 Those who know your name trust in you,
for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, praying for all to go well tomorrow.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying for you and your dear Mom this morning as she goes into surgery.

Heavenly Father,

Please keep sammy's Mom, Cinda, in your gentle care today. Please heal her from cancer, guide the surgeon to perfection and help all of the healthcare team to take exceptional care of her.

Please protect Cinda from any complications or extreme pain.

Please send angels to sit and comfort sammy as she waits for her precious Mom to come out of surgery and keep angels of protection by Cinda's side in the operating room.

Please help sammy and Cinda to feel the peace, hope and comfort that comes only from You.

I ask all of this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Psalm 103:2-4(NIV)

2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
Posted by seibertneurolyme (Member # 6416) on :
Praying for you and your mom Sammy.

Bea Seibert
Posted by Ellen101 (Member # 35432) on :
Sending prayers for you and your mom. Please update us when you can.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am praying that everything went well today.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Praying, sammy.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Yes, praying and sending love to you both. I hope everything went well today.

Please get some rest yourself.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Praying for you both. Hang on.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
From "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young:

"Strive to trust Me in more and more areas of your life. Anything that tends to make you anxious is a growth opportunity.

Instead of running away from these challenges, embrace them, eager to gain all the blessings I have hidden in the difficulties. If you believe that I am sovereign over every aspect of your life, it is possible to trust Me in all situations.

Don't waste energy regretting the way things are or thinking about what might have been. Start at the present moment-accepting things exactly as they are-and search for My way in the midst of those circumstances.

Trust is like a staff you can lean on, as you journey uphill with Me. If you are trusting in Me consistently, the staff will bear as much of your weight as needed. Lean on, trust, and be confident in Me with all your heart and mind."

Prayers and hugs, sammy!!
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 1/24 **

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you with all of my heart I want to thank you for praying for my mom.

Her surgery went well yesterday, it was a long procedure. It started at 10:30am and ended at 5:30pm. She spent a couple hours in recovery before we finally got to see her in her room at 9:30pm. It was a long and hard day.

The surgeon said that she had 5 incisions and a JP drain. She also has an NG tube down her nose to help her stomach to heal. During the surgery, the spleen was removed, along with all of the lymph nodes, and half the pancreas with the tumor. He checked the liver and decided to leave it.

My Grandma and I went back to the hospital to visit and care for her today. Mom was miserable from all the pain and the overwhelming nausea.

They tried changing her medicines but when we left this evening, she was still really suffering. I hate to see her like that, I hate to leave her like that.

Tomorrow it is supposed to snow a bunch and be dangerously cold. My mom doesn't want us driving in the snow to come see her so I will worry about her...

Please pray with me that she will feel better and be able to rest easily and begin to heal well.

Thank you, thank you for staying with me through this. You are true friends [Smile]
Posted by lax mom (Member # 38743) on :
Praying for comfort, strength and healing.

[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
OH, that sounds so rough!!! But I'm SO HAPPY it is over and she can now be on her way to recovery. I know you will worry about her a LOT tonight.

So read what Dekrator posted (several times) and try NOT to worry! I pray you will be able to rest and that you can see her VERY SOON.

We love you, sammy!

[group hug]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am so happy your mom's surgery went well! I am sure you are beyond exhausted.

Now we will pray for her healing and for strength for you. Please get some rest, you have been through so much.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on : made it and so did your mom! Asking the Lord to send his angels to watch over your mom while you are away from her. Peace...can you picture those angels?
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Sammy, a 7-hour surgery, wow!! That is a very long and difficult one. I'm so glad that it went well.

Hopefully, they will get her meds right, so she is more comfortable. It's bound to be tough after such a long, involved surgery.

Yes, please rest. Lymetoo is right, Dekrator has a wonderful quote there to give you comfort.

Love and prayers for both of you. Good healing for you mom---and for you.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
I will continue to pray, sammy, and trust in our Lord to take care of everything.

Another entry from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young:

"Trust Me in every detail of your life. Nothing is random in My kingdom.

Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me.

Instead of trying to analyze the intricacies of the pattern, focus your energy on trusting Me and thanking Me at all times.

Nothing is wasted when you walk close to Me. Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good, through My transforming grace.

While you were still living in darkness, I began to shine the Light of My Presence into your sin-stained life.

Finally, I lifted you up out of the mire into My marvelous Light. Having sacrificed My very Life for you, I can be trusted in every facet of your life."
Posted by lyme in Putnam (Member # 11561) on :
Hope all goes well. God bless.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Dear friends, This will have to be short today as I'm extremely exhausted. I feel like everything has started to catch up with me.

It snowed here about 5 in but it stopped early and they were able to clear the roads.

Mom is doing a little better today. They changed her meds so now she has to deal with more pain to have less nausea.

They are also going to try to take out the NG tube tonight which will make her much more comfortable as long as her stomach is ready.

Thank you so much for praying, we are relying on them right now [Smile]
Posted by lax mom (Member # 38743) on :
So glad to hear she is getting a bit of comfort and is a little better.

Continuing prayers for you, your mom and your grandma.

[group hug]
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Praying each day is better than the last. I will be praying each day. Hoping everyone can get some rest.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Thanks for the update sammy.

Praying for pain relief and relief from nausea for your Mom. Praying that she will feel well with the NG tube out.

Praying for healing rest for both of you and renewed strength for tomorrow.

[group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am so glad your mom is a little better. I hope she improves more each day.

I also hope you can get some much-needed rest. You have been going and going for a long time now, both physically and emotionally. Prayers continue for you all.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Still praying ,sammy!

Our Heavenly Father is right there with you and your Mom, encouraging you both.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update** 1/27

Much has happened.

The night of the 25th our water heater broke and started leaking. So sadly I spent all day yesterday the 26th trying to get it fixed.

Thankfully my nice neighbor was able to replace it for me. I am blessed to have their family nearby.

Now I have warm water, just in time. Our temps are dropping to neg 15 tonight so we have to keep warm water dripping all night so the pipes don't freeze.

Mom is doing better. She is able to get up and go to the rest room by herself now. She can stand for a few minutes to brush teeth, etc. She is trying small amounts of food to "challenge" the pancreas. She is also now on Vicodin for pain, this is what she'll go home with.

Some prayer requests, they are running cultures to see if mom has an infection because she keeps soaking through her pancreas dressing and has a lot of output in the JP drain.

If there is no infection, they are talking about sending her home tomorrow.

I want her to come home but I want her to be ready first.

So thank you for continuing to pray for us.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, when it rains it pours right? I am so sorry you had to deal with a broken water heater, but thank goodness your neighbor was able to help.

It is great your mom is feeling stronger! I will pray that no infection is present, that her surgery was a complete success, and that she gets stronger every day.

Please get some much-needed rest, and try to stay warm.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Must be the week for broken water heaters...ours went south too.

So relieved your mom is making progress...and praying tomorrow brings positive results.

It is wonderful you have a nice neighbor...that isn't an accident I am sure.

Prayers for your situation continue. The Lord is faithful.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

I am thanking God for His mercy, a great neighbor and your Mom's improvement!

May God give you both strength for all that you and your Mom are going through.

May help and support flow to both of you to supply all that you need.

Also praying for no infection, steady improvement and complete healing.

Hugs dear friend!
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 1/30**

Dear friends, my mom was able to come home yesterday [Smile]

It's been a very busy time of preparation to get her home and now that she is here, I've got my hands full. It is good though. I am glad that she is home as I no longer worry about who is caring for her because I do everything for myself.

Gradually she will get better and do more for herself so things will get easier for me. Right now it is very hard and I am tired. I'm not able to get in my naps that I relied on on most days.

Thankfully, mom slept well in her bed when she got home. Pain is still a problem, hopefully it will gradually get better as things heal. Nausea is better, she has to take phenergan every now and then. She is able to walk unassisted to use the rest room and such but is not able to stand up for more than a couple minutes at a time without feeling sick, dizzy, and too much pain.

Tomorrow I have IVIG and my sister is going to come visit (because she didn't make it to the hospital to see mom). She said that she will help out with anything that needs done while she is here so that will be good since I'll be doing my infusion.

Thank you so much for your prayers, for helping to carry us through this. If you will, please continue to pray for my mom as she heals and for me as I try to care for her (that I won't have a crash from all this either!)

I just can't express how much your presence and continued prayers mean to me and my mom. We are ever so grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This is a good news update!!! yea [Smile]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, it sounds like your mom is progressing well! This is good news! I know that having you by her side has been tremendous help for her.

I do worry about you caring for her by yourself. Were you able to enlist any help? This would be difficult for a healthy person to do alone. Is your sister there for only one day?
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Thanks and praise to God for your Mom's improvement, ability to go home and for you being able to care for her, sammy.

Prayers for both of you continue.

Our God has a plan and it is full of HOPE.

Hugs to you both!!
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Ahhh...delightful glad things are falling into place for you both.

Asking the Lord to give you both rest...physically and mentally. Thanks for keeping us in the loop and rest assured that prayers continue.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Love and prayers continue for both of you.

I am so glad that she is able to be home now. Did you ever get to speak with your pastor? If not, please do. After your sister leaves, you will definitely need help, so you don't get worn out yourself.

People especially can help with things like bringing food, doing laundry, and other chores. that would free you up to do nrusing/caring things for your mom and to take care of you!

Love to you both. Here's to continued healing for your mom.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Sammy, I hope things are going ok. You went to a good hospital and I know she'll get good care.

Hang in there.
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
I am glad your mom is home- no place like home!

Try to rest when you can, it is so easy to keep thinking I will do one more thing, but rest!

God bless you and your mom!
Posted by seibertneurolyme (Member # 6416) on :
Any updates?

Bea Seibert
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
I think that sammy must be run ragged trying to care for her mom.
I so wish that you can enlist your pastor's help in rallying people to come by and help by bringing food, doing chores, etc. You need a break to take care of YOU!!

Love and prayers to you both---and your grandma (and sister, too, if she has come around some).
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Wondering how things are...praying.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Let me know how you're doing. Sisters say its nasty up there.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Still praying, sammy!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Also still praying, sammy!

Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
Me too, and I am hoping you have some help.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 2/6/14 **

Hi to my dear friends [Smile] Thank you for continuing to pray for us.

I was talking with my mom today, trying to get ready for my LLMD phone follow-up tomorrow. She always gives me her honest objective opinion. So I asked her how she thought I did this month considering all that was going on.

She said that I am weaker, have less endurance, more fatigue and seem sicker overall than I was last month.

It was like a slap in the face. I've been trying so hard to take good care of her. It was like I was hearing that I wasn't good enough.

Basically I sacrificed myself for her. I knew that it was possible but hoped that I was strong enough to make it through this time without backsliding.

The reality is, no one is really offering to help us here after the surgery. Except we were very grateful to accept a couple meals.

My sister came over one day to visit for a couple hours. My grandma calls to check on us often. She also took me to walmart one day to get much needed groceries.

So I'm doing the best that I can. I try to prioritize my activities to conserve energy. It's humbling not being able to do all that I want and need to do. I want to be able to do more.

So please keep praying for us. That God will give me the strength and all that I need to help my mom and continue to get better myself.

Please continue to pray for my mom's healing. That she will get better and stronger every day. That she will heal without complications.

Mom is still very weak, tired, and has pain. She has a dressing that needs changed twice daily. She tries to push herself and do a little more gradually every day.

We saw her surgeon for a follow up this week and found out that all of the lymph nodes removed during her surgery tested positive for the cancer. So the doctor said that she will have to be watched very closely.
Posted by poppy (Member # 5355) on :
Call up your pastor and tell him you need help.

Are there no home nurse visits allowed with her insurance/medicare?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Did you want her to lie? And how would that help?

Now, I hope she has extended her gratitude to you and said this in a nice tone of voice, of course. But looking at the basics here:

You say that you asked for an honest opinion -- as routine, you two have done this before:

"She said that I am weaker, have less endurance, more fatigue and seem sicker overall than I was last month.

It was like a slap in the face. I've been trying so hard to take good care of her. It was like I was hearing that I wasn't good enough." (end quote)

THAT is not what I "hear" -- not at all. She was stating facts as she observed. And likely, she had compassion when stating this but it may not have come through.

Don't think this is at all a judgment. Like the old "Dragnet" -- "Just the facts, Ma'am".

She may be correct but that does not at all imply judgment. Do not make that jump.

And it's important information for your doctor's phone consult. And important detail for you . . . that you need more support on various levels or to cut out some of what you do -- even if it seems you can't . . . somehow some things need shifting. Find help, somehow (I hope).

Do NOT equate what you can do with how you are as a person. Please. I know you wanted to come through with flying colors, in all aspects, and you DID in the important factors.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I totally agree with Keebler. Plus, why WOULDN'T you be more fatigued, etc at this point in time? I would be completely EXHAUSTED!!

You are both enduring a LOT OF STRESS. Go easy on yourself and on your mother!

Please call your church for help .. and maybe a social worker of some sort? Surely you qualify for HELP of some sort!

[group hug]

We love you and care about you and your mother. You are doing your ultimate best and that is the DARNED TRUTH!
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am very sorry to hear that cancer was found in your mom's lymph nodes.

It would exhaust a healthy person to care for someone who just had the serious surgery your mom had.

Have you spoken with your pastor about getting some help? If not, please do. Cancer support groups may also have volunteers who can help do miscellaneous things. We all need help sometimes. I believe if people know you need help, they will be happy to do what they can.

Let your doctor know about all the stress and exhaustion you are dealing with. Maybe your protocol can be tweaked somewhat to help.

Prayers continue for you and your mom.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Your mother can see that all you are doing for her is taking a toll on you. That is not what she wants to see happening.

Please do not take it that you aren't doing enough. You really need to focus in more on yourself and resting as much as possible.

You must learn to relax and not let the stress of mom has cancer eat at lowering your immune system. You are only human and worse you are ill yourself.

You and mom need sister and other family to relieve you and help out. You must get help from someone. Please allow yourself to lay down the law and get someone helping you with mom.

Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 2/9/14**

I'm sorry if any part of my last update sounded whiny at all. I did not intend it to be so.

Words alone are often not enough to convey emotions. So let me try to convey how I was feeling at the time.

I was feeling disappointed in myself because I had hoped that i would be able to care for my mother to the best of my ability and endure through this time without back sliding. I was hoping that I had gotten better and built up enough strength that I could do this.

But the test shows the proof that I am not that far yet. I've got a long ways to go. I am still very ill.

I feel better after talking with my LLMD. He made me realize that I am not a failure. That I have done more than they imagined possible so that is a plus.

We are going to tweak my protocol because it was targeted towards babesia and my Lyme symptoms were starting to flare more. So we are changing up an antibiotic to better take care of the Lyme then I will theoretically have all infections covered.

I'm also supposed to try to restart Cowden but I honestly don't know if I will be able to remember to do it at this time.

Thank you all for being kind to me and understanding. For listening and being here. For praying for us during this journey, It's been a tough one.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Sammy, you didn't sound whiny to me. I've been there, too, with my family. Always wanting more and more and not really understanding. But that's my family and your situation is different.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You've done an amazing job and in all that freezing cold weather.

To do all that with lyme is to your credit.

One thing somebody told me is that patients often take out their frustrations on their caregivers.

Don't ever ask for "honest" opinions unless you want to get blasted. The people I know take that as a n opportunity to go full attack mode. So I've learned never to ask them anything.

It's like the ole "do these pants make me look fat?" Routine.

Jus take one day at a time and remember spring is not far away.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I don't think anyone thinks your post was whiny.

You are dealing with SO much, and you are doing a stellar job! A healthy person would be exhausted and completely spent. We are worried about the toll this extra stress is taking on you and your health.

I still hope you can enlist help through your church, support groups, or friends.

Prayers continue!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

You are doing a great job under circumstances that would challenge anyone.

I wish I could be there to lend a hand.

I pray that the new protocol will help you feel better.

I continue to pray for you and your Mom....for total healing, strength and peace.

Just approach each day as doing the best that you can in each moment...what more could anyone do?

I also pray that help will come to you whenever you need it.

[group hug] [group hug]
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
I am definately with everyone above. Ýou are doing a great job! We are plugging for to encourage you...and best of all, to pray.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 2/17**

Thank you for sticking with me my dear friends, this has been a long journey. We are far from done but thankfully things are calming down now.

Mom is getting a little better every day. I know I keep saying that but it's true. A little here and there all adds up.

For example, she put away some clean dishes for me yesterday and folded up a couple clean towels for me today. Things that she could NOT have done last week.

She's also getting showers now and tolerating them better than I can! I'm getting jealous about that!!! At first they would wipe her out and make her feel sick for a couple days after. Now she just needs to rest a little after and she feels fine. She does better than me because I need to take a long nap after my showers [Smile]

*I'll tell you about our adventure from last week. The story will have * by it so you know when it begins and ends. It may be kinda gross so if you have a queasy stomach skip by this one!

*We opted to take out mom's JP drain at home instead of going in to see the surgeon again for it. At the last appt, he had removed the staples and said that if it didn't "slide out on it own" or "get yanked out on furniture" that we could come in and he'd take it out for us. My mom was scared that the doctor was going to yank on the tube, pulling it out hard and fast so I promised that I'd take it out at a moderate pace and stop to rest if she needed a break.

*So we had been emptying her drain daily and nothing had really been coming out any longer for a couple days. It was supposed to be done draining and dry inside, therefore no more need for the tube. It was time to remove it.

*For some reason I decided to tuck a bath towel under my mom's side "just in case", a gut feeling I had. I also had a few paper towels that I planned to dispose the JP tube in.

*Well, I had no problem pulling it out, that was uneventful. Except as soon as I got the tip out, out GUSHED a bunch of old fluids that hadn't drained properly!!! (Picture a water fountain, that is how much pressure the fluid had arching through the air!)

*I quick pulled up the bath towel and applied pressure to my mom's abdomen and held it there for several minutes. Whenever I tried to take a peek, the fluid would GUSH up at me so I quick replaced the big towel that i was grateful to have on hand.

*I stood there with pressure on mom's abdomen for about 40min until it stopped oozing out. Then I put a thick dressing on her.

*I was glad that I got all the old fluid out (even though it made such a big mess!) because if it stayed in there it could have been hard for her body to absorb and it could have caused an infection.

*It really was a funny site. My poor mom was all worried and kinda embarrassed that this happened to her, I just stood there laughing the whole time because it was so unexpected.

*Because the fluid was drained so well to start with that day, she had hardly any problems with drainage on dressings. The site of her JP started to heal right up and is now closed.

In the end, I think it worked out for the best that we didn't go to the doctor's office to have it removed. Mom is healing better because of it.

Thank you all for continuing to pray for us. It's been a long hard week but we've made it through. So now looking onward to this week [Smile]

Blessings, sammy
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, thanks for the update.

It is such great news that your mom is getting stronger every day! You have taken such good care of her.

What a story about removing the tube! It is always best to listen to that inner voice. As you said, it is a good thing you got all the fluid out.

I hope things continue to improve for both of you. Prayers continue!
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
You sound better too, sammy. Healing is a process...we all know that...thanking the Lord for the our wonderfully-made bodies that he created with the ability to heal.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
I'm so happy to hear that your Mom is doing better and you seem to be doing better also.

It's good that all of that fluid drained out after removing the drain.

You are doing a really great job, sammy, of caring for your Mom.

I will continue to pray for complete healing for both of you, and for all that you need, to be provided.

Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Hopeyou are doing okay and your mom continues to heal.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Whew! I managed to read that. I'm so glad you were "prepared" and that it has really helped her overall!

Hang in there, you two! Prayers continue!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying, sammy, and trusting that your Mom will improve each day and that you will also have improved health.

[group hug]
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Thank you all for your continued prayers they mean so much to us [Smile]

Yesterday we were supposed to go to a follow- up with mom's oncologist but we got a call early in the morning to change the appt to next week. It worked out well as it gave us a day of rest.

I've been feeling really run down lately. I'm still struggling with symptoms from the virus/infection from before mom's surgery. This started several weeks ago and doesn't seem to be going away on it's own. I was hoping that my recent Lyme med change would kick it but that hasn't happened yet.

So if you could say an extra prayer for me for healing too, I would appreciate it.

Thank you my wonderful friends!
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am not surprised you are feeling run down. You have been doing so much. I hope that things are settling down a good bit now, so you can take care of you.

Do you have in infusion coming up soon?

I am praying for you to feel stronger as soon as possible.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Prayers for you and your mom. Thinking about you both and hoping you are feeling better and your mom too.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 2/27**

Dear friends, mom was doing so well... until wednesday, things drastically took a turn for the worst. My heart just breaks for her.

She started having abdominal pain on tuesday night, just twinges and she ignored it. On wednesday it got worse and she thought that it was her kidney stone.

Then suddenly Wednesday afternoon it hit her hard and she told me her pain was "ER level", (something she would never admit) , encompassing her whole abdomen. Still she didn't want to go to the ER.

I had to convince her that if the pain was that bad then we needed to go to the ER to find out what was going on. That is what she would expect me to do so she needed to take care of her self and do the same since we only have each other. This finally got her to go. She's stubborn.

The ER did a CT and blood work and found out that she had pancreatitis and a leak in her pancreas causing fluid to build up in her abdomen causing inflammation in all the other organs especially the colon.

We had gone to a smaller, local hospital (mom's choice) instead of the hospital where she had her surgery. So she had to be transferred by ambulance to the main hospital where her doctors would follow her and treat her.

It was a really long day and night. They now have her admitted, on antibiotics to treat the pancreatitis and they put in a JP drain to remove the fluid from her abdomen.

She's on lots of pain medicine because the pancreatitis is very painful and the procedure to put the drain in is also painful because they cut between the ribs to place the large suction tube.

She's very upset because they had to put in a PICC line yesterday for long term IV antibiotics. She'll be coming home with them for awhile because the infection is so serious. Mom never wanted a PICC because she saw what an annoyance it was for me to have mine.

She needs lots of prayers because pancreatitis is often DEADLY in people who have had pancreatic cancer and have had surgery to remove their tumors. It can cause too much stress on the pancreas and kill it.

So we need to pray that her body is able to clear the infection quickly with the help of the antibiotics. They have not been able to find out what type of infectious organism it is as of this AM so they cannot match the antibiotic perfectly yet.

We also need to pray that her pancreas stops leaking and that it will heal up nicely, and that the inflammation will go away. As these are also big problems.

My mom feels so overwhelmed now. She was so positive because she was doing well, she was getting better. But now she doesn't know if she can make it through such a large obstacle. She doesn't have the confidence this time that she needs.

I feel like she's hanging on my confidence. On my belief that she will be able to make it through and regain the progress that she had made.

Frankly I feel like my mom has fallen into a depression and she would give up if I were not here to keep holding her head and shoulders up, encouraging her all the way.

This is such a serious, scary, deadly complication. It's humbling. I'm faced with the fact again that I may lose my mom.

Dear friends, please pray for me and my mom.

Thank you.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
Oh sammy, I am so very sorry about this setback. Thank goodness you made your mom go to the ER!

I pray that they find the best antibiotic to treat her infection, that it works quickly, and that her pancreas will stop leaking as soon as possible. I also pray for you to have strength. She is so lucky to have your support.

Please let your mom know that we are all praying for both of you! Hang in there, okay?
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
sammy I am so sorry to hear this.

there is an excellent pancreatitus message board on the web. its the main one really. im sure they can help also.

praying for both of you
Posted by poppy (Member # 5355) on :
Could you give her the direct link to this board? I did a google search and came up with a number of them, don't know which is best. We can only give moral support, maybe the other board can give more detailed info.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Prayers to you both for strength and healing
Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
"pancreas stop leaking" . . .AMEN
We are thankful, you can share with US.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
its the carol muir board. cant get the link tho but let me check

carol muir memorial pancreatitus family message board.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
It will be okay Sammy...and we will collectively pray for you and your mom.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sammy .. we love you and your mother so much. Please remember that. It is very normal for both of you to be very depressed and overwhelmed.

There is NO SHAME in that depression.

This is a big obstacle for us humans, but nothing for GOD.

Lord, we ask today that you heal our sisters in Christ. Bring health and healing to both. Bless them in spirit and bring them HOPE, peace and comfort.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


Pancreatitis board:
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Prayers going up,in agreement w/ all those at prayer in this matter.

For <<<<< Sammy and her Momma >>>>>,

Lord, please wrap them in your healing love,and we ask for angels to comfort them both thru this ordeal.

We know you love both these dear ones, more than all of us could. Thank You Lord,for hearing these prayers !!!

In Jesus Name Amen!!!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
I am praying for your Mom, sammy, and you too.

Encourage your Mom to lean on the Lord for confidence. He can see things so much more clearly than we can.

Big hugs!!
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
God bless you both, will pray.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Just checking in to let you know I am still praying and wanted you to know that...I am certain others are too.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Absolutely. Still praying.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Oh, sammy, I just saw your recent post. I am so, so sorry to hear about the most recent obstacle. Of course, you would both be depressed and scared, and your mom would not feel confidant.

I pray that your mom's pancreatitis heals well and quickly, that it stop leaking, and that she can come home in much better health.

I pray that both of you will feel comforted and optimistic. I pray that you get over your virus, and and that your mom feels much, much better soon. and that you both can get good rest.

Much love and healing to both of you.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Still praying for you both, sammy!

May Our Heavenly Father provide all that you both need.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Oh, Sammy! More prayers from here for you both.
Posted by Jane2904 (Member # 15917) on :
Prayers for your Mom and you too!!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Asking our God to have mercy on both of you and grant complete healing.

I saw this book on Suzy Cohen's facebook page. She is known as America's Pharmacist and provides very good info on various topics.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, how are things going? I hope much better for both of you. Prayers continue.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Dekrator.. Did you see the "testimonial" about Lyme disease in the book reviews?

(sammy's mom has the neuro-endocrine cancer .. different from the norm)
Posted by hopingandpraying (Member # 9256) on :
Praying for you and your Mom. So much heart just breaks for everyone.

May the Great Physician have mercy on both of you and all those suffering with illness. May He provide the healing touch and make all things well and new.

Listen to "I'll Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns found on this link:

If you have K-LOVE radio station in your area, then you will find positive, uplifting, life-changing music and support there. If not, then you can listen online at
They also have a prayer line.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

I just read that review...thanks for pointing it out.

Suzy Cohen is lyme literate and does a great job educating the public.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Talking to our Heavenly Father for/with you...hope things are steady.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
<<<<< Sammy and Mom >>>>>,

Prayers continue, for both of you...

Dear Father in Heaven,

Sammy and her Mom need Your healing love and peace, please let your love descend on them. And let the Moms Pancreas heal properly and swiftly!

Both these dear dear Ladies need peace and rest,please keep them surrounded with Your Angels,and don't let them give up!

In Jesus name Amen!

Jus' Silverwolfi thinking of y'all
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
How is it going Sammy?
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 3/7**

Dear friends, Thank You for sticking with us, encouraging us, lifting us up in your prayers. Words cannot express how much I appreciate what you have done for us.

Thankfully, this is a good news update. I got mom home late yesterday! Oh, this has been such a battle, I feel so relieved to have her home where I can take care of her now. I know that she will get better here.

When mom got home from the hospital she confided in me that the doctor told her that they had wanted to keep her 3 more days! I told her that was ridiculous.

I had to get her out of the hospital because when she was in there she was not fighting for her life. She had lost all of her drive to live. They were treating her like she was a long term cancer patient that was never going home, never getting better. It made me so mad!

I had never seen my mom with this flat empty attitude. I would call her at night before I went to bed and she wouldn't even want to talk to me. That would make me so sad but it would make me want to fight even harder to get her out of there!

Oh, so now she is home. It is like the light switch flipped back on inside of her. She is alive again! She is up walking more and that will help her recover so much faster. She is talking to me normally again! She has her drive back! She is glad to be home.

I knew that if I could just get her home that I could take care of her and things would be OK, that I'd get her back on track. It's going to take awhile for her to heal and even get back to where she was last week before the pancreatitis and all this set her back. But we will take baby steps, little goals and be happy.

This was the scariest event that has ever happened to us. The longest scariest week. Thank you all for praying for us and encouraging me.

I am so tired now! I think that the gravity of it all has truly hit me and now I feel totally exhausted!!!

Oh, thank you all, thank you so much [Smile]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, thank you for the update. Our prayers have been answered!!

It sounds like the way the staff was treating your mom led to her not wanting to fight. She is so lucky to have you fighting for her!

I am so glad she is home and that she got through this setback with your help. I am sure you are completely exhausted in every way. Please take care of yourself. Prayers continue for you both.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Your update is like hot chocolate with real whip cream on hand-made toes burried in warm sand!
Posted by Jane2904 (Member # 15917) on :
Thanks for the update.

So happy your Mom is home and doing better.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
How are you two doing?
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
hey Sammy,

It isn't uncommon for family to ignore their own members needs and focus on a strangers/friends.

My MIL is majorly that way. She moved into our town 5 years ago, and helps the homeless...etc, but can do little for us. it's usually us helping her.

I know why. She can't face the fact that her own family has problems. it's easier to deal with other's issues. Also, I think it is therapeutic for her to dabble in the worlds issues, feel better about her own, and then step out of the nightmare while those left within it have to endure. if it were her family, she couldn't do that. sadly, others misery is elevating for her....and protective.

it's rather disgusting and infuriating. I imagine your sister is not this way, but maybe it is just to much to bear.

Hope your mom's surgery went well and she is resolving into better health.


Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**UPDATE** 3/25

I'm so sorry for my lack of posts. Within this next week I'll try to catch up on what's been going on.

I've been so terribly ill with constant high fevers (miserable), extreme exhaustion, and severe sinus infection symptoms like face,eye,and ear pain. Cough, sore throat, and bright green to dark yellow nasal discharge.

Worst of all are the migraines.

This has been going on now for two weeks so I'm wondering if it may not be viral and I might need something to clear it.

So if you will, say a prayer for healing for me. I would greatly appreciate it. I will also follow up with my LLMD on Thursday so pray that he will be able to help and that appt will go well too.

Thank you friends, may you be blessed as you have been such a blessing to me [Smile]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am very sorry you are feeling so terrible. You have been through so much.

I pray these symptoms let up for you very soon and that your appointment goes well on Thursday. You deserve a break!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying for you and your Mom, sammy.

It sounds like you need an antibiotic for the infection.

Please take care of yourself!!
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Prayers for you Sammy...poor darling...I feel bad for you.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
PRAYING!!! So sorry to hear that you are so ill!!

[group hug]
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Oh, sammy, I pray that your appointment goes well tomorrow, that your infection clears promtly, and that you get relief from your migraines!!

Do you have injectable Sumatriptan? Please get an rx for that, as it gives the fastest and best relief by far. It is not fun to give yourself the injection and feel strange from it sometimes, but it works the best.

Also, if you could get someone to rx IV magnesium (Infuserve compounds it), and your doc rx's it (did for me), that would help to prevent them and head them off when they start. It is a life=saver!

Also, would someone rx IM or IV ketorolac for you to do prn? It also is a life-save with the blasted migraines. That is beyond the scope of what this doc will likely do, but you could always ask.
They definitely do IV magnesium though.

Feel better soon!!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Sammy - worried about you.

Can you use a Neti pot to help with your sinuses/discharge?

Your IVIG's on schedule?

You and your mom always in my prayers.

Hope you get answers/relief soon.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Hoping that you and your mom are feeling better and praying that you are improving...hope also, that sunshine and warmer weather helps you.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, how are you feeling? I hope better! How is your mom? Thinking of you both.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying for you and your mom, sammy!

How are you both doing?
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, how are you and your mom doing? I hope you are feeling better.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Yes...I am wondering about you and mom too?
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying for you both, sammy, and hoping to hear some positive news soon.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
A little worried about you two.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
Yes, I am worried also. sammy, please check in with us when you can.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
So sorry to hear this, dear sammy. It does indeed sound like miserable sinus infection.

Get help as soon as you can!

I hope your mom is recovering at a good pace.

[group hug]

You both continue to be in my prayers.
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
Dear Lord, please be with Sammy and her mom and heal them. Provide comfort, support, informed and caring doctors.

Thank you Lord for hearing all our prayers, care for these dear souls and bless them.

Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Just plain worried about you Sammy.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
I am worried too sammy. Please let us know how you and your mom are doing.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Still praying for both of you.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying for you and your Mom, sammy!

[group hug] [group hug]
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Also worried.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 5/2/14**

Dear friends,

Thank you for continuing to pray for me even in the absence of my updates. I've been so very ill, every day has been a struggle.

I've missed you all and thought of you often but haven't been able to get online. Sitting up and reading for more than a minute makes me sick, so I'll keep this update short today.

My mom is doing remarkably well. She still lacks her old energy and stamina but otherwise appears to be back to "normal". She tested low on her hemoglobin and iron so she is getting iron infusions over the next couple months to increase her levels. Hopefully that will help her feel her best again.

She got her first test scan and blood work to watch out for the cancer relapse last week. Thankfully everything came back clear [Smile]

As for me, things are not going so well. That infection that I had was very serious. I ignored it and tried to push through it to care for my mom for too long. I should have realized that I needed to care for myself too. Anyways, it made me very ill and even set me back in my Lyme treatment.

I am now also dealing with a flare in severe GI symptoms, my gastroparesis has gotten worse to the point where my doctor has put me on a liquid diet and I am being evaluated for Crohn's disease.

There is more going on in my life. I feel sad and overwhelmed by it all. So out of control. So scared.

Thank you for caring. Thank you for praying for me and my mom during this time.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am so glad you posted. We have all been very worried.

I am glad you mother is doing much better and that her tests are clear. I am very sad you are so sick. I am sure everything you have been dealing with over these months has caught up and taken a toll.

I am sorry you are dealing with so much at once. I hope you don't have Chron's and that things start improving for you ASAP. Please put yourself on your priority list.

Hang in there sammy. I continue to pray for you and your mom.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
You continue to be in our prayers, sammy. I'm so sorry to hear that you are very ill.

I pray that God will comfort you and heal you.

I'm so happy that things are going well for your mom. Hope that continues!

Keep us posted only as you are able.

[group hug]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
sammy I've been wondering how you are doing. I'm really sorry. life is tough.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

Thanks for the update.

I will continue to pray for you and your Mom. I'm so sorry that you are struggling so much.

Heavenly Father, please have mercy on sammy and her Mom. Please heal both of them completely and provide for all of their needs. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

[group hug] [group hug]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I hope you are starting to feel better. I am thinking of you and your mom and continue to pray for you both.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, how are you doing? Please check in with us when you can.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sammy .. we're still praying for you two and thinking about you. I've been worried that we haven't heard from you.

Hope you are OK.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 6/11/14**

Thank you all for remembering us. Things are still stressful and challenging.

My mom is getting better, still struggles with energy and has to get iron infusions every other week. She also has to be careful to watch out for infections now that her spleen is gone.

She will have her follow-up blood work and CT scan at the end of this month to make sure that no cancer has returned so we could use lots of prayers for that.

I've been struggling with my health lately. GI doc can't quite pin point what's going on and how to help me best. I've had tons of testing.

We found out that my gastroparesis is flaring badly, food was still in my stomach after 17hrs for prep for an endoscopy. So now I'm on double my Reglan dose and it is not helping enough, I still vomit if I don't follow my strict diet.

We also found that I had elevated pancreatic enzymes and probably passed a gall stone at some point. That is what the doctor thinks caused all my pain problems after eating.

Oh and I had ulcers in the stomach and small intestine. I was put on a liquid diet with Carafate for awhile to help heal the ulcers faster.

I've been feeling super tired lately, like I could sleep all the time. I take long naps when I can. Still, my body feels like molasses!

I finally had my f/u appt with my hematologist earlier this week and found out my iron level was 12. Tanked. So I'm supposed to get 3 infusions over the next 3 weeks. Hopefully that will help me feel better [Smile]

So much has been going on, I haven't felt well and I've kinda felt down lately.

I need to feel better so that I can get back into my old habits of hanging out here more often [Smile] I miss you all!

Hugs, you all made me feel better today!
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
Oh sammy, I am very sorry you are dealing with so much still. An iron level of 12?! No wonder you are exhausted. I hope the iron infusions really help you.

I am sure it is very frustrating to have such severe stomach issues.

You and your mom continue to be in my prayers. Let us know how her tests come out.

Hang in there okay? I am sending you a big hug.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
I am thankful for your update since I think of you often and your mom too. I had low iron like you and after getting my levels back up I felt way better and wasn't exhausted anymore and my depression was had caused me to be profoundly sad and depressed.

I will continue to pray for you and your mother.
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
Take care, I will be praying for both of you.

I have a 55 pound doggie climbing on me or I would write more. He wants lunch!!

Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
I am praying for you and your mom, sammy.

I am believing that God has good plans for both of you!
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 7/19**

It's been quite awhile since I posted my last update. I hope this doesn't get too long!

My most serious concern, mom needs to have surgery again this week on thursday 7/24.

She's developed a large incisional hernia in the middle of her abdomen. The doctor is concerned because it is growing so rapidly. He's going to place mesh over it to repair the weak area in an outpatient surgery.

I don't know how long her recovery is expected to take for this. It concerns me because it is just the two of us here and I've been so sick, she's been doing most of the work again. Now with the surgery I'll have to take over and care for her and everything. It's just overwhelming to think about as I have no energy.

The GI doctor never gave me a solid diagnosis for my last severe flare up. He said that he "couldn't rule out Crohn's disease" because of the ulcers in my small intestine and my high sed rate, previous imaging, symptoms, etc. That's scary.

My GI symptoms have calmed down so now it is mainly the gastroparesis that I have to deal with. It is difficult but at least it is manageable with strict diet.

I've also had a follow-up with my bone doctor recently. Good news is that my dexa scan showed that my bone density improved over this past year. Unfortunately, my bones are not strong enough for me to have my much needed back surgery. I'll have to wait another year to see how things progress.

Lyme wise it is hard for me to know if I have plateaued or not in my treatment because I have so much stress in my life and other health issues that play a role in how I feel on a daily basis it makes it hard to judge progress.

For example, my thyroid was 9.1 when I went to my PCP last week so that may be a big contributor as to why I've been so tired.

Oh, life!

Dear friends, I've rambled on enough. Thank you for continuing to think of us when you do. Please continue to pray for us if you can.

Please pray for my mom on Thursday as she has her surgery. Pray also for her doctor, and the medical team that will be caring for her. That she will recover quickly and completely without any complications.

*Hugs* and blessings to all our friends!
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am so glad you posted. I was thinking of you today and I was going to post.

I am sorry your mom has to have surgery. I am glad it is outpatient though.

I am also very sorry things have been so challenging for you on so many levels. You are dealing with more than anyone should have to. A TSH (I am assuming that is the test you had) of 9.1 is very high! This alone will cause multiple symptoms. I hope you were started on a thyroid med. It can take some time for it to help. Thank goodness you were tested before it got even worse.

It is encouraging that your bone density has improved some. I pray it will keep getting better.

I continue to pray for you and your mom. I hope that her surgery and recovery go well. I really wish you had people to help out.

Please post when you can after her surgery so we know how you are both doing. Hang in there okay?
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
I am praying for you and your Mom, sammy.

Thanks for updating us.

It sure does sound like you need some T3 or a combo of T4/T3....not Synthroid which is only inactive T4. No wonder you have no energy.

I listened to 14 hours of presentations during the online Thyroid Summit.

The presenters I listened to recommended that one's TSH be 0.1-1.0.

Unfortunately, many Drs only look at the TSH level, which they said was so wrong and almost worthless.

I hope they are checking your free T3 and free T4, reverse T3, etc also and not just your TSH.

Jonathan Wright MD said that the most relevant test was the Free T3 because it is the loose, unbound and available thyroid hormone.

Have you had the TPO and TGA antibody tests to check for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis?

Praying for you!!!!!!

[group hug]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
"poppy" just posted a thread the other day asking about you. I had really been wondering how you and your mom were doing. So happy you checked in with us!

I've been praying for you and will step it up a notch! I will pray especially for your health and your strength as you care for your mom and for yourself.

Please DO speak to your Dr about that TSH!!

[group hug]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
I wish there was something I could do for you. so much on one plate.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Thinking of you both. Seems u should prioritize correct meds for thyroid. It might make a big difference for both of you
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
My goodness you have a full plate-

May God's angels continue to surround the two of you and strengthen and heal you both.

Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
Awww...will continue prayers for you Sammy and thanks for posting the update. Sorry for your troubles, I really am.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, how did things go today? Still praying!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Keeping you in prayer!
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Update 7/24**

Thank you so much for thinking of us and praying for us. My mom's surgery went well this morning.

The doctor found a bunch of adhesions and "gunk" from her previous surgeries and complications, he cleaned that up and looked around inside her abdomen to make sure that everything was OK before closing and all was well.

She's not allowed to lift Anything for 2wks and then she can't lift anything over 15lbs until 6wks. She's bummed about that.

Right now she's in a ton of pain, her medicine is not keeping it under control well. She's having trouble moving and resting.

Please continue to pray for her as she heals. And for me as I try to take care of her and myself!

Thanks so much [Smile]
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
sammy, I am glad your mom's surgery went well. I pray she heals quickly with little pain and that you both get enough rest.

Please take care of yourself.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
I am praying for both of you, sammy!

Thank God that your Mom's surgery went well.
Posted by payne (Member # 26248) on :
sammy, we are pleased that your mother has overcome again,
many of the trials and test of this day and age health issues..
[bow] We praise and find comfort In HIM daily,
He waits for US.. in our daily path,

He is already sitting on a stump looking back down the path.
thinking where is that child of mine ?
could they have become lost,
He is a jealious Lord and wants you and wants to be OUR LORD.
I take this as Good news !
one of the Brighter reads and find in my day also [hi]
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
I am praying for you both!!! GOd bless!

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