This is topic Bulb on my Rife machine burned out! Where can I buy new one? in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by doglover (Member # 19374) on :
Need new bulb for my Rife machine. Bought it years ago from gentlemen in upper state NY.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Call him! Do you need his number? He can at least tell you what to do.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
If you can't contact him, Google this:

Rife machine bulb replacements
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Be sure it really is burned out. I had asked the very nice person who made mine (in upstate NY - probably the same person as yours) if I should buy a spare bulb and he said it would last well past my lifetime.

Once I loaned my EMEM5 to a friend and they called, saying the bulb would not light. They had not dialed in a number. A number must be dialed up to light the bulb.

Now, you likely know that and the dial looks fine but I would suspect the dial to not work for some reasons - the dial, the cord or connection to the RIFE - before I'd think the bulb burned out.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
oh, no, wait. I had covered that base. Turns out the power strip I also loaned them was the reason. It just stopped working. It had worked great for me for years. I never expected it to just stop working.

When they took it off the power surge strip and plugged it into a different wall socket it worked.

Be sure the socket you are using is not (word loss) - awry?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Prognosis on the bulb?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, or it could be a circuit breaker that is out.
Posted by Maia_Azure (Member # 44330) on :
Are rife machines the ones that use radio waves to "kill bacteria?

I was under the impression those machines were peddled by snake oil salesmen purporting to cure cancer with them. Are people really using them as a treatment for lyme?

I'm having a hard time imagining radio waves emitted by a Rife generator having sufficient energy to destroy bacteria.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Impressions are very often not based on knowledge. In this case, the impression is not correct.

To sift out what you've heard from those who perpetuate falsehoods, it's important to remember that exploring facts & knowledge - starting over with a clean slate of mind - becoming educated on a matter, reading from a variety of educated (on the topic) and credible sources all you can - trump impressions and hear-say.

The facts are that rife is an extremely valuable tool, safe when instructions are followed. There has been much written by credible researchers on this topic.

Some may disagree with whether they would want to use a rife machine for themselves and, of course, that's fine. It's their choice.

Still, the quality of the rife research & success accounts - all truly valuable for those who want to consider the option.

And the most important thing is that many have found it to be their winning ticket (as part of a plan) after other treatments failed them.

Even the best treatment protocols are not right for every body, every time, all the time. Rife has been the last effort for many but - then - their winning ticket, indeed.
Posted by Maia_Azure (Member # 44330) on :
I do remember hearing about medical malpractice suits involving cancer treatments and people foregoing treatment to use the machines and dying.

I have no doubt rife is 'safe' albeit a bit strange.I haven't seen any evidence that the electromagnetic energy produced by these devices can destroy bacteria or any living cells. I'd be skeptical of a 700$ device backed by a book on Is there any studies involving this machine that doesn't rely on the anecdotal?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Please "hear" this in a neutral tone of voice. That's really important.

Anytime we are reading text and start to hear "attitude" (that may not be there) in what we are reading, it's also time to step back and reset the gear to neutral. The gathering of information is too soon to declare judgment.

Again, "hearing about" is not going to shine light on truth.

Rife is not about electromagnetics. Rife uses radio frequency. Best to start by studying the facts.

There are many books, articles, etc. for anyone who is interested in learning more, and it's not just one book backed by Amazon. Amazon does not back / endorse books. And personal accounts matter a lot - just ask the people who have found rife to be of help.

I'm not trying to talk you into anything. And I'm not going to provide a packet of "proof on demand" - it's best that anyone study more for on their own -- or not. Determine for yourself if this might be worth exploring - or not.

If not at all interested, don't bother.

It is important, though, for so much about life not to take just a few bits and pieces we "hear" or stumble upon and believe them to be facts. We need to study the breadth of it all.

If you really want the truth about rife and cancer, you need to read about the life and work of Royal Rife, for starters.

It's an amazing journey that enlightens in ways I never expected. Not necessary all sweetness & light, though, that's the whole point as to why it's so important to stop the lies here and now. Learn enough so we can sort out what is and is not really true to the technology.

And where blame has fallen, take a look at the entirety of such cases. Likely, it's not really about the machine at all.

Where success has not been achieved, it's important to consider all the variables involved.

As well, where success (or partial success) has been experience, it's important not to just dismiss it as strange.

As for official studies, do study Rife's own work. Then, branch out to the current day works that seem to be most grounded on his principles.

But also keep in mind that it's nearly impossible - and unethical - to do closed double blind studies not just on lyme but even on many cancers. The variable are too numerous and complex and the group that would not get any treatment, well, that's just criminal negligence.

There are many other ways to explore, sort it all out and make sense of it. And observational evidence - actual human accounts - well, that really does matter. In fact, over thousands of years and before that, humans have survived by watching what worked - or did not - for others.

[ 09-03-2014, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by Maia_Azure (Member # 44330) on :
I'm convinced my cell phone is going to give me a brain tumor, so I'm not so sure I would use something with radio frequency. I'm just surprised rife is a thing, I had no idea Lyme sufferers were using it.

Its not something Andrew Weil puts much stock in (I think that might be were I first read about it in regards to cancer treatments). I'm not exactly sure I buy into the AMA conspiracy over it.

Studying frequency in a petri dish or at the exterior of the human body, would appear to me to be different than the effects at the inside of the human body. There is too much unknown there for me, though if I failed antibiotic treatment, I suppose at would try anything at that point.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Cell phones are very different from rife machines. Still, if rife is not something you want to pursue, that's certainly up to you. Best to spend time in other pursuits.

It is good to consider various questions, however, we can loose out when we stop short and let any kind of misconceptions make decisions for us.

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