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Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
Thoughts and prayers to all. Cannot believe it has been 13 years. That morning I was hiking w/ my beautiful Cecilia and we got to an overpass on the trail where you can see into the city. I saw smoke in the distance that morning and wondered what it was. An hour later, back at home I turned on the TV and saw the horror that was the smoke.

Peace to all.....

[ 09-11-2014, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: desertwind ]
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
Pretty sad that no one here feels compelled to share a word or two or about this horrific event.

Three hours of commemoration today at ground zero naming each and every person that perished. It is so apparent that the pain never fully recedes.
Posted by beaches (Member # 38251) on :
I share the communal grief we as citizens feel about that horrific day. However, the grief for the thousands who perished that awful day is not mine.

There is no reason for me to be emotionally spent by watching the stories and listening to the names of the dead. I have to be emotionally present for my family.

I watched the TV all day on 9-11-01 and the year after that. There is no reason for me to subject myself to that horror year after year. I did not watch the news today and will not this evening.

Before you chastise others here for not chiming in to say prayers, please remember that so many here are in the depths of their own despair and dealing with this awful disease.
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
For me the two are not mutually exclusive. I can still be present to my fellow humans suffering while having my own. Taking a moment to call to remembrance, for me, is just about being human.

Remember I am here too because I have been sick for over 10 years so life has not been a bowl of cherries for me either.

However, even in my own pain I still personally feel it is important to have an altruistic stance towards all human suffering even if it extends beyond my own. I was touched by that day as numerous members of my community perished that day. Nothing wrong with paying a moments respect.

I am not chastising anyone here but rather stating how I feel. You put your own stamp of interpretation on my words but that is one of the downfalls of the written word.
Posted by triathlongal (Member # 31684) on :
Originally posted by beaches:
I share the communal grief we as citizens feel about that horrific day. However, the grief for the thousands who perished that awful day is not mine.

There is no reason for me to be emotionally spent by watching the stories and listening to the names of the dead. I have to be emotionally present for my family.

I watched the TV all day on 9-11-01 and the year after that. There is no reason for me to subject myself to that horror year after year. I did not watch the news today and will not this evening.

Before you chastise others here for not chiming in to say prayers, please remember that so many here are in the depths of their own despair and dealing with this awful disease.

Really? How disrespectful....
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
Well I guess the take away for me is that not everyone is going to feel like I do about this and I need to be okay with that.

I certainly am not one to stir up trouble as we all have enough of our own so apologies to anyone that I offended.
Posted by beaches (Member # 38251) on :
I am surprised by the responses to my reply. I have questions and comments for you both:

--Do either of you have sick children in addition to being sick yourselves?

--Do you have to take care of said children and advocate for them educationally and medically 24/7?

--Do you have to maintain a certain diet in your home and lay out medications and supplements for your children every single morning and night?

--Do you have to always be “top of your game” and prepared for whatever medical complication or school glitch or life circumstance that is thrown your way?

--Even when you are not feeling well? Do either of you know what it’s like to not feel well and have to take care of sick children?

--Can either of you comprehend that some of us must be present for our families because that IS THE PRIORITY?

--Do either one of you know what I posted on my facebook page about 9-11?

--Do either one of you know that my child’s school was on lockdown on 9-11 and I couldn’t get to her right away?

--Do either one of you know that I could not reach my husband for 10 hours after the planes hit the towers?

--Do either one of you know that I had friends and relatives in those buildings?

--Do either one of you know that I had friends and relatives who were first responders?

Guessing you’d both answer a big NO to all my questions.

There was nothing even remotely disrespectful about my post.
Posted by beaches (Member # 38251) on :
triathlongal, I find it a bit odd that rather than responding to desertwind's original request to say a prayer for the victims of this horrific crime against humanity, you opted instead to state that I was disrespectful.

Don't you have ANYTHING else to say about that tragic day?
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
In my last post I apologized if I offended anyone.

No I do not know you nor you me and my own personal struggles. But I fail to see how either has anything to do w/ paying respect to the victims of 9/11.

I was and am simply trying to pay respect.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
C'mon guys.

Our computer service was down all day (plus I was out all day) or I would have said something here.

We all have our own opinions and the opinions should be respected.

My opinion is that we should never ever forget.
Posted by beaches (Member # 38251) on :
You chastised people in your second post. You were clearly offended that people here did not respond to your post in the way you expected.
Posted by beaches (Member # 38251) on :
Yes, LT, agreed. I will nevwr forget. However, I do not appreciate being chastised for remembering this day as I see fit as opposed to a member's opinion as to how I should.
Posted by triathlongal (Member # 31684) on :
Sorry I don't know how to quote within a quote;

Beaches wrote;

"However, the grief for the thousands who perished that awful day is not mine."

Yes, there is something else I want to say.

As someone who was personally effected by the tragedy of that day I find this particular comment harsh and cold. I have never asked anyone to make my grief their own. That particular comment to hit me to the core on a very sensitive day.

You don't know me either....

I am thankful someone thought to post this today.
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
Beaches; I already apologized twice if my post offended you. I did not mean to come across as chastising anyone and have apologized already if I came across that way.

You are correct to the degree where my second posting could have been read as being a bit...snarky. I was more surprised that no one commented but yeah, it could have been stated differently. We are all human.

Where on any of my posts did I chastise you for the way you choose to call to remembrance? I never said you or anyone should do a,b, or c. It was you who said that you did not plan on watching the news or the T.V. ect. I never said you or anyone should be glued to the t.v. ect. Nor did I criticize in anyway!

Can you please let it be now?

[ 09-12-2014, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: desertwind ]
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on : just going to ignor all the posts except your first one

I just dont have energy for negative stuff

If i had seen this thread before i would have posted. I had a reallyhard day dealing with health stuff starting with a fast and blood draw

None of today was easy but i got it done.

The first thing i thought when my eyes opened this morning was...this year is different because i had slept...i had plans...and i was going to do regular things

Every other 9/11 since the first one i called in sick to work...and got away from cities...and isolated

The first one i left ny at 11 pm on the 10 th and just drove north...almost got to canada

Every year the anxiety starts building a week or so before and i never was able to work on that day again. Since i retired i just try to get to a quiet secluded place and let myself cry. I have learned letting myself cry and feeling the pain is what will eventully end my grieving

It took 5 yrs when , my dad died. And what is it...13 yrs it has taken me for 9/11

I was teaching a kindergarten class when the scholl secretary came to whisper there was an attack. I thought she was joking...when i realized she wasnt and the news kept getting worse i started thinking about my 4 kids...all over an hour 8 hrs away as nd how i could get to them and keep them safe

We organized an early dismissal...many parents of students worked in the towers. Relatives of many staff were in the city. Cell phones werent working right. One of our best parents...a fireman who taught our kids th o stop,drop and roll dird in the towers

My principal let me go to fund my own chuldren as soon as my students had left. Thinking this thru now i still remember the fear in my chest as i drove north to where two kids were and tried to contact the others. One ws looking out his window in nj watching horrible things

I made it thru today doing regular things for the first time. But the whole thing was in the back of my mind all day. I remember thinking many times...its 10 and nothing bad has bombs going off in chicago or manhatten where two of my kids are. Then at noon and 2. And 4... i just kept thinking nothing has happened...then watched the news still all ok

The day isnt over but i pray we will all be safe

And big reason why i didnt say anything on here sooner is...we are told the terrorists want to scare us so if we dont let them scare us they lose...i hear that over and over and i am embarrassed and feel guilty because i felt fear back then and sometimes do also

So its like im.bad...for not being tougher than terrorists or something. So i dont usually talk about it...but dw you got me talking tonight. I am who i am and i cant pretend this hadnt affected me the wy it has

I may come backband delete the last part cuz i am just feeling embarrassed
Posted by beaches (Member # 38251) on :
kayak, there is nothing wrong with you or nothing bad about you.

I completely understand the trauma you experienced re: your kids that awful day. This is one of those situations where people who do not have kids cannot possibly relate.

I find it interesting that no one has answered any of my questions.

I cannot afford to expend energy and emotions oiutside of my family, due to the fact that taking care of my family is priority one and I have to be present for them in every way every day.
Posted by triathlongal (Member # 31684) on :
lpkayak; Wow...thanks for sharing your story of healing. Reading it brought back a lot of my own similar memories that I am still not strong enough to sit with. Your a strong person and I wish you peace in your journey.

beaches; This is not a competition on who has the worst/most struggles - we all struggle - some more then others. There are questions I could pose to you that you most likely would answer no to but that does not make my suffering any more or less then yours. So no, I will not be entertaining your list of questions.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thanks for sharing, kayak. I'm glad I wasn't teaching on that day.
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
kayak; Thanks for being open to sharing such a traumatizing experience and I am glad you were able to get through today with even a small sense of peace. Thank God you and your children were not physically harmed that day.

Our town had a beautiful ceremony today honoring a few community members and firefighters who died that day. It was great to feel that sense of support and community after all these years.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Last night our local news said names and short bio of those who died from nh. I never knew so many from here died i guess cuz i was living in ny then...and until this year i have been a bit of an ostrich around all of this
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
Originally posted by triathlongal:
Sorry I don't know how to quote within a quote;

Beaches wrote;

"However, the grief for the thousands who perished that awful day is not mine."

Yes, there is something else I want to say.

As someone who was personally effected by the tragedy of that day I find this particular comment harsh and cold. I have never asked anyone to make my grief their own. That particular comment to hit me to the core on a very sensitive day.

You don't know me either....

I am thankful someone thought to post this today.

Triathlongal; Just wanted to say I am very sorry for your loss and wish you peace and comfort.

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