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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hey everyone!! I only have a minute to start up the new thread. We'll be off to the music thingy soon. Need to lie down a bit before we go.

Hope everyone has a great day. Sorry I didn't have time to recap what others posted this morning.

Feel free to repeat yourselves! [Smile]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Sounds like Kam and Kayak are accomplishing quite a few tasks.

I have 4 areas where trees have been taken down that now need topsoil and grass seed. In the front yard, I managed to move the ground up trunk mulch and put down topsoil and grass seed. That was enough work for my bad shoulder.

Then the boy who mows my lawn came and after he mowed he moved the mulch in the back yard for me, but we ran out of topsoil.

I cannot unload the 40 pound bags from my trunk and I need about 6 more bags--all 6 won't fit in my trunk.

I called my retired friend, Peter, and he said he would go get the bags and dig up the remaining areas and lay down the soil and grass seed for me. What a nice guy.

He was upset that he would not be able to do it until at least Thursday and I am not upset at all. If he can get to it this week, fine, and if not no big deal.

So many nice people in the world.

Am doing laundry and then relaxing the rest of the day.

Tutu--have fun and tell us about the music "thingy." Thanks for starting the thread.

Have a good week, everyone. Hope AK comes back on this thread soon.

Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Well. Finally got my shower. Also unloaded 25 pieces of subfloorand spread them out to off gas outside. I sauted sime chic breasts in coconut oil and picked the rest of my green tomatoes. I forget how to take care of them tho

I talked to my dughter and decided i wont go to babies party next saturday. I am crying out day and night about knee and shoulder pain. I sense they all breathe a sigh of relief when nj i say i cnt go. I hope my son doesnt yell at me again

So tomorrow have to mail.bby guft, sons gift and half a garbagebag of ribbons my daughter won at horse shows. She owns two houses and imstoring her ribbons! (I did keep two)

Also have to return big cusion i ordered for wheelchir. Its the third one that doesnt work

Tomorrow is last hot day...then reasonable fall weather
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hiker, that's really nice of your friend to do that for you! You definitely don't want to make your shoulder worse!

Kayak.. You tickle me when you say 75 degrees is hot. Just remember to never move to Texas .. or Missouri, for that matter! It's been really nice here, but will be in the low 80's the next few days. I don't mind, but I'm not working like you are!

As long as it's not in the 90's, I'm happy. [Smile]

Hubby's gig went really well. The people seem to enjoy it. He will play again on Thursday afternoon. They are changing his time to Thursdays.

The Music Man performances went OK... but he was upset with himself for messing up some flute solos. He hadn't played much flute in awhile and would have to play high solos right after playing clarinet. Not easy to do.

He has to go for a jury pool tomorrow. We're hoping they won't pick him as it will cause him to lose his job.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Good to read the posts.

Able to be on my feet est 15 min this am. Able to wipe down one counter top and do a few dishes.

need to do more dishes.

able to clean out litter box and pick up rosie's poop..we were out at dark thrity so i had to go back when it was light to pick it up

cold out in the am now. i need to remember to put on a cost and maybe even gloves...need to find them first.

sent autobiography to service dog organization via email. also sent web site to apartmetns i live in as they wanted floor plan of housing area included in the app.

different people running things now although the original owner is still connected...guessing her health just isn't up to doing as much as she once did.

need to find cover sheet of application forms and see what else i need to send in..i know doctor's forms need to be filled out.

need a good doctor that understands this disease..primary care doc has not been able to get long term care approved or student loans dropped....

resting now then hopefully a ride in the car to the forest area...3 miles away has the boulders and the ponderosa pines

i was wondering how things look 30 miles away..i have been in that neck of the woods and it is nice...but i have yet to see a place with the boulders that i love so much as just 3 miles away.

the creeks were running yesterday. rare to see that the past years due to drought.

they most likely are dry again today.

thanks for starting this week's thread tutu.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
oh yes. computer is overheating. it did this in march and i took it in to be fixed. for now, i am just shutting it down when the warning comes on.

but, if i go silent you will know the computer finally died. Computer was old when i got has been very good to me.

Remember Doc Dave? He sent me the computer....two of them over the
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
having trouble reading so much today . I already typed a long email to someone looking for lyme help in my area. I really like helping people and I hope I don't overwhelm them with stuff when I answer back!

I am ddrained. yesterday was party for my kid. 16. he didn't invite his girlfriend, who has never been here yet, that made me quite upset with him.

my crazy inlaws also showed up- niece who recelntly threatened me came univited . I cannot believe she showed her face here. S-I-L came with her and neither one said "hi" or "bye" to me. whey di dthey come????? that was a workout in itself!!!!

anyway, I cleaned all dirty dishes by hand and wiped all things down before I went to bed! haven't done that in years. thought I was lazy before, but now realize I was just so sick and couldn't do it!

I am actually pretty proud of myself. my house looks so normal and cleaned up. I just need another garage to put the car since this one is filled with bins and junk.

today I have job interview! at AC Moore.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to drive over to the hertz rental business to see about getting a vehicle to get to the LLMD

They did not have any cars available and told me that the ones they get are generally worn out, have more mileage and cost more so if I have the option of getting one down the hill to do that.

My friend has planned on renting one down the hill but I wanted to lay in the back seat of a few to see which was more comfortable as well as reclining in the passenger seat.

Grateful I was doing well enough to check the place out.

Stopped at dog park on the way back. Rosie just did her business and the happy dance and then we left.

I was in too much pain to stay longer. A dog park friend even picked up Rosie's deposit for me. [Smile]

Resting now...then breakfast time
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Lisa...congratulations you made it thru the day even with all the added stressors.
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
thanks Kam
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
able to clean up a little bit more in the kitchen but pain got to bad too quick.

just took gaba and tramadol...late this am taking them so hoping they help

then i'll get up and see about something to eat for lunch

tried to do lunch while in the kitchen but not able to health wise
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Hmmm ... i havent been here yet? Wierd day. Cloudy-very humid-took a long time to get it down even with many machines

I kept heating up and blowing out carpet room all day

I kept emptying bedroom

I wanted to go to beach for good air but it looked like it would rain and i was having trouble picking up subfloor that was off gassing on patio. By the time neighbor helped it was too late to go so ive just kept plugging along

Not done but made progress. Hope i get enough done tomorrow to be able to call worker and say. Im ready for him to
Do brdroom

I tild my son i cant go to babies party. Im sad. But it would be dangerous
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Was at work for 11 hours straight today and it is only Monday.

On the bright side I was able to teach all of my classes without needing my walking stick today. Just hope I did not overdo it, so I can do the same tomorrow.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Enjoyed all of your stories today!

Hubby did not get picked for jury duty. Glad of that. He was there ALL DAY LONG. Said it was pretty much a slam dunk case that they hope will only be a one-day trial.

Some scumbag got caught contacting a "13yr old" on the internet and ended up exposing himself to cops. OOPS! They got it all on tape, so they don't expect the trial to take long. I hope they are right and he goes to jail for a long time.

I've been working on my Bible study stuff all day. I also found time to make a few angels. I've been making them on the balcony. Have to make hay while the sun shines! This winter will be difficult when it comes to making angels. I don't have a good place to do it in the new condo.

I used to make them where I could open the sliding glass door to air out the smell of the glue. I don't have that option here.

I found out today that they will be coming to paint the iron railing and columns on our balcony. I've noticed they needed paint. They are somewhat rusted too. I hope this doesn't take a long time.

We will have to let the painters come thru our condo to get to the balcony because it is so high off the ground. UGH. There goes my carpet! I pray the odor of the paint doesn't do me in.

Makes me upset that the next few weeks will be PRIME "sitting on the balcony" days and I may not get to do that.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow! [Smile]
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
When workers come in i put down a path of scatter rugs or old quilts or towels...anything so they dont ruin the new floors

They mostly are in and out once except when doing a subfloor. Thats when i started getting and out all day to saw and then dropping glue and sawdust for me to pick up(and etta to spread around)

Hiker i remember 11-12 hr days...but cant imagine it now

I still work ten hour days but its ten minutes work and an hour rest

Im so sick of the house business...but i amalmost done too.

I emptied the bedroom except for bed and what is under it that i cant reach and a small tv and stereo. I know where they are going and that is half the battle

So a little work in the morning and i can call the guy

Then i have to pay water bill before they turn it off. And pay othrr bills so i can get prescriptions im runningbout of

I cant believe im still awake. I sure am a turtle...slow and steady
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Drove 10 min out of town last night on 60 mph highway.

5 min down the hill and I wanted to turn back but no place to turn around.

Grateful all went well but body is in more pain this am.

HOping it helped the car.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
tutu..hoping the painting goes quickly and you ae able to get out and enjoy the outdoors
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
getting up to take a couple of excedrin. Hoping to be able to do a few things this am.

A shower is needed. I almost was able to take one last night ...each day I hope today will be the day I am able to take a shower.

But, still only able to take one about once a weke if that.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
struggling today but guessin git is because i have ben able to do more than baseline the past few days.

i was able to empty the smal ttrash can int he bathroom and wssh it out..something i have wanted to do for a while

able to put the dishes in the sink to wash..but not doing well enough to wash them

able to put chicken thighs in oven to cook..can't recall when i need to get up and check on them

able to mkae the lmeon cucumber drink..really need to change cucumbers as the ones in the pticher are really water loogged so i'll do that when able

able to get peltor ear muffs and put them on when neihgbors dogs started yapping..that di dme in..body pretty much shut down after that

rosie keeps looking at me like she wants to go somewhere...

as i lay here typing i realize it is to the dog park..i took her there yesteday..but not doing well enought today and when we do go it is jut in and out as tha tis all health will allow

ok what get upin 15 min and check chicken and what time it is i am suppose to take it out of the oven or just wait unil 9:30 am as i think that is what time i wrote down...depeonds on how long it takes me to recover

slept on couch last night..not a good idea as it does't spuport my body...i was trying to watch a dvd but couldn't get the closed caption working...need to get remote to dvd player working

i was finally able to get the closed caption working on the tv itself yesterday...i don't know if it is still working this am or not..hoping if not..i can set it again..don't know why it works sometimes and not other times..same with remote to dvd some times but most of the time not
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Well l slept 8-9 hrs had my rice cake ans went out cuz it was "cool"... yankee cool...about 50

Bees had slept in the astors but were still too cold and wet to fly

I began spreading flooring out to keep airing out under the carport

Then had fun in the garden...dead headed a lot, weeded a little, cut back a lot of stuff for winter

I pucked a cukumber! And some green beans...they are still aluve but dont know if ixll get get any more

One year i had rtoses startung to bloomin december...never know

I have a huge beautuful mum from last year blooming now...its a really pretty pink/salmon colo. I think it survived cuz it was so close to foundation

Then i attacked side garden that is mostly a row of scotch pine...remember when i plantrd them two years ago? They were 4-8" they are 2-3' tall and hppy and beginning to block out junkyard next door

I moved my cedar 2' x 2' planters to the other side of the druve where the sun is now. I have kale coming back and petunias that are still happy.

Also 3 pepper plants that never gave me anything bigger than a ping pong ball and a tomatow with seven green tomatoes on it. The plant didnt die luke the ones in the back so im letting it go fir awhule

Also recleaned totes that have been out there...i cleaned them once. Then too much heat and bees to get them in

I just ate an egg on my special bread cuz im starving but want to get back out there before it gets above 60!

Cant handle that heat tutu!
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
KAM. Im like that. When i do too much no amount of wanting to get something done helps. I just have to rest and wait for body and brain to catch up
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
my mom was here for the night. left this morning. that is always a work out for me. [Smile]

I drove to daughter's college and gave her a trim.

not much else going on.

very tired still from weekend.

lymetoo, yes, put stuff down on carpet so they don't ruin it.

hiker, good for you about working. my interview went well yesterday at craft store. I hope they hire me. it's only 4 hour shifts, up to 15 hrs a week. my kinda job! but they do a credit check on you! why???? I have terrible credit. I hope it doesnt ruin my chances.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Kam... Hope you can get that shower and also get to the dog park again later this week! I can just see Rosie's expectant eyes! [Smile]

kayak.. Hope you get it all done soon... love hearing about the plants!

Lisa.. keep us posted on the job!!

I went to get our car registered this morning. Long story, but the battery died and I had to call a tow truck. He jumped it and all was well.

OH.. and the computers were down at the licensing place, so they had to do it all by hand. (poor things) At least it is finally done. Took 3+ months to get the danged title and plates!

Went to Bible study and it was good, then got groceries. I'm exhausted, but have to prepare for another Bible study that we have once a month at our church.

We will get cold weather tomorrow. I also hope to go to cardiac rehab tomorrow.

Yes, will try to put something down for the painters. They may actually have their own tarps or something.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I kept working on yrd (with many breaks) til 4. Then went and paid water bill. And went to beach to breathe for a few hours

My worker guy is in tennesee! I didnt think he was going til he finished two decks and a kitchen. And i have been husseling to get ready for him

He tild me his helper could start on the cat pee closet. If he isnt back soon i thinkmy friend will do the floor and the helper will do the cutting instead of me

The carpet still smells after 3 days of airing out-i sure hope i dont have to tear it out

Tutu now that imdriving an older truck i got triple A but it is still scsrey to me to think about having to call tow truck.

I really dont like when im not in control of situations. Its different when you cant trust how your body will react to different situations

Lisa...i dont have to worry much about family coming over cuz i live far from everyone

But i just cant seem tp psyc myself to go to events i really should go to. I want to...but i just cant handle it any more. Family is mad at me and talk about me...they just dont get it
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to call right source with humana again to get two other prescriptions filled.

Back at sqaure one. They are sending notice to doctor to get her signature.

Hoping it is successful this time.

Good news is that no co pay on any of my meds at this time and it will come thru the mail.

Does me in to use the phone. I am not sure what to do. Maybe next time I use the phone I will try purple relay if brain is working well enough to do so.

Able to take Rosie to the dog park this am. Quick in and out....left as soon as she pooped and I was able to pick it up.

She seems to be OK with going in and out now which is good...and i hope stays that way. She does her happy dance while we are there.

I think I put the dishes away that were drying. Hoping to wash some more dishes ..back to using paper plates and bowls

took a couple of excedrin which helped me be able to make the phone calls.

But, I think that is about it this am.

Also able to get my hiking shoes back in the car and my slippers out of the car and my phone out of the car.

I would have much rather had used the brain power to be on the trail for 5 min this am in the forest instead of on the phone but hoping it works this time.

I don't recall being told there was no co pay in the apst so maybe I di not get this far in the apst.

Oops. I just recall another prescription that needed filling..the b shots..local pharmacy still hasnt' ordered the syringes.

OK waht now....veg and then eat breakfast

Ah wanted to let you know I don't know how it happened but neighbor is going down to another neighbors patio area to sit and smoke.

She still smokes now and then on her patio but it really helps that part of the time she is at the neighbors now.

Cool beans. Feel like crying cause health is so low but I'll get over it as soono as I dont' try and do anything for a hour or two thsi am.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
I have been a been able to walk every day. sometimes I'm so tired but I keep going.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Kayak .. hope you can get someone to help you finish up the work. Then maybe you can relax?

kam .. I can see Rosie smiling! ) Hope you can get the scripts all figured out soon.

randi .. woohoo!

I went to the Bible study at church and got some other errands run. Then I went to cardiac rehab. Proud to announce that I did 9 min on the machine and 15 laps! Woot!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Brain exercise this evening. Contacted one of the numbers re: secondary insurance.

Learned in Oct to Dec I can apply. It will take eeffect in Jan.

$150 a month for humana..not really a secondary insurance as i tis not required in my state and is too costly.

Suggested I look into secondary insurancd when i turn 65.

Also learned I am about $20 over ..nto really sure ..can't do the math..just know i am over the limit monthly limit to get help from the state with medical costs.

Caregiver supervisor said I should be getting it so I have been tyrin to look into it.

STill confused int aht department.

Brain i s hurting

Puled up the web site once and got one area of things.

Pulled it up again later and found another area.

All in all the brain was working well enough to either get myself in troubl eor actually hep myself ...ha.

dog is aypping outside my window so can't concentrate.

Getting up to do things today hasn't worked out.

Need to decide if it would be worth it to pay the $150 a month starting in Jan. Will it help with testing that needs to be MRI, etc.

It will not cover all of what medicare doesn't cover but will lower my part of the cost..will it pay for itself??

Where are my peltor ear muffs. Got em.

There is another number the AARP person gave me to call. I'll try it when able.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
woohoo tutu
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
woohoo randi
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
need to shut down is overheating again.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Randi i am so glad you are were scary sick. Did you figure it out? Is walking good do you think? You wete so sick
I hope you keep getting better and nothing like that ever happens agin
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I cant sleep.

It rained hrder today so i forced myself to get out there and i got quite a bit done. Its not ready for winter but i was especially glad to move my roses so if the guys have to replace wall and roof on this side they wont crush my roses

But stuff happened and i got dustracted so didnt do as much as i wnted

I really need to sleep, i have to druve my old truck 40 miles to knee doc. I sure hope i dont have problems

And its in the back of my mind that c reactive protein and homocysteine results were high. Crp put me in high risk for heart problem. Ive been reading about wht to do and
-i was supposed to fst and tthey didnt tell me
-i shouldnt be taking makes it worse
-i need to be strict about only one cup coffee a day
-i need to ex er cise...walk with walker and light weights i guess
I need to start questran cuz i wont take statins
Need to up folic acid and b6...also ginger and tumeric
-lower sure when house isnt being worked on so much that will help and also meditsting
-up thyroid mef a little

So i have some things to do rught away

My friend wasnt looking so good todsy but she said she will do the floor saturday...i'll have to cut the boards again...but then it will be done...

Im so tired but cant worries me to thinki will have to stop neurontin...i really depend on sciatica is real bad right now...hipefully if i do all those other things my nerve pain wont be so bad and i wont need neurontin

Thats it i guess...i hope i sleep
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
randibear and tutu great job!

with daughter #2 gone there is just too much work here!

I can't keep up. I will just do what I can. o well

I cut about 50 triangles yesterday and pressed about half- gonna sew today. making dog and other pet bandanas hopefully to sell.

who woulda thought pressing with an iron was so tiring!
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Lisa i hope you are not doing too much. You have been so well

Do you track your sx on calendar? If you are consistently worse every third week it might be a herx and you should take it easy that week

Im totally exhausted from getting up this early and having a shower. I was supposed to leave for dic ten min ago...but too tired to get shirt and shoes on so i am resting a few min

O well...the lyme journey...where even the simplest things hurt
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Kayak.. neurontin makes heart issues worse? You can't live in pain either. That is too stressful for the heart.

The main thing is to reduce inflammation. The CRP is a measure of that.

Hope it all works out. Keep us posted.

PS>.. about the tow truck.. He came in 15 min, jumped the battery, gone. Easy smeasy. Hubby was too busy that day and I wasn't about to call him!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
good to read your posts.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Lost cell phone this am. A bit of an increase in stress level. For some reason I am attached to that cell phone.

Last I remember using it was to see what the temp was while I was laying in bed.

So, as a result of looking for it...I was able to get things off of the floor on one side of the bed and make my bed...I know I would not have had what it takes to do this without the motivation of finding the phone.

I even called it with my land line and learned I had turned the ringer off. Need to turn it back on in case I misplace it again when able to do so.

Rosie wants to go out again. I am really running on empty this am. So, think I will just put myh coat on and boots and head out in the power chair.

Hoping to be able to charge large power chair this am.

Took 2 excedrin about an hour ago...but still out of it.

Take care of u's. [Smile]
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Hurray! Able to wind up the clothes line that was on the floor from camping before I stepped in it and tripped. [Smile]

Also found measuring tape on the floor and put it away..hope I remember wehre I put it next time I need it.

Have no idea what it was doing on the floor.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
I don't feel bad except for wanting to cut my head off!!!

seriously if my head didn't hurt, I'd feel ok.

and today, of all things, my bp is NORMAL!!! and I have an appt at two. he's going to think i'm bloody crazy!! but i've been keeping a log.

oh gosh i'm supposed to leave saturday. pray for me that I can make it for 9 days.

but yep I'm determined to walk every day. gets me out of the house ya
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on : crp was much higher than homocysteine

It was the homocystein that is worse from neurontin. Also it might be bad result since they didnt tell me to fast

I just got back from doc...easy trip thank goodnrss since i hurt a lot and coouldnt take walker cuz of rain

No dobt in docs mind...after xrays he said no problem with hip joint so all my groin and sciatica and sittimg bone pain are from back or pelvis

He wants to redo left knee immedistly because it keeps giving way. Longer i wait less chance good result.

But the left one doesnt hurt at all compatrd to right one he redid a year ago

The right one really hurts in two places. He used to tell me it would be better a year from last surgery. Now he says. Two years

Im not up for anothet knee surgery on a knee tht doesnt hurt

He did refer me to best shoulder doc in practice. Im gonna try agsin

Last shoulder doc just mafe it worse...its been two yesrs
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
able to wash one sink full of dishes.

able to finally cook some gf spaghetti...but needed to cook more so i would have left overs.

i will know next time.

able to text the ceo of the service dog organization....i should say the person who started the service dog organization.

she texted me. I was able to text back...but i would have been in tears if i could have cried as the texting thing is too much for my brain.

all is well with the service dog thing though. she said she would put me on some list..can't recall the name of hte list but it mans someone who has had a dog from their organization before and will be needing one in the future.

she also gave me her personal email so i need to add it to my phone and mailing list when mind is doing well enough to do so.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Good job, kam!! You got a lot of things done today! Hope you find that phone! I hate when I can't find mine and the ringer is off. [Mad]

Kayak.. I'm with you on the surgery! NIX!! So what did the Dr say about your blood work?? OK??

I went with hubby to his gig today. He did really well. Played different music. Not many were there because they didn't have it on their activities list. DUH. Have no idea why they want to have a "tea" at noon. Weird.

We had coupons for a really inexpensive buffet for mid-afternoon, so we sort of enjoyed that. You know how buffet food can be. At least I didn't have to cook this evening.

Right now it's storming outside. We got lucky that it was only raining lightly when he loaded his car after the show. It's going to be chilly the next few days.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Oh...bloodwork? Statins are the no red meat and exercuse 30 min 3 x a week
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
And KAM!!! YEA!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Statins .. HA.
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
kayak, you are right. I always forget about the cycle. and yes this is my week of big symptoms. well, usually more than a week I guess.

my hands really hurting.

I am eating too much because I am sad and depressed. i'm trying to resist. too many leftovers form party around. I never knew I was such an emotional eater!

I did some sewing yesterday and wil do more today.

I just cleaned our master bath. not the shower area. that is just too much right now. I hate doing that. everyone uses the shower in our bathroom for years because all the tile is coming off in the kid's bathroom shower.

so ours is a mess with mildew all the time. no one takes the time to clean it but me and I don't always have the strength.

o well.

mortgage due today. I think my major exercise of the day will be worry. too bad I don't sweat from worry.

visiting my best friend later. I hope that lifts the day.

Randibear, safe travels on that trip

what is statins? I forget
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
are you using safe cleaners? some bath cleaners like clorox tear me up. he buys in bulk at costco so I feel I have to use them. I clean a couple of times per week.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Lisa, statins are for cholesterol. They can destroy muscles. Doctors are real big on them, but they don't warn people of the dangers. They can also mess up your brain.

Randi... Tell hubby not to buy anymore cleansers. Use Dr Bronner's unscented. Add baking soda to it. Works amazing. If that isn't good enough, add vinegar. Tell hubby to buy vinegar in bulk if he has to buy something in bulk. [Big Grin]
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to take a shower last night. I still am amazed at how good it feels to feel clean and it still makes me happy.

Looking forward to the day when taking a shower or bath is just somethign I take for granted.

Took Rosie out via the power chair for s ahort toileting this am. 42 degrees out I think.

Able to write the check for rent thankfully...not always abe to do that and need manager to write it for me.

Hoping to clean up in th ektichen next or put laundry away or camping stuff or clean the inside of the car or....fill out forms for chiro or..get groceries..or [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Lisa please empty mailbox
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I just typed and then lost it

Im tired

I did a lot of physical work getting ready fo guy to take sheetrock out of closet

He did really good job but it didnt help. Still strong cat pee smell

Not sure what to do next
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
ok kayak, emptied.

about cleanser- when I need extra scrub power I use bon ami. works great.

today I did a lot but got nothing done. does that make sense? haha. and I took a BIG nap. felt good.

saw my best friend. that was nice.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Able to spend about 10 min the vegggie section of the grocery store.

Able to finally open up the package I got awhile back with the special wipes for screens.

Wiped off TV, monitor and cell screens.

Able to put clothes away...tops were very wrinkled.

Next time hoping I am doing well enough to leave them in the dryer until they unwrinkle or figure out why they were so wrinkled.

Able to get paper plates and bowls out of camping bin to use here at apartment.

Had breakfast. Resting now. Then, I'll get up and take meds.

Need to do poop patrol today for the past two days when i wasn't able to pick it up I think there is only a couple of deposits and this time I remember where they are. [Smile]
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Ah yes. Also able to sort laundry. REsting now and then I will see if I am up to doing laundry.

LISAK...good day. [Smile]


I just checked the temperature for the week. Looks good. Good camping temps. But, health is not up to it yet...

not sure it would be wise even if health was up to it...

i need to lay low until the doctors' appt out of state. I am still recovering from when I went camping last and still havne't put away or cleaned the camping gear.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I was up late last night and up early this morning doing hard physical stuff getting ready for girlfriend to put down floor. She almost has 3/4 done. I have to do the cutting. I hate it but am so glad it is almost done

We have to not do the closet or the last two feet to the end wall cuz the worker guy has to fix the framing on them before i can put the top floor on and get back in my bedroom

I hope it doesnt drag on ... hes suppised to be almost home...but i sleep so much better in my bed than in the daybed

Today is my grandaughters first birthday and its sad not to be there. They live near the jersey shore and i found out in october and april you can rent a cottage for real cheap cuz its between summer and winter rentals. Im looking into that. Maybe starting in spring. If i could see her a few times during those months and then in july when they come up north for a week that would be nice. I would get to see her at each stage

Im going to crash when my friend leaves. I am so exhausted...but i am also a lot closer to being finished
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Typical Saturday except I slept in this morning. Slept 11 hours straight last night, so I must have been exhausted.

Am detoxing again. Yeast die off and whatever metals they release. It just never ends.

Went grocery shopping, picked up probiotics from the chiropractor, and did some cooking.

I am now swapping out summer clothes from my chest in bedroom--into tubs they go and out come some more fall/winter type clothes.

In the 30's this morning and windy. Not sure I am ready for this, yet.

Watching a bit of football and then off to church.

Going to church Saturday night allows me to sleep in Sunday. Very small service and so not so much stimuli.

LP--Sorry you could not go to your granddaughter's birthday party. Hopefully you can see her soon. Perhaps on a day where it is just you and not a lot of hoopla. More quality time with here.

Kam--hope you feel well enough to camp soon. I know how much good it does you.

Lymetoo--will send you a pm about angels.


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