This is topic The entire digestion series is showing for free now through this weekend in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on : - outstanding series for us - lots of info about what to do for the gut and what not to do.

We are impacted in this way, just by having Lyme, since it affects our gut function.

One thing I have learned in this series is how the brain affects the gut through the nervous system. Since our nerves are screwed up, so is our gut.

Anyone with any Qs about what to do or not do re digestion, I encourage you to take a look at the pictoral list of all the speakers and watch whoever you're interested in watching.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thanks, Robin!
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
You're welcome! It's like every digestive topic you can think of! How digestion works, what screws it up, good bacteria, bad bacteria, candida, parasites, acid reflux/heartburn, constipation, diarrhea,

losing weight, gaining weight, GMO foods, leaky gut and how to heal it, brain to gut communication, gut to brain communication, links with all kinds of health conditions -

Surely we all see ourselves somewhere in that list!

So go see the site and see if you're drawn to watching an expert or two or three talk about gut health. Also some healthy cooking demos that are fun to watch. Free through Sunday evening.

PS A little fascinating historical tidbit - the first organisms in the ocean eventually developed a tube to draw nutrients in and flush waste products out. The first nervous system was in this intestinal tube. The brain and spinal nervous system came later.

That's why a lot of the series focuses on the nerves to and from the gut, and why we say we have a "gut" feeling about something...

It's a funny way to think about us - our food place as central to our existence, with appendages to bring it in, and a brain to figure it out...

And here's another fact - we have 10x more bacteria in our gut than there are human cells. This gut bacteria is called the microbiome. Some ask if we are humans with a whole lot more bacteria, or are we really a lot of bacteria having a human experience! lol -

Also, they say a tremendous percentage of our immune system is in our gut. That's another reason to learn more about what's happening there.
Posted by Edessajarrue (Member # 35310) on :
I am sorry I missed this offer.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
You can still look at the site, -
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
If you scroll down at the digestionsessions site, you will see the speakers listed. Most of them said they have a lot of free info at their own websites available, so you could check their sites out.

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