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Posted by Ann-Ohio (Member # 44364) on :
Oz Exclusive: Yolanda Hadid Speaks Out About Her Fight Against an Invisible Disease

She is on one of those reality shows and has spoken out about her continuing struggle with Lyme disease, which her children also contracted.

This interview is scheduled on the Dr. Oz show for Tuesday.
If you miss it, I think you can go to the Dr. Oz website and
see the video later.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Thanks Ann, I can't wait to see it! I'm really happy she stays in the public light.

I can't stand the idiots on her show who did not support her. Imagine questioning a cancer patient...Oh wait they did that on RHOC. But then Yolanda is supposed to be their friend. They'll get it if/when they or someone they love "gets it."
Posted by Muscle Car55 (Member # 34707) on :
Hope she's got backup, such as a LLMD on her side to help answer questions.

Because I'm sure Dr. Oz will have an infectious disease doctor ready to ridicule her on the show!

I don't follow her materialistic show, but articles are popping up about her in Google's News section constantly. I'm getting the vibe that people think she's exaggerating her symptoms and want her to get second opinion.

This may be some type of intervention of sort, kind of like the Charlie Sheen incident with the other doctor.

Foster sees Dr.K, I've seen the photo she posted with him. He has some extraordinary theories about Lyme and treatment... Be interesting if he shows up on the show.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I agree Muscle.

Dr. Oz is clueless about lyme too, I could see him getting a stupid ID doc there. You're right, it could be an intervention like charlie Sheen's! I really hope he doesn't do that to her.

Some of the women on her show questioned her disease, and the message Yolanda portrays with tweets (some days she looks good, some days not).

They don't realize that is the face of lyme (up one day, down the next). One also mentioned munchhausens (despicable). Funny it's the two with the biggest mouths (Taylor and Lisa R). Maybe it's just another way for them to gather more attention for themselves.
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
I don't think Yolanda is a good representative for the Lyme community...IMHO.
Posted by rosie7 (Member # 46766) on :
she is being treated by Dr. WAshkington...Dr. K

So think she is finally on the right path
Posted by droid1226 (Member # 34930) on :
It didn't go well to say the least imo.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Wow .. I thought the interview was great! I only saw the last half, but I have it on tape. I think she did a great job!
Posted by steve1906 (Member # 16206) on :
I have no idea what momindeep & droid1226 are talking about.

momindeep, She is a good representative for the Lyme disease, and all of us.

droid1226, I think the interview went great.

Anyone supporting us, and Lyme Disease, is always a benefit to us all.

Posted by amberlin96 (Member # 11535) on :
I have watched the show since before she was on. I personally love her and have followed her in her journey. Whether you love or hate her, she is on the public eye and doing her best to bring lyme awareness, unlike many other actors/musicians etc who have kept their battle hidden and private. There are still millions of people who either know nothing about Lyme or haven't even heard of it...such a shame. Like they say in the " business" There's no such thing as bad press. Go Yo!
Posted by droid1226 (Member # 34930) on :
If you think all press is good press, go to the comment section & see what people came out of it with. Here's an example... 9 out of 10 comments are people smashing her, calling her a faker, mental patient, exaggerator, etc.... So apparently something is getting lost in translation.

So please if you think it went great, go defend her against people who have a deep visceral hatred for her.

I also think they might have discussed the political side of things. But apparently there's a clause to never talk about that.
Posted by steve1906 (Member # 16206) on :
droid1226, I have no comment to you... I can't believe that someone who's been a member of this site for so many years, can make these statements about someone that supports us!

Yolanda is good for us and everyone with Lyme & co's.

Posted by droid1226 (Member # 34930) on :
Lol. ok. I said nothing bad about Yolanda or Dr. Oz. I was on that forum for an hr, defending her. That said, I do feel many things were left out.

I also said all press is not good press, just addressing amber's commment. If you have ever read a Forbes, Atlantic, or Vox article on lyme, you'd understand what I meant.

Maybe you confused my comment with someone else. Idk
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Never watched Yolanda's show or saw the Dr. Oz show before, but saw the post here about the time it was coming on and I was more than sick of the politics all over tv on Super Tuesday, so I gave it a shot.

I watched the entire show- absolutely amazing! Coming from a time when we couldn't pay ANYONE to print the word "Lyme" in a newspaper, and there was no such thing as chronic Lyme, this was a full one hour show on CHRONIC Lyme disease.

Amazing. So amazing. We've come a long way baby!

My opinion- Ms. Yolanda was lovely. She actually brought the audience to tears with her horrible Lyme story- what we experience every day here- as well as shocked them when telling what she's been through.

Having no script to work from, no experience or even a way to study up for the interview certainly made her appearance even more difficult for her.

I applaude her, and her efforts and thank her for not only appearing in public and explaining her story, but for laying her life and health history out in the open for all to see in spite of the ongoing ugly attacks on her by many sad a@@ people.

For an actress or anyone to share their personal medical records with a gang of unknown people that carefully combed through them before the show was something not many, if anyone would do.

Now Dr. Oz on the other hand, well, well.

It appeared he was ready to pounce on Ms. Yolanda and had prepared to cut into her in the basic IDSA style, but somehow Ms. Yolanda responded quickly enough to shut him down. I felt I could see him drooling and his fangs were on the ready while waiting for the opportunity to CDC her to death.

But, she did a perfect job of fending him off. GREAT!

Is her story the same as ours, or even close to ours? Probably not. But she took the time and made the effort to bring Lyme to the forefront. Thanks to her for that.
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Meant to say thanks to Ann- OH for the alert or I'd never had gotten a chance to see it. Thanks!
Posted by Jordana (Member # 45305) on :
I wish i could have seen the whole thing.

Most people can't fathom becoming as ill as we get. Even most doctors don't get this because they don't have any personal experience with it.

When you're reasonably healthy it's beyond comprehension; that's why people call her a faker. And no one wants to know there isn't a cure. Would you want to believe there was something that you could get just from walking in the grass that could destroy you and there was no cure?

If it hadn't happened to me I would have a hard time believing it too.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I think she did very well and brought awareness to the problems Lyme patients face.

I wouldn't pay much attention to what the naysayers are saying. They aren't worth their weight in salt.
Posted by Ann-Ohio (Member # 44364) on :
You are welcome, TC!
People can watch the whole show online right now.

I gave up reading comments on shows as they usually have just nasty people wanting to sound off. Thanks for defending her,
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I just saw it (recorded), and it was awesome! Yolanda NAILED IT. Way to go YO!
Posted by dogmom2 (Member # 23822) on :
I thought she did a great job, far better than I could have done.

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