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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hello, everyone! It's Sunday, January 29th!! How's the weather in your corner?

It's 43 here and sunny .. very nice .. no wind. So we'll take it!

Had a nice combined service today .. We usually have two services, but today we had one and followed it up with fellowship and food.

So here I am eating my salad at home. I was just about starving.

Happy camper now ..

AK said she left her wallet in Atlanta and has to make a return trip. OH JOY. At least there is something to return FOR! [Big Grin]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Ak--Aah, the pitfalls of shopping. How kind of Josh to take you back for your wallet.

Tutu--Snow flurries here, windy, and chilly.

Walked 30 minutes. My fingers, even though in gloves, were so cold by the time I finished.

Doing laundry now.

Have a super week.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hey, hiker .. I tuned in to QVC last week. (Something I rarely ever do) They were showing a hand sauna with steam.

I said, "WHAT?" Where was this when my hands were freezing due to low thyroid and Sjogren's??

So, after contemplating a bit, I bought one. It was $30. I thought it might also help with the dryness of winter since it has steam.

I just got it the other day and haven't had time to try it out. Your story of cold hands made me think of it. Sometimes my hands get so cold, there is no warming up.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
My hands are also really dry this winter. I have always had dry skin, but once I got Lyme it actually improved. Now it is back to dry dry dry.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Sunday-Thanks TuTu for getting us started this week. Didn't sleep very well last night so up early and finished my ab and buns DVDs by 8:30.

Did 2 loads of laundry, made salad and chopped onions and mushrooms for spaghetti sauce before Josh picked me up at 12:30.

Took us about 3 1\4 hours to go get my wallet and come home. The cashier from yesterday remembered me and gave me a big hug. Everything was in my wallet including about $100. I tried to give the cashier 'lunch on me' money but she refused. What an incredibly sweet person!

TuTu-Now I've heard it all. A hand sauna? What does it do? I know they do hot wax treatments. One of my old coworkers with RA used to do the hot wax. I always wanted a facial steamer but never bought one. Let us know what you think of the new sauna.

Hiker-You're right, Josh is very kind hearted. I'm so blessed! Hey, have you ever heard of those hand warmer packs that you can put in your gloves? My BFF in AK has Raynaud's and she tried all kind of things like glove liners, etc. She likes the little hot packs the best.

Anyways gang I'm exhausted and think I'm heading for bed. See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
AK .. That is so wonderful that your wallet was there and the money too! What a great cashier. You need to send a thank you to her employer.

I know .. Can you believe a hand sauna!? I had one of those wax things .. but it was too hot. Truly hot!! I read something in the little pamphlet about the hand sauna "if it's too hot..." .. So now I'm a bit worried.

Guess I'd better get busy and try it out. As for how it works, you just slip your hand inside the little dome and there is steam and warmth.

I used to have one of those steam things for facials. I wish I had kept it because it was very simple and worked great for the sinuses. I had one back in the early 80's.

I have those hand warmer packs. I mostly save them for emergencies .. like when the power goes out and it's 10 below!! Hahhahaa... Hasn't happened yet and I pray it never does. My hands would be frostbit.

Nite, nite, everyone!

I found the sauna on Amazon .. (like I said, I paid $30 for it)
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
This morning I thought maybe my washer didn't have bad toxin in it. I went to bed last night in nitegown I washed in wash÷r and hung dry in bathroom

Its only a tiny bit itchy

My list says finish picking up kitchen...sort and find place to put away clothes. I don't want to use closet or dresser til I'm sure

Keep ozoning exercise room that has both itchy chairs in it

Not sure what else

I do have one patio that still has ice

My son said he will come for 3 weeks while I'm in rehab

I'm kind of neevous5 cuz it looks like there will be a storm on surgery day

It is cold and sunny here

I don't understand how you guys can socialize and travel and shop and exercise...I'm really going in wrong direction

I d think I was crazy but there are so many on f b dealing with this toxin I know it's not me

I have never had bad liver test but I am noticing pale brown spots on all my skin that are new...allergist said it wasn't the skin disease that goes with mast cell. I'm kiwi nd a worn out
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I sure hope things will settle down for you soon, kayak.

You may still have hidden triggers you are not aware of. Even foods you have not identified.

I'm doing well being able to get out .. thank God .. but Sunday at church I was reacting to everyone's perfume. It was like they all tanked up on it.

I got hoarse, but was able to sing once I got away from the people. I even chose not to "share the peace" in order to protect myself.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
lp--Will your son be there to drive you to surgery?

Went to chiropractor after work, dropped some forms for parking disability placard off at MD's office.

Then walked a little over 20 minutes. Wind is really picking up again. That's what I get for living in the flat lands.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Monday-Up early and did my ab and arm DVDs by 9:30. Putzed around til 11:00 then headed to the rehab gym for Zumba. Threw in 3 sets of 12 on the thigh machine.

Ran a couple errands then home for lunch with Mom and made us some fresh juice to boot. Then more errands with Mom and we dropped off salad for Josh.

Met with spouse for dinner at IHOP to fine tune divorce issues. Typed up everything in an email and sent to lawyer. It's almost midnight and I believe I'm finally done! Whew!

TuTu-I was thinking the same thing about the cashier. I've never run into one as remarkable as Mary.

BTW, thanks for the link!

Kayak-What surgery are you having and when's the big day? I'll be thinking of you and hoping all goes well. So glad to hear your son will be there for 3 weeks! Yay for Etta!

Hiker-Way to go on the 20! Poor Josh is out of commission. He overdid the walking at the park and we think he tore a calf muscle. His GP can't see him until the 8th so he's been off the treadmill for at least a week.

Off to bed! Night guys!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Worked too long at school and am wiped out so no exercise today.

I need to wear a biohazard suit to work as a lot of kids are sick and are out for days.

Lots of projects to grade this week.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Yes hiker the plan is my son will drive me to surgery then stay at the house and take care of Etta while I'm in rehab

A k I am having left knee revised. It was replaced in 2008 I think and it needs to be fixed.

When they fixed the right one 3 ys ago it hurt for 2 yrs so have have been putting off getting this one done
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
My battery is very low and I'm lying in bed with a heating pad on ear. I put coconut oil in there and I'm trying to get it to go down in

My ear has been bugging me for a few days. I thought it was dry cuz it was itchy. All day the pain has gotten worse and worse. I don't want to go to primary cuz I always get sicker there. I'm pretty sure its infected. Its been a long time since this has happened

I have keflex left from dentist appt. I wonder if it will help I can't do 10 days cuz surgery is in wed

Again. I am in awe of all the exercise you guys do

I did use wc to take Etta to end of road and back. She had fun. It was sunny and cold. Maybe that's what set the ear off

A k hang in. It took 3 yrs for my divorce to go thru. And we worked out everything ourselves. It seemed the lawyers wanted us to fight but we didnt
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Tuesday-Just my ab DVD today. Then did my treadmill routine of elevation 2.5 jogging for 5 then walking for 5 at 3.2 mph for 34 minutes with a 2 minute warm up and cool down.

3 sets of 12 on thigh machine and am tired so going to bed.

See you all tomorrow!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
AK .. So sorry to hear about Josh's leg. Hope he didn't tear the muscle. Glad to hear of progress on the divorce.

hiker .. Hope you can stay away from the illnesses going around at school. My immune system was so different back then. I felt terrible all the time but rarely got sick. Figure that one out. lol

kayak .. THIS TIME you aren't going to be hauling in supplies for your house remodel!! THIS time things will be better! Hoping and praying!!

I went to exercise and did 40 min on the machine and 12 laps. I was a bit peeved because that one lady is still smelly with essential oils. I could smell it when I walked in. Very depressing.

Then I go to the grocery store and it smelled strongly of some chemical. I asked the cashier and she said it was paint. I asked when they painted and she said last night. I told her I would just shop at Wal Mart for the next two weeks.

She agreed it was bad and that she got used to it .. but when she left for lunch and came back in it just smacked her in the face. Thank goodness I only needed a few things from that store.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I'm back! I've been to the ER. Somehow I got an ear infection. I was crying out with stabbing pain and Etta was really upset. Ivy 600 and neurontin 300 didn't touch it. And a storm is just starting so I figured I better go now...I knew I couldn't sleep and the roads will be very bad in the morning

They gave me drops to numb it and a mix. I'm a little afraid of the amox...I wish I could have taken the first one there

I'm going to wait til morning and have a benadryl close and my phone

The Handiman coming tomorrow to figure out why my tub water doesn't stay hot like its supposed to. Then next day I see knee surgeon and next day Etta gets hair cut and I need pedi

I'm trying to get sleepy. ER was busy. Screaming kids with ear infections and one overdose and another old lady like me...not sure why she was there

Ok...better try to sleep
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Oh dang .. just your luck!! I know someone in TX who had a horrible ear infection .. took awhile to clear. A woman with 5 kids, poor thing!!

I handle amoxy very well... you might want to try it kayak....really.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
LP---Ugh about the ear ache. Hope it clears quickly.

Getting too dark out for me to walk. Had more projects to grade after school today.

I get my hair cut after work tomorrow, so not sure when I am going to fit in exercise this week. [shake]
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
IM OK BUSY DAY oops. i did take the amoxy...i took a zyrtec and pepcid first cuz im supposed to at breakfast

no reaction pain was still bad and i remembered today is the day i must stop ibuprofen so there were a bunch of phone calls primary was worthless again i like her but that office is a mess the ER doc ended up telling me what to do and the surgeon agreed i have a few dilaudids left from last surgery so i can take them at night when i dont have to drive then i take my neurontin-3 a day and tylanol...i dont take tylanol...but until amox kills enough bugs to stop this pain i need something

handiman came...really late cuz one of his sons had a problem...i didnt think he was coming and was still wearing the clothes i wore last night to er...i also figured out hottest time of day and went out in wc to shovel the 3 inhes of snow we got so it doesnt turn to ice...i did about hlf and did a lot more after handiman left

he did a bunch of little things but im sad to learn that the jacuzzi tub i bought doesnt have a heater i was sure i bought one that did...the guy that put the tub in assured me it had a heater but it doesnt ...i need hot bath abd shower for pain...and im not sure whaat i will do about that...

i have to go to bed early cuz surgeon appt is early tomorrow...i hope pain will be gone soon after i take 3rd amoxy tomorrow morning...

nite thank for caring
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Wednesday-Not a lick of exercise today! Thoracic spine bothering me since Monday night so took a day off. Feels better this evening.

TuTu-Way to go on the exercise! Also thanks for the encouragement in regards to my divorce. It's very hard on me.

Kayak-Your poor ear! Hope those drops help. In regards to the jacuzzi isn't there any recourse for you since the guy that installed it said it did have a heater? Someone's lying to you, that's for sure.

Hiker-I was just thinking today that I need a haircut too! That and some color for all my gray hair. Glad I found a place that does an OK job for $12.99!

See you all tomorrow!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
LP--How's the ear? Hope your appointment went well today.

AK--Sorry to hear about your back. Can you pinpoint it to anything you did?

Not much exercise today unless you count stopping at the grocery story for organic meat.

Got my hair cut. I am not going to worry about the grey that is coming into my hair. Go natural is my motto!

One more work day and then the weekend. Yeah!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I agree, hiker .. Go natural! What the heck!!

LP .. Hope you are doing better today. I know you are trying to stay off the Wifi as much as you can.
Keep us posted as able.

I did 40 min on the magic machine and 10 laps. The lady with the stinky oils wasn't there today and life was SO MUCH better!!!

Did a bit of shopping again at our K-Mart that is going out of business. Got hubby some jeans ($10) and a sweatshirt ($5), some good scissors, note pads and legal pads, address book, etc. I love sales!

It's cold here .. it was 39 degrees when I came home at 4 pm. I think it was in the low 40's this morning..

OH.. Went to a new Bible study in the condos here.. it was nice. It's centered on the War Room.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I can't believe this .....


From KAM ...

Rosie is gone. Ouch. She had a large tumor in her spleen. She was not herself after today's run.

She did not want to be around me and could not get comfortable

I found in the back of the shed laying down.

She would have been 14 in April
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Oh no! Poor Kam. She really needed Rosie. I hope she can get another service dog.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Thursday-Ab and bun DVDs then went to rehab gym with Mom. Did the thigh machine and used the arc trainer for 30 minutes. Need to stay off the arc trainer it kinda bothered my SI joints.

Hiker-I hurt my upper back from being overzealous on Monday doing Zumba. I gained 2 1/2 pounds over the weekend so tried to make up for it. Big mistake!

Wish I could go natural with my hair. I like it better gray and silver. Have to look for a job soon and need to look younger though. Darn our society's obsession with youth!

TuTu-Thank you for letting us know about Rosie! My condolences to Kam. I've enjoyed hearing about Rosie over the years and will miss her.

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I know.. . I can't believe Rosie is gone. I guess I've known her nearly her entire doggie life!

AK .. I bet your hair DOES look nice in silver. You are right .. society is a bummer.

I talked to Kayak and she is "OK."

Surgery is next Wednesday.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Started off early at work with a faculty meeting. Always seem to be a waste of time.

Went to neighborhood grocery to finish up my weekly shopping.

Managed a 24 minute walk outside. In the 20's but for once there was no wind.

Relaxing tonight!!
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I remember those faculty meetings. And every few years they'd make a big deal about teaching us how to if everything we had done up til then was wrong. 3 yrs later they do it again

Its been pretty crazy here. Nurse was great at doc appt...usually its an aide but I think I got special treatment cuz I'm so messed up

Surgeon was happy I had talked to anesthesiologist. They have worked together a long time.

I ended up back in ER at 2 this morning tho. Ear pain even tho I was on Tylenol neurontin and dilaudid.

They gave me the numbing drops to bring home and switched amox to augmenton I don't seem to be reacting but too soon to know if its helping

House is not getting ready with all these we visits. Etta did not get haircut. I was exhausted and slept from 8 to 1 after we

I'm very concerned about 2 day snows/ice/rain storm starting the day before surgery. I got a motel room but I can't go 2 days early

I hope it all works out. I'm doing my best.

I was very sad about Rosie. I will have to talk to Ken on fb

Very tired now...hope this is over soon

Congrats on all that exercise you guys. I'm totally in wc. I'm gaining weight
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Friday-Ab and arm DVDs then went to rehab gym with Mom. Did the thigh machine and Zumba but was careful with my back.

Have been thinking of Kam and Rosie today. Pray Kam is OK.

TuTu-Thanks for letting us know about Kam and Kayak, specially surgery day.

Hiker-Wish I could walk outdoors but it's not safe in our neighborhood. I have to drive to the park. I've been gaining weight on the weekends so maybe I should drive there and get some fresh air and exercise.

Kayak-You're not alone with the weight gain! I'm working out like a crazy woman and still gaining weight! I've gained 4 pounds since I've started exercising. As much as I hate to admit it, it's my diet. I really need to cut back. I try to block it out but the scale at the gym doesn't lie. Darn it!

Well, me and my bag of chips are going to bed......

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--Sorry to hear it is not safe to walk in your neighborhood. Sometimes I drive elsewhere to walk just for a change of scenery.

My unsolicited advice is to stay off the scale. Just enjoy your exercise and work on the diet plan. Scales just get me depressed.

LP--I am lifting up prayers for your ear and your surgery. (and for good weather) How long will you have to stay in the hospital before going to rehab?

Tutu--Our kmart closed last year. Sad as I always liked going there.

I slept in late today. Did my weekend cooking and freezing food for the week.

Stopped by church and just sat for awhile praying. Even if I don't always go on Sundays I try to get some study of the Bible in and lots of prayer time.

After running a few errands I decided not to fight the 30 mph winds and walk. I am avoiding the exercise bike for awhile.

I am sure I will watch the Super Bowl tomorrow. Go Falcons.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes .. Go Falcons .. I don't like cheaters.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Saturday-No exercise just family time and errand running with Josh.

Hiker-I don't like scales either but can't resist weighing myself at the gym. I'm enjoying my exercise and am still surprised I don't have the exercise intolerance anymore.

TuTu-I used to watch the Super Bowl with my Dad. Even though our relationship was very rocky, I'll be thinking of him tomorrow.



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