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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
How's your Sunday looking?

It's cold here and a little rainy. Trees are blooming everywhere. WAY early.

Hubby and I are headed out to a benefit for a friend in just a bit. We just got home from church and lunch.

This friend is an entertainer here and he had a heart attack while in South Texas over the winter break. He had to have a quadruple bypass surgery while down there.

So a bunch of local entertainers will be at a restaurant/stage to raise money for him. We take care of our own over here!

Should be fun too!

I'm itching all over from lunch. Why can't they fix plain ordinary food anymore?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Our school really takes care of other teachers.

One teacher at another junior high just had her 40 year old husband die of a heart attack last night. So sad and they have a young daughter. We are already mobilizing help.

So windy here. I guess my dad started outside to get gas for the car and turned around an went back in. He is so frail, he would never make it to the garage to the car.

I went to the library but grabbed my walking stick to stay upright. That was my exercise.

Will read, finish up laundry and watch Illini basketball.

Please say a prayer for my mom. She fell in their apartment and hurt her back. My concern is that she doesn't know why she fell down.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That's wonderful, hiker. People really can band together to help out.

I think our friend may have been without health insurance. We're not sure. I know that heart surgery can run AT LEAST $100,000 or more .. probably way more.

I hope your mom will be OK .. Let's hope she didn't pass out. Could be that her legs just gave out.

By the way, there were hundreds of people at this benefit show we went to. Good to see so many .. lots of celebrities. They all jammed and had a good time. The guest of honor was there and he looked pretty good. I'm so grateful he lived through it. He's one of my husband's best friends.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on : live quite the life. I'm glad you're having some fun. I understand the itching. I have been having random coughing with a lot of mucous at odd times. Sometimes rescue meds help and sometimes they don't. So hard to figure out
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
kayak .. I bet it's the acid reflux.

I tagged you in a post on the MCAS group. This girl posted your exact symptoms.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Just wrote long post and lost it. Can't do it again. So far sx continue but are more bothersome than scary...going off narcotics
Cold turkey has added some problems too
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Sunday-Thanks TuTu for getting us started this week. No exercise today. My hips are sore from walking yesterday. Took my half a pain pill, muscle relaxer and sleeping pill so I can get some sleep.

Me and Mom ran a few errands today. More shopping for Mom at the local PX. Boy was I glad to get home.

Going to my Allergist tomorrow and will talk with him about Cromolyn Sodium, DAO test and supplements and maybe getting another histamine test before my health insurance expires.

TuTu-My Dad had a quadruple bypass and it was no picnic to recover from. Glad your Hubby's friend is doing so well. My sister had a stent put in when she had her heart attack and she didn't have insurance either. I think she paid $25 a month until she passed away 3-4 years later. Wonderful to hear how the local music community 'banded' together to help out.

Hiker-I'm sorry about your Mom falling and hurting her back. Sure hope she went to the doctor. When my Mom hurt her back I made sure she wore a local pharmacy back brace by Futuro that had stays and padding in the back. It helped here a lot.

Kayak-Been thinking about you today. What rescue meds are you taking for histamine? I've done the children's dye free benadryl but it tastes like bubble gum, yuck! I'm really going to have to work on my diet. Will have to have a serious talk with my Mom and Josh about it. They don't quite understand how I can be allergic to something and not have obvious severe symptoms. Oh we go again!

Back to the list that TuTu provided last week.....

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
AK .. It's the "histamine bucket" .. the more you eat, the higher it fills up and then BAM it overflows.


PS .. They have dye free capsules.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Had a bit of tummy trouble, so called in sick today.

Felt better by noon and went for a short walk.

Ended up going to work at 3 and grading papers for 2 hours.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Monday-Drove 77 miles one way to my appointment with Allergist. Then back home and went to dinner with my Mom.

My appointment was very long and highly informative. No need for C.S. Or DAO. Going to post more on TuTu's thread for Mast Cell Disease.

TuTu-I'm posting on your thread. He gave me tons of info and gave me a 'list'.

Hiker-Glad you feel better. Josh mentioned today he had a ton of papers to go through too. You teachers work so hard!

See you all tomorrow!

Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I got my pain pills after 4.5 days of he'll. Crazy pain at times and scary mental stuff. Whew. When I moved the bad leg on the bed it felt like duck tape over long hair being ripped off. I never felt that but in ever came off pain pills this soon. I'm very scared of getting dependent but my plan is way lower than what the nurses suggest. I'm using ibu gabapentin fish oil and curcumin and tons of ice and trying really hard to only take a pain pill once every 12 hrs

I've had good luck with the new helper. I just hope it continues. She has bad fibro and other stuff but works steady and. I can afford her. I really hope this works. She also uses no scents and makes her own cleaning stuff and gives me ideas. I hope this works
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
LP--Glad you got your pain pills and like your helper.

Stayed home from work again today. I haven't missed school 2 days in a row for 10 years. Hope to go back tomorrow.

I slept most of the day and then went into work for about an hour to get ready for tomorrow.

Also worked on my taxes.

Storms rolling in and are supposed to be severe. Spotters needed for tornadoes. I used to do that preLyme.

Update: Sadly tornadoes ripped through a town about an hour from here. At least one death confirmed already. May be a long night.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Be safe hiker

I've been in bed with ice most of day but did talk to pharmacist about how to wean off bilaudid. My plan was not good one so glad I made that connection

Worker got a lot done and I planned ways to be away from her more than half time but when I try to be polite and visit a little its incredible how much her talking wears me out. Still she gets a lot done so I want to keep trying how to manage this

Tomorrow I hope to to more exercise. Today I passed the taking a bath alone test so graduated from ot

Even after awful weekend my PT test was better than ever. 115. Surprised me. Has to 've 100 to pass test. But there are other or tests too

Hope you feel better hiker and are safe in the storms. I'm too out of it to know if others are in the way of storms

We had an earthquake! Less than 50 miles away but I didn't feel it. Nite.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Wow, hiker. I hope you are OK and that the stomach settles down soon.

kayak .. So glad you got your meds and that you talked to the pharmacist!!!

Hope your helper continues to work out for you. Just be sure to make rules on some things like you would in the classroom. [Smile]

Earthquake, huh? wow

Hope all will be safe in the storms. We were under a tornado watch for awhile but we are OK .. Maybe more storms tonight.

There was a big hail storm near KC tonight.

Today (actually Leap Day) marks 5 years ago that we had our F2 tornado here. Made a pretty big mess out of the town but no deaths. I don't know how we escaped that one.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Tuesday-Went to the gym today! Walked on the treadmill on incline 2.5 and set at 2.8 mph for 30 minutes. Did a 2 minute warm up and cool down.

Dreaded weighing myself but shockingly I've lost 5 pounds since I was last there. Yay!

Kayak-Glad you have your pain meds and found some decent help.

Hiker-Taxes are no fun! Stay safe in that bad weather!

TuTu-You too! Wow, bad weather everywhere. Overcast down here but not rainy.

Well, back to my Xmen movie.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--good for you for walking!

Back to work today despite a splitting headache. Feeling better now.

Submitted my taxes. Mine are so complicated that I always hope I don't make a major error and get audited.

Cool and windy here. We had hail last night, but escaped the tornadoes.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Today I did 2 sets of knee exercises. I might do one more before bed

I walked Etta for 20 minutes on our street

I got permission to do recumbent bike 5 min 2 times a day

I folded and put away a bunch of laundry. And spent time on phone about bills. More to do on that.

They say we are getting severe storms and high winds tonight.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Oh. Wow. I just saw weather. I'm glad you guys are ok. Hang in.

Well good for you a k on the weight. I swear I can't figure out what makes me gain or lose. It doesn't seem related to food or activity

Hiker hope you feel better and stay safe. My dil is still in Chicago...they are divorced but I still am concerned about her.

Well..I'm tired...and still have some stuff to be safe all...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Wow... good job, kayak!

AK .. if you keep the mast cells calmed down, you will lost weight .. well, not always.. but you can.

High histamine foods definitely make me gain fluid.

I went to the nearby city and to another smaller town. I was on a mission to find more crosses like I had found here for all the kids who come to Easter services.

Had to find them before they sold out. They are really nice for only 98 cents!

Stopped off to see a long time friend at an assisted living. She will turn 96 in a few weeks, so I may go back then. It was great to see her.

I'm off to Ash Wednesday services as soon as I finish my salad!
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Wednesday-Well, so much for exercise for the rest of the week! Went to my great dermatologist and had another large cyst removed from my back. He said they're caused by friction and we pinpointed this one to my exercises on the mat. So I've got stitches and a dressing that I should be able to take off on Sunday.

My dermatologist and allergist know I'm going through a divorce and are trying to work with me to get things taken care of while I have insurance. Also they're willing to take me without insurance and make payments! Makes me cry. I'm so blessed!

Hiker-Went with Josh today to my CPA and picked up my completed taxes and Josh had a first time meeting with him. He really liked him and the receptionist. They are a wonderful Christian firm and very competent. Glad our taxes are taken care of.

Kayak-Wow, you're doing great with the exercise and activities! Keep on keeping on. In regards to the weight loss, must be like TuTu mentioned, histamine related. Remember back in 2013 I worked out like a crazy woman to get in shape and lose weight before I went to AK? Worked out for 8 months and didn't lose a pound! Must have something to do with inflammation.

TuTu-Wonderful about your friend! Just imagine all the changes she's seen. I love to hear older people talk about the past. Sure was a gentler time. Speaking of Easter, I'm hoping to go to church again with my brother and his family. Glad you mentioned Easter because now I'm thinking of doing a family luncheon. It'd be great for all of us to get together and I know my little Mom would be so happy.

Well, back to the news!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, definitely the histamine and the inflammation. UGH.

AK .. that is so wonderful about your doctors! What a blessing!

This friend of mine has a very "storied" past, AK. She used to work for and KNEW personally MAX FACTOR!. She also had her own line of beauty products.

She used to do hair and makeup for many country stars here, including Brenda Lee and Patsy Cline. She is still a close friend of Brenda Lee.

Go see her pic on FB. She's a beautiful woman...inside and out. I used to work with her in a home-based business about 12 yrs ago.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--Weigh to go on weight loss.

LP--You sure are making progress!

I went to the grocery store after work to get some organic food. Will hit up second grocery tomorrow or Saturday. Very worn out.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I had trouble sleeping last night...I think I probably did too much.

Today I was lying down a lot with ice. I did go out for a short time with Etta. I was in wheelchair and Etta chased leaves

At 5 neighbor took Etta for a 20 minute walk that was really good for her

I paid a lot of bills and did some phone stuff. I was surprised my new bank will give me a 10k loan to fix house. I've n been using credit cards and this loan will be lower interest and I should be able to get ALOT done at once. New hot water heater and gutters on back of house. Finish kitchen pantry and floor. And then finish front Windows and siding

At 8 I take my last pain meds so at 9 I will work thru all my exercises including bike

I washed a lot of dishes today

Very tired. Nite.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Thursday-Got my toofies cleaned and add my dentist to my list of blessings. They'll help me after I have no insurance too!

TuTu-I just can't believe who you know! I didn't realize there was a person named Max Factor either. And uh wow! Brenda Lee AND Patsy Cline? Unbelievably awesome. BTW, heading to your neck of the woods. My uncle passed away today and me and my Mom are driving to Missouri. We leave tomorrow hopefully around 1:00 and I'll drive to at least as far as Memphis. Then Saturday we will be in Springfield, MO. I think we're staying a week.

Hiker-I've really been trying to work on my diet too but with this unexpected road trip it's going to be tough. Being around my family in MO is gonna put some lbs on me for sure.

Kayak-Super awesome to hear from you today! Everything went OK at my rendezvous and hope to mail taxes before heading to MO. Great news about your plans for the home and that you're saving money too.

See you guys tomorrow!

Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Ak so sorry about your uncle. I'm surprised to hear you have family in Springfield . small world. I hope all goes well on the trip
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Very sorry to hear about your uncle, AK!! We'll have to try to meet up!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
kayak... Hope you are OK today without pain meds. OUCH!! Can you take hydrocodone for awhile until you heal up?

I forgot to post about my EXERCISE! LOL

I did 36 min on the machine and 6 laps. A bit more than that on Tuesday. I keep forgetting why we post here. [bonk] [lol]

Went to Bible study today and it was awesome.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Tutu--I really miss small group Bible study. Hopefully I can find a group in the near future.

Went to energy healer after work to be "recharged" and then to grocery.

Relaxing tonight.

AK--My condolences on the loss of your uncle. Be safe.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
hiker .. One young woman was telling us a story about the woman hosting the study (Teresa). She saw an angel outside Teresa's condo one evening.

Later, when telling them about it, Teresa's husband said he and his son were gone for the weekend and he had prayed for angels to protect Teresa.

He had tears in his eyes when he told her that because he knew his prayer had been answered!

I'm going to start praying to see angels because the young woman said she has seen angels more than once. COOL!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
AK .. Look on Facebook for a message. I'll send you my cellphone number.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Travel safe a k. Hope you guys get to meet. I trip there seems impossible to me altho I did do it once. With Pigwit!

I don't know why I hurt so much today. Yesterday was busy. PT discharged me to out patient and it is one mile from house and I get free transportation and my insurance changed so it only cost 20 a time. It used to cost 40 and lots of stuff doubled in price in January but this one we Mr down. Yay!

Cleaning woman came yesterday and that went really well but I fell asleep before she left

Then Handiman didn't show again. He's a good guy but overwhelmed with family problems. I've stuck with him til now but I got a call from a construction guy here who is friends with my neighbor up north....turns out he can do all the Handiman stuff I need and at reasonable cost

I'm not gonna fire first guy but if new guy can do it sooner I will go with him

Ok. Gotta get dressed. See ya later
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Did my usual cooking this morning.

Went for a 20 minute walk. Windy but sunny!

Cut back my clematis vines. I don't want them blooming too early.

Am doing some laundry now and will sit down to watch some basketball.

Lp--great news about pt and its cost.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yay, kayak !! Keep-a-going! Hope things just get better and better for you. Pain issues for me are usually related to what foods I eat. Good news, bad news.

Hiker .. glad you have some sunshine! Very nice here too... will be about 70 today. Cold this morning.

I BOUGHT SOME PLANTS!! I bought some pansies, a flowering vine and some other plant that looks like a tiny aster. I'll have to get the name of it for you.

Just got off the phone with AK!!

We think we are going to meet up early this week. She will be an hour and a half north of me and we hope to meet in the middle!

Depending upon our energy levels, I may take her south to our little town just to see it! It's a beautiful drive down here too.. though the trees are still bare.

We're both excited about this! [Smile]

kayak .. Maybe I should take her to the place we met where hubby played jazz. [Smile]

Not sure exactly where hiker and I met up... a restaurant of some sort.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Tutu--So glad you get to meet AK. She is very sweet!

I remember when you and I met. You picked me up at the LLMD's office and then we went to a buffet.
Someday I will get down there again and look you up!

Lp--I haven't met you or Kam, yet. Long trip, but you never know when I might get there!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I'm glad ONE of us remembered! I thought it might be the buffet, but I pictured a booth in my mind.

I think they do have a few booths there, not sure.

It was really fun to meet you. I've also met "just don" .. what a pleasure!

OH...and a few years later, don and Melanie Reber came to B and they got to see a show hubby was in. Then we went to eat. I THINK I saw don another time later. I remember his eating lunch with only hubby and me there.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Its 8 out. Feels like minus nine. I tried to take Etta for short walk about 4 when sun was still out but we didn't make it out of drive
Earlier I had good meeting at bank so I got enough money to pay off credit cards and have enough left over to do a lot of work on house. At much lower interest

That was my first outing. Neighbor took me and picked me up. I'm not allowed to drive yet.

I've been kind of lazy at home. I finished some bills. Cooked a little. Rode bike twice for 5 min. Oh and laundry and dishes

I have more exercises to do. And I kinda want a bath but I have to rush thru cuz there isn't much hot water

The Handiman didn't come when he was supposed to and didn't reply to my text so I called the gutter guy and told him I h as d some indoor jobs for him

I need pills and ice so better go. I hope its 70 here soon. The winds sound scary. A lot of trees down
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yikes...that's cold!!

Give yourself a rest, kayak.. You deserve it.

Hey.. Maybe you are doing better because of the aspirin. Did you know that some are able to use it for MCAS? That's more good news as long as your body can handle it.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Idk tutu. Today I ate cranberry sauce with my chic and parmesan cheese on Italian casserole with tomato sauce...I just now realized the sauce was bad...I was worried about the cheese. I also....wait for it...ate a chocolate donut today after bank outing. I took the neighbor to a coffee place where she likes the chocolate croissants to pay her for taking me to bank

Kind of amazing. I'm going back on low histamine diet...maybe it's just the bucket. I've been drinking Fiji water and taking charcoal when I can and eating really low histamine...Idk. But I don't want to go back where I was. I took elderberry a few days when I got the cough and it went away. I'm slowly losing weight. Seems like I should be losing faster...but I don't know how much the new knee weighs...I know its heavy...well. I hope I can fall asleep. I ordered a few things to help me organize desk. Office has been a mess for months. I hope these little organizers will help me get excited about doing office and since my taxes are sitting right there maybe they will get done too. Whew its cold...I feel it coming right thru the Windows...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Wow .. I would be dead or wishing so if I ate even the tomato sauce, not to mention the others.

Just be careful. Remember to eat what green foods you can. I'm not able to and it really is not a good thing.

I actually worked on the Paper Chase today. Still not finished but at least I threw out a bunch. Progress!

Taxes are next, I suppose. I HATE HATE HATE doing them.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Saturday-Hi everyone! Drove over 8 hours Friday. Then today used the treadmill at Comfort Inn for about 23 minutes. Drove I think another 8 hours today. I'm wiped out! Talked to my cousin and she said we can just meet them at 1:00 at the church. Viewing is at 1:30, funeral at 3:00.

Thank you all for the condolences.

I talked my Mom into going closer to 1:00 so we can get some rest. Now hopefully we can both unwind and sleep. This trip is hard on my little Mom and me too.

Kayak-Have lots of family in Missouri and some cousins in AR. Most of my cousins haven't seen me for about 22 years!

TuTu-OMG! Didn't realize you met Kayak too! So when we meet that means I'm gonna have to visit Kayak too!

Awesome you met so many people from Lymenet. I met Melanie too and she is super sweet.

Hiker-Thank you for contacting me about TuTu trying to reach me. She called just in the nick of time because we left in such a hurry I forgot AR and MO maps. Only using GPS and really had no idea where I was! BTW, it'd be great if we could travel together to meet Kayak and Kam!

Anyways my wonderful friends, I'm off to do some serious log sawing!


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