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Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Autumn is here and while the trees haven't changed, yet, the weather is in the 70's and beautiful.

So, here's to another great week of reporting any sort of exercise and chatting about our day.

Prayer walk today, but only about 20 minutes.

Since I am not teaching I find I am weaker as I am not standing or moving about the classroom. Need to keep working on getting more endurance and strength.

Laundry day--which means up and down the stairs quite a bit.

Have a great week of movement! [Cool]

Below is Lp's post from this morning:


I Didn't get more woodchuck. Or anything. He charges extra if we get a skunk
I get new phone Tuesday...same kind. They crash every 2 years

I'm not sure how soon I will have it working tho.

Nice cool day...but i still don't have inside ok. Neighbor was over a long time mak8by land line work. I got it months ago but didn't even know how to answer or place a call cuz they changed all the pictures and no one uses letters anymore to spell out directions
In greatful for her but she uses so many scents on clothes and hair and body....its very hard on me. But she is only person that helps me now. I have to be greatful. I aired out house for hours after she left and I know I can call 911 if I have to

Woke in severe pain. Feels like Neuro Lyme. Both shoulders have worst pain now. Also extreme fatigue. Hard to live like this. Just like treating Lyme. I'm in 4th month. Not sure how long I 'll keep doing this.

Docs say it takes 1 to 3 yrs. Some people stay on meds forever. One woman on 20 yrs

Maybe I 'll come back with a better attitude. I can see morning glories that want to bloom but I think its too cold."

Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Happy Sunday and here's to a new week!

Thanks for getting us started again Hiker. I told my Mom it's in the 70's where you are and we're both envious. Still in the 90's here.

Recovered from the weekend and wanted to do yard work but have Josh stopping by for dinner.

Just gonna bake some chicken thighs, and took out left over frozen dressing and green bean casserole. Have a can of cranberry sauce chilling in the fridge and that's gonna be it for dinner.

Hang in there Kayak. What are you taking the antibiotics for? I can't remember. I sure don't react to antibiotics like I used to. I still can't take Flagyl or Minocycline though. They made me have seizures and chest pains. I struggle with scents to but only certain ones. Cigarette smoke is my numero uno toxin.

Hope everyone has a terrific day!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
whew .. We are still recovering from our late-night awards show on Friday night. The show BEGAN at 10:30 pm!

The band from hubby's show was the band for the night. It was great! He got to play for a big-name talent and everyone did well.

Our show received an award for the best comedian and the best guitarist.

More awards shows coming up in the next few weeks. I think we have 6 or 7 nominations for the next one. Woot!

So today, we came home from church and lunch and I decided to go to WalMart for needed food items. OOOPS ...I found bargains for OCC!! Oopsie!!

Bandanas for 25 cents each and shorts for a dollar! Yesterday I went to the city and bought 14 pairs of shoes for $10.60! These kids receiving our boxes are going to be SO happy!

I saw a few pics yesterday of children in various countries who received shoes in their boxes. They fit PERFECTLY. God is great!

(I came home and took an almost 2 hour nap)

hiker .. I hope you can keep moving so you build strength. It's hard to keep going, as we all know.

LP .. I hope the new phone will serve you well. My phone is about 2 years old too. Still doing great. (knock on wood) Sure hope the guy doesn't trap a skunk.

AK .. It's cooler here too. Saturday was about 64 and rainy. Today was about 72. The next two days are low 80's then back to 70's.

No progress on our condo. Hoping to have some action on Monday.

Our neighbor upstairs is tearing out tile and it made me cough all morning while I was getting ready to go to the city. It was OK by the time I got home.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Ran errands this morning. Picked up a baby shower gift. So fun to shop for those.

Needed more bird feed, so got that, and then gassed up the car.

Energy healing tomorrow and it is supposed to storm. Please pray for safety for 140 mile round trip.

Tracked down my ENT. His contract was not renewed where he was practicing and he is so good. He will be in town for 1 1/2 days per week and the rest of the time an hour away where I grew up. Glad I was able to find him.

Walked 22 minutes.

Tutu-how is your foot? Hope work started on your condo today.

LP--what kind of phone do you have? Mine is probably 5 years old now (iPhone 5SE). I like it because it is small enough to fit into my jeans pocket.

Too bad no one makes phone that small anymore, although a bigger phone would help my eyes. LOL
Posted by Lyme248 (Member # 51011) on :
Can't tell if it's the full moon or a touch of the flu, but I've been feeling not so good and am in full procrastination mode.

I had a really busy week and I wanted to relax, but I felt spacey and jittery all weekend.

I've been doing a lot of reading. I just finished a biography of Harper Lee.

Better get back to work now.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hiker .. glad you were able to track him down! I hope your trip goes well!!

Lyme248 .. get well SOON!!

They should begin work soon. Insurance gave approval and is sending another check.

I'm going to a convo tonight WITH HUBBY! Woot! I'll tell you by text.

For reference on the phones.. I also have an iPhone. It's a 6S.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hi everyone! Worked outside trimming, raking and bagging shrubs and trees growing along our fenceline. Was out there from about 1-3. So actually got some fresh air and exercise today.

Great deals for those OCC boxes TuTu! Thank goodness your insurance company is stepping up to the plate too.

Ditto what TuTu said L248!

That's a long trip Hiker but I'm sure we'll worth it. Will be praying! So what's up with the ENT's office not informing his patients? Glad you found him but that should have been their job.

Well gang, super tired so off to bed!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
AK .. I was so excited to find more pencils at WalMart today. We now have 2,000! That's about 7 pencils for each box! So happy about that!

My heart is full tonight. We just loved the concert. Before it began, we heard about 6 praise and worship songs by the college's praise group. We were happy to hear 3 songs that we also do at church.

As for the concert, we were given this prayer by that special someone:

"Lord, lead me to those who need me and send to me those I need. Help me do something of eternal significance today."

I love that.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I like that prayer a lot tutu

Lyme248 I've been feeling a lot like you and wondering about the moon. I am doing things but never seem to make a dent in My list. Today I cookedca little and I thinknfrozec4 meals. I printed out calendars and contacts from my took forever. Ten I let my self play in garden for 2 hours. I transplanted some shrubs and flowers cuz some beds are too crowded. It was fun.. I used wheelchair a lot. My legs are very weak. But it was cool and dry and nice. No bugs

Then I really tried to work on bills tonight but ended up lying on couch and watching tv

Thatsca long way to go for a doc hiker. My ortho doc is 40 miles away...a lot on curvy back road...bad in winter and I wouldn't want a doc I went to regularly to be so far away...but we gotta travel for the good ones

Congrats to hubs for show tutu..

I sure hope the construction works out and you don't end up coughing or sick from any of it

I'm falling aslerp. Not sure what is wrong with me
Posted by Lyme248 (Member # 51011) on :
Thanks. I feel a lot better today, so whatever it is seems to have gone away. It's raining cats and dogs here though, so no exercise today.

I got most of the things I wanted to do done now so I feel better now. I hate lists, because they never seem to get any shorter, but I do like to be able to go back to my list after a long time and see how I got everything done.

I like that prayer. That's kind of what I was thinking about the other day. But I always have to tell myself that I don't know everything, and I can't figure out by myself what is eternally significant and what isn't.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Great prayer, Tutu. I would loved to been there to hear her sing.

Lp--Energy healer is 70 miles one way and she is worth it.

She said I still have some H. pylori left, so I am sure she killed that and I will be toxic. She said she could practically smell the toxins from me. I don't detox well.

Walked 22 minute this morning.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Another day of trimming, raking and bagging for about 2 1/2 hours. Mom made dinner and I cleaned the kitchen and I'm already in bed.

I sure am sore!

Love that prayer also TuTu! Wal-Mart has some great specials. We found some super cheap post it notes and highlighters for Josh.

I see we both did yard work today Kayak. I made just a tiny dent in my to do list. So behind from the concussion and flu bug I had.

We're getting some much needed rain too L248. Started to sprinkle as I was finishing up my yard work.

Love to hear about your energy healing Hiker. Wish I could afford to go myself to see how it is. Kudos on your walk today!

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
whew...tired ...

Got the word that the construction crew will call me tomorrow to schedule a time. Not sure if it will be tomorrow or maybe Thursday, but bring it on.

Spent all day in the city visiting my masto friend in the hospital. Another hospital tried to kill her on Sunday. Stupid, stupid.

I'm supposed to be doing my Bible study for tomorrow. Our leader has a cold but is feeling better. I'm sneezing and not too excited about going if she still has germs over there.

Still working on the new flooring. Trying to find something safe.

hiker .. Good job on the walking after all of that!!

AK ..Sounds like a lot of work got done!!

LP .. Glad you could work in the yard!

248 .. so happy you are feeling better!

Watching the Voice.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Walked 22 minutes. I almost always walk in the morning. If I don't then I won't. [Big Grin]

My once a month cleaning lady came this morning, so I went to church for some prayer time and work on Bible study.

Did a few errands and am now thinking about dinner.

Hope everyone had a good day.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Chilling in regards to exercise today. Took Mom for a hearing exam and ran a couple of errands.

Made spaghetti noodles to go with sauce my Mom made and carted half to Josh along with garlic bread.

Have a GP appointment tomorrow and planning on grocery shopping later.

Sure hope you don't get sick TuTu! Took me about three weeks to recover from flu/sinus issues. Hope your masto friend will be OK.

Another walk under your belt Hiker! I'm still recovering from 2 days straight of yard work. Can't believe it takes me so long to recover!

Well, off to bed!

Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Went to my GP appointment and then did mega grocery shopping with Mom.

Well, my appointment could have been better. My LDL is way to high and I refused statins. Since I won't take them I have 6 months to lose 35 pounds and exercise and change my diet.

My GP gave me wonderful pointers in regards to exercise and diet. Have to do interval training at least 3 times a week and need to try to work out every day.

Diet is low carb, low fat, low sugar, etc.

So looks like I'll be posting here more often so that I'll have some accountability.


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Go get 'em, AK!!

Hiker .. 22 minutes is good!

I went to bed EARLY!! Like 9 pm! Probably didn't fall asleep until 10, but I slept until 7. Whew! I feel a little better.

Had acupuncture done today and then off to the podiatrist. Very confusing about the status of my stress fractures. Will come back later to tell you about it.

Saw my masto friend in the hospital again. She was finally released after her masto/allergist showed up and decided she would be safer at HOME!

They COULD NOT bring her safe food. NOT ONCE!

Came home and got my haircut, then off to the store. Leaving to go to hubby's show soon.

They will supposedly begin on our condo on Tuesday.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Ak--Get your groove on!

Bible study this morning.

I admit was glued this afternoon to the Judge Kavanaugh hearings.

So, no exercise today.

Did go to chiropractor.

[ 09-28-2018, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Got into gear this morning and went to the library.

Then went grocery shopping.

Cooked a meatloaf.

Small victory--walked 28 minutes and did not use my trekking poles. Legs are exhausted, but that's ok.

Off to be lazy the rest of the afternoon.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
5 minutes of stretching then 30 minutes of interval walking on an elliptical. It sure was hard but I managed and sweated up a storm. Then walked one lap to cool off. Spent 12 minutes in the sauna.

Cooking chicken breasts with walnut oil, pink salt, cilantro, garlic and ginger. Mom made kale with olive oil, chicken broth and cilantro seasoning.

Course earlier I had left over spaghetti and homemade juice. Should have just had juice.

The elliptical said I burned 300 calories! I doubt it.'s on like Donkey Kong!

Wow, they still haven't started on the condo yet TuTu? Sheesh! You know that's a shame that your friend had to go home from the hospital to be safe. Sure hope she'll be OK.

I was glued to the TV also Hiker. Could not leave the house until I figured out what was going on. It was depressing. Glad I went to the gym for some endorphins.

Well, let me check my laundry and chicken.

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I missed most of the hearings, but got to see some of it. Enough to know exactly what is going on. [rant]

I plan to watch more on You Tube. Just as my friend and I were trying to watch some of it (in her hospital room), the idiot roommate in the hospital started talking and we couldn't hear some crucial elements.


My friend got out of the hospital last night and then blew a tire on the way home. She has the worst luck. She had to change the tire herself.

I ran errands and managed phone calls all day. Flooring people, contractor, ins adjuster, lawyer, etc.

[Big Grin]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--that's a super start to getting back to exercise. I can't do that much.

Tutu--I hate home repair. Empathize with you.

Walked 22 minutes this morning.

Think I have a small area of ringworm on my lower leg. [cussing] Went to get antifungal cream. Will use that, aloe vera, and infrared light but may have to go to MD.

How I got it, I have no clue. At least it is not spreading. Made sure I laundered all my bedding, towels etc. Will have to do this almost every day for awhile, I think.

Quite chilly here. 42 last night and not out of the 50's today. Turned the heat on when I got up this morning for a little while.

Have a great evening. I am going to watch Illini volleyball and probably a little football. Nice change from politics. LOL
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
31 minutes on the elliptical and burned another '300' calories. Stretched 5 minutes before and walked 2 laps to cool down.

No sauna or shower because I came home and trimmed, raked and bagged another 3 hours along the fence. I'm done just have to trim bushes in the front now. Needless to say I took stronger pain pills and muscle relaxers to recover. I'm sore and beat!

How frustrating TuTu! Some people don't care for the news. Thank goodness your friend could change her own tire. Oh and good luck with all the phone calls and handling the repairs on your condo!

Thanks Hiker for encouraging me! Way to go on the 22! I struggle to do 30 but don't want to take statins. Think it was still 90 here. I lost a ton of water weight working in the yard today. I'm so looking forward to cooler weather!

You guys are awesome! See you all tomorrow!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Had choir rehearsal this morning. Came home after lunch. I wanted a nap but I couldn't fall asleep.

I got up after an hour and went to see our friend who broke his hip. He's doing very well. We will miss him in choir!! He's a great guy and is from my hometown of Houston. So he and his wife are top-notch in my book! lol

I also ran into a Lyme friend at the hospital. He was visiting a friend who had had a heart attack. We chatted in the parking lot for a bit. He's a local entertainer and is married to a girl who grew up in our church.

Then I ran some more errands, which took forever.

Back home and watching HGTV .. need inspiration. hahaha!

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