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Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Here's to another week of shaking and baking! Any activity counts as exercise on this thread!

From washing dishes, laundry, sewing, canning, gardening, walking, swimming, jogging, running, etc.

Let's get out of bed, off the couch, or out of the recliner! In my case, off the loveseat!

Let's go gang!!!

Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
My legs are super sore from yesterday but other than that, I'm feeling pretty good.

Don't think it was a mast cell reaction. Once I was able to keep down the Gatorade and coconut water the cramps were gone and tummy settled down. Still drinking lots of water today.

Doing laundry and just puttering around the house. Gonna stay inside today just to be out of the heat.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Walked 29 minutes. Started my walk and got about a block and the rain came. So waited a few hours and then got my walk in.

Laundry and cooking. Putting away some of my summer t-shirts and shorts and pulling out a few long sleeve shirts.

Off to call mom and read.

Have a great week. [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That’s good, Ak. I was in a hurry yesterday and really should have said MCAS and heat exhaustion. My guts can empty very quickly when I have a reaction.

LP is not doing well. I’ll see if I can close the old thread. Do be sure to go read it.
Posted by Lyme248 (Member # 51011) on :
I went to church today, and then went and bought some clothes at the mall. I buy everything really big, or else they would shrink, from all the washing in hot water.

I thought I had enough fall clothes, but then when I looked in my drawer, it seemed like I had a lot fewer than I thought. I hope I didn't stuff them away somewhere for the summer, because I can't remember where I put them. One time I was wondering what happened to a pair of pants, and it turned up it months later behind the washer.

Yesterday I went walking, and I think I also overdid it when I tried some running. I thought I was coming down with the stomach bug that's going around, but I feel fine today. I haven't done much exercise in a while, so I guess it's best not to go too fast right at the start.

I saw two more white furry caterpillars crawling in the road.

I hope everybody starts feeling better soon.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hi Kayak you OK? I react badly to mold too. Too sensitive to ask about cancer? What's going on?

[group hug]
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Today my brother came and opened up wall and we found mold where I thought it was it’s covered in plastic. He can work about 4 hrs a day. Tomorrow he will remove the 2x4 s that are moldy We will ozone and seal and put in new wood. He can come back 2 more days to close it up. Then I have 2 doc appts and after that he might come back to finish. I’m very great full he is well enough to help
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
The pain in my shins and upper arm bones is sever. Sometimes I can’t walk at all. Sometimes breast cancer can spread to bones so that is possible explanation for pain. I have appt for endocrinologist too. New primary thinks that have a adrenal problem
Posted by Lyme248 (Member # 51011) on :
Kayak-I really hope you feel better soon. I'll be praying for you.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Lyme248--I discovered now that I am newly retired I don't have many fall/winter clothes that are casual.

I put my nonseasonal clothes in plastic tubs and label the tub or I would never find anything.

Lp--Glad your brother is able to help you with the mold issue. Hopefully it will be fixed for good.
Do you have an oncology appointment soon? Saying prayers.

Walked 22 minutes this morning.

Went to chiropractor this afternoon for adjustment.

I have two funerals to go to this week. One out of town and one in town. Hoping rain holds off tomorrow afternoon for the out of town visitation.

A good friend's husband died unexpectantly at age of 61. They retired together this year.

My other friend's father passed away. He was 95.

Off to go make sure clothes fit for funeral and then iron them.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
No fasting or gym today. Still sore but trimmed bushes, raked and bagged one bag. Dinked around the mailbox weeding and straightening cement border. Then off to pick up fire ant bait.

So glad your brother is helping Kayak! Hope your appointments goes well. I don't know what can cause bone pain. Please keep us in the loop.

Loved ones leaving us unexpectedly is a sad thing Hiker. Kudos on the exercise! I'm woefully short on outdoor clothing and gear. Might use my Christmas money on new hiking boots and a hydration pack.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Mastocytosis and MCAS can cause bone pain. I bet mold can too, even indirectly as a reaction.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
AK, get a cooling vest.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
we found more mold under one board so it will take a little longer but its ok for 2 hrs i thought i lost all my credit cards and some cash today...that was upsetting i had closed laptop over wierd...but everythgin is in places it usually isnt...i dont think my oncol appt is for following up with primary and positrist this week...i will finish the wall and get it closed in and them thnink about oncologist

sorry about sad news above..248 tuckered out...nite
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Walked this morning my usual route.

Went to visitation for friend's dad.

Garage door opener broke. Have a company coming to look at it tomorrow. Think it is the logic board, but it is pretty old, so might get a new one.

Time to do research on that.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
No juicing or exercise today. Just ran a couple errands with Mom. Battened down the hatches for bad weather heading my way from hurricane Michael.

I think the last hurricane that came our way produced tornadoes.

I'm gonna have to google cooling vests TuTu!

You sound better today Kayak! I'm glad things are getting worked out.

I'm forever googling and youtubing myself Hiker. I do tons of repair and self help stuff from both.

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Door Doctors arrived at 10 and diagnosed my garage door opener as dead. It had a good life of 24 years.

Had a new one put in within an hour. Bye bye $$. Not something I wanted to tackle myself, though.

Rained most of the day, but I did get my walk in this afternoon when the sun peeped out.

May be the last day I wear shorts until next spring. Going to be much colder tomorrow and through the weekend with lows in the 30's at night.

Made gluten free muffins to take to my mom and then made a meatloaf to freeze.

Went to the library. Had 3 books on hold and one is over 650 pages long. Only have a week to read it, so I had better start now. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Don’t you love when things break down?! GRRR. We hope to GO HOME tomorrow. Too tired to celebrate.

Cleaning person will be there in the morning.

Still a few issues to iron out.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Didn't do much today because of wind, rain, tornado warning and intermittent power outages.

So just vegged.

Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Just a quick check in. I’m waiting for bank guy to call about home equity loan and this afternoon have appt with foot/leg prosthetic ppl to figure out what to do about my leg. Foot. Walking problem

Hope you are still safe ak. It’s headed toward my kids in MD who work in D C and Quantico

Unrelated rain here today. My brother is taken ngv2 days off cuz I have doc appts. Last night smells finally stopped bugging me. I m looking to buy more fans all over but not having good luck. I did buy some cheap mulch. Hopefully we will have a perfect fall day and I can clean out under balsams and mulch.

I had 2 very bad scary hours of upper abdominal pain last night. I see primary fri day. Maybe he will have some ideas

Good luck tutu. Hope it all goes well. So hard to make these decisions

Hiker. Yeah houses can suck you dry but I’m very happy to have my little space to myself
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Ak---Glad you are safe.

Lp--How did foot appointment go?

Bible study this morning.

Went to rec center to renew my yearly membership and then walked inside for 20 minutes.

Very windy outside. Hard frost tonight, so disconnected hoses outside. May have to turn heat on later.

Have been dealing with iPhone problems. Some texts are not coming through at all, and some are coming hours late.

Att has tried to be helpful, but nothing seems to work.

I need to go somewhere and hook into wifi and back up my phone and then upgrade the IOS and see if that helps.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
We're home .. got a lot done. I'm off to the show. It's the star's birthday and anniversary.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
I’m glad everyone is going ok.

My left leg is 1 1/8 “ linger than the right. It explains my increased pain in many places and my inability to walk as much as I used to. New shoes are ordered. New balance sneakers with Velcro and lift. I don’t care one bit what they look like if they can just walk Etta regularly.

I’m having continued Gi pain bloat and constipation even tho I stopped binder over a week ago. I’m take ngvtons ofvc and mag and senna but it’s not worki ng. I’m need to figure it out because diverticulitis is too serious for me now. Maybe extra walking will help. I’m not sure how long TIL I get shoes. I hope soon

I got the worst mold hit I have had in 3 or4 yrs in that office. I had mask on the whole time. All the ppl seemed sick and had trouble thinking and talking. I don’t think they have a different office but I’m going to ask. I ll have to wear my respirator when I pick up shoes. And I’m not sure if I can get mold off the
Close yes I was wearing.

Any way. I see primary tomorrow and then hopefully brother will close in wall sat and sun
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Ugh....worked about 2 1\2 to 3 hours clearing yard of debris. Power went off and on several times and tv, phone and internet issues from hurricane Michael.

City came out and chain sawed 2 big limbs, one in our fenced in front yard and one just outside that almost flattened our mailbox.

That's it for exercise and glad everyone is doing OK here.

Wonder how others fared with the hurricane, especially TC.

Wiped out and going to Josh's at 11:00 to putter around, iron clothes and wait for the gas company.

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Wow, LP .. That's bad if you even had to wear a mask in the office. [Frown]

My sister in law had to have a lift in her shoe following hip surgery a few years ago. An inch and 1/8 is a LOT! I sure hope you get your shoes soon.

AK .. You lost the gas too? Glad it's over .. hope you get all the services back soon.

I left a window open while we were gone tonight (paint) .. and now the smoke from outside is bothering us. We still have the HEPA filter running, so maybe it will clear soon.

Hubby is suffering from it more than I am.

It got cool tonight, so someone is burning a fireplace, I guess. Smells more like burning leaves or wood out in the open to me. Who knows?
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Sounds like a close call AK. Glad it wasnt worse

Tutu sorry for what you are going thru. I hope it is over soon. Since being in valves with mold I have heard d so many horror stories over the year. I think there is a real advantage to owning even if it is a small place because you are able to make decisions. Not fight with landlord. But it is still very hard and important to stay vigilant. Often work is not done right. Off gassing is one necessary problem you have to go thru last night I bought 2 stand up fans at Walmart for 18 each on sale. They are lasko. I had one given to me before I moved here. It was used. But is still going strong. I use it a lot. It’s Easier than making fan fit in window. And works at screen doors.

Moving a lot of air out for a long time is helpful in off gassing. Also making it really hot before you blow air out. Then repeat.

Just stay on top of it. Good luck.

I am supposed to talk to 3 bankers today. I didn’t pay much for this house and my mortgage is under 500. That’s unheard of here. So a 5 yr loan that cuts my cc debt by 3/4 will be good
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--glad someone else could chainsaw those limbs and you didn't have to. Thankful they didn't land on your house.

lp--hope you can keep your mortgage low. Interest rates just went up again.

Went to library this morning to use their wifi to backup my phone and then download the new IOS. Hope it helps get texts to me in a timely manner.

Grocery shopped. No walking today. Ugly outside.

Started snowing. It stopped about halfway to my folks who live a bit south.

Am sure I will get a good dinner in the retirement center dining room tonight--salmon, I think. [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Nice to have snow that does not stick!! Enjoy your time with your parents, hiker!

I'm worn out, but have tickets to see one of my favorite big stars tonight. My masto friend is going with me.

We may be getting new flooring in the whole condo. Excited about the prospect but too tired to think about all of the work that is to be done.

I know LP can relate!

AK .. I hope you have most services again. Aren't you thankful you don't live on the coast!?

My heart goes out to all of those who have lost everything. [Frown]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Overdid it at Josh's. No surprise there right gang?

Washed and ironed clothes, washed and changed bedding, dusted, vacuumed, cleaned bathroom except tub and made a pitcher of tea. On my feet for about 5 hours.

Too much 2 days in a row!

Have fun at your folks Hiker!

Can't believe your mortgage is so affordable Kayak! Cutting those CC's by that much is awesome!

So glad we didn't have house damage this year TuTu. Hope you enjoyed yourself with friend at the show!

Night you guys!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Ran errands for my parents this morning.

Walked outside this afternoon.

Going to watch Illini football with my dad. He is pretty deaf, so we put the TV on mute and have our commentary.

Ak--Josh owes you big time. How nice of you to clean his house. Come on up and have a stab at mine. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Whew, AK!!

Still have cleaning to do over here too. I'm trying to throw stuff out and take more to the thrift shop.

Hiker .. I'll be watching baseball tonight! Red Sox and Astros! Go STROS!!

We sat at a booth for our church at a festival here today. Hubby went early this morning and my shift was from 1-4. He was there all day. We finally packed up and left around 4 due to RAIN. It rained from about noon on .. still raining.

We hope the exposure was useful! Our church is not very visible from the road, so many don't know we exist. WE DO help in our community and try to be a strong presence, but we are small.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
i like reading how you guys are doing my brother was here 6 hrs today an hour to pick him up and then take him home makes for a long day for me i worked on mortgage stuff and put together the 2 new fans we had to shop for an hour too etaa makes lots of friends in lowes

he finished putting the sheet rock up and did first coat of mud he needs to redo that next 3 days but it will only take 15 min so he is going to do handiman type stuff so the drive is worthwhile

i have to find as many of the papers i need for loan that will be hard and we will clean up around outside i have really let things go without being able to walk much they will do drive by appraisal but nocharge

ive only seen bits and pieces of the hurricane damage these storms are getting really destructive

i have real heater and spce heater on tonight first time.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Just a luncheon and socializing day. No exercise or much work of any kind. Yay!

Josh paid me with a delicious Hardees cheeseburger and onion rings Hiker. So....will work for food! LOL!

Sorting's a big job TuTu! What kind of festival were you at? Me, Josh and a friend of mine are heading to Oktoberfest next Saturday. Can't wait!

That's great that your brother helps you Kayak. Still in the 80's here but cooler in the evening thank God.

See everyone tomorrow!


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