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Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hi there and welcome to the exercise thread! We like to post our activities here to encourage one another to be as active as we can.

If you're gardening, doing laundry, cooking and baking, walking, hiking, swimming, etc. please post it here.

Here we go for October!

Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Sorry I didn't post yesterday! I ended up running more errands for my Mom.

When I got home I cooked some pork neck bones because my Mom wanted the broth for a soup. I took the meat off the bones and sautéed it with olive oil, a tad bit of sesame oil, ginger, garlic, soy sauce and a Japanese seasoning called Kombu dashi.

Also cooked some cabbage for dinner.

Since I finished cooking early I went outside to work in the yard for a couple of hours.

We had 2 big oak trees on the outside of our fence trimmed down by the city. They took out some large dead sections.

They left a mess out there so I raked and bagged all the sticks, leaves and large pieces of limbs and put them in a large garbage can and a bag.

Was exhausted afterwards and was so glad I cooked beforehand.

See everyone later!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK I like to cook before major chores, too. Then I know I am going to be rewarded for hard work.

Watched my church’s service on YouTube.

Did a load of laundry.

Did one set of vestibular exercises. That alone is 120 head turns and makes me feel really off balance. Have one more set to do. I think If my ear pressure would return to normal I wouldn’t need to do all this. This is the hardest therapy I have done.

Called mom. Had her all lined up to go get her covid booster at a hotel Wednesday and she backed out. I made her call her friend back and make arrangements to go. They will eventually have it at the retirement center but no date set, yet.

Figured the sooner the better and since her friend is going it would be easier for her than going alone. Her friend emailed me that mom had called her after we talked and said “the boss” ordered her to go. Guess I am the boss. [Big Grin]

It rained this morning so no need to water outside. My asters are in full bloom as are the mums. Trees haven’t changed color here, yet.

Manna- can’t believe you are ready for flannel sheets already. Brr

Just watching a bit of TV and reading this afternoon. Maybe watch a Hallmark chick flick tonight.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
I slept so good on my flannel sheets last night! No crawling in and feeling chilled until I warmed up.

Put lunch in the oven, salmon, sweet potatoes, delicata squash with apples & onions, peas & carrots, and tiny amount of salsify to try.

Listened to church online.

Took a nice long afternoon nap.

Hubby and the boys went up the mountain on the 4 wheelers. Looking for a trail to the top. Brought back half a basket of keiffer pears.

We found shellbark hickory nuts at the edge of our yard property line. Want to search for more of them. Need to get a nut cracker set so we can pick the nutmeats out of the shells. They are delicious!!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna-seems like every day your new place gives you a surprise. (Hickory nuts) [Smile]

Did my balance exercises and round one of my torturous vestibular exercises. Still think an ear tube on left side might help. Am on waiting list at ENT. Otherwise it is November 8.

Also, did my back exercises.

Worked on Bible study.

Talked to mom.

Just put a chicken breast in oven to bake for dinner tonight.

Need to get garbage to curb and recycling out.

[ 10-04-2021, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Ugh...had a sleepless night so showered early for my 10:00 GP appointment.

My appointment was disappointing. Not only have I gained to much weight my BP was 153/101 with a heart rate of 98!

So I'm back on a BP med....sigh! And need to lose weight.

Also have a script for an xray on my spine just to rule out fractures since my back is hurting off and on since I fell 10 days ago. Really hurt from raking, etc. on Saturday.

Adding fuel to the fire was a phone call from my ex. Please pray for me in regards to him.

And I have to take my Mom for her first radioembolization soon.

I'm heading to bed guys. I'm exhausted!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--So sorry to hear about your GP appointment. I know you will lose the weight and that will help your BP. Sure hope the x-ray shows no fractures!

When is your mom's first radioembolization? I didn't realize she had to have more than one. [Frown]

I went to vestibular therapy this afternoon. She retested me on some exercises I flunked on the initial assessment and I passed them with flying colors.

We discussed that I should reduce the number of reps on my head turning exercises. We also decided to cancel the next appointment and wait a few weeks to see how my ear pressure is. I really like this therapist because she listens well.

She also modified my knee exercises so I don't have to lie flat on my back (she knows I don't want vertigo to come back).

So, I came home and did the knee exercises.

It has been raining most of the day and will rain for a few more days. Then I hope to get out and try walking on the pavement again to practice my balance.

Also found someone to clean the house once a month. She is actually a bit cheaper than my current cleaner. My current cleaner will come tomorrow for her last time and then Sarah will start in November.

Went to ATM (and new card didn't work but worked at second ATM) and then the library.

So, today was a better day than yesterday for sure. My ear pressure doesn't seem as bad, either. Pray it keeps going down.

Leftovers for dinner tonight.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Oh Hiker I meant that this will be my Mom's first time having radioembolization. They want to do something more aggressive than chemo.

Good news about the new housekeeper and your ear feeling better! Yay!

I didn't do to much today. My Mom is still weak from the arterial study last Tuesday. I'm worried about how she'll do with the radiation.

It's been raining so bad here. Our yard was so flooded it's messed up our AC. The pump used to discharge water from the unit was almost completely submerged and it triggered the auto shutoff. Hoping once the water underneath the house evaporates the pump will start the unit.

Off to watch some TV!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Did my back and balance exercises.

Took the AARP online driver safety course to get a discount on my car insurance for the next 3 years. Took me almost 8 hours.

Hamburgers for dinner.

[ 10-06-2021, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Sonny helped me finish digging the sweet potatoes this morning. Washed them off with the garden hose and laid them out in trays to dry. Cooked up two kettles of small or damaged ones. I'll mash & freeze them.

Picked tomatoes this afternoon, just as it started to rain. Only half a basket this time. They are coming to an end.

Hubby managed to manufacture the part he needed for the furnace. So we should be ready for cold weather.

Washed the curtains for the laundry. Brought all the dry wash in but didn't get any folded yet.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Went to get my back xrays then Mom sent me on an errand to stock up on toilet paper and napkins.

Checked the damage to our yard from all the rain and flooding and the 4x4 posts, river rock and dirt berms that I built along the back fence line was washed out. Lot of soil movement to the front of our yard. It rained so much our yard looked like a shallow pond.

The crawlspace underneath the house smells like mold and mildew! Our AC is still not kicking on so there must be to much water around the pump.

If it's not one thing it's another.....

Manna you all are busy busy! Sweet potatoes makes me think of Thanksgiving!

Hiker 8 hours! That was a marathon course! Bet you were glad to be finished.

Back to watching TV.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna-speaking of potatoes; what do you call the children of couch potatoes? Answer: Tater Tots. Ha! Ha! Ha! [Big Grin]

AK-any news from your X-ray? So sorry to hear all you hard work along the back fence has been washed out. [cussing]

Had Bible study this morning.

Did my knee exercises.

Took my driving class certificate and dropped it off at the insurance agent. She asked about my trekking poles which led to talks about Lyme and ears. She also has ear issues and I referred her to my ENT.

My balance was really bad today so I put off grocery shopping. Still think an inner ear infection has affected either the vestibular nerve or labyrinth in the left ear along with the Eustachian tube. Sigh.

Chatted with mom.

It has been raining off and on here and hopefully the last wave will come through tonight and tomorrow will be sunny.

Taped a few TV shows this week so may watch them tonight.

Have a good evening!
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Mom had a zoom appointment with her liver specialist (not the one treating her cancer). He recommended PT to strengthen her muscles and adding Orgain Protein Powder to her Ensures or smoothies. She needs about 60 grams of protein a day!

Afterwards I made cheese toast and we split a can of soup for lunch.

Went to Ft. Benning to gas up my car and shopped for groceries at the commissary.

Josh came by so I picked up Mexican fast food. We had a nice visit.

No news about the X-Ray yet Hiker. I'm waiting for the rain to stop too! We've been without AC for a few days and still trying to figure out what to do. Might call the HVAC/appliance repair guy tomorrow.

Feeling kinda puny myself with the smell in the vents coming from the AC. I ordered a filter for my air purifier and am ozoning the living room at night. Hope it'll help.

Night all!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK—Hope you get the AC fixed soon.

I went grocery shopping this morning.

Did my balance and back exercises.

Filled a couple of bird feeders.

Took recycling to bins nearby.

Tried to take a nap but unable to sleep so just rested for 30 minutes. This ear and balance problem has left me stressed and exhausted.

Guess I will read and watch TV tonight. Chatted so long with a friend last night that I didn’t watch my recorded shows.

Am having my usual Friday night gluten free pizza and a salad for dinner.

Hope Tutu comes back to the thread soon.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Ha Ha!! I like your Tater Tots joke, Hiker!

Hung the laundry on the line this morning. It was mostly dry until it started drizzling. So only a few loads had to go into the dryer to finish drying.

Worked at cleaning out the garden before lunch. Cut all the celery. Want to dry some of the leaves and cut up and freeze most of the stalks. Cut the rest of the parsley. Will fill the dryer tomorrow.

Hubby & Sonny carted off the weeds, bean stalks and sweet potato vines. Some went to the goats, some got piled into the beginnings of a compost pile.

This afternoon made a batch of pear honey. Used up most of the 2nd basket of pears they brought in. I canned 8 jars of jelly tonight.

This morning we moved the chicken fence to avoid any hill in their pasture to try to prevent them from flying up on the barn roof. Tonight we caught all the chickens roosting in the goat pen and clipped their wings. Also the ones who think they are guineas and try to hide in their pen. So now we'll see who gets out! All the ones who were out have their wings clipped. Anyone else who gets out is going to get her wings clipped too!

We had spiced cider and molasses cookies for dessert tonight. A fall treat! I could eat another cookie..... or two.......but my scales is showing I've done that too many times.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Up early and called the AC company that installed out ductwork and pump underneath the house. Of course we got some bad news in regards to water damage and the recent flooding when they came out to check the AC.

The guy was able to get our AC running but everything is rusted out and molded. The mold is spreading through our house via the ducts we're still paying for. The unit is on its last legs.

We're going to be much, much poorer by the tune of $13,000 minimum for the mini split ductless AC that'll be installed on the walls and part in the attic.

Have to get a trench dug or something to stop the water from flooding our crawlspace and when that's done have it encapsulated.

It's always something....

Pear honey sounds delicious! I don't exactly know what it is but it's making me hungry!

I'm not up to snuff either Hiker and I'm wearing my heavy duty mask in the house again....sigh....

Well off to move the ozone machine out of my bedroom and put the air purifier in there...sigh...

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK—When it rains it pours. And it never rains down money. [rant]

I did a load of laundry this morning and worked on Bible study.

Did my knee exercises.

Had baked salmon, sweet potato, and asparagus for lunch as I often do on weekends.

Did a tiny bit of yard work, pulling up some annuals and cutting back pennies as well as weeding. Have a lot more to do but the bending over with Eustachian tube not working really is uncomfortable.

Am recording the Illini/Wisconsin football game to watch later.

My BFF is coming over soon and it is a gorgeous day to sit outside and have a gabfest.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
Woke up and cat pooped on SIDE of kitty litter because she’s a princess. So I had to get the gloves and mask and cleaned it up and of coarse cleaned the litter box, which was cleaned 2 days ago.

Took out garbage,

Around 10:30 am I left for quick trip for groceries. I told myself be back home in 30 minutes as I don’t feel well. I was back in 30 minutes.

I always walk my dog to the mailbox and back. That’s our exercise. Wouldn’t you know, she had a poop bum. Into the stationary tub, gave the dog an impromptu bath. Animals are a lot of work.

Changed into pajamas, laid down but couldn’t sleep. Got up and made a pot of coffee.

Arthritis in knees and pain in lower back is keeping me from putting away patio furniture and bamboo shade but weather's gonna be nice all weekend into next week. Here’s hoping I finally will be able to get it done.

Epsom salt bath is in my near future.

Looking forward to tomorrow nights football game. The Buffalo Bills at Kansas City. It’s a late Sunday night game. Please make me be able to stay up for the whole game!
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Clipping chicken wings and moving the fence seems to have done the trick. Also hooking the chicken fence up to the goat fence so they both shock. No chickens got out today!!! No goats were out today either!! YAY!!

Working on a small batch of v8 juice.

Cutting up celery to freeze. Have the food dry full with parsley and celery leaves.

Hubby and Sonny cleaned more of the garden out. They also dig out the multiflora rose roots under the oak tree where we want to plant grass. Hubby weeded around two of the blueberry bushes.

Daughter got a big bag of daffodil bulbs and planted them today. She figured she has to dig about 50 holes to plant around 4 - 5 bulbs in each. Some of the bigger bulbs she only put 3 in. So spring should be quite sunny with daffodils!

Pear Honey is made by chopping pears finely - I used a food processor- and then adding crushed pineapple and sugar and cooking until thickened. A lovely jam my mom used to make. One jar didn't seal, so we get to try it right away. Yum!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Welcome to the exercise thread, Bartenderbonnie!

I root for the Chicago Bears but always appreciate a fellow football fan. Do I assume you are rooting for Buffalo?

What type of dog do you have?

Manna—sounds like you have the escaping hen and goat problem solved!
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Mom and I spent the whole day binge watching our Chinese historical drama. So much for dusting, mopping and vacuuming today. Still wearing a mask in the house but am having some facial swelling anyways because of mold.

Manna thanks for posting about the pear butter. I sure was curious.

Hi BB and welcome! Pets are a labor of love! Lot of work but big payoffs!

Hiker your Saturday sounds wonderful! Working outside and visiting sounds perfect.

Well off to shop online for another mask.

[Roll Eyes]

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