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Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
October is flying by. Are you exercising this month? [woohoo]

Come join us as we encourage each other to get up and move.

Are you walking, doing physical therapy, shopping, cleaning, raking leaves, or flying your broom in preparation for Halloween? [Big Grin]

Maybe you are having a quiet day without exercise. No judgement and feel free to tell us about that day, too.

Hope you have a wonderful week! [hi]
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Hi everyone! We've just been extra busy the last while. Had 5 different groups of visitors in the last 4 weeks. The next ones are coming next weekend. We really enjoy having company, but it does take extra cooking & cleaning, etc.

My sis-in-law sent 3 bushels of apples along with people coming down and another sis-in-law had more cabbages than she needed so blessed us with 2 banana boxes full of cabbages! We also cleaned out the garden for the neighbor to plow it before winter. Been working at getting all this fall produce put up.

We started picking up the pears that are falling out of the huge pear trees. Have enough pears for 2 batches of jelly now. Hopefully Tues I can do that.

Yesterday I cleaned out the old guinea pen and put fresh sawdust in for the smaller chicks. The boys helped me build a A-frame roost for them and attached an old piece of paneling to the outside wall to insulate it better.

Hubby has been out working at rebuilding the cold cellar yesterday and helping one of the boys install a new breaker panel. They want to run new wiring for the house.

Sonny is still fixing anything he can. The neighbors are bringing things for him to fix - a pressure washer, a 4wheeler, a side by side. He's working on a tiller and an air compressor...... and he's having fun!

We listened to church this morning from home.

Lunch was mashed potatoes, french green beans, chicken & gravy, cucumber salad (the last cucumbers from our garden!) and Apple crisp for dessert.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna—you sound super busy but I bet it is fun to have guests.

I listened to church from home, too, today.

Did a load of laundry.

Called mom.

Am being lazy the rest of the day. So windy out that even though it is pretty warm it just isn’t fun to take a walk.

I am in the public library’s year round reading program and this month we were to read a graphic novel (basically a long comic book). I picked one called, “Can We Talk About Something More Pleasant?”

It is about caring for aging parents and while it is some light hearted laughable moments, it is a true memoir. I can certainly relate.

Leftovers for dinner and a Hallmark flick tonight.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Another sunny day but windy. Leaves litter the ground.

I did my exercise bike warm up. Then did my knee and feet exercises. My left knee has been hurting more than usual the past few weeks. Not sure why.

Worked on Bible study.

Called mom.

Went to the public library. They might as well have a parking space with my name on it. [Big Grin]

Broiled some brats and will now broil them for dinner. Hope I don't set off the smoke alarm. lol

Then I need to haul the landscape waste and the garbage bin to the curb.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Baking day - 40 loaves of bread, but 6 are staying here. Trying sourdough bread and those didn't turn out so good today.

Got most of my washing done and hung it out late afternoon. It'll dry tomorrow.

Sonny has been setting mouse traps.... caught 7 so far, and they all have a white belly. My dad used to say those were field mice. The cats seem to have been sleeping and let the mice get in! I hope we caught all of them!

At least I'm not scared of mice. They startle me when they run unexpectedly, but I'm not scared of them. Those big wolf spiders scare me more! Ugh!!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna--Mice don't bother me, either, but I still prefer they stay outside.

I did my balance, feet, and shoulder exercises this morning.

Cleaning lady came and we chatted a while. Feels good to have a deep clean each month!

A friend called twice--she talked an hour each time, but that was okay.

I went to the chiropractor.

Tonight, I have a virtual meeting to attend about the changes in Mom's insurance. Don't expect to learn too much but will tune in for sure via Zoom.
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
Had a busy day due to letting things pile up, I know you can relate.

Wrote out checks for bills.

Went to the bank for money.

Went to post office.

Went to library to pick up books I requested. The library has a great setup. They place bags on table in entrance with your name on it. In and out with no contact.

Went grocery shopping.

Had nurse visit for re-certification. Just paperwork.

Called Medicare for info for new plans, on hold 45 minutes, got info sent to me.

Gave dog a bath and brushed all animals while I drank coffee and gabbed on phone with friend from out of state.

Afternoon fatigue set in, HAD to stop doing anything and into bed.

Forgot to take garbage cans to road AGAIN.
My garbage men came to my house, emptied the cans and returned them to their place. Always tip your workers something every once in awhile and they will take care of you.

Didn’t exercise but did do a lot of moving around today.

Neighbor dropped crockpot beef stew and garlic bread.
So delicious. I LOVE another people’s cooking!

I so want to get to gym. Maybe tomorrow.
Come on Bonnie, make it happen.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hey gang.

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I had two friends die last week within a day or so of each other.

One was a friend from church who has helped with OCC for many years. She has made probably 400 dresses for the boxes, crocheted purses, made bracelets and ornaments, and donated approximately 300 soccer balls over those years.

she had a brain anuerysm and died in her sleep.

Her husband died earlier this year. We miss them both!! Such dear people. My husband and I have enjoyed Thanksgiving dinners with them several times and we did just that last Thanksgiving. This year will be lonely.

I lost another friend who had MCAS. She was only 31 and had 3 young children. They don't know yet what happened. She also died in her sleep.

So tragic. Her children are so precious.

I've been in tons of pain from the rainy weather. UGH. Could barely walk on Monday. Today I decided I could go to exercise, but that was a bust.

I did about half what I normally do. I cut back on time and on speed. Ouchy.

I didn't go see Sharon because of the weather. We have a pact that I don't go when it's rainy. The road is dangerous.

So .. tomorrow I have to meet two people for two different reasons, and then get back here for Bible study. I almost forgot to do the study because I was so tired today.

Got it done just now and I'm off to bed.

Take care, everyone!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Lymetoo--I am sorry about your friends passing.
Hope the weather improves so your pain diminishes.

Bonnie--Sounds like you got a lot done yesterday. Your neighbors sound great. I am tired of my own cooking.

I went grocery shopping this morning.

Then did my knee exercises and feet exercises.

Worked on Bible study.

Talked to mom twice and then also to a former colleague who is a good friend. Lots of mouth exercise, I suppose.

Filled the car with gas. Glad my car gets good mileage.

My latest book is by John Grisham and is called the Boys from Biloxi.
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
Today I woke up with no headache or pain.
Haven’t cried since last week.
The meds are working.

Took shower and noticed a bug bite under arm pit. When I touched it, it felt like an electrical jolt to a nerve? I applied Neosporin. Plus I’m on antibiotics so hopefully I’m covered.

Started crock pot of beef soup.

Sluggish from yesterday but drove to dmv to renew my drivers license. Before I walked in, I said to myself, please don’t let this suck. Waited in line 20 minutes, standing. Well it is the dmv, not supposed to be fun.

Starting in May, everyone will require an enhanced drivers license or passport to fly. Of coarse I didn’t have all the necessary paperwork.

Washed sheets and changed bedspread.

Cats haven’t been wanting to go outside in the fenced in area due to rain so I had to clean the kitty litter boxes again.

Another neighbor dropped off chocolate chip, walnut banana bread and quart of squash soup. I’m getting fat living on this street. Who knew they were all such great cooks. Plus I get to experience other peoples eating habits.

My sick Aunt is supposed to be moved to a rehab center. It is not close by. My cousin said she would call this afternoon and we could have a video chat but she didn’t call. Hope all is ok.

Just realized I have left my outside Halloween lights on 24/7 for the past 2 days, lol. My neighbors must have been too busy cooking to notice.

Going to read my library book with tea and chocolate tea cakes.
I sound like an aristocrat.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Canned the last of the apple sauce this morning. This afternoon canned some apple butter and pear honey. And tonight I have a canner full of sweet potatoes on the stove.

Gave the chicks food and water. Gave the chickens foos and gathered the eggs from the chickens and the guineas. Didn't realize the guineas laid eggs so late into fall.

Cloudy day, had rain overnight and still a few sprinkles this morning.

Hubby worked at putting an electrical box in the cold cellar so we can plug in lights and a heater if needed. Wonder how cold you can let canned foods get? Or potatoes?

Daughter started house cleaning yesterday. Got the entryway done today.

I like your idea of tea and chocolate tea cakes to go with reading a book, BB!

Made dentist appointments for two of the boys.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
OMG! You guys have been busy!

TuTu sorry for the loss of your friends!

BB hope your Aunt gets better soon.

Manna talking about your daughter cleaning is getting me motivated to clean our house. Really need to dust and then polish the furniture and clean some ceiling fans, vacuum and mop....might take me a couple days. Also need to trim bushes.

A man may work from sun to sun but a woman's work is never done!

Hiker I saw a tee shirt with your name on it today! It said something about a book hangover being a noun and the meaning was the struggle to return to everyday life after reading an amazing book!

Me and Mom did our PTs and I made her breakfast and I had a boiled egg and raspberries. She had her own dinner and I had a can of soup.

Went to the musical Annie by myself at the Rivercenter tonight. It was an amazing show! Loved the singing and dancing, musical scores, costumes and set designs. Fun, fun!

So I'm home a bit late and exhausted.

Night all!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--The musical sounds great! I think that t-shirt would be perfect for me. I got a notice that 4 more books I have on hold at the library are in and I still have 4 or 5 at home to read. lol

I had Bible study with my women's group this morning.

Furnace guy came to check the furnace. Unfortunately, the UV light on the air purifier that works when the blower runs is out. Big bucks to replace that. Twice the cost of 3 years ago. But it really does help clean the air. So.. kaching!

Went to Walgreens to get AmLactin lotion. It is the only lotion that keeps my hands and feet from cracking in the winter. You can't use it on your face and it does increase sunburn. But since I just use it on my hands and feet a bottle lasts me 6 or 7 months.

Talked with one of my mom's friends. She is in the same boat as mom with the insurance issue. We are both holding tight hoping the hospital and physician's group will get a contract with Aetna prior to Nov. 30. She said if they don't she is switching to the insurance her husband has and ironically it is the plan I am looking at for mom. Made me feel better.

Made some more gluten free blueberry muffins and froze half.

I did my balance and feet exercises along with my shoulder stretches.

I talked to my brother a long time tonight. Good to chat with him. He and his wife will come up to my neck of the woods before Thanksgiving. I can’t wait.

[ 10-27-2022, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Our AC and furnace guy was here yesterday Hiker and I forgot to have him check our UV lights! We just got them last year. How long do they normally last?

Went to visit Mrs H today and we both teared up seeing each other. Met the lady that's taking over for me and she's very nice. I was so relieved.

Ran errands afterwards. Once home I sautéed eggplant with ginger, garlic and miso to go with rice for dinner.

Glad I cooked early because I spent 3 1/2 hours doing yardwork. Mom said I was out there longer.

Pruned boxwoods, hydrangea, purple basil and dianthus and repotted some rosemary and one of my flowers. Removed plants from planters that won't survive the winter.

Treated several large ant beds again! I don't know why they're so bad this year!

Once inside did Mom's PT and mine later.

Showered and well medicated so I'm ready to crash! I'm going to be sore tomorrow!

Night gang!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That DOES sound like a great T-shirt, hiker and AK!

I went to exercise today and my body didn't rebel as hard as on Tuesday.

Ran a few errands and grabbed a few things at the grocery store.

I was going to go see Sharon on Wednesday but she ended up in the hospital. She had trouble breathing the night before and went to the ER.

She just came home this evening. I won't be able to see her until next week, but next week is our big OCC week. The packing party is Nov. 5th.

We had beautiful fall color. We had a very early hard freeze (remember my morning glories?) but it didn't drop ALL the leaves, it just helped create brighter color.

We also had a very dry summer and fall and were not expecting any great color this year. Surprise, surprise!!

Manna is making me remember I need to do some housecleaning. I'm the type who just cleans here and there until I really HAVE TO do more.

I think "I'm there." LOL
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK- UV lights usually last 2-3 years. You can definitely tell on my purifier when it goes out because you don’t see the purple glow anymore. Not supposed to look directly at it, though.

If yours goes out, buy an “off market bulb.” They are a lot cheaper than the bulbs sold by the air purifier manufacturers.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Think we got all the mice as the traps are all still set. Hope so!

Sonny went to answer his questions for a drivers permit. And passed! So he's on top of the world. Though he was quite stressed about taking the test. We waited to let him drive until we were off the highway. He did good for a beginner.

Baking day.

I forgot to pick my saffron today. Will go out first thing tomorrow to pick it. The flowers only last a day and are starting to wilt down till the second day.

Planning to do housecleaning in the kitchen tomorrow. Shouldn't be too bad since we had just redid the kitchen last winter.

Stopped at the feed store after the DMV. Got feed for the chicken & the goats. They had free calenders, so picked up the first one for next year.

They don't give out free calenders as much as they used too. I remember mom having to hang some on top of others because we got so many.

Want to repot my african violets into new potting soil especially for them. Hopefully my plants with thrive instead of just surviving or withering away.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna--Bet it will be nice to have your son driving. He can run errands for you. I always hang a calendar in my kitchen and write on it even though I have the appointments on my phone.

Made a batch of spaghetti sauce this morning and froze it.

Watched the hour-long video tape that goes with this week's Bible study and also listened, as usual, to the National Cathedral morning prayer service.

Rode the exercise bike as a warmup for my knee and feet exercises.

Talked to mom for an hour. She is a bit lonely because the dining room is shut down for dinner. Not enough wait staff at the moment, so she gets tray dinner in her apartment and eats by herself. I don't understand why teens and college kids don't want this type of job anymore. Just a few hours a day with good pay.

Worked outside for a little while. Cut back the asters and sedum as they are done blooming. The only flowers left in bloom are my mums. Trimmed some grass around the house foundation.

Cleared the storm drain of leaves again. Put some colored flags around the sedum and my Lenten rose so when Bret comes to mulch leaves with the mower, he doesn't destroy them. He already ran over one Lenten rose and it has not grown back.

Filled the bird feeders. So gorgeous out today. Sunny, 60, and NO wind! Autumn leaves are pretty.

Am waiting on an estimate for snow shoveling for the winter. Guy was supposed to come at 1 and then texted he would be here before 4. Still not here which doesn't bode well for me hiring him.

I am going to order and pick up a gluten free pizza at a local restaurant for dinner tonight. Think I will have either hot pepper or mushrooms as a topping.

Then probably reading and maybe watch some of the World Series.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Pretty typical Saturday for me.

Did a load of laundry.

I did my balance and feet exercises.

Worked on Bible study and watched a Beth Moore Christian video.

Talked to mom briefly.

Took recycling to the bins at my ol’ school. Then went to the library. I am reading the newest Patricia Cornwell book now.

I have the Illini-Nebraska football game on.

Will have gluten free pasta with my homemade sauce along with green beans and a tossed salad for dinner.

Then more reading and a chick flick. There is a movie on tonight based on a true story where an Amish girl runs away and tries to integrate into modern society. Probably record that and watch a prerecorded Hallmark movie.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Lazy day here ...rainy.

My body doesn't like it.

Went to church to set up the altar, etc. Tomorrow is Reformation Sunday. Pretty important in a Lutheran church. lol.

We had BBQ for lunch .. ate at a very familiar place. It was here when we first came here 30 years ago.

I need to wash clothes tomorrow, for sure.

Watching the Astros. Hope they don't disintegrate like yesterday. So far, very good.

7th inning.

Good night!

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