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Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Thought I'd get us motivated this week to share our activities with each other.

If you're cooking, cleaning, sewing, weight training, jogging, gardening, etc. please post it here on our friendly exercise thread.

Here we go with another week of moving and grooving!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK—thanks for starting us off.

Last night’s plan to relax turned awful. Apparently my mom fell Saturday morning, did not push her life alert button and no one found her until 6 PM when she didn’t show up for dinner at the retirement center. She went by ambulance to the hospital.

So, I did a hasty packing job and drove the hour to her apartment. Decided since it was almost 9 by the time I got there and no valet parking, I didn’t go to the hospital (bad neighborhood). But nurse and physician kept me in the loop.

She is still in the hospital and needs a few more tests run but they just suspect old age and the dementia contribute to the falls. I spent 7 hours there today sitting in a very uncomfortable wooden chair.

I brought along her walker in case she was released and it was so windy and my legs so weak feeling that I used it to get from the parking garage to the hospital and back. Have walked about 1.5 miles today.

Last night I did 2 loads of wash for her, sewed buttons on a blouse cleaned the bathroom and then the microwave.

Filled the car with gas after hospital visit today and then came back to her apartment. Will do this all over again tomorrow.

I have a very old microwave dinner that I left in her freezer and that will be dinner tonight.

Early to bed for me tonight. Want to be there at 8 AM sharp for MD rounds.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Church this morning.

Took a nap this afternoon.

Fed the birds and animals and gathered the eggs.

Had a quick supper of leftovers.

One of the church families invited us over this evening. Some played games and some us gabbed and had a cup of tea. Enjoyed our time together.

Mixed up the sourdough bread dough and now reading a bit before bed.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Manna sounds like a wonderful relaxing Sunday.

Hiker I'm worried about you and your Mom. I'll keep praying for both of you! Hugs!

I did my PT and arm exercises and spent a relaxing Sunday watching TV and going through emails. Had leftovers today so didn't have to cook.

Found quite a few remote jobs online that I plan on applying for tomorrow.

Have plans with Josh tomorrow to visit my sister's resting place. It's her birthday tomorrow and she would have been 66.

Hope we all have a restful evening.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Another early morning and at the hospital by 8 AM. Sent 8 hours there. Mom very disoriented and agitated. Very hard to see. They are still checking some things out and PT is coming by again tomorrow. She struggled today and he noticed as I did a new tremor in her hand and blood in her urine (external catheter).

She will have to have skilled rehab for a while. But a room isn’t available, yet, so that is a quandary.

I did meet with that nursing home and signed all the paper work so hopefully a room will be available this week and mom will go there. It attaches to her retirement center.

Came back to her apartment and labeled all her clothes and gathered her meds etc. that would need to go over to the rehab center. Very sad for me.

Made a lot of phone calls today for this and that related to mom.

Am exhausted. Doing laundry now for myself as I didn’t bring many clothes.

Soup and cheese and grapes for dinner. I did have a decent lunch. When I ordered mom’s hospital lunch I ordered a lot extra and had a gluten free ham and Swiss cheese sandwich plus a chocolate gluten free muffin.

Trying to relax my body and brain the rest if the evening.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hiker I'm praying and sending healing energy to you and your Mom. Hugs my friend.

As usual did all my PT and arm exercises. Applied for 2 insurance related jobs today.

Met Josh late this afternoon at his house and he drove us to the cemetery. We reminisced about funny things my sister (Josh's Mom) used to say. She was such an awesome older sister and I'll miss her always.

Josh took me to a Chinese buffet afterwards and bought my dinner. I tried to pay for my own but he insisted because of Saturday's dinner I made and he had leftovers for two dinners.

A sad day but glad to spend it with him.

Hope everyone has a peaceful evening.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Got up early and went through the rain to hospital. Met with the doctors and found out mom had a stroke, a bladder infection, and a blood clot in the bladder. My poor lil’ mom.

She will be there probably through the end of the week barring any more complications.

Drove back to my house this afternoon to pay bills (mom’s), do a load of laundry, and make a quick trip to the grocery.

Also squeezed in my shoulder exercises.

I am going to watch mindless TV tonight and enjoy my own bed.

Then up early and make the hour drive to the hospital tomorrow morning. Will stay at mom’s apartment tomorrow night.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Had a nice sunny day.

Did a few odds n ends this morning.

Got two letters written and out in the mailbox.

Washed dried & folded & put away one load of laundry.

Most of this afternoon was spent outside.

Planted seeds in 9 more milk jugs.

Trimmed the holly bush that tries to snag you as you walk by.

Pulled weeds around the lightpost and beside the front steps. The hens n chicks plants are growing very nice.

Supper was Easter bread, baked potatoes, sausage and peas. For dessert, vanilla ice cream with peanutbutter if you wanted some.

Must run out and shut the doors to the chickens n guineas.

Then I want to sew before bedtime.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Manna PB and ice cream are so good together!

Hiker praying for you and your Mom. So glad they found out what's going on.

Did my PT and arm exercises. Ate too much most of the day.

Attended a performance of the Schwob School of Music and CSU's art department at the Coca Cola Space Science Center's planetarium Under the Dome series. Loved the animated art work and enjoyed the more modern musical compositions.

Was a total couch potato afterwards.

See you all tomorrow!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Drove the hour from my house to the hospital. Waiting for bed to open up at skilled rehab so mom can be discharged. She has a long recovery road ahead.

Am staying in mom’s apartment again tonight and sorting through some items to send with her to the nursing home.

Cleaned out the perishables from her apartment fridge. Couldn’t make myself throw away an unopened carton of ice cream or the frozen shrimp.

Also cleaned out mom’s very old spices, flour, rice, etc.

Very toxic today. Suspect inhaling those hospital germs set off my overactive immune system again. I actually asked for a wheelchair to get back to my car at the hospital. And a long walk from the very edge of the parking lot to mom’s apartment.

So, even with the wheelchair ride today I have walked over 2.5 miles taking items to garbage and recycling etc.

Going to scrounge up some dinner and go to bed early tonight.

Praying mom gets a room tomorrow at the nursing facility so I can take a day off Friday and just go to my own physical therapy and not have to drive over again. Love my mom but also need to take care of myself.

[ 03-06-2024, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hiker hope your Mom was feeling better today and you can get some rest.

Had another couch day but did all my PT and arm exercises. I sure am fatigued lately and not sure what's going on.

I did make the last of the liver today. I bought it for me and my Mom but ended up having to eat it all by myself. Sauteed it with onions and made a Knorr pasta side to go with it. Had peanut butter chocolate ice cream later.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Oh, yummy! Ak, peanut butter chocolate ice cream! I'm gonna have to come visit you!

Rainy day here.

Got one of the dresses completed. The other 2 have the hems pinned in. Will finish them another day.

Went out after dark to shut the barns doors. Came to the back of the barn and found a nice sized stream of water pouring out from under the gate.

Got a flashlight and a shovel and cleared the leaves & debris from the ditch I'd dug the last time. Redirected the water away from the barn.

Water was washing through the sawmill area, but there was nothing I could do. It wasn't harming anything, just running through. The one pipe underground is too small and will clog with leaves.

The water was too deep for me to try to unclog it.

The sourdough bread is mixed and in the bowls to rise overnight.

Hiker, hope a room opens up soon for your mom.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
The day started with me taking a shower at mom’s apartment and the electricity going out while I was shampooing my hair. And the power only went out in that bathroom. [loco]

Called maintenance to come check it out and went to the hospital. Took a wheelchair ride to mom’s room but walked back by myself.

Mom now has pneumonia but the blood clot in the bladder is clearing. She moves to skilled care tomorrow. Can’t her out of that hospital fast enough before all the germs kill her. [shake]

Gassed up the car and drove the hour home this afternoon.

Did half my shoulder exercises and then went to the chiropractor.

I don’t have anything defrosted so will make a salad and probably a tv dinner.

I have Bible study tonight with my women’s group. Sadly, one of our beloved members died last night from breast cancer.

Then up early for physical therapy re-eval on shoulder/posture and then drive back to mom’s retirement center to move her items over to the nursing home. Independent living and the nursing facility are under one roof.

Have a good evening!
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Cloudy day here. Very muddy from all the rain yesterday.

The main chicken pen was rather soggy this morning.

Baking day. Bread is all ready to go. I have one more pan of cookies to go in the oven.

Hubby & oldest son took more of the old chimney brick out this afternoon.

Son made spaghetti for supper. Also a ceasar salad and garlic bread. He made a big kettle of spaghetti so there will be enough leftovers for a couple meals!

Did several loads of laundry and folded most of it.

When I fed the birds and animals late afternoon, I carried some extra hay the goats left laying in their pen, over to the chickens pen. Helps dry up the soggy pen. And they love to find seeds and leaves to eat in the hay.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Trouble sleeping last night so slept about 5 hours.

Did all my PT and arm exercises. Bought breakfast from BK and had a coupon so enough for tomorrow too.

Trimmed more limbs and brush from the fence line and chopped a stump that's been on the side of the house for about 10 years. Couldn't finish it all and will work on it some more another day.

It was a beautiful day so decided to spend it outside and work a bit.

I had a salad for dinner too with my leftover pasta mixed in. For dessert I had one vegan coconut crispy cookie. I'm so addicted to them.

Now watching the State of the Union address on TV.

Hiker good news they're moving your Mom to skilled care. Praying for you two!

Manna how wonderful that your kids cook dinner! Once in a blue moon Josh will cook and bring it here. I've spoiled him though and try to make his favs especially things my sister used to cook.

Hope I'm not to sore tomorrow because my plan is to dust, vacuum and mop the floors.

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Oh I did 2 loads of laundry also so we're 2 peas in a pod Manna.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I went to physical therapy this morning. Passed my re-eval for my shoulder and posture. Will start balance therapy next week.

Drove the hour to the retirement center in the pouring rain.

Mom is now in skilled care and I spent the afternoon moving items from her old apartment to her new room.

I will stay here tonight at her old apartment, see her tomorrow, and then head home for some much needed rest.

Soup, cheese and crackers for dinner.

Was going to watch TV tonight but moved the TV to her new room and I think she needs to get acclimated without me there all evening.

So, I cleaned out a few bathroom drawers and a cabinet and recycled and discarded. With all that I I did I walked over 2.5 miles today to get the chores done.

[ 03-08-2024, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Glad you're going home Hiker for some much needed rest.

I way overdid it so took a whole pain pill and muscle relaxer. Cut them in half but that didn't cut it so 5 hours later took the other half.

I vacuumed, mopped and dusted a bit and got it into my head to move the entertainment center into the hallway.

After emptying it out and wiping it down put it on sliders to move it. What I didn't count on was how heavy it is. I almost couldn't lift it to put the sliders underneath. So needless to say I'm hurting in my back and hips.

Then on top of that one side was filled with crystal glasses, Japanese china and other items so washed everything. Then tackled the china cabinet in the hallway and emptied that and washed that china and crystal. And if that wasn't punishment enough tackled the two smaller china cabinets in the dining room.

I'm giving the 8 setting china to my brother and some other things. My Mom has way too many dishes, china, crystal, etc.

It's a very daunting job to go through everything and rearrange and clean things.

I'm wiped out!

Cooking turkey chili tomorrow when Josh comes for dinner and baking 2 small Marie Callendar peach pies and will top those with vanilla ice cream.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Night friends!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK—my dear, when will you learn you are not employed as a furniture mover. [Big Grin] But sounds like you could be employed as a cook somewhere!

Did odds and ends at mom’s apartment today. Washed the sheets and towels I used while there. Did a load of laundry for her and sewed another button on her shirt (She is hard on those buttons).

Of course I was back and forth from her old apartment to her new room visiting. She is still confused. But I decided it was time to leave and let her transition in to her new home without me around.

So, I drove the hour back to my house. Stopped to gas up the car. Spent most of the afternoon in the recliner trying to unwind or chatting on the phone.

My neighbor dropped by to change the clock above my kitchen sink. He is 6’4” and doesn’t need a ladder. He takes care of my house when I am gone, getting in the mail etc.

Defrosted spaghetti sauce to go over rice noodles for dinner and pair with snap peas and a mixed lettuce salad. Maybe a piece of chocolate for dessert. Swiped some from mom’s stash.

Don’t forget to spring forward—longer days of sunshine!

[Cool] [Cool]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hiker you aren't the only one reminding me I'm not a furniture mover. Josh chewed me out. He brought his tool box and I had to help him put the mirror on my dresser. I was not a happy camper but he did most of the work thank God.

Still pretty sore today and having to medicate again.

Turkey chili was a big hit and we both have leftovers. Peach pie and ice cream was delicious but I way over ate and my tummy hurts a bit.

Did all my PT and arm exercises but it was a bit hard today because I'm sore.

Tomorrow I'm planning on a couch day.

See everyone tomorrow!


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