This is topic Exercise—what you Can do today: April 28, 2014 in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Welcome to the exercise thread. Here we encourage each other to get up and move about as best we can. [woohoo]

So, perhaps you are walking, doing some spring cleaning, mowing the lawn, planting flowers or vegetables. We count everything!

So, tell us about your exercise or just tell us about your day. [Smile]

Have a week of joy and movement! [hi]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Watched the National Cathedral Church service online.

Did a load of laundry.

Called mom.

Talked to my BFF.

But am spending most of the day in the recliner reading.

I needed a day of rest and God provided!

Warm out today but very windy and like last night more storms will move in tonight and most of the week.

Leftovers for dinner and then a chick flick.

Also, AK, I make turkey meatloaf but it is with ground turkey instead of ground beef and it is delicious.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Thanks Hiker for getting us moving this week and for the input on turkey meatloaf. I'd like to make chili but it might be getting to warm for that.

My new MCAS RX is still kicking me in the rear. I didn't wake up til 10:15!

Took a shower then tried to wash my queen size bedspread in the washer to give to Josh. Well apparently it's too heavy and it stopped my washer but thank God it still drained and I took it to the laundromat to finish it up. Brought it home and it's hanging outside along with some sheets.

Washed another load and the washer moved away from the wall so moved it back and noticed it was wobbly so adjusted one of the feet on the front and hope that fixes the problem.

I've got plenty of leftovers so don't have to cook. Oh, Josh bought me some vegan peanut butter cookies so planning on having one for dessert tonight.

Looking for a good movie to watch myself Hiker.

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Raked the storm drain by my mailbox which was full of maple seeds (helicopter seeds, I call them). Water was pooling at the end of the driveway. Filled half a garbage can!

Did my 5 minute bike warmup and then my knee and feet exercises.

Listened to National Cathedral morning prayer and then a Christian podcast.

Took a short nap after lunch but didn’t really sleep.

Called mom.

Spent some time reading.

Took recycling to bins at grocery store lot.

Will grill brats for dinner with asparagus and tossed salad.

Then need to get the garbage to the curb.

[ 04-29-2024, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Well didn't sleep well so had a rough day. Over 15 gunshots around 1:30 a.m. so stayed up til 4:00 and woke up about 8:45. I called 911 but I don't think they came out. Way to close to my house.

Checked with my neighbors today to make sure everyone was OK, especially my elderly neighbors and the one couple who's husband is getting dementia.

Checked around my yard and house to see if there were any bullet holes or shells and thankfully there wasn't.


Did my morning and evening foot and SI joint PT. Took my garbage to the curb and checked the mail.

Talked with my allergist nurse and she said to add back Singulair and see how I do. So now I'm down to 3 meds instead of 6 and hoping it'll work.

Still not feeling good but not as groggy. Have alot of heartburn too.

Hiker your dinner sounds great. Polished off my leftovers today and had a cheese sandwich for dinner. Can't really eat in the morning because of the heartburn.

I watched 2 movies that I streamed from the library. One was a family movie and the other was sci-fi.

Now I'm ready to get some much needed sleep.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Did my balance and shoulder exercises this morning.

AC maintenance man came and after 14 years I finally had to buy a new part—a dual run capacitor. He got that installed quickly. At least the AC works although I don’t need it, yet.

Some friends dropped by and we hauled out my patio chairs and small tables. Also put out the garden hoses.

Later I sowed some zinnia and marigold seeds. Usually I buy the plants but thought I would try this. Easier on my knees. Still needed to lift the 40 lbs. of topsoil into the wheelbarrow and my shoulders didn’t appreciate that.

Filled the hummingbird feeder and am hoping some come.

Called mom.

Leftovers for dinner and then reading.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Had to lift up the chicken fence at the bottom of the hill and push all the leaves and sticks & debris they scratched down the hill. Moved the fence farther away from the raspberry plants. They were reaching through the fence to eat things outside the fence.

Hung the old sheets on the washline that had been used to protect the strawberry plants from frost.

Filled the birdfeeder again.

Picked a feed bag full of old metal junk out of the pasture. Former owners had a burn pile there and small bits of metal and glass are surfacing.

Got a bigger box for Mama cat and her 5 kittens on the back porch. Put fresh hay in it for a bed.

Weeded the asparagus patch. There were a few more tiny little plants amoungst the weeds. I think I'm going to buy more plants. Tired of waiting for these to grow. Typically you wait 3 years to start harvesting.

Got most of the wash folded.

Made a batch of mint apple jam. There was a bit leftover that we had for supper.

Son tillered a little bit more of the garden. Tomorrow I want to plant some old bean seeds. Its still a bit early so if we get frost I still have the new seed to replant. If not, we will have some early beans! Yummy!

Need to wash eggs and pack them up to send to the store tomorrow.

Supper was tomato soup and cheese & crackers. Apple walnut cake for dessert.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
I'm coming to your house for dinner Manna! That apple walnut cake sounds delicious!

Hiker I still haven't put out the hummingbird feeders yet. Maybe tomorrow.

I woke up around noon! Trouble sleeping so took meds to knock myself out last night.

Had brunch did one round of PT for the old footsie and SI joint and watched TV.

Made baked potatoes for dinner with cookies for dessert.

Josh called and we talked for quite awhile. He's almost finished with his English as a second language endorsement and he wants to celebrate when we go out this Sunday for Cinco De Mayo. I told him it was my turn to spring for the Pico de Gallo with avocado, which he loves.

I'm feeling a bit better today and heartburn wasn't as bad.

My bestie from AK called me last night and wants me to come back up to help her when she has a knee replacement. I really want to help but told her my health wasn't so great. I think I'm in for a battle! She really wants me to move back.

Josh is not happy with her but I told him I'm not going and not moving back. He said I'm the only family he has left. Talk about pulling on the old heart strings.

As tempting as it is I'm passing.

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK—glad you are feeling a bit better! Not sure I would want to live in Alaska, either, although I know you did for some time.

Manna—you sure have a variety of chores to do!

I went grocery shopping this morning. Salmon was on sale but they didn’t have any. Darn.

Did my bike warmup and then my knee and feet exercises.

Listened to the National Cathedral morning prayer and then a Christian podcast about friendship. We certainly are “better together!” [Smile]

Watered my zinnia and marigold seeds. Gorgeous day in the upper 70’s with sunshine and minimal wind. Windows are open! [Cool]

Filled the bird feeders.

Called mom.

Terminate inspection was today. All looks okay. I did put some diatomaceous earth on some major ant hills in the yard. One is creeping close to the house.

Went to the chiropractor. I used to go every two weeks to a month but now that Lyme has flared up I go once or twice a week. Helps release toxins.

Am relaxing now while my boneless pork chop cooks. Will have it with broccoli and a mixed green salad with strawberries and carrots.

Then reading and TV.

Have a good evening!
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Sunny day here. We have windows open too.

Planted beans, summer squash and a whole row of zinnias along the one edge of the garden. Saved seed heads from the zinnias last fall.

Sprinkled salt and epsom salt on the asparagus patch.

Chased two fighting cats off the front porch, but not before they knocked over the one aloe vera plant and broke off some stems of the Christmas cactus. They need to be repotted, so now is a good time to do it.

Folded wash and put it away.

Filled the bird feeder. They seem to be emptying it fast again. Or my days are going by too fast!

Hubby is have toxic / herxing days. He's wondering if more people are having flares this winter/spring?

Got 38 eggs this evening when I gathered them.

Another mama cat has a nest of kittens out in the barn. She's not very tame so I haven't been trying too hard to look at them. They are underneath the milking stand and its against the wall, so I can't get to the back without disturbing them.

Supper was bbq chicken legs, diced potatoes with with corn, green beans. Dessert was ice cream with homemade apple pie filling.

Sewed a few pieces together on the Block of the Month quilt blocks.

Carried a few more potted plants outside.

Sent an email to the seed company /nursery asking if they still have asparagus plants, red raspberry plants and 2 kinds of grape vine available. Tow of our grapes vines died. One was snapped off.

Need to go shut the barn doors and get ready for baking day tomorrow.

Come on over AK, and I'll make another apple walnut cake. There is only one little piece left! But not for long!!

Hiker, how do you cook pork chops that they aren't dry and tough? That's one thing I haven't mastered yet.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Went and helped my Mom's bestie with med issues. She was a bit confused and had stopped taking one of her meds because she was losing weight. After talking to the nurse I found out she needs to take it because her blood sugar is too high. She thought it was a weight loss pill. I talked with her daughter in Tennessee but she doesn't seem very concerned.

I did one round of my PT today and had a couple slices of leftover pizza that was in the freezer.

You guys are cooking away! I really need to cook more often or at least have salads on hand.

Felt better today but was still a couch potato.

It was 86° here. It got up to 82° in the house but my AC didn't kick on because that's what I have it set on. Thank God it's cooler at night. I got used to having the house warmer in the summer because my Mom would be so cold.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I did my balance and shoulder exercises. Balance pods are bothering my ankles and feet a bit so I will go slow with using those.

Got out shorts and a T-shirt today for the first time since fall. [Cool]

Trimmed 8 small bushes. Took a break part way through as it was in the mid 80’s and I was overheating a bit, but got the job done. Rain on the way tonight and since I wasn’t toxic today it was a good day to get outside.

Gassed up the car. Gas stations on one side of town were having gas wars and it was 20 cents cheaper there than the other side of town.

Took a short nap but didn’t really sleep.

Called mom. Then called mom’s bestie to update her and was disappointed she hasn’t visited mom in the nursing home, yet.

Chatted on the phone with a friend who lifted my spirits.

Leftovers for dinner and the reading and mindless TV.

Today is the National Day of Prayer. You all are in my prayers! [group hug]
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Thanks for the prayers, Hiker. Say one for my friend, her Dad has cancer, his liver is full of it. She is across the state from her parents and has a family to care for and wants to spend time with him also.

Today was sunny and warm.

Baking day and did washing also. Its all dry and brought back inside again, but not folded yet.

I'm halfway finished baking the whoopie pies.

Last evening as I went out to pen up the animals, partway out to the barn I heard one of the new baby kittens crying. It had somehow gotten through the little slots in the empty chicken coop stored under the milking stand.

I wasn't sure if mama cat would run, but she didn't. I pulled out the crate and put her baby back with the rest. By the time I had all the doors shut, the kitten was quiet. I'm sure mama was happy to have her baby back again.

Saw my rhubarb is ready to harvest. Who wants some rhubarb pie?
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Fresh rhubarb pie sounds wonderful Manna! One of my friends in AK loved strawberry rhubarb pie.

Wow Hiker you got alot done today! I chatted on the phone today too. It was my exercise for the day.

I did my PT in the a.m. and p.m. and that was about it. I baked a frozen turkey pot pie in my toaster oven for dinner.

Hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I did my bike warm up and then my knee and feet exercises. My body is a bit sore from yardwork yesterday. But my allergies are crazy today.

Made a meatloaf and then froze it.

Listened to National Cathedral morning prayer and then a Christian podcast.

Washed my down comforter and put it away in the cedar chest.

Sprayed my outdoor clothes with permethrin— Shoes, socks, shorts, t-shirts, caps, and gardening gloves. Discovered my long pants that I wear for work outside don’t fit anymore as I have gained weight. [bonk]

The clothes are still on the drying rack outside.

Took a power nap this afternoon.

Called mom.

Tossed salad with snow peas and strawberries for dinner with a small pepperoni gluten free pizza. Maybe a Klondike ice cream bar, too.

Then watching some recorded TV shows and reading.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
The day started out sunny. Late afternoon it clouded over and at supper time it began to rain. We needed rain.

Washed a couple loads of laundry and hung it out to dry.

Carried out the rest of the house plants. Added more potting soil to a few pots. Stuck the broken off pieces of Christmas cactus in pots.

Watered my African violets.

Rearranged the furniture in the living room. Not sure I quite like it this way. May change it up a bit more tomorrow.

Finished sewing my quilt blocks for March.

Supper was bbq pork sausage, diced potatoes, carrots & green beans. Dessert was apple pie filling and vanilla ice cream.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
One round of PT today. Vacuumed my car and tried to vacuum the inside of the AC unit. It was too hard for me to do by myself. Bruised and got a few knicks on my bad arm from trying.

Watered my 2 outdoor plants and got ready to go and meet friends for a birthday.

Went to Sam's and gassed up my car and had a hotdog with half the bun and a salad. All for just $5.00 with a drink.

Met my friends and hung out for awhile. Home by 10:30.

Am so glad I went outside and met friends. It was just what I needed.

Night all!

Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Shouldn't have drank those 2 beers yesterday. About 5:00 this morning had anaphylaxis. Throat hurt and closed up briefly so took a quarter of a sleeping pill (Triazolam) which is supposed to help mast cell insomnia.

Took quite awhile for me to go to sleep.

Very discouraged about it since I'm now on a mast cell stabilizer. So looks like I'll have to call my allergist again on Monday.

Probably will fast too to get my histamine down.

So taking it easy today but feel OK just a bit of a sore throat.

See everyone tomorrow!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK—Anaphylaxis has to be so scary! Glad you enjoyed your friends, though.

Another nice day here.

Did a load of laundry and then my balance exercises.

Watered the zinnia seeds and then did a little bit of weeding.

Took my recycling to the bins at the grocery store lot.

Went to the public library and am starting a new David Baldacci book. Always like his novels.

Called mom.

Spaghetti sauce over rice noodles with tossed salad and more snow peas tonight for dinner.

Will watch the Kentucky Derby soon on TV. I used to go to the horse races at Arlington near Chicago but that track shut down. I am not much of a better so just a few dollars at most.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Cloudy today. Rained and a few rumbles of thunder.

I think the living room is almost finished. Still a few odds and ends to put away.

Put fence posts and chicken wire fence around my strawberry beds. Saw a couple strawberries are turning pink!

Hemmed a dress for my daughter. Need to rethread my overlock sewing machine. The window was open and breezes must have tangled the threads up. Daughter went to use the overlock machine and didn't notice the tangled threads.

Started cutting out the pieces for the next block of the month quilt blocks.

The neighbor called to say he'd been to an auction and got some things I might like. Mostly flower pots and ornamental gardening things. I picked out several big flowepots and a few small ones. 2 birdhouses and birdfeeder. A plant stand. I was pleased with my things.

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