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Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
My freakin hotmail is down

You will have to email me at my google acct

Neither downloads worked for some reason. Probably fryed my computer. HA. Chuck is gonna kill me...

[This message has been edited by JillF (edited 20 October 2004).]

Posted by Softballmom (Member # 6235) on :
I sent you an email. If you are still haveing problems and don't remember mine pull up my profile from above and email me from it.
Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
didn't think about that
i swear, you had your email erased off your profile for awhile, didn't you or am i really losing it?
Posted by Softballmom (Member # 6235) on :
No just my city and state. You know fear of letter bombs, anthrax stuff like that!
Posted by Softballmom (Member # 6235) on :
Your close but no cigar!
Posted by weeza3 (Member # 6071) on :

Good advice Lisa, if you want to talk further on this , feel free to e-mail me @ my e-mail address.

Sure SBM would be interested as well.

I do believe that's how Trolls work their mojo, by taking on many personas to hide behind and answer their own questions and so on....

The heads up is appreciated

Posted by Softballmom (Member # 6235) on :
Lisa I am with you. I have learned alot more than you think I have. I am glad to know that you have become aware of this issue yourself. I know exactly who you are speaking about. I know that the person behind that is still on this board using several names. But it is not one of the posters I am in contact with. I appreciate your concern.
Posted by Softballmom (Member # 6235) on :
We are all grown. I guess like kids we all have to learn things on our own. If you are so sure that I am making bad friends well if that is true I will learn a lesson in the future. Maybe things just didn't work out in your case and things might turn out different this time. Who knows. Guess we will all have to see. Lets just all move on from here.

I hope you get to feeling better soon. Don't feel bad. My hubby took the check book away from me. And there are things I have lost I still haven't found yet!


[This message has been edited by Softballmom (edited 20 October 2004).]

Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
I am so confused

It's one big lyme off topic conspiracy

I wish you people would tell me who you are talking about

I'm going to be paranoid of everyone

I bet a place like this is great for people with multi-personalities. Hahaha

Posted by Pepsi (Member # 6191) on :
azlisa>>> u go against
me after i defend u
against 24?
u think u know me but u do not know me
u only think u know me but u dont
dont understand and i hurt mad now
very very mad

cindy do not listen
she doesnt really know me
im lonely cindy would like to talk to u ok
u understand yes
we both sinners sometimes and love God
we sing and pray together ok

Posted by Softballmom (Member # 6235) on :
Originally posted by Softballmom:
We are all grown. I guess like kids we all have to learn things on our own. If you are so sure that I am making bad friends well if that is true I will learn a lesson in the future. Maybe things just didn't work out in your case and things might turn out different this time. Who knows. Guess we will all have to see. Lets just all move on from here.

I hope you get to feeling better soon. Don't feel bad. My hubby took the check book away from me. And there are things I have lost I still haven't found yet!


[This message has been edited by Softballmom (edited 20 October 2004).]

----I am confused. Did my words come out wrong? I was trying to be nice. Let bigons be bigons. Did I write something wrong? I just don't understand. If anyone reads this please tell me what I said wrong so I can change it. Because I don't know

Why do I even try?


Posted by Softballmom (Member # 6235) on :
OK this has got to stop!

The next one that posts is the one in love!!!

I know this sounds juvinile I am curious to see this!! Where is the popcorn?

Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
I get to be the referee!
Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
Too bad we can't play spin the bottle! (well, not me of course)

[This message has been edited by JillF (edited 21 October 2004).]

Posted by Pepsi (Member # 6191) on :
Originally posted by Softballmom:
The next one that posts is the one in love!!!

jilly, its you along i knew u love me jilly heart pitter patter

Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :

I'm confused here...I just did a search for the words "sinner" "sinners" "devil" and "devils" and came up with nadda...

So I have no clue who we're talking about??

Oh well,


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