This is topic URGENT! SEND LETTER TO CONGRESS NOW! in forum Activism at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Here is my new letter about the new bill HR 741.
You can send it along with the text of the petition Lynne wrote. There are over 5550 signers now and more are needed.

The effect of this petition will be enhanced by sending it along with the letter about the new bill.

Anyone copy and paste the letter. The next post is the text of the petition that you can copy and paste and send with the letter Letter to copy and paste: . See directions below.

Insert your own choice of comments from the petition in the letter if you wish. Copy and paste them in this letter right after the website for the petition. DO NOT copy people's names, just the comment.

Be sure to copy the petition statement and send it as well. I have added a version to this thread that will fit on one page.

You can find your Senators and your Representative at

Just put your zip code in the blank at "Write your officials".

Then click on
"Or compose your own message to Federal or State elected officials."

Click on "Federal" and your message will be sent to both your senators and your representative.

Letter to copy and paste:

Two Congressional bills (S.1479, H.R. 3427)submitted last session of congress would have provided funding for much needed action to address Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases and the disastrous effect they have on Americans.

Thanks to Representative Christopher Smith (NJ-4)and his 16 co-sponsors, H.R.741 is now before the House. This bill will "provide for the expansion of Federal efforts concerning the prevention, education, treatment, and research activities related to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, including the establishment of a Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee."

The Advisory Committee is vital in light of the terrible guidelines recently published by the Infectious Disease Society of America which will end up causing more harm than good as insurance companies will deny treatment based on the IDSA advice.

More than 5500 people have responded to an online petition addressed to the Congress (see petition statement attached). They live in every part of the country. Their names and locations and comments are available at the petition

Lyme disease is a true national crisis. Please help get the funds needed to educate physicians and the public and to develop a decent test and effective treatment. Please pass H.R.741 and a companion Senate bill {yet to be submitted) this session.

To learn more about Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases go to

Thank you

[ 24. February 2007, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Ann-OH ]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Here is the Petition statement in a form that will fit on one sheet of paper.

Copy and paste on the form to send it to your Congress people (see above)

Ann - OH

Petition statement to copy and paste


To: U.S. Congress
We, the undersigned concerned citizens of the United States of America, respectfully express our support for the expedient passage of the ``Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2005.'' (S.1479, H.R. 3427). This bill, which can be viewed at, provides ``for the expansion of Federal efforts concerning the prevention, education, treatment, and research activities related to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, including the establishment of a Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee.''

The bacteria which causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, was discovered in 1982. Although 24 years have passed since this discovery, we still lack accurate testing and live with controversy in the medical field over the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of this devastating illness.

Many mistakenly believe that Lyme disease is definitively diagnosed by a simple blood test. In fact, the standard blood tests used to test for Lyme disease have been shown in several studies to produce an unacceptable number of both false negative and false positive results. The College of American Pathologists Proficiency Testing Program has concluded based on its own study that ``these tests will not be useful as screening tests until their sensitivity is improved.''

While developing an accurate Lyme test would be ideal, the diagnosis of Lyme disease could be improved through an increased awareness of the clinical presentation of this disease. It is widely recognized that a bulls-eye rash and joint pain/arthritis are symptomatic of Lyme disease. In spite of extensive research, it is less well known that the Lyme rash is often not in bulls-eye form, that many never develop a rash, and that Lyme can produce psychiatric, cardiac and cognitive symptoms. Clinical observations and preliminary studies suggest many other symptoms may be indicative of Lyme. Further study in this area is critical to improving the clinical recognition of Lyme disease.

A lack of consensus in the medical community regarding the most effective treatment, particularly for chronic cases, adds yet another layer of uncertainty to the understanding of this disease. Among the most important issues in this regard is the long-term use of antibiotics for the treatment of chronic Lyme. One school of thought limits their use to four weeks, while the other supports their use for longer periods when clinically indicated. Quality research in this area has been remarkably sparse, is long overdue, and is a necessary step towards effective treatment.

Lyme disease is more prevalent in some areas, however, ticks carrying the Lyme bacteria have been found in 48 states. In addition, due to frequent travel and relocation in the United States, people in every state are afflicted with this disease. It is imperative that doctors in all states are able to diagnose and treat Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases accurately.

Due to the debilitating nature of the disease, particularly in its chronic form, people are often forced into long periods of leave from work or school; causing financial burdens on Lyme victims, their employers, and taxpayers. Because the disease becomes harder to treat the longer it is allowed to progress, more effective diagnosis will yield shorter treatment times, and lower costs to all involved parties. It is our hope that the passage of this bill will result in significant progress in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.


The Undersigned

The Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Disease Petition to U.S. Congress was created by and written by Lynne Lyons ([email protected]). This petition is hosted here at as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors.
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
You can find your Senators and your Representative at

Just put your zip code in the blank at "Write your officials".

Then click on
"Or compose your own message to Federal or State elected officials."

Click on "Federal" and your message will be sent to both your senators and your representative.

Just copy and paste the letter and the petition, which will both fit in the space they allow, and you are in business!

Go for it! Please?

Ann - OH
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Ok.. I'll admit it... NOW that the mad rush is settling down....

Until just recently I assumed the petition posts you were doing were the same one that I was doing. In the middle of many projects and in a rush one night.. I did go to your post and went to check the numbers for the LDA petition cause it was up near the top.. and THEN I noticed it wasn't the same petition??

I didn't have time to go into it further then... just too overwhelmed at the time. Actually.. I did have time to think about mixing both petitions together in one post to make it easier for all.. but again.. no time to spare.

Soooooooooo... for those of us who have NOT been paying attention.. or who have missed these posts about the petition cause they thought they were the same thing... can you catch us (assuming it isn't JUST me) up so we can be more informed?

Quick questions:

Who started this petition you've been posting about... and for what purpose? (I know.. this is basic stuff.. but I am clueless here... and confused now... sorry)

Are there more bills in Congress now.. or is this the same ones we have had in the past (LDA bill)? I could go look up the numbers.. and try to compare.. but since you know the scoop.. I'm sure you'll share.

Sorry to sound like a toad here.. but I've just not had time to figure this all out... and would like to help if I can.


[Big Grin]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Okay, Mme Toad, If you actually READ the petition in the second post of this thread, it will answer all your questions.

You can find the website for the petition on the petition, too.

THIS thread is to get people to send a cover letter and the petition to their very own congress people to whom the petition is addressed. The cover letter is on the first post along with the instructions on how to send it plus the petition very easily.

For more about the campaign to get people to SIGN the petition, go to;f=8;t=000489

where if you read the first thread,you will see that we have always noted that people should sign both petitions.

This petition is addressed to the US Congress and concerns the two bills submited to the House and the Senate in 2005. I have never heard them called the "LDA Bills."

I know that lots and lots of people worked on these bills (including LDA people), but the credit needs to go to all, including the Representatives and Senators who submitted the bills to the House and Senate.

I wish LDA would include to whom Their petition is addressed. I felt uncomfortable signing a petition when I didn't know who was being petitioned.

I ended up signing it 3 times, though. I forgot if I had signed it, so I signed, then I signed again to see if it would refuse a duplicate. It kept both of those and may have my first, if I actually did sign it a first time.

Hope this is helpful.

Since Congress is now back in session, please send a cover letter(either mine or your own) to your congress people by following the instructions in the first and second posts of this thread.

Ann - OH
p.s. I love toads. My kids used to feed them fire flies and they would light up beautifully.

[ 04. December 2006, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Ann-OH ]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
Originally posted by Ann-OH:
The number of signers now stands at- TADA -
5185! That is amazing.

Betty, you are a gem! We all owe you a lot for your work in getting all those people signed on the the petition! Ann - OH

Hi Ann! GOLLY, thanks for the nice compliment Ann! I have reasonable rates! lol [Big Grin] It has been a lot of work.

LDA was more timeconsuming than Lynne's petition above since it required street addresses and complete zip codes too.

I will be sending my PAPER copies of name to Pat Smith, at LDA HQ.

Ann, I made a couple changes to your letter: it's 50 states; was a typo before where it should have been 49, but Melanie Reber stated it's ALL 50 states.

Also, I changed it to 5200 names since we are so close and I AM NOT GIVING UP YET!

I just sent an email to a CEO asking if I can have our lyme petition at tables for 400 people TOMORROW for a Christmas party luncheon.

I do NOT know if she will approve or not but I included Lynne's petition and also a copy of the IDSA new guidelines since I'm entering names on BOTH petitions.

I'll let you know more when I hear hopefully today as I need time to go to copier and do this!

Ann, YOU made this so easy for us all. Thank you for all your hard work and dialy reminders to get off our butts and take 5-10 minutes to do these letters! [group hug] [kiss]

I wasn't sure about the paper copy, thinking they would deliver it according to an earlier screen.

So I ended up doing it twice: paper copy that went NO WHERE, and by EMAIL where it showed my 3 Iowa congressmen plus Pres. Bush!
[Big Grin]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
To clear the air.
There is NO competition between the two petitions here on Lymenet. YOU SHOULD SIGN THEM BOTH.

There is no competiton between the LDA petition PROTESTING THE ROTTEN IDSA GUIDELINES


You should CALL your congress person TODAY and ask them to sign on to the MEMBER LETTER that was sent to them by Congressman Christopher Smith (who submitted the Lyme Bill to Congress!). It is very important!
See the message from PAT SMITH, head of LDA at

You should E-MAIL your congress people to ask them to pass the two bills now before them. These bills provide for Lyme disease education and research and have been before Congress since June, 2005. The bills will die if they are not passed this year.

Go to
to see a cover letter and a copy of Lynne's petition (which was started in August) you can send easily by following the instructions there.

BTW - if you go to this site and put your zip code in the Search box, you will get your congress people and their phone #'s AND their e-mail addresses very quickly.

So read Pat's message and CALL your congress person IMMEDIATELY TODAY. Then act on the other issues in her message.

Read Lynne's petition, sign it and E-MAIL the cover letter and petition to your congress people today.

Hope that clears things up.

Ann - OH
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
According to a Washington Post article on "earmarks," there might still be a chance for the Lyme Bills. Thanks to cave76 for posting the article in General Support.

Read the article at

Then sign the petition at

Then go to the top of this very post and you will find every thing you need to get a cover letter and the petition off to your Congress people.

It takes only a few minutes and means a lot to an awful lot of people with Lyme and their families.

Besides, you will feel great!

Ann OH
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
ann has made it so easy for each of us to email our own state's legislators involved in passing both bills; please follow her instructions, and sign lynne's petition, and of course the lda's one as well. thx [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
5,220 to date


ask them to help you as well; so take extra copies of the form to sign.

NOTE: the form i initially got was TOO SMALL, so i made up my own allowing twice the height for legiblitiy, and it was so helpful vs. the small ones i initially took that i entered 140 plus signatures on 2 lyme petitions!
Posted by erinbaba (Member # 10829) on :
Folks, YOU can make a difference by contacting your legislators (state and federal) and it is rewarding to our community on many levels!

Ann, Thank you for helping to motivate myself and others to take action on this important cause.

Earlier today, I sent emails to *all* legislators in New Hampshire - this took several hours of work in collecting the addresses and formatting the message properly -- BUT it was well worth the effort!

Here is a response that I received already:


Thank you for bringing these issues to my attention. I have had several friends who have been affected, directly or indirectly, by Lyme disease. I am sorry to hear that your case was allowed to progress to the point of permanent disability. I applaud your efforts to get involved as an advocate for this issue and I want you to know you can count on my support. I am happy to be the 5310th person to sign the petition you sent. Also, I just did a quick search in the NH legislature's LSR database and found a NH Senate bill (2007-S-1261-R) relative to encouraging Congress to reinstitute testing measures for Lyme disease. This bill is still in the drafting phase but it seems like something you might want to look into in the coming session.

Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance in your future efforts.


Representative Nick Levasseur


Below I am copying my message to give folks an example of what I used personally. Most of the content is from your original message.

Please listen to my story. I am a 33 year old mother of two young children and I have been deeply affected by Lyme disease over the past 20 months right here in New Hampshire. Due to inaccurate testing and lack of knowledge among dozens of physicians for several months after I first became ill, I was denied antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease. I live in the woods with deers frequenting my yard regularly and even though I displayed a rash with the classic Lyme symptoms, treatment was still denied because the blood test was negative and my rash was different than the bullseye rash that is associated with Lyme disease.

What these skilled physicians didn't realize was that less than 50% of people develop a rash, and there are many types of rashes besides a "bullseye rash." They also didn't know that less than 50% people test positive for Lyme with the standard testing.

Lyme disease is a truly debiliting disease if it not treated rapidly, and I, too, became another unfortunate statistic. I developed neurologic symptoms including significant memory loss and stroke like episodes, and within 6 weeks, I was unable to drive and care for my two young children on my own. Within 7 months, I became extremely ill, developing a rare form of Lyme called Chronic CNS Lyme. My neurologic function has been greatly impacted as well as my physical strength. Due to the chronic nature of this illness, I now have to battle with this illness for the rest of my life. There are tens of thousands of stories like this occuring each year in the United States. On January 10, 2007 at 10 p.m. EST, ABC's Primetime television show will air a feature on Chronic Lyme and tick-borne diseases. Please be sure to watch this to educate yourself on the terribly sad epidemic that Lyme disease is causing.

Two Congressional bills, now in committee, (S.1479, H.R. 3427) which would provide funding for much needed action to address Lyme disease and other tick‑borne diseases and the disastrous effect they have on Americans, must be passed before the end of this congressional session. You have the ability to help on a State and Federal level, by ensuring that appropriate funding is directed for patient and physician Lyme education in the state of New Hampshire.

The Federal funding would provide for "the expansion of Federal efforts concerning the prevention, education, treatment, and research activities related to Lyme and other tick‑borne diseases, including the establishment of a Tick‑Borne Diseases Advisory Committee."

The Advisory Committee is vital in light of the inaccurate guidelines recently published by the Infectious Disease Society of America which will end up causing more harm than good as insurance companies will deny treatment based on the IDSA advice.

More than 5300 people responded to an online petition addressed to the Congress (see petition statement below). They live in every part of the country. Their names and locations and comments are available at the petition

Lyme is a true national crisis. It has been seen in every state and is transmittable year round in most areas. Please help get the funds needed to educate physicians and the public and to develop a decent test and effective treatment. Please pass S.1479 and H.R.3427 this session and improve State funding for this cause.

To learn more about Lyme disease and other tick‑borne diseases go to

Thank you.

***************** PETITION BELOW ***************

To: U.S. Congress

We, the undersigned concerned citizens of the United States of America, respectfully express our support for the expedient passage of the "Lyme and Tick‑Borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2005." (S.1479, H.R. 3427). This bill, which can be viewed at, provides "for the expansion of Federal efforts concerning the prevention, education, treatment, and research activities related to Lyme and other tick‑borne diseases, including the establishment of a Tick‑Borne Diseases Advisory Committee."

The bacteria which causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, was discovered in 1982. Although 24 years have passed since this discovery, we still lack accurate testing and live with controversy in the medical field over the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of this devastating illness.

Many mistakenly believe that Lyme disease is definitively diagnosed by a simple blood test. In fact, the standard blood tests used to test for Lyme disease have been shown in several studies to produce an unacceptable number of both false negative and false positive results. The College of American Pathologists Proficiency Testing Program has concluded based on its own study that "these tests will not be useful as screening tests until their sensitivity is improved."

While developing an accurate Lyme test would be ideal, the diagnosis of Lyme disease could be improved through an increased awareness of the clinical presentation of this disease. It is widely recognized that a bulls‑eye rash and joint pain/arthritis are symptomatic of Lyme disease. In spite of extensive research, it is less well known that the Lyme rash is often not in bulls‑eye form, that many never develop a rash, and that Lyme can produce psychiatric, cardiac and cognitive symptoms. Clinical observations and preliminary studies suggest many other symptoms may be indicative of Lyme. Further study in this area is critical to improving the clinical recognition of Lyme disease.

A lack of consensus in the medical community regarding the most effective treatment, particularly for chronic cases, adds yet another layer of uncertainty to the understanding of this disease. Among the most important issues in this regard is the long‑term use of antibiotics for the treatment of chronic Lyme. One school of thought limits their use to four weeks, while the other supports their use for longer periods when clinically indicated. Quality research in this area has been remarkably sparse, is long overdue, and is a necessary step towards effective treatment.

Lyme disease is more prevalent in some areas, however, ticks carrying the Lyme bacteria have been found in 48 states. In addition, due to frequent travel and relocation in the United States, people in every state are afflicted with this disease. It is imperative that doctors in all states are able to diagnose and treat Lyme disease and other tick‑borne diseases accurately.

Due to the debilitating nature of the disease, particularly in its chronic form, people are often forced into long periods of leave from work or school; causing financial burdens on Lyme victims, their employers, and taxpayers. Because the disease becomes harder to treat the longer it is allowed to progress, more effective diagnosis will yield shorter treatment times, and lower costs to all involved parties. It is our hope that the passage of this bill will result in significant progress in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Lyme and other tick‑borne diseases.

Please view the current signatures at


The Undersigned
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
erin, when you wrote me today, you didn't mention you already had a message back and there is another lyme bill in NH legislature!!

he really encouraged you/other NH lymies to get out there and lobby your legislators to get this passed.

have you gone to the support group section, left hand side, for your state?

here is only NH support group shown:

perhaps you can email judy making her aware of what your legislator told you about your bill in 07 bills IN DRAFT, and you folks can get something passed! WHOOPIE!

Ann, aren't you glad we got this newbie erin and she's gung ho on activism?! i sure am.

she also did all the NH federal/state legislators; around 900 plus! and only 1 minor error ... no ,space after one only!! very detailed.

erin, we're glad to have you on our side girl! thanks for your efficiency! [group hug] [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Good work, Erin! I like that you personalized the cover letter and worked in the basics from my version. You have made a huge difference in NH.

All those NH legislators will be more attracted to the bill before the NH legislature and more likely to take it seriously and vote for it.

Please keep us posted on any other responses you get.

Everyone can send a cover letter to their United States Representative and their two United States Senators - and your state legisltors, too.

First, go to sign the petition and add your own comments. There are currently 5318 signatures. Tell your friends and family they can sign, too!

Then go to the top of this thread and follow the easy instructions to send a cover letter and the petition to your own Representative and your two Senators.

And if you have the time and think it will be useful in your state, send it to your state legislators as well!

Ann - OH
Posted by erinbaba (Member # 10829) on :
I am thrilled with the 4 responses so far in New Hampshire out of a total of 696 emails - all willing to help in any way possible! I think using my personal story went a long way in getting folks to actually read and pay attention to the message.

I used outlook to execute this and found that I had to do name groupings with no more than 75 names per message.

Here are the details if you're interested in hearing more good news:-)

1) The first responder is willing to help me connect the prime sponsor of the bill, Senator Joseph D. Kenney of senate district three. "His email address is [email protected]
The legislation is at a stage called an LSR (Legislative Services Request). It is sort of a pre-bill at this stage and almost no information about it would be available on the internet at this time. More info should be available at the end of January when the LSRs are assigned bill IDs and are submitted. If you would like, I could make a call Tuesday and see what I can find out. I'd be glad to help out however I can" -- from Rep Levasseur

2 - Dear Erin: Thank you for your letter involving Lyme disease. I am terribly sorry to hear how you have suffered with this disease, all because you were denied treatment when you needed it and should have had it. I recently contracted Lyme disease myself. I was lucky in that I knew I'd had a tick bite in November, and two or three weeks later developed the tell tale rash, swollen glands and a headache. However, the first Dr. I saw denied me treatment, too. In the next 3 days, my symptoms worsened, and I went to the Portsmouth ER and saw a P.A. who was wonderful, immediately recognized the symptoms, and gave me 3 weeks of doxycline, which I am on now. He says I will be "cured." I hope it's right.
At any rate, I will do what I can as one state rep to support funding, research and medical training so that this disease is handled properly, and people receive the treatment they need immediately. I was mighty angry at the first Dr., who wouldn't give me the antibiotics, and called him up and blasted him for about 10 minutes. I am also going to drop off your letter at the clinic where he works for him to review. Maybe it will save others in the future. Good luck to you. Kay Oppenheimer.

3 - Dear Erin
Thank you so much for your letter and information. I have a niece and a friend who have been severly affected by Lyme disease and appreciate your work in bringing this to greater attention. I will do what I can in NH to advance the cause of better care and funding for treatment.
Rep. Eileen Flockhart

4 - Hello Erin- I am a new state legislator representing Henniker . Bradford. I am sorry to hear about your affliction with Lyme Disease. I am familiar with the medical controversy over the long term use of antibiotics. I hope the Federal legislation will target funding for research to measure the efficacy of long term use.

If legislation arises in the NH House regarding this issue, I hope you will testify about your experience. I will support local NH efforts to deal with the effects of Lyme disease, and to study various treatments.

If there is NH legislation you would like me to be aware of, please let me know. I am not on the Health committee, but I would still support efforts to help people like you who are suffering form this disease.

Good Luck,

Rep. Eleanor Glynn Kjellman
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Wow, that is really wonderful,Erin! It just goes to show you how out of the loop those people in the Infectious Disease Society are! Anyone who deals with real Lyme disease issues knows so much better.

Please post any other replies you get.

Everyone can send a cover letter to their United States Representative and their two United States Senators - and your state legisltors, too.

First, go to sign the petition and add your own comments. There are currently 5318 signatures. Tell your friends and family they can sign, too!

Then go to the top of this thread and follow the easy instructions to send a cover letter and the petition to your own Representative and your two Senators.

And if you have the time and think it will be useful in your state, send it to your state legislators as well!

Ann - OH
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
5 3 2 5 now

Erin, great letters; especially the one woman taking abx now for a recent tick bite! you've got her attention and others. WELL DONE ERIN!

keep posting your feedback; your letter was very effective and moving to the heart! [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
1 more than your last report; lots of east coast folks who have joined lymenet lately.

i have BOTH petitions shown and they are now at the very beginning of my newbie links/advise to get more to join forces with us! [Wink]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
if i forgot to tell you, i have both petitions on my 1st page of my newbie links/advise i send out daily to all who register; looks like it's helping quite a bit.

had it lower before; upped it for 1st impression and action by newbies. [Big Grin] [Wink]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
did you see cheryll, wisc's note where she's recently received back OVER 100 SIGNATURES FROM WISC. FOLKS!! she will be entering these on BOTH PETITIONS as time permits.. WHOOPIE! [Big Grin]

[ 20. January 2007, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: bettyg ]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

look here in activism and you can read cheryll's post on how she's gotten these 100+_ names! [Big Grin]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
The petition now shows 5446 signatures - if you add on the couples who signed as one and the 13 others who were grouped on one signing, we have at least 5460 .

Go to Read the petition.

Please sign the petition, tell your friends, neighbors, relatives, associates, etc. etc. to look at the petition and sign it.

Don't forget to put your comment and state on the petition

- neither is required by the petition, but it is so great to read what people have to say and see where people are responding.

Go to the top of this thread and all will be explained and provided for you to take a couple of minutes and speak up for all of us.

Then in addition to the petition,you can send your congress people the cover letter which includes this about the Infectious Disease Society's guidelines:

The Advisory Committee is vital in light of the terrible guidelines recently published by the Infectious Disease Society of America which will end up causing more harm than good as insurance companies will deny treatment based on the IDSA advice.

Please make your voice heard.
Ann - OH
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
the 14 yr. old lyme patients comments were so touching!
Posted by hurtingramma (Member # 7770) on :
Here is the response I received from Bernie Sanders (I) VT. He really does fight for the "little guy"

Thank you for contacting my office about the newly written
guidelines to diagnose Lyme disease. I very much appreciate your efforts
at keeping my office informed.

As you are intimately aware, Lyme disease is an infection caused
by a tick bite, in Vermont commonly known as the "deer tick." The
symptoms vary depending on the stage of the disease, but include,
among other things, fever, chills, swollen joints and glands, headaches,
rashes, meningitis and even paralysis of the facial muscles and chronic
arthritis. As the symptoms are common to other illnesses, determining
the presence of Lyme disease remains difficult.

You may be aware that in the 109th Congress I supported
legislation that would have created a Committee dedicated to the
development of a diagnostic test, the results of which could be used to
determine places endemic to the disease. Although that legislation did
not pass in Congress last session, I remain committed to those suffering
from this painful disease. I am proud to have been appointed to the
Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee and
will continue to do my best to ensure that important issues like Lyme
disease are given the serious attention they deserve.

Thank you for contacting me about this important issue. Feel
free to contact me again in the future about this or any other subject of
interest to you. Please be aware that due to security screening
procedures, postal mail to my office experiences delays which will
lengthen the time it takes me to get back to you. The fastest way to
contact my office is by calling 1-800-339-9834 or by visiting the contact
page on our website at For more
information about what my office is working on, please be sure to visit
my website at


Bernard Sanders
United States Senate
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
It was touching, Betty.

The most important thing your congressman said was:
"I am proud to have been appointed to the
Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee and
will continue to do my best to ensure that important issues like Lyme
disease are given the serious attention they deserve."

You brought this to the forefront of his thinking and he will be considering us in the committee actions. Good for you! Good for us!

5469 now - without the extras from the couples who signed as one signer and the at least 11 Ohioans who were squeezed onto one person signers. Probably at least 5480 in total count.


sign the petition. Then go to the top of this thread and follow directions for sending you own Representative and Senators a cover letter and the text of the petition. It is really easy to do.

Ann - OH
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
If you go to the petition and read the comments by an Ohio man who signed recently, you will be moved to sign the petition. It says it all.


sign the petition. Then go to the top of this thread and follow directions for sending you own Representative and Senators a cover letter and the text of the petition. It is really easy to do.

Ann - OH
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
5 4 7 0 now!


that was quite a letter you got back from your legislator in DC! in addition to what ann stated, the 2nd most important part was this,

call 1-800___________ with any other concerns you have! get others from your state to call them as well.

FYI, IOWA doesn't have a 1-800 no. for the people they represent! I salute your state for doing this FOR THEIR PEOPLE/CONSTITUENTS!

keep posting any other correspondence you receive ok! WHOOPIE!

ann, perhaps if you/lynn posts the names/STATES of those on this HELP committee, the lymies from THOSE STATES CAN EMAIL LIKE CRAZY on getting another lyme bill going and THE HOUSE/SENATE SUPPORT and sign on as CO-CHAIRS THIS TIME! 2 cents worth! [Big Grin] [lol]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
5480! And 7 of the last 10 signers are Ohioans!
That means the Ohio count is nearing 300!

Tell your friends and relatives and associates to


sign the petition.

Then go to the top of this thread

and follow directions for sending your own Representative and Senators a cover letter and the text of the petition.

It is really easy to do. and you will feel great!

Ann - OH
Posted by CJ (Member # 169) on :
I know I haven't been around for awhile, but I am confused. Are these bills different from HR 741? 'Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2007'
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
CJ, HR 741 is the version of the same Lyme Bill as was submitted for last session of Congress. The session ended without passage of the House Bill or the companion Senate bill.
Rep Smith has got the bill into the House good and early for the current session.

The petition was written to support the bills last session. It is still a very useful tool to get your own Rep or Sen to sign on as a co-sponsor for HR 741.

I talked to Lynne (who wrote the petition) and she agreed that if I just rewrite the cover letter to reflect the needs for this session of congress we can still use the petition to show how many people signed on and are still signing on to it, and have a way for the health staff to see people's comments etc.

It has been a busy time for me, but I will try to get my cover letter re-written today.

If you haven't signed the petition, CJ, you could be signer # 5555!

Ann - OH
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
I have edited the cover letter at the beginning of this thread so that it is pertinent to the current House Bill.

You can sign the petition, put in your comment and be one of over 5550 people who has stood up and had a say to our congress.

You can follow the directions on the first post of this thread and send a cover letter and the petition text off to your Senators and your Representative in about 2 or 3 minutes.

Go for it! I did and my Rep. put it up on his website!

Ann - OH
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
Most excellent your Rep put it up on his site! [Smile] [bow]

Thank you for updating the cover letter. I'll send this to my Congressman. I recieved a phone call and follow up letter from mine in the apst couple of weeks and they are eager for more information. Thank for making it easy to do. [kiss]
Posted by CJ (Member # 169) on :
Ann- thanks for the clarification. I thought maybe it was the lyme-brain stuff confusing me, and found out I wasn't confused at all!

I signed the petition, but 3 others beat me there, so I ended up being #5558. [Big Grin]

I'll get that letter to my reps ASAP.
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
Here is where the House bill stands. If your Rep is not a sponsor yet, send him/her the cover letter and the petition at the top of this thread.

Title: To provide for the expansion of Federal efforts concerning the prevention, education, treatment, and research activities related to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, including the establishment of a Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Christopher H. [NJ-4] (introduced 1/31/2007) Cosponsors (30)
Latest Major Action: 1/31/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
COSPONSORS(30), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:
Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5] - 1/31/2007
Rep Allen, Thomas H. [ME-1] - 2/28/2007
Rep Baird, Brian [WA-3] - 1/31/2007
Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. [MD-6] - 2/28/2007
Rep Bean, Melissa L. [IL-8] - 1/31/2007
Rep Cummings, Elijah E. [MD-7] - 2/12/2007
Rep DeLauro, Rosa L. [CT-3] - 1/31/2007
Rep English, Phil [PA-3] - 3/7/2007
Rep Ferguson, Mike [NJ-7] - 2/15/2007
Rep Gerlach, Jim [PA-6] - 2/28/2007
Rep Gilchrest, Wayne T. [MD-1] - 1/31/2007
Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 1/31/2007
Rep Holden, Tim [PA-17] - 1/31/2007
Rep Kennedy, Patrick J. [RI-1] - 3/7/2007
Rep Kind, Ron [WI-3] - 3/9/2007
Rep Kirk, Mark Steven [IL-10] - 1/31/2007
Rep Langevin, James R. [RI-2] - 1/31/2007
Rep Lowey, Nita M. [NY-18] - 1/31/2007
Rep McHugh, John M. [NY-23] - 1/31/2007
Rep McNulty, Michael R. [NY-21] - 2/15/2007
Rep Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch [MD-2] - 2/15/2007 Rep Shays, Christopher [CT-4] - 1/31/2007
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [CA-13] - 2/28/2007
Rep Stupak, Bart [MI-1] - 1/31/2007
Rep Thompson, Mike [CA-1] - 2/12/2007
Rep Van Hollen, Chris [MD-8] - 3/1/2007
Rep Welch, Peter [VT] - 3/9/2007
Rep Wolf, Frank R. [VA-10] - 2/28/2007
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 3/1/2007
Rep Wynn, Albert Russell [MD-4] - 2/12/2007
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
5 6 1 1 .... finally over 5600!

noticed a lot of Wisc. support that cheryll entered; thanks cheryll; and some newbie names i recognize joining us lately. [Big Grin]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
In the last 20 signers, Florida, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Texas, New York, Virginia, New Jersey, California, Washington, Massachusetts, and Maryland are represented!

There are now 5624 signers. You can help keep Lyme disease and the need for attention to this fast growing infectious disease in the forefront by sending the cover letter and the petition text to your congress-person.

Everything you need is at the beginning of this thread.

Go for it!
Ann - OH

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